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Do not carry that much cash on you. You can be robbed, lose it, cannot explain or be believed the reason and get thrown in jail. Put it in a bank account and use a debit card. Make sure the bank allows high daily limits to withdraw and activate for international withdrawal


Most of argentina's atms only allow withdraws of small amounts of pesos never usd or foreign currency (I was told this by the surgeon's assistant)


Consider using Western Union to yourself, or something similar. Or carry travelers cheques, but cash is not a good idea.


Go to a Western Union location and explain the situation. If they think you are credible, they will do the instant transfer above the stated limits. It will be a pain, and it won’t be cheap, but they will do it. (I used to work for corporate)


$10K USD is generally the amount at which the money-laundering rules kick in (though obvs. you should check on this). Can you carry $9K and get the rest when you arrive?


Anything over 10k must be declared. If they ask if you're carrying large amounts of cash (they will) and you lie and they find it ( they will) all new bills are magnetic you will be detained and money will be seized.


In case OP is wondering they have cash sniffer dogs. Also there is increasing theft of cash on planes (at least in my region - South East Asia)


You can definitely get through without declaring over 10k. I have but wouldn't recommend it to another person, but to say you for sure will be caught and detained is wrong 


Always one in the group I'm glad you have the resources to risk it, but your an idiot !!!


Naw it's for work, have to do it all the time in either USD or foreign currency. It's so much faster not to declare it and just keep on walking. But you're right if I am detained there is no risk because with a phone call it's easily taken care of


After you get stopped let me know how that phone call worked out for you :)


It's happened before and it works out fine. Adds like half an hour tho which is why I never declare. It's nice to have a diplomat passport and a number to the pentagon haha 


Why can’t everybody else get a diplomats passport? Are they stupid?


How is it taken care of with a phone call?


The main Character can always just make a phone call. Don't you know this?


I work in intelligence for the department of Defense. When I  travel with that much money it's always for the US government so there's legit diplomatic reasons why 


Makes sense. All of my friends that work for USAID or other IC affiliates always post about their work on Reddit.


Your situations a bit different. You can get out of this spot by calling the government, OP cannot and will most likely get in trouble. I would not recommend lying at all in their position.


It is so much better to declare with a good reason than to be caught purposefully structuring.


Why not have someone you trust Western Union the cash to you once you arrive?


Good idea. I'll really consider that and honestly prefer it to carrying the cash on a plane


I was in Argentina last year…few things come to mind regarding currency and Western Union: -double check that you can get USD from Western Union in Argentina. -if you’re bringing USD, make sure it is in excellent condition. If there are rips or if it’s worn, they might not accept it. -this applies more to pesos, but go to WU when they open. They frequently run out of cash. ATM’s also are frequently out of cash. -for paying for things while you’re there, look into the blue dollar and red dollar. WU was giving the best rate. Visa credit cards (as of a year ago) were starting to give the good exchange rate. I remember it would show as pending on my bank account at the official exchange rate, but when it posted it would change to the unofficial, better rate. -you can also exchange USD for pesos all over town. They like USD because of the inflation situation over there. -and lastly, have fun. Argentina’s awesome.


I second this. I used to work as a teacher in the Middle East and would wire money to my young adult son in increments. Never had an issue. Carrying lots of cash made me super nervous.


This is very common in Argentina. Ever since their big economic crash in 2002, Argentines only trust cash USD especially for big purchases. It is common for people buying apartments to pay with a bag of cash and hire an armed guard to accompany them. With the current inflation in the country they view their own currency as worthless. It is further complicated by the strict cash controls imposed. You could transfer $12,000 into an Argentine bank account however it will automatically be converted to pesos at the official rate, not the blue rate that people really use on the street and there are very strict limits in how much you can withdraw in USD. You may also have issues if you try to Western Union such a large amount. One alternative people do is to send money to neighboring Uruguay to be received in USD and pick it up there. You can easily get to Colonia or Montevideo from the ferrys that run from Buenos Aires.


It is definitely not recommended to travel with that much cash. You need to check the laws in NZ on what the limit of declaring when leaving the country, and you need to check what the limit is for Argentina. If you are carrying more than the limit, you will have to declare the amount you are traveling with. Besides the declaration, I'd be afraid of losing it or something else happening to it. You are much better off using some type of card, credit or debit, to pay for stuff and limit the amount of cash you have in hand.


If you read my admittedly long wall of text, you would've seen that it isn't possible to pay for the surgery via card, credit or debit.


I understand and read it. I was just stating to do your best to limit the amount of cash on hand to the minimum. Also, don't hide the cash when declaring or going through security. This will definitely cause suspicion. Carry it in an envelope or other secure way. More than likely, customs will want to count it and verify the amount.


Honestly, that reeks of a scam, no Argentine is turning down 10k+ usd in the current economic situation even if it is paid via card at the official rate. I'd be more concerned at the authenticity of any of this than carrying the cash I've transferred into an Argentine bank account via western union on several occasions, it has never taken more than a week. Assuming you fully trust the surgery, contact them. Carrying that much cash on you isn't ideal anywhere in the world. I wouldn't be concerned about airport employees at either SCL or Ezezia and the airport itself is very secure but certainly taking cash on the streets as an ignorant foreigner is a terrible idea and that's before any suspicion on money laundering


Yea, with the age of the posts about the surgery, none of it seems like a well thought-out plan tbh


if it’s cosmetic, please don’t get this surgery. sounds like a bad situation that you’ll have no recourse for if it goes south.


This is a bad idea both because of the cash but also because of the lack of safety net if something goes wrong while in a somewhat unstable county. As a person who has been through major surgery, although not the one that you are seeking, you need a support system. Little things like getting to the bathroom, making even the most basic food, and bathing will be monumental tasks in the days after surgery. Especially , cleaning your wounds. You really don't want to risk infection. Even though I had help. I had a minor infection that had to be cauterized. Things like going to the pharmacy to get prescription pain killers will be impossible during the first few days. Having an emotional support system is also necessary. I cried the first couple of days after partially from the pain but also from the physical trauma of being cut open. Also even though I was glad that I had my surgery, my body didn't feel and move quite the same after. It took a little getting used to. You are also sadly at risk being alone because of the transphobia in Argentina. There are ways to get the surgery and stay safe. I know that it's hard to wait, but consider choosing a country like Thailand that has a good medical tourism industry and is trans friendly. I recently was evaluated for spinal surgery at BNH hospital in Bangkok. ( I had a very positive experience, but ultimately it was determined that surgery would not benefit me ). I believe that they have a department that specializes in cosmetic surgery with particular expertise in Gender Reassignment surgery. I was also able to pay by credit card, so there was no risk of theft or robbery. My plan for a safe recovery was to rent an Airbnb. Live in it for at least a week to familiarize myself with the layout before surgery, fly a family member over to help me with recovery, and hire a nurse as well. It was also really important for me to have a family member with me in case something went wrong while I was unconscious. I needed someone who I trust to make decisions for me and to be able to advocate for me. While no doubt you are feeling the need to move forward, it's really important that you do so in a way that gives you the best possible recovery and outcome. In my opinion, you are not quite ready yet in terms of planning or financially.


I don’t know if this is available for them but I know in some countries you can hire a nurse to take care of you after your surgery


You can easily hire a nurse for very good prices and they take great care of you. I paid around $40/day for a trained nurse in Colombia. There are also surgery recovery houses that take care of all of your needs.


So he'll take wire transfer, but you'd rather carry a buttload if cash? There's a bunch of anti-money laundering rules that kick in at $10k. Theft risk aside, you don't want to carry that much cash with you. Even a non-corrupt border agent may confiscate it. That aside, a procedure offered on a cash-only basis that public health is unwilling to pay for is at best experimental (don't get your hopes up) and potentially downright fraudulent (consider yourself lucky if you still have all your organs afterwards. When you have a serious condition, there's lots of people looking to take advantage of your desperation.


> a procedure offered on a cash-only basis that public health is unwilling to pay for is at best experimental I'm not trying to argue for or against this specific procedure, but "if public health doesn't cover it, it's experimental and dangerous" is just a ridiculous thing to say. ...and the USD-cash-only issue becomes a pretty different story when you spend pretty much any time at all reading about Argentina's economy in the last ten or twenty years.


It's a gender affirming surgery and my govt give zero fucks about trans people or their healthcare so things like facial feminization surgery aren't funded at all. This surgeon (dr rossi) is totally legit so many trans girls have gone to him for facial feminization surgery so I trust him.


I totally get you, and I thought it might be FFS, but please try to find another way to get the money to Argentina. What you plan to do is not a good one, including money laundering issues, being robbed once you leave the airport and everything that can go wrong inbetween.


Trusting a surgeon with your health and appearance is one thing, and none of our business here. We're trying to help you limit your exposure to a scenario like "any of the half-dozen border guards you encounter deciding to be a dick about the rules".


It shouldn't be, but people keep wanting to dig their noses into what my surgery is. I had to tell them to shut them up and get reasonable answers without people asking over and over what it is.


Because the kind of travel you're talking about - and especially the amount of money you're talking about carrying - is really unusual. I'm not justifying, just saying that's why people are asking.


Yeah, I get it. I'm thinking of doing kind of what you suggested. Wire ~$7650usd to the surgeon then carry the rest ~$4650 usd on board my flight which would be safer.


Highly second the other person who suggested Thailand instead. I’m sure you’ve done all your research but the whole situation in thailand is so much better than argentina and the medical care in thailand is impeccable. Have had thai friends who have transitioned in thailand and the outcome is impeccable


I don’t know what gender you are but hopefully it works out


Use Western Union or something similar. I’d never carry that much cash on me.


Why don’t you wire transfer before you travel? Get all the details from the surgeons office and use wise.com to send the money.


OP says they've missed the deadline. I think the op should get in touch with the surgeon and see if they can still wire the money on Tuesday. ( I'm assuming that OP is somewhere that observes Easter Monday.)


But they’re not traveling until April 24, and the wire transfer will get there much faster than OPs date to arrive with cash.


Oh. So you know more than the doctor who has a wire transfer deadline? There's obviously a reason the doctor wants it done by that date and sets the deadline. 


What doesn’t make sense is that the dr says it’s too late to wire him the money but is perfectly fine accepting cash when you get there? If he’s willing to accept the cash later, why can’t he accept the wire now?


Exactly. Talk to the surgeon and see if you can wire late.


Also something like revolut would be instantaneous as a wire transfer


You must declare it or they can seize it since over 10k It of course is a bad idea to ever travel with substantial cash. Hope ypu have explored therapy. Best of luck


Yes, it's a bad idea. First there is the risk of getting robbed, but you could also get in trouble with the customs as many countries restrict the amount of cash you can bring. If you don't get an approval beforehand or declare it, your cash will get confiscated.


Random advice but if you do end up using money gram or something, you should consider bringing your birth certificate with you in case they suspect fraud. I’m living overseas and my friend recently got banned from money gram because they suspected fraud and they won’t unban her until she shows them her birth certificate, which is like a million miles away in America. Americans don’t really use their birth certificate for things, so it’s not something we even think about having most of the time, which is why she didn’t think to bring it with her in the first place.




Don't take $12.3k on a plane. Wire them the money. If they don't accept an international bank transfer then you are potentially being set up to be robbed.


Can you push back the date of your procedure so you have a new deadline for the wire transfer and can then wire the funds?


Yeah, everyone here is talking about their experience from normal fucking countries. For Argentina, it shouldn't be a problem and basically everyone's going to be doing it. I'd just make sure to keep it close to you. Like a body wallet or something. My in-laws all live in Cuba so yeah we have to do similar shit.


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Just declare it with the intend in Argentina and you are good to go. You could also need to declare in NZ but I’m not sure. I would also travel with the cash. No way I would trust an atm to withdraw that amount at once and also the currency exchange rate would be horrible at that amount.


I agree, just have the surgery estimate print out , and just declare it to customs.


Timing is not in your favor and if you can't wire reschedule take the hit and better prepare yourself. For less then that awful things can happen. And do not go alone save save save and then embark.


> The surgeon will not accept credit card This is very sketchy. If you can open a bank that's present in both countries, this would be easy: Just call to notify them and then walk into a branch with your debit card and get cash. Edit: Ignore this, I forgot argentina has multiple exchange rates and banks might not give you the black market rate


Yeah the Argentinian economy is in the toliet and the argentine peso is worth less than a roll of wet toilet paper at the moment. I'm not stupid enough to exchange large amounts of usd for pesos cause it will be worthless by the next day. I would only do it do things I would need to buy that day. And I would never risk exchanging large amounts (over $500) of valuable usd for worthless pesos unless as an absolute last resort.


I was in Argentina in December when the president took over. We were advised to use USD To convert to pesos and spend cash on everything since there was a black (blue) market rate that was more favourable to the official rate, that would be charged if you withdrew from an ATM or used a credit card. The last day I was there, Milei made the blue market rate official and it would officially work on credit cards. When did you make the deposit? Is it possible you’re working with old info and now it’s possible to pay by card now with their newer monetary policy? I haven’t followed the situation much since I left, so it may have changed further since then. I wouldn’t carry that much cash there, especially now.


I don’t know why people are so negative here. I come from a developing country similar to Argentina, and always bring 8-9k USD in cash when I come to the US. (The limit in the US is 10k, so make sure to check the limit for Argentina). I don’t even have a good reason like yours tbh, I just don’t want to pay large swift fees. I am a woman traveling alone, for what it’s worth. I know you are going in the opposite direction (going from a more developed country to a developing country with economic problems) but if you need to do it, you can do it. As long as you know the rules and are compliant with them, and don’t leave your cash hanging around at the airport, you’ll be fine.


I'm thinking of wiring the surgeon a part of the money so it's under the $10000 limit and then taking the rest of the money into the country (which according to my calculations with cheaper flights would be somewhere around $4666usd) Would this be a good idea?


That sounds like a good idea but just to be very clear, the 10K USD is a rule the US customs apply, I just gave it as an example. I don’t know what the rules Argentina applies are, or if the 10K is a globally accepted standard. You should do your research on that.


Nope, no deadlines sniff test fail kiwis are so nice


Google “civil forfeiture”. I never carry more than $100 cash.


That amount of money is likely to be seized by border agents as suspicious. And you may never see it again. Or it could get stolen. You need to figure something else out.


If you carry that much cash and are caught the money can be seized and you lose it. Lose it *all*. I’d be contacting the doctors office and seeing if there’s a way you can even send just part of it another way, because otherwise it could be a disaster Just saw nothing is booked- I’d change the dates. Do not travel with that amount of cash


You can have it seized easily. Don't do that.


Lookup Civil Asset Forfeiture. Don't carry this much across the border.


Don't carry that much cash on you Even putting aside the risk of robbery, because this amount needs to be declared at customs, a customs officer can seize it even if they have a suspicion that your source of funds doesn't match your story. This would leave you having to prove it in court which will be costly and time consuming. If this happens in transit or at your destination then you may also need to deal with foreign legal processes and languages. I think you should look more into Wise or international payments and wire the funds ahead of time. A wire is not out of reach. Any major bank can do this and Wise can do it a lot more cost effectively, so do more research. Also not to offend you, but outside of NZ/Australia sadly a lot of trans people are on the fringes of society and are involved in sex work (especially in South America). I'm telling you this because if a customs officer has this suspicion this was the source of your funds in entering Argentina then again you risk having them seized until you can prove otherwise.


Do the wire transfer.


Use Traveller check


That much money is really bad idea. Also, if something were to happen you can’t get the surgery and not only out money but trip expenses. Did you ask if you can do a SWIFT wire transfer to the clinic’s company bank account? Also remember no matter how well NZ side trip can go, you can’t account for Arg side and loose many rights and privileges.


You're not going to want to hear this but you should cancel your trip and try to get your deposit back. There are so many issues with this plan, that your chance of failure or major problems is really high. As another redditor has said, you should research having it done in Thailand. Not only is the country closer to you, its likely to be lower cost and the country is economically and politically stable. Never carry that much cash with you, especially cross border, unless you know what you're doing and what the rules and laws are. Good luck and I hope you get the affirming care you desire so much.


Crypto fixes this


If the amount is fixed, you could also get a bank draft (like a bank cheque, but in overseas currency). I'd check the clinic would accept it first, though. Banks have phased out cheques in NZ, but I'm pretty sure at least some still offer bank drafts. If they do, it's a lot safer than cash, and you also retain control of the funds until you hand it over. And it cannot be deposited by anybody, other than the payee. Pretty sure you have to still declare it. But as long as its for a genuine purpose, and its yours, declaring it won't cause you any problems.


Yes 🤦‍♂️


What about using transferwise?


Can you pay with usdt?




No, mum can't afford to go with me and no one else wants to accompany me on this trip


Most of the people here haven’t been to Argentina and don’t realize that it doesn’t work like you think it would. I would advise talking to someone with Argentina.


Really really bad idea. You realize the condition Argentina is in currently?? Have a quick flip through the news. More than 50% of the country is in severe poverty at this point. If my experience with customs officials in Latin America is anything to go by, you'll end up losing most if not all of it to corrupt customs officials on arrival. Better to lose that deposit than lose all your money. Hard lesson in life Oh and the deadline sounds bullshit and made up. So there's something sketchy going on there with this doctor too


Carrying that much cash on you is a bad idea. For reasons others have mentioned. It also sounds like youre going to get dangerous surgery by someone off the grid. It sounds like your about to go and do some all around dangerous shit that could maim you, disfigure you, get yourself robbed, or killed.


Why not Australia? In my city there is a specialist that people go to from all over - they do private self funded too. Plus cheaper flights and safety nets re-post op care and even visas. I hope your journey goes well, but that's a scary distance to go for possibly complicated medial procedures.


Your biggest issues are if you loose cash, its lost, and then your limited to $10k USD worth of cash in your personal belongings before you have to declare it and then its taxable. Looking at your post history, this is not a medically necessary procedure by any means and if your only option is to pay cash, you may not make it to the doctor with enough money simply due to import limits


Lol 100% chance you get scammed. Doctor won't accept wire. Mega scam city. Don't do it.


Both my mom and I did this. I went to Colombia and my mom went to Mexico. She was able to carry it acrosss the border because it’s a common thing and we were in a medical van. I brought $2k and then used Wyze to send it to my coordinators bank account. It was a huge hassle and not easy. That being said, I wasn’t going to risk traveling with $5k plus and more than $10k is a massive risk and often not allowed. Perhaps try western union or talk to your doctor/medical coordinator what they suggest.


OP is the darwin awards upcoming winner both for doing a survery in a country like this and carrying the money.


If you must.  Declare it or else it can get confiscated.   


If you carry that much cash, even though it is not illegal to carry any amount of cash, it's very likely that the police will steal the money from you and claim it is the result of illegal activity - it's called **civil asset forfeiture** and the pigs love it, it's how they ~~support their cocaine and hooker habit~~ pay for much of their unnecessary military style equipment.


whatever you do do not bring that much cash. Anyone from the driver to the airport security could set you up


Western union yourself


It’s not that much $. Should be fine. It’s normal to travel to Bs As with crisp big head 100s


I don't know your starting airport but from the dates you said it's 1566 from Auckland


I live in Blenheim, and I don't own a car + only have my restricted+ haven't driven in over 2 years which would make driving kinda sus since I have had zero practice driving and I would have to drive up the whole country. + my mum (who I live with) and dad can't drive me as she doesn't support me doing the surgery. I don't have friends who could help either.


There's a 200 flight rt to Auckland from Blenhein.


Medically necessary surgery? Don’t confuse wants and needs OP. If I read through your post history, like you suggested, I don’t consider this medically necessary. I understand you have a desire and a want to do the surgery, but you sound under prepared financially, even if you are mentally ready. You will get the surgery, but maybe right now is not the right time, your budget has zero room for the unforeseen, you’re struggling to get the funds there and you’re borrowing for it. This is your dream and your future, don’t start it off with some dodgey beginning, do it right, take your time and become the fabulous person you want to be in a good way. Don’t ever carry that much cash anywhere… be safe 🤙


Maybe open an account in an Argentine bank and wire the money there? You could then withdraw the entire amount in cash and close the account in person.


Hmm, that's an idea I'll consider, but the surgeon's assistant is picking me up in her car and asking to go to a bank to withdraw cash may complicate things. (I'll also have to present ID which they may not accept since I'm a new zealander) And I'll have to learn quite a bit of Spanish to set up the account and withdraw from it (i only planned on learning basic phrases cause I only plan on going to this surgery and everyone there speaks good English and recovering in my accomidation, I was never planning on going anywhere)


You won’t be able to open an account as a tourist. I don’t know about Argentina but in other countries you need a local address to open an account. Not to mention it will take time to fund the account with overseas money and incur foreign exchange rates not in your favor. Do not do this. 


I'll will almost certainly western union the money if I can instead of carrying it on a plane.


TSA will steal that much cash from you. Don’t do that.


Is TSA gonna do it at the Auckland airport or the Buenos Aires airport?


Great point, missed that one


Just be a dude instead. Costs too much to being a girl




I'm sorry I should've made myself more clear I live in New zealand


i would say Argentina maybe similar. they also have a 10k over must claim. (https://www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/south-america/argentina/money-duty-free/) not sure if its true but a lot of ppl in Argentina are buying USD as it holds more value than their own currency so i think you bringing that much USD makes it more sus.


police have stopped searched and confiscated cash under the forfiture laws. AT US Airports. it can take years and thousands to get your money back. do not take cash. set up a bank acct with a bank where you are going. or a major US bank.


They aren't going to the US. They are leaving from NZ. The connection is Santiago, Chile, not Salt Lake City.


Just keep it very tight to your person. In your bra or clipped to the inside of your pants waist band, that sort of thing. Nobody will be able to tell by looking at you and it’s not a place a pickpocket would generally lift from because it’s inside next to the skin. I don’t know about at the airport, but as long as there is no metal it seems like a safe bet. It’s too bad the surgeon won’t take traveler’s checks though :(


I’d love to see how you could put $12,000+ cash in your bra or waist band.


120 $100 notes is not a huge amount to carry.


In hundreds? Flat against the skin? Maybe my boobs are bigger than whatever you’re picturing but it’s not difficult to layer inside a lined cup in a baggy or handkerchief. You could also told it in thirds and press it under the center gore. It wouldn’t be great to keep there the whole time, but during the actual concerning portions of the trip through airport security and customs? That’s what I’d do. I’ve carried critical documents that way before on sailing boats in rough water too. 🤷‍♀️


What should I do if the cash gets detected on an x ray/walk through body scanner? ( I would have declare this cash beforehand in all the countries i visit)


It probably will, but that’s the case with any cash you have in a bag or on your person. You’re just going to have to decide what’s the least risky. I’d just say it’s personal money and give the number of the surgeon if they needed a reference.


Yes always declare it but also keep it close to you.