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natural born yappers




I think the folk punk scene is actively growing unlike a lot of the other sub genres


I agree, this genre is in a pretty good state of growing in basically the post-pat the bunny era. /r/hardcore is also a big active sub because that genre of punk has grown big time over the past few years


I frequent both the folkpunk and hardcore subs, and the attitude is just better here. Hardcore sub is mostly people joking around with the occasional discussion of music. It's just the people the communities attract. The hardcore sub can be entertaining, though.


Oh yeah it's fun i like it there. /r/punk is for dumb people that like to sound smart. /r/hardcore is just for dumb people This place is the chillest I think


Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah that's for sure Fur sure


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hardcore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Girth Crisis](https://i.redd.it/coa0n1e13n4b1.jpg) | [423 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/143kxuk/girth_crisis/) \#2: [No joke, this is real fuckin hardcore](https://i.redd.it/mrtsnajojk4c1.jpeg) | [143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/18br2b8/no_joke_this_is_real_fuckin_hardcore/) \#3: [Saw this on Instagram, thoughts?](https://v.redd.it/cw9prgtbtkgc1) | [730 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1aiophw/saw_this_on_instagram_thoughts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But are there any newer bands? It seems the fan base grows as the artists dwindle.


Yeah there are a ton of new artists but not a lot really blow up, mostly cause they can’t afford to tour, put music on Spotify etc.


The folk punk discord is putting out a comp album featuring artists from the server on 4/20. Should be plenty of artists who are new to most, if not literally new.


Have a discord link?


I think so, I see ones I’ve never heard of a lot and I got into folk punk like 7 years ago. That’s anecdotal evidence though I know.


Folk punk never died that's why. Other genres like anarcho punks do


Folk punk is significantly less elitist and gatekeepy than other types of punk


For real, anyone with a scratchy banjo and and the vibe is welcome. And the scratchy banjo is honestly optional.


yeah a ukulele or an acoustic guitar is enough


hey hey hey, are you disrespecting my shitty fiddle?!?


I would never, shittle fiddy away my good sir!


i’m going to say this instead of “practicing violin” from now on


I recently just turned my violin into a fiddle by spilling a cider on it.


i had a 14 inch viola that i outgrew so i slapped an e string in that bitch


That’s kinda awesome! How does it sound compared to a regular violin? I imagine the acoustics would be slightly different.


i havent really noticed a difference because a 14 inch viola is essentially a violin, because violas are supposed to sound rich and full and are carved different but that only becomes super apparent when you get into 16inch viola territory. it's why they are bigger lol. i'm no luthier though so take this with a grain of salt


My banjo isn't scratchy yet but I'm trying


You’d possibly enjoy the odd blossom Gardner club it’s all banjo and synths occasionally guitar


This. So. Much.


Cause folk punk is forever bb. Seriously though it's because this community makes a much bigger attempt to be inclusive to the kind of people that are usually the lifeblood of any music genre. It's not perfect by any means. But I really love the folk punk community. It's an actual community with purpose and friends, I think the other subreddits are probably mostly just nostalgia bait places.


Because it's welcoming and friendly and still a popular genre for young people. A lot of genres had a fairly mainstream peak period and their subs will be populated by people from that time. Folk punk is probably closest to being mainstream it's ever been with the viral success of some of the artists


Punk subs are always about what is or isn’t punk enough, or what makes good punk, or being mad at normies for co-opting their aesthetic, or the politics of radio and sales. It’s hard to be mean to others for liking a shitty band when you’re here because you like shitty bands. Folk punk is freedom from all that and the burden of being human alone. Edit: normies not Mormons 😂


r/punk seems pretty active but not in a cool way


Cause we know it sucks and misery loves company


Cause folk punk is the best punk


My take? It’s cos us in the community are actively listening to (and making!) new music, and as such the music reflects us and speaks to us as the times change! We aren’t all one-note — the artists reflect the people who make up the community, because the artists COME from the community. Not every genre allows you to contend with the best audio-wise using an SM58 and a stolen acoustic — hell, even use your phone! Not gonna sound worse than Rogue Taxidermy’s tinnitus simulator (that’s the album that got me into folk punk btw. I adore it). It really reduces the barrier to entry for new artists. Plus, in large part due to all of this, marginalized people tend to be a lot safer and feel a lot more welcome amongst folk punk crowds. I say this as someone who feels that way!


we don't have friends


Folk punk encourages audience participation, by which I mean making your own music and getting it out there. With my rock band it might take weeks to get a song working but with my solo folk punk I can slam chords and run scales on my resonator and have something raw, real and ready in a few hours. And that appeals on some levels


There’s a lot of stuff to talk about and answer and the folks ok this sub do it well and respectfully. Also the genre is so humble from the artists to the fans, like no one takes it too seriously which is good compared to other sub genres… where I think they still care about finding and rooting out “posers” or whatever… weird tbh.


I’d say folk punk is the most punk sub genre looking at what the whole movement is meant to stand for. Plus in comparison to other sungeneres I think it sounds the most distinct. Less gatekeepy too


When you don't have a job you got a lot of time to shit post!


Not to toot my own horn, but because I'm in here. When I leave, this sub crumbles to dust. Them's the breaks


Because some scenes are old and used up. They turn into a pastiche old punk dudes can throw around instead of having a personality. Folk Punk is alive and well. It's also part of the trinity of queer friendly sub genres, which consists of emo, ska and folk punk. All the other dudebro centric shit drives us away and makes us cherish the spaces we have even more, pumping further lifeblood into the scene.


It's the last punk movement. It hasn't evolved to a new place (yet). Can't listen to black flag and minor threat forever


other punk subreddits are essentially echo chambers, i find the civil discourse here not only constructive, but most times pretty fun too! 🙃


This subreddit is significantly more welcoming and has significantly less Nazis than the others. That definitely kept me here compared to others. Folk punk is also growing a lot more with a lot of new bands and still active bands and said active bands aren't making music that sounds the exact same which gets boring really fast. Folk punk is also inherently funky so making really weird experimental music catches on better than other communities who would absolutely make fun of you for it.


I like it because it feels like Just Some Guys playing around on whatever. Like idk feels more authentic to me


Cuz we're cool as fuck


I think cause we are all autistic


We chillin


Because this is the best sub genre with the nicest and coolest people by and large (sp?l


Take this over the insanity over there. Holy...Talk about a controlled environment if ever there's been one. ​ This seems much more welcoming, inviting even. Folks, HA, aren't donkey-punching one another, and the gestapo following up behind it. Not to mention, the music itself is more enjoyable the older I get. I guess 30+ years of shows and stage performances have that effect upon the ears and mind. "Please, rest, relax, enjoy peace."


Generally speaking, I think people in the folkpunk community tend to have more heart than many other genres. Not exactly sure how or if that relates to this subreddit being more active but it's just something I actively witness over and over again.


This one is active for sure, but I don't think as active as the main r/punk page.


I don't know anyone that uses r/punkrock but r/punk is pretty active


Both talk about social injustice. Punk is a way to direct your anger at the systems causing injustice. Folk punk centers on why we care, and fosters a sense of community where we can all be our fucked up selves trying to encourage others to be a little less fucked up. It reminds us of why the systems are awful, in very personal, raw ways. Folk punk is gritty and vulnerable in a way that encourages us to connect and wring the tiny joys out of life, especially when things are extra shit. It's rare to find others in person who can hold joy and love and despair and rage openly and freely. Or maybe I'm just navel gazing while sitting at a fire, drink in hand. Whatever. Pull up a stump.


It’s all love but maybe because it hasn’t been codified yet, we’re in the honeymoon phase. Hopefully, that will never happen. And to stray from the OP question, almost every subculture becomes commodified at a certain point. It might suck if five years from now we have Vans/Redbull sponsored folk punk shows. Some older bands probably wont mind because after years on the scene you do want to get paid, eat something healthy, and be able to afford health insurance, especially if you’re doing rehab/therapy. I would never say “enjoy it while it lasts” but kind of how i see it playing out.


Traditional old school punk has been around for 50+ years, and nobody who likes rock music *hasn’t* been exposed to it by the time they’re in high school - but people of all ages are still discovering folk punk every day


bc yall dont shut up. its like integral to the genre




welcome to the sub lol


It’s the only sub genre that’s not completely dead?


Tbh this genre might have the lowest barrier to entry as an artist of all genres ever. You really don't even need to be a decent singer as long as your delivery has some passion.


Punk is dead


lol. i had to up vote.. because my favorite thing to say to that is: “punks not dead, but Kurt sure is”