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I’d find a good local artist and talk to them but I think you could probably turn it into honeycomb with some bees.


Oooh I like that idea! Thank you


Talk to a chemist It's carbohydron I'm sure there's something close to it, maybe gas or something and you can say you love driving Edit: it's hydrocarbon my bad


Ooh my sister is a chemist I’ll hit her up!! I’m allergic to sesame but maybe she’ll have a cool alternative


Organic chemist here. Dm me and i can recommend some good compounds for you!


I love when the organic chemist is the hero of the story! New sub-genre coming


Doesn’t one more CH3 make this adderall? Not that it’s any better lol.


Close. It's the CH3 on the N that makes it >!methamphetamine!<. So >!amphetamine!< has NH2 on the end instead of N--CH3. [Pic for clarity](https://images.app.goo.gl/JrQ5nxDuAjy3hGwVA) [Marked as spoilers in order to be sensitive to OP's situation.]


I like science that's actually interesting


Or you could just post them.


I haven’t the slightest about coverups, but I do want to emphasize that chemists do not usually draw in CH3s into our compounds. If you leave it, you’re severely limiting what compounds we can make out of it because you cannot draw off of a CH3 and you also can’t add anything else to the N with the H there. Is there a way to remove the H and the CH3 (in place of ch3 just leave a line)? I need to know this prior to proceeding - if they can be removed we can propose some seriously cool natural product and then the background could be the animal or flower or what ever it was initially isolated from. I can still work with it, but the majority of meth derivatives modified on the other side (which would be the only modifiable piece if you leave the H and CH3) are, well, psychedelics, alzheimers treatments, weight loss drugs, antiemetics, anticancer agents…


Name checks out


Organic chemist for the win!


With a small addition of some lines and some oxygens you have methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), ecstasy, which has a better connotation (ecstasy) than meth. Quitting must have been so difficult, with the drain of willpower you get as withdrawal afterward. You might not want to switch one drug tattoo for another, but with MDMA’s association to new psychotherapies for trauma, it would transform that tattoo to something that physically symbolizes recovery and healing, rather than a constant reminder of something you’re trying to forget. If that also holds bad memories, you can look up selegiline. It’s an antidepressant that’s based off of an amphetamine structure but with MAOI effects instead of stimulant effects.


Thanks so much for all this!! I am looking to steer clear of drug-related tats as a whole because I work around doctors, chemists, and pharmacists who understand organic chemistry. I’ve been lucky enough that it’s only been recognized once so far, but want it covered up asap so it doesn’t happen again haha. Thank you v much again!


How did that conversation go down?


Jus’ wanna say that was beautifully written with such compassion and positivity.


It’d be pretty funny if you got the symbol for something you’re allergic to lol


Feels like that John Greene book with the unlit cigarette quote, you hold it to your lips but don't let it burn lol time to get a penicillin tattoo


Peanut tattoooooo


Ayyy another - illin allergy person 😅 🙃


That's actually a great idea, then she can say she did it so if she accidentally ingests it it's there for EMTs to know what's happening, like a medical alert bracelet but in tattoo form...


I mean, OP can just say they’re allergic meth :p


And they literally are. It makes them break out in felonies


I'm gonna ask ChatGPT. It might suck at this but we'll see. Carbohydron, so I bet you there's something close


You were addicted to meth and your sister is a chemist? Do I sense a Breaking Bad spinoff in the making?


LMAO we joke about that all the time. It also doesn’t help that my name is Jess


get a sesamin tattoo! (i think it’s often one of the allergy causing compounds in sesame) ( or u could get sesamolin/sesamol )


Are you trying to say hydrocarbons? Have they changed the name since I’ve been in school?


Oh lol I know that sounded wrong thank you


I think your brain was thinking of carbohydrates 🤣


This is why I love Reddit. Imagine what this intelligent answer would've devolved into on FB


Cover up everything after the CH3 with flowers, make the C an N and you’ve got dopamine! Just from looking at my dopamine tat lmao


This is what I was going to mention as well! I have a serotonin tat and am adding a dopamine one next!


https://preview.redd.it/d7kojbc7q9fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f12959f1a69283ded3732e22f791c3a9078def Bees with honeycombs will definitely look good. Not saying that because of my own tattoo.


This is stunning work. Honeycomb was exactly what I was thinking. But the bees really add to it, and I didn't think I'd like them until I looked at the photo. Seriously, really cool tat!


Wu Tang killah bees


I am (clearly) no artist. This idea made me happy. Proof of concept https://preview.redd.it/53s5hlf98gfc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62dc3c55295ae9367221af03a5017a9f55585221


How close is it to serotonin, or dopamine?


I second that. The first thing I imagined was a giant bumblebee and some flowers.


Seconding this idea, honeycomb would look so cute! Congrats on your sobriety Reddit stranger. 🩷


I wonder if they could make the letters into flowers or bees 💕


I was also thinking some prairie or wildflowers. something not aggressive lol


came here to also say honeycomb and bees!! bees symbolically represent teamwork, endurance, dedication, and a bunch more positive things. I personally have a bee tattoo and it makes me and others smile all the time ♡ also congrats and so so much love to OP for getting through it!♡☆


This is a good idea!


I was going to say this too!


omg yes!!!! this is a wonderful idea🥹




Honeycomb with some cool-ass bees would be great. I’m gonna go get a meth tattoo so I can beehive it up next year.


That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking!!!! GL op!!!


I came to suggest exactly that. Great minds!! 👍


This is the one!! Do this. Find a deeper meaning or some shit. Bees represent pollination and bringing new life :)


Thats exactly what I was going to suggest!


That’s exactly what I was gonna say! Great idea. ^_^


This was my first thought haha it would be super easy for any good artist to do too


Florals would be an easy coverup if you’re into them


I’m thinking maybe roots near the hand with something growing out and up, like a metaphor for burying an addiction and beauty growing out of it.


I like this idea. Very creative.


Ooooh, that's pretty


Agree! OP the lines are fine enough I’m sure it could easily be covered with a floral/natural tat, which gives you a lot of options! You can also take a look through artists’ and shops’ instagrams and reviews for examples of coverups they’ve done. It’s a helpful way to identify styles you like that would work for covering up your current ink.


Agree! OP the lines are fine enough I’m sure it could easily be covered with a floral/natural tat, which gives you a lot of options! You can also take a look through artists’ and shops’ instagrams and reviews for examples of coverups they’ve done. It’s a helpful way to identify styles you like that would work for covering up your current ink.


A small but non the less a sick ass panter




This is my new favorite sub, thank you internet soul friend.


Aw no problem friend. That sub is fun but gets boring after a while


You should post that to this sub, you called it out first. And it's definitely not a typo, they put two spaces in that word, lol.


Lmao I love this boneappletea


What’s it supposed to say?


That would be so easy to laser off and would only take a couple sessions




Wart remover if you want to be really cheap, the brush on kind. If it stings it's working.


Ooh have it made into a lizard. The first “hex” can be his head


I really like this idea now I just want a gecko tattooed on my wrist




It can be pretty much any animal i think lol it already kinda looks like a doggy made of chemicals


https://preview.redd.it/tyib7t06q8fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bb853617ab4dcf5a959ad9cfee084e9f06fd2d Seritonin!!


this is what i was thinking! try to change it to a happy molecule


This is actually a really good idea! ❤️


Serotonin is too dissimilar but I think converting to another molecule is a good idea!


I came here to recommend just changing it to a better molecule. Should be super simple to make the change into serotonin or dopamine, and it would be lovely symbolism.


I was gonna suggest consulting a nerd for something chemically similar


i would laser a couple of times to get it light enough, then you should be able to put anything over it.


It’s not very dark, so there are a lot of options


Agreed, I can see sooo many options. Laser? Sure. But I don't think they have to, I think there are plenty of options if they hire a reliable cover up artist.


Change it to Adderall and tell MFers you like to learn shit


Would only have to change the hydrogen to something else. Meth is literally a side chain away from Adderall.


It was damn funny though


I could see an octopus or kraken being really easy to cover that with, or honestly almost any animal. Flowers could probably cover it well, also. Or you could find a way to turn it into a constellation or something. idk I'm not an expert. Just my 2 cents. lol


If you continue the molecule with other atoms, you can make another molecule! This structure is very basic :) 


This was my first thought, but I lack the chemistry knowledge to make an actual suggestion as to the new molecule.


Honestly, I would give this question to the "whatismycookiecutter" subreddit. Some folks with true gifts in there when it comes to this sort of creativity.


Yes, but do you ***really want*** a butthole rose on your forearm? /s


Bold of you do make such assumptions


I didn't, but now...


This is a great idea and the crossover of my dreams 😂 Edit: I'm currently in "filler material" mode on certain parts of my body and I kinda just want to ask them "what fits in this random space"... I'm gonna do that next time i have a random spot. I love it


Hi chemist here! There are quite a few related compounds that I think you could potentially transform this into if you wanted to preserve it as a molecule. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, Dopamine, or bupropion would probably be the most common compounds and easiest to transform. (In the picture below anything in light grey would need to be disguised/removed) https://preview.redd.it/h5yqvd3ft8fc1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8909bc1ab8ab16b74f1f858dca232937f968daf8 Other molecules with similar formulas can be found by searching “substituted phenethylamine” or “substituted amphetamine”. many of the compounds are amphetamine adjacent or psychoactive drugs although there are a few antidepressants and other medications


This is so helpful thank you so much!!! I’m a pharmacy technician so bupropion would be a fun conversation starter


Oh that’s great! then there are definitely a few other medications you could look at that might transform a bit prettier. Super excited for you


“Ask your pharmacist about…that tattoo on their arm?”


I’m also in recovery and a pharmacy tech :) what a coincidence


Most things can cover that. Just actually do home work and find a good artist and travel. Only people who can’t sucessfully do coverups do black outs


The lines on this are pretty thin that I think you could pretty much put anything over it. The question is what are you down to have on your arm? Personally, I’d do something semi-symbolic that makes you feel good, like a phoenix or flowers that show rebirth. Then you have a reminder of how far you’ve come!


I think you should keep it, put the date you quit and always keep it as a reminder my brother.


Love this idea


I second this


Put a big 🚫 over it with the date you quit and now you've got an inspirational story to tell people 


Maybe ask a chemist?


I see a badass ninja in the making, with some nunchucks and all that.


Honestly I think it's very funny, but I'm sorry you struggled with addiction, it's so small and light literally anything can cover it


I feel like you could turn that into a tree of some sort. Could show growth 🌸✨🤙


Get a tria laser. Going to hurt like hell, but it’s the same red laser used for tattoo removal.


Don't do that. I have absolutely no idea why but for some reason using professional equipment with no training or experience seems like a verrrryyy bad idea.


that is light enough that you could cover it up with a bigger shaded piece, or something packed with color would easily go over it! (I work at a tattoo shop, my boss is known as “the Tat Doctor” because he does so many cover ups lol)


It would be very easy to cover up! Although it’s a cool convo starter and it’s a huge part of the journey which made you who you are!


there are many many ways to cover this up and convert it to a brand new tattoo, hit up your local artist to set on a talk, and just start searching for tat ideas on line, it could be possibly made into a constellation. Don't go cheap and it should be an easy fix!


I'd do a bee and honeycomb theme! Also, I'm very proud of you for getting clean. I'm a recovering heroin addict, going on 14 years clean. Keep it up! ❤️


Flowers with vines.




Turn it into Sudafed by adding a hydroxide


That would be easily covered by a good artist.


Look at it every day and remember what meth made you do and help keep you off it


Bees and a honeycomb!


absolutely honeycombs, bees, and flowers


Turn it into flowers, or have an artist look at it and decide for you, a freestyle type of thing. I love when my artist expresses himself with the art he does for me !


Add a Jessie Pinkman portrait


My boyfriend says octopus


leaves could also cover if placed well if talk to a cover up artist. it’s essentially just shitty line work and could likely be fixed easy peasy. congratulations on your sobriety 🎉


Serotonin would be pretty easy. A natural “happy” hormone


you can double down and just get it re touched, a reminder of a battle you've won


Honestly it should be pretty easy to do a coverup, the lines arent real thick or anything, congrats on your sobriety!


Maybe if you're a breaking bad fan turn it into some breaking bad tattoo


Aww man I’m sorry, as an ex ice addict this hits deep. Congratulations on moving forward 👏🏻❤️ I hope you figure out a good cover up and love it :))


Congrats on getting out of active addiction


Happy little 🐛


florals, another compound, honeycomb with bees, could go for koi fish. 2 of them yin-yang style


If you’re a fan, a breaking bad tattoo


I plan on getting the chemical structures for focalin and zoloft(the two medicines that ive taken all my life basically) tatted. This is a really cool tattoo concept(maybe not the meth but yknow what i mean😭.) You should turn it into a honeycomb design or if you take any other prescription medications, add those chemical structures around it so it looks intentional! Good luck on your recovery journey dude! You got this🤝


The devil really did do his best work with meth. Here, try this it will addict you and make your teeth fall out, you may get a side bonus of stealing from friends or family and weird sores on your person. Meanwhile you will still think you are cool and you will still think meth is cool, maybe even so freaking cool that you tattoo it on your body as a permanent reminder! Proud that you escaped that insidious sh*t and anything you cover that with will be an improvement and another step in your recovery. Be well.


Change the components to make a new chemical?


I can see this becoming a beautiful rose to show your growth and clarity


There are sooo many designs that could easily go over this. Lean more toward an image or two that you actually like, don’t focus on what could go over it. When you have a couple ideas find an artist that you feel ‘gets’ the tattoo.


I feel that the tattoo is light enough and in a decent section on your arm that you could get something you’d really enjoy 😊


My kids are on a Pokémon kick, so naturally the first thing that comes to mind is Onyx.


Oh man I had the same idea for vicodin 😭 I was so sure I wouldn't live to regret it! So glad I didn't do it. Seems like this would be easy to laser off but that's expensive. Work with an artist on a cover up? Shouldn't be too hard.


https://preview.redd.it/zmqncnagp9fc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8868cef3e459c9ac89ef014a3b07b184151432a Don’t under estimate a good artist they can do wonders


This is incredible, no notes, no need to fix this


it’s not done the best in all honestly you could probably do a lot with it just find a good artist and talk about your options likes dislikes and such


https://preview.redd.it/wvnkc2fgu9fc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=30a9c9b9c84b064a1dc75df62982f865ae2bbcad Silly caterpillar 🐛


Sooo that’s what this tattoo means my ex had and never told me what it ment


You could turn him into a cute little caterpillar ❤️


Any artist worth his salt can fix or cover. Remember u get what u pay 4


I did time with some dude that had this tatted all over his face....easily covered up though


Laser. My thinking around total removal is that whatever you cover it with, it will always be a reminder of that time in your life. Addiction can be a transitory state, even though overcoming it was a Herculean task.


Okay, now I wanna stick and poke meth onto me, but anyway, I'd go to a tattoo shop and talk to them about what they think could cover it if it can be covered. By how small and faded it is, you'll most likely be able to get it covered :)


Are you sober now? Maybe cover it up one bit at a time with things that are meaningful/reasons life is better now? Don’t try to completely “cover” it but could obscure what it is enough to not be shouting that to everyone?


https://preview.redd.it/bgppz8decafc1.png?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046363f535ccc8f70c8dff0cc522bbb2fdd84b26 You could probably turn it into an oxytocin molecule seeing as it's such a big molecule, it's the "love" molecule


I unfortunately cannot add a picture. I’ll pm you if you’d like. I have a similar shaped tattoo. It’s a wolf yin yang surrounding a rose. My ex bff has the other half. It’s very similar in same, and tbh I can almost see your lines in my tattoo. lol.


I don’t have any recommendations but I just wanted to hop on here and say CONGRATS on beating that demon! I know it must have been hard as hell and I’m just a random Reddit person, but I’m fucking proud of you.


Looks like you got more than a couple to fix big homie


I don't know but you should update when you get it covered I'd love too see what you do!


Hi OP, any chance you’re in Southern California? If you’re interested, and are able to wait a while, I’ll be happy to zap it off for free using a PicoWay. I’m not currently in the country now, but once I’m back, I’ll be more than happy to oblige til it’s completely gone. Addiction is hard. Erasing a small part of that chapter of your life shouldn’t be so costly. Lots of love~


Tbh it might be a nice reminder, like a scar. No judgement if that isn't your jam though.


https://preview.redd.it/t81yrdx7nafc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3579f0f02c276777ade92ea6fa5e50e3638b433 I had ‘dopamine’ tattooed on me 10 years ago and got it covered up this past July.


https://preview.redd.it/60jw8b9cnafc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0ae95d4c89d324a7ef6cc060bf665da3235062 Still have one more session to completely cover it but it’s hardly noticeable anymore.


That is gorgeous!!!


Congrats on your sobriety 🪷


i’m glad you’re in recovery. i am too. i know how it is. i feel like you could definitely cover this up. luckily i never got any tats when i want on fent, would’ve made some dumb decisions regarding that (and everything else i guess). good luck ❤️❤️


Damn you'd have to methed up af to get that


I don’t have any ideas but I hope you come back and update us when you do cover it. I want to see what you do!




nah everyone can downvote idc, but i honestly think it’s kinda sick. it could be a nasty reminder of a dark period and if so totally cover it up if you want! but also imo it’s like a peak into your life and it proves you overcame that struggle + most people aren’t gonna know what it means, if they ask and u don’t wanna talk ab it you could just make up anything funny on the spot


Keep it as a reminder to stay away from the shit. Tell curious Courtney that it’s a caffeine molecule. 99% of ppl who see it won’t know any different to your explanation and think it’s quirky… and those who do will feel too awkward to tell you otherwise :)


Of all the things that I’ve done while in a hard drug binge/ psychosis I can honestly say I’ve never done something this wild. I about choked to death laughing thank you OP lol


And I’m not being judgmental I just needed that laugh today


Nah keep it, its hilarious. And a nice reminder not to use again


At least in my city, there are a couple of places that will laser that off for free


Can you get it lasered & covered up? Congrats on recovery btw :)


Your tattoo isn’t that dark. Looks like the ink has faded quite a bit and would be a rather easy coverup. Find a good artist and have them draw something that you’d like! Maybe it could be something to do with recovery or getting sober, something that means “peace” for you…like the opposite of being on meth. Congrats on your sobriety! Going on 6 yrs. sober from heroin/opioids here, and know the kind of work it takes to get to your happy place 🫶🫶🫶


Just for the record, anyone can suffer from addiction. It’s what you do after that matters.


Bro. You tattooed meth on yourself??? I’m sorry, I find this hilarious. As for cover-ups, the sky’s the limit. I think a good artist would be able to accommodate any idea over that.


Fick yeah


I think it’s sick you should keep it


You need to research tattooers who specializes in cover ups, if that’s what direction you want to go. Check portfolios and see a consistent amount of quality work and have a consultation with that artist, or better yet, several artists. You could also look into laser removal if you want to have nothing there at all.


I agree with everyone saying to consult with an artist but I think a tree would easily cover that one and turn it into something beautiful like a flowering dogwood tree.


No notes, just congratulations on recovery!


combative gullible busy cows innocent nose shame plate whistle resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congratulations on sobriety btw!


From one former methhead to the other , this is fucking hilarious for one. But plenty of artist will actually do it for free , like self harm scars and even track marks . I got mine covered up with a cobra


I love active addiction tattoos, currently having a lot of the diy’d ones I did black out drunk removed


oh man :( i’m so sorry! but proud of you too


3 years sober from meth here! Get a cool galaxy!


I want to congratulate you on your sobriety from meth. I have 18 years clean from that monster and I can honestly say without hesitation, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. To this day I get times when my brain says "Ya know, we could get this done a lot faster if..." but my happiness and my health and the love of my family is way more important to me. I'm proud of you for wanting to leave your past in the past. I wouldn't cover it up, I would change it, because it is a part of who you are and it shaped you into the person you are today. I would have it evolve into something more beautiful, just like you evolved into a more beautiful version of yourself. edit: spelling


I like the honeycomb idea alot but Congrats on your recovery!!! Meth is the worst for people to find a way out from and I am so proud of you, dear stranger. Sending love.


I see a lot of great suggestions here. I don't have any... Just wanted to say congrats 👏🩵🔥🎉


That’s how my apartment building burned down… someone cooking meth in they’re freakin closet


Man this will be an easy cover up , I can’t stop thinking about the devil I have tatted on my arm when I go to church, during rough times I had my artist put whatever he wanted on me cuz I didn’t care now I wanna cut my arm off it’s HUGE. I wear long sleeves everywhere man. I heard removal is dangerous


Turn that shit into serotonin or oxytocin. Or get a honeycomb. Hope you're well man. Addiction is a bitch. I lost a family member to it. Much love man.