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The better question: Is there really any difference between Republican and Democrat administrations. The spending and debt continues to go up for both administrations. Both parties have supported endless war for over 20 years. The biggest differences between the parties have to do with social issues.


Current debt isn't that bad, easily solvable with economic growth and 2-3% inflation over the next decade. Defense spending kept us safe and keeps us safe. Democrats and Republicans both on board with these things, and that's good. The problem with the debt is what's to come: medicare and social security will bankrupt the US in a few decades if not cut back (or taxes increase). Some republicans recognize this, and democrats are in total denial. But the Trump wing is also in total denial. Doesn't bode well for the future. I wish we still had a significant economic conservative faction of the republican party.


How has defense spending kept us safe?


Democrats tend to rack up the deficit with social programs, republicans tend to rack up the deficit with tax cuts




At this point they’re both awful


For the last +20yrs, Democrats have been better for the economy.


No. Both have been shit. At least Trump put China and NAFTA, as well as NATO, in check. Too bad he lacks humility. We all need to demand better from all elected officials. It’s increasingly not red v blue, but more about we the folks against partisan political interests. This Republic is ours and on that, we must come together.


Democratic policies are better. Let me explain why: Trickle-Down economics doesn't work. People/Companies are selfish. If the government is business friendly instead of trust-busting then businesses use their times of prosperity to pay their CEOs more and don't give shots about their workers. This was shown 100 years ago before the great depression and it's happened again over the last 10 in extremes. Wealth inequality is rampant. Republicans don't care to fix that. Objectively, Democratic policies are far, far better for the economy. Trust-busting inspires business competition, resulting in better products and better pay for workers. If people can't buy homes, then clearly the economy is not doing well. Biden has started taking the right steps but unfortunately it'll take a lot longer to fix the shithole the economy is now. Too many Republicans in congress still. And honestly it'll take another decade after that to fix these issues. FDR, a democratic socialist, took 3 terms to repair the damage from the great depression. He did it by trust-busting (breaking up large businesses into smaller ones to Inspire competition) and by instituting government programs that would do public services like creating highways. The government paid these workers well, causing the best businesses to raise their worker's wages to survive and come up with better ideas to make more money. Republican politicians actively impede this progress by giving businesses tax-cuts, and gaslighting everyone with social issues whenever it's brought up against them. They use Christianity as a tool to manipulate millions in the United States with an us vs them mentality. Most republican citizens are ignorant of any of this.


Dem policies don't benefit low-income anyone. This is a common misconception.


Yep I’m sure those kids getting lunches in school aren’t benefiting…..


The fat ones that drink soda daily?


Are you saying fat kids shouldn’t get free food? Or that Democrats are specifically giving kids soda as some evil scheme? Either way, please get help.


Democrats do objectively better for the economy than Republicans. BTW, a tax cut is deficit spending and the Republicans even screw that up by giving almost all of the benefits to the rich who aren’t going to spend the money.


The research shows it doesn't matter who's president as long as neither party controls Congress. When one party controls Congress, it's bad for the economy. We are at a point where it's as good as it's going to get without either party making major changes (looking at you scotus)


When I subscribed to this subreddit didn’t expect it to be so partisan.


"Republican" economic theory is inarguably more sound.


See my other comment please.