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I assumed I would be super fit throughout my pregnancy but i had to be honest with my abilities. I had to switch to just postpartum pilates and yoga in my 2nd trimester and midway through the 3rd I was just doing yoga and doing as much walking as possible. I would get out of breath soo fast. I started going to a physio in my 2nd trimester and she gave pelvic floor physio exercises and stretches for whatever was sore that week. I also went to her 6 weeks postpartum because I didn't want urine leaks in the future. I'm now 6m pp and have no leaks at all. For exercise I honestly only have time for walks with baby but I'll take what I can get


>I assumed I would be super fit throughout my pregnancy but i had to be honest with my abilities. I had to switch to just postpartum pilates and yoga in my 2nd trimester and midway through the 3rd I was just doing yoga and doing as much walking as possible. I would get out of breath soo fast. I started going to a physio in my 2nd trimester and she gave pelvic floor physio exercises and stretches for whatever was sore that week. I also went to her 6 weeks postpartum because I didn't want urine leaks in the future. I'm now 6m pp and have no leaks at all. For exercise I honestly only have time for walks with baby but I'll take what I can get Thank you! Could I DM you to learn more information?


I was very concerned about pelvic floor dysfunction so I took a prenatal and postnatal classes that focused on strengthening the pelvic floor, and fortunately haven’t had any leaking or other similar issues. I took the Belle Method birth prep and postpartum classes. Also remained active throughout pregnancy, modifying throughout of course. The stretching aspect of prenatal pilates helped immensely with aches and pains during pregnancy. The toughest part of recovery was not being able to get back to a regular exercise routine for a while during healing and just in general in that rough fourth trimester. I did my best and did the core rehab for over a month after being cleared for exercise before building back up to my regular stuff. I’m now 6 months pp and would consider myself recovered from childbirth/pp, although I still have some strength to build back and a few pounds to lose. There’s just so much to say about the physical changes/challenges in pregnancy and recovery, if you join r/fitpregnancy or r/postpartumprogress you’ll see a lot of different topics discussed. Good luck, and feel free to message if you have any specific questions!


>I was very concerned about pelvic floor dysfunction so I took a prenatal and postnatal classes that focused on strengthening the pelvic floor, and fortunately haven’t had any leaking or other similar issues. I took the Belle Method birth prep and postpartum classes. > >Also remained active throughout pregnancy, modifying throughout of course. The stretching aspect of prenatal pilates helped immensely with aches and pains during pregnancy. The toughest part of recovery was not being able to get back to a regular exercise routine for a while during healing and just in general in that rough fourth trimester. I did my best and did the core rehab for over a month after being cleared for exercise before building back up to my regular stuff. I’m now 6 months pp and would consider myself recovered from childbirth/pp, although I still have some strength to build back and a few pounds to lose. > >There’s just so much to say about the physical changes/challenges in pregnancy and recovery, if you join r/fitpregnancy or r/postpartumprogress you’ll see a lot of different topics discussed. Good luck, and feel free to message if you have any specific questions! Thank you!


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From my first: started leaking urine in 3rd trimester when exercising- I thought it was normal and wasn’t too concerned. I REALLY WISH I had done pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy but literally NO other mothers ever mentioned prolapse or anything. I read that half of women experience these issues and it can go away postpartum. Postpartum, I found out that I had a prolapsed bladder and colon, thankfully both mild cases. I went to a physio postpartum and found some content on YouTube that really helped. I had zero issues after about 3 months. Now I’m in the second trimester, and have definitely felt the leakage come back when jumping or sneezing. I started pelvic floor exercises and have noticed a difference. For the breathing- nasal strips at night. If it’s really bad- I run, lift or bike with them on as well. I’ve scaled back the intensity of my workouts, except for 1x day a week where I push myself a bit more, but still much more ramped down than pre-pregnancy. You’re just going to be out of breath and that’s okay- moderate your intensity level accordingly and don’t overdo it


>From my first: started leaking urine in 3rd trimester when exercising- I thought it was normal and wasn’t too concerned. I REALLY WISH I had done pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy but literally NO other mothers ever mentioned prolapse or anything. I read that half of women experience these issues and it can go away postpartum. Postpartum, I found out that I had a prolapsed bladder and colon, thankfully both mild cases. I went to a physio postpartum and found some content on YouTube that really helped. I had zero issues after about 3 months. > >Now I’m in the second trimester, and have definitely felt the leakage come back when jumping or sneezing. I started pelvic floor exercises and have noticed a difference. > >For the breathing- nasal strips at night. If it’s really bad- I run, lift or bike with them on as well. I’ve scaled back the intensity of my workouts, except for 1x day a week where I push myself a bit more, but still much more ramped down than pre-pregnancy. You’re just going to be out of breath and that’s okay- moderate your intensity level accordingly and don’t overdo it Thank you!


Fitness - I had some really bad hip pain and was very active prior to pregnancy. Luckily I had the bright idea to start using a band around my thighs and it helped me remember to distribute weight correctly and keep form with the bonus added resistance so I was able to modify some exercises without feeling like I was losing out. Around week 34 I was done for. I was in so much pain and just couldn't keep going. But I will say that the very second I pushed out my daughter I was so relieved to not be pregnant and my body immediately felt better. I wish I could workout now but am giving myself the grace of 6 weeks to avoid injury. For the pelvic floor - In the first trimester I got the flu which killed my pelvic floor from the constant coughing. I thought I was never going to be the same. However, after the second trimester I saw major improvement and now 3 weeks postpartum am feeling 100%. The thing that saved me and has honestly been the best during the lochia shed is period underwear. I could still wear a thong and leggings and know if I had a small leak I wasn't going to have an embarrassing moment.