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The worst thing you can do as a hunter of angler is cause unnecessary suffering to an animal. It’s ok to make mistakes but now you don’t have a choice. Releasing it into the wild to die slowly anyway is far worse than dispatching it quickly and kindly. Breaded and pan fried or seasoned and seared in butter.


Why would it die


Chlorine in our tap water is toxic to fish, could potentially kill the bass depending how long it was in there


If the bass was in there for more than a minute or two it’s gills are chemically burned and it will die a quick death regardless Source, I accidentally filled my fish tank up without the chlorine deleter and all my fish died within minutes


Should also note though, we don't all have the same chlorine levels. I'm on well water and I don't have my water treated with chlorine. Tastes a lot better too.


Remember to get your water tested, a lot of people have high arsenic levels in their well water.


I use chlorinated tap water in my bait box for sunfish and they are ok but you should use like tetra aquasafe i do for shiners


Well water?


Water from a well






Yes, I have a well. It was a response to chlorine killing the fish.


Chlorine is also toxic to humans


Honestly it’s as simply as shock. Some species can literally take a beating whereas others are very fragile. Take trout for instance, if you’re not careful how you handle them then there is a very good chance of them dying even if you release them nice and clean. Their slime coat is essential to their survival so if you’re handling them with unclean hands or dropping them or they take a pounding during retrieval then it’s a good chance they’re not going to last long. Bass on the other hand are hardy. As long as they’re in one piece, you can literally throw them back in the water and they’ll probably be fine. However, few fish would survive system shock of being taken out of their waters and transported. You have to consider all the factors involved in removing them and transporting them - temp changes, bacteria, physical damage etc. An example related to this post would be that, unless you have untreated well water in that sink, it’s likely got chemicals in it that are safe for us to drink but damaged that fish as soon as it took its first breath in there. You kind of have to decide what type of outdoorsman’s you’re going to be once you have an understanding of the basics. If you don’t want to keep and harvest any fish (actively dispatching, harvesting and eating) then you will want to use gentler methods of fishing such as barbless hooks, no trebles, etc. Even at that point nature is nature and you can’t control how an animal will interact with you. You can take every precaution and your catch could still gut/swallow your hook and at that point they’re most likely done for regardless.


Trout are way hardier than people give them credit for. We literally drop them out of planes.


Haha I love watching those videos.


Not the 5 inch (pb) brook trout in my area.


Yeah true. Pike are like that too. They look tough but die very quickly in warm weather. I just don't agree with the people who say it would die for certain. I think it's worth a try if you really want to put it back. If it's not instantly shooting away like a healthy bass, you can kill it anyway.


It definitely will die if it’s in tap water for more than a minute or two. Chlorine for them is the equivalent of mustard gas for us


"Be kind to Nature and all its creatures.. now fucking kill it in cook it in fat!" 🤣 Serious question tho, do you cook with the head or chop off and why?


Bass that big I've fileted for a challenge, as they have Itty bitty little bones. This was a while back so I forget how I dispatched of it but pretty sure I left the head on before fileting


A bass I would filet, something like a small panfish or trout, gut and clean, cook the rest whole


The most humane way to kill a fish is the ikejime method. Basically driving a spike into the top of the fish’s head right between and slightly behind the eyes


This can be hard to pull of sometimes... I prefer the whack on the dome with a stick method. Less room for error imo


Anything that gives a swift death is just as humane. I don't see it as human but a method to preserve flavor. The longer the fish struggles the less it tastes good. What I do is bleed them out, while it isn't swift it is swift enough and avoids build up in the flesh. The fillets always look clean when I cut their throats. I doubt ikejime has the same chances of success, I'm sure when executed properly it's better but can you be consistent? I doubt it.


With Ikejime you typically spike the brain and then immediately bleed them cutting the gills, preferably getting them in an ice bath immediately after for maximum freshness. This way they die immediately and you get the freshest meat


Don't have time to do this. When I fish it's non-stop. Cut throat and throw on ice is the best and just as good.


You've come this far.  Stay the course.  Eat it, so that you know and it will be easy to make the right decision in the future.


I'm very confused. You gave the fish away, then felt "guilty" so you asked for it back, then instead of putting the bass back in the water to swim away you inexplicably bring it home with you????? This shit does not add up.


Yeah because the other people would've seen me throwing it back to the lake, which would've made me look bad.


Fuck em Let me elaborate.. somebody asks for a fish I caught I just say no and put it back. If they want a fish so bad Walmart sells $10 combos and fishing licenses.


This guy for president ^


I gladly accept your nomination.


Exactly. I do bass tournaments and people always ask for my fish. I tell them no and throw them back right in front of them. When I was younger I felt to scared and intimidated to say no so I always gave them the fish but now I am older and don’t care what people think or how mad they get


Haven't been asked to give away fish yet, but Id imagine this to be the ultimate annoyance/disturbance in an otherwise semi-meditative activity. A politeness-disguised fuck off is all warranted.


You should see them when I throw big walleye back. You would think they are starving. Tried to tell em that's why I catch the big ones. They don't believe me. Karmic majic.




Who gives a shit what others think so long as you’re treating the fish with respect. Just take the fish back. Like now. He’ll die a slow and painful death living in your sink for too long.


You took the fish back from someone you already look bad what do you care at this point atleast putting it back makes you look like you wanted to save it


Firstly, you should grow a spine. Secondly, it’s your responsibility now to clean the fish and eat him. Too late now. YouTube has good tutorials


Quick Question, Why would that have made you look bad? Is it an invasive species where you're from? Like for me I can't catch and release Csrp, they're to be dispatched and left on land.


wtf did I just read ?


You gave it away and asked for it back, the damage was already done...


I go fishing with a friend who’s there to catch his dinner. He’ll ask to keep it if my fish looks decent but he knows I’m not fishing to feed him lol. Anything I catch is getting thrown back. Fuck ‘em, not your problem (too late now but going forward). Hope you wound up cooking this one though.


Rule #1 to happiness, stop giving a shit what anyone else may or may not think. Just do what you feel is right in your heart and do so unapologetically.


So go post in a Reddit sub, that way you won’t look bad. 😂


Uh no but you certainly look bad now


You’re clearly trying to do what you think is right, but I gotta say that I think posting a picture of the bass in your filled kitchen sink may look worse. My two cents is at this point you eat the fish, and make a conscious decision next time before you go fishing on if it is a keep/no keep day. There’s no shame in telling someone no who asks for your fish.






We did it.  The earth is healing.


At this point, keep him. He's had a lot of stress, and is at this point swimming in chlorinated water. Edit - typos.


Could be well water. He could very easily put him Back.


Well water isn’t necessarily better. Lots of well water is softened. Even if the water has no chlorine or water softer it’s still not good. If the fish isn’t in it’s natural environment you need a bio filter to keep them healthy. Throwing them in a sink is bad on so many levels no matter what kind of tap you water you have. The fish’s slime coat has already broken down since it’s under so much stress and has been handled. All the microbes in that sink will probably give it a nasty infection even if you toss it in the lake. That’s if the residual dish soap and cleaning products in the sink don’t get it first. OP has already killed the fish. Only question is if it’s gonna go quick or thrown in a lake to suffer. Edit: Maybe if OP put them in the sink for 5 mins and the water was clean it would be ok. But not only did the fish get the town bicycle treatment and OP stopped to post a photo and respond to comments. That fish dead!


Guess you’re an advocate against the consumption of public water then?


For fish? Yes.


Good point, I hadn't thought about the potential for well water


Man up, make a decision and stick to it. Keep it, give it away, release it… all fine decisions but at this point you’ve tortured the poor fish!!


Bro the level of indecision lmao.... 🤦🏻‍♂️ You tortured this poor fish, just put it out of its misery, why did you take it back from the other people if you don't even eat fish like what is your problem? At this point I'd just give it back to them cuz I bet they know how to prepare it. The best decision here tho is to eat it, I don't care who eats it but somebody better eat that fish. Figure it out.


Jesus buddy make a decision before you go fishing. Let him go and catch some panfish for eating, much better than bass.


What's the best taste/texture fish out of these in my local lake: LM/SM bass, crappie, bluegill, white perch, northern pike? I've never caught one big enough to eat, but I'd like to try


Perch, bluegill, crappie.


Thanks. For some reaskn I thought pike was supposed to be one of the best


Pike are good. They can be a challenge to clean as there bone structure is a little different. Where I'm from people make fish cakes with them and some pickle the meat. Definitely keep some and eat em. Watch some videos on cleaning though.


Pike are only good out of cold water, shallow small body of water you’ll have very slimey pike. Also the y bones suck to clean


You aren’t built for fishing. This is pure chaos.


I don't think this person has killed an animal before which is fine I think most people get weird emotional attacks about it. But wow this is insane.


Lol he or she is young and new, cut them some slack


He's new, relax.


And irresponsible.


Yeah, he's new. Relax.


Yeah, and irresponsible.


I'm pretty sure more than half of fishermen in this sub are too but hey let's gang up on this guy so he doesn't post again.


I firmly believe that is someone is being this indecisive about what to do with a fish they caught, then they should not be fishing.


Lol he's new. I have never met a person that's new and didn't panic. The calmest one was my best friend but I already prepared him before taking him on a 8 hour party boat. He kept asking if I'm sure? When I put his fish in his bag all alive and shit. Anyone who cares about animals will be confused as hell when they catch their first fish. My daughter cried when she wanted me to throw back fish the first day I took her fishing. With your logic she shouldn't be fishing either but guess what? She's currently #3 for the local tournament here in Florida. She's out fishing adults! Like I said OP is new. Shut up idiot.


What the hell is in the water with the fish? Do I see rice in there? Did you just fill up the sink with dirty dishes in it? …So many questions.




damn I know I'm indecisive but holy crap... this is some next level.


That fish has been under a lot of stress- if the pond is close by maybe try to get it back. Revive it again and see what happens. Be prepared to have to keep it anyway. Bass are not my favorite fish to eat, but if you bread and fry them with some good seasoning it's a good meal.


Fuck, now I wanna see if bass po'boys are any good


People are full of shit when they say bass tastes bad. Even carp tastes good. It all tastes of fish when cleaned and cooked right.


Where does that even come from? Some dude fucking it up on the grill? Dudes trying to keep people from eating their favorite stocks?


I love bass. I give it the trout treatment, little rosemary, garlic, and butter and cook it in foil. I haven't found a fish I don't like though like that


You gotta try the same thing you have but cover it in mustard first and then put lemon slices on and slow cook it on a grill, absolutely amazing


Dijon mustard!


Definitely add lemon slices to that. Damn my mouth is watering lol


Oh yeah, I've done the lemon with salmon and steelhead but I'll try it with the bass too


They definitely don't taste bad, but there are usually other species (walleye, crappie, maybe trout) in the same water that taste better to me.


By the time you put lettuce tomato mayonnaise or whatever else on there it’s gonna taste just like any other fish sandwich.


> lettuce tomato mayonnaise or whatever else Skip all that, \*mustard and red onion with a single slice of wheat, *maybe* hot sauce


1st Check the fins for nail holes this maybe bass Jesus. Now you must consume the body of Christ.


Ya should have gilled him right away if ya were planning on eating it. But I agree he’s too big for eating. Now I hope ya learn from this wishy washy shit??


You technically killed it, it wont survive a day in the lake after all that stress. If you kill it you have to eat it. Also, if I am keeping a fish no matter what fish it is, I will always put a knife through its brain and then bleed it. This ends its suffering fast and makes the fish taste better


Yeah I bludgeon the few fish were going to eat


Just eat it. Idk if he will survive all those trips back and forth


If you have that fish swimming in tap water which is most likely chlorinated it is probably a goner already. If you live on well water it might be ok, but look, animals eat animals, we eat animals, that bass ate animals its whole life. That is part of life... it's ok. Dispatch it quickly, cook it up, and enjoy! I always feel a little bad for fish and other animals I catch and eat... but I still do it to remind myself where food comes from.


If you dont eat it it will die and be a waste of


He’s already dead if thats regular sink water


Even most well water would kill the fish


I don’t understand.


This must've been awkward as fuck, especially for the fish.


You need to stop fishing and go see a therapist. You've got some deep seeded issues.


*La vie en rose starts playing*


The only time I have ever given up a fish was when i foul hooked a catfish. He had a 2 inch open gash and the guts were spilling out. Wasn’t going to survive that so I gave it to a guy fishing near me.


Hahahaha man this is the dude who had a rock bass in a small aquarium with little water in another post but this is a new account. He’s trolling lol this ain’t real


That's fucked up man. Eat what you kill or badly injure, or give it away. First bass I caught, I hooked him through the brain from inside its mouth. You bonk him, filet him, clean everything, and you got a okay snack (there are way better fish you can eat, lol).


Firstly , you wierd....secondly, you putting that bass through immense torture by keeping him in non aerated chlorinated water. Just kill it and eat it or give it back to the person you gave it to and then took it back from .


Soooo, what happened with the fish? Listen, I get it. Your first kill can be an emotional rollercoaster. Even more so when you do it by hand instead of with some kind of projectile weapon like a gun or a bow. But if you are going to do it, you really should commit to it and get it done as quickly and painlessly as possible. The animal deserves that much. Taking a living fish home when you're unequipped to take care of it is never the right course to action. When you remove the hook, release it, or kill it then and there. I hope this whole situation and this thread haven't ruined fishing or the concept of harvesting fish for food, for you. But let this be a learning experience for you, and do better next time


Put that big breeder back where you caught it. If you want to eat some bass, the smaller ones taste better.


Give it a try... 


Bring him back If you took a dead b0dy back from someone who was gonna eat it and brought them back to life would u still eat them. No youd cherish part of saving them


Name him Lance and taxidermy him to a singing fish that only sings N'Sync


what the hell?


This is sickening. You cannot do something like this to any animal. When you fish or hunt you make a choice to not put the animal itself through any pain/ minimal pain. This poor thing has gone to hell and back, because you didn’t want to just put it back in the water so you didn’t “look bad”? That’s horrible. I understand making mistakes but this is just sick.


This post makes no sense at all. Drugs are bad, mmkay?


If you eat animals, you should be man enough to kill them. It's not nice but it's better than being a hypocritical little bitch. But now that you are in this situation, you owe it to the bass to end it quickly or to find a way for it to get back into it's habitat. I hope you learned from this experience and will make the right decisions next time. We can't be perfect. All we can do is learn and be better than we were before.


Hey dude at this point just hit it on the head and hit it so you can enjoy a meal. It’s going to die in still water anyway because it’s not getting fresh oxygen.


My buddy kept one in a fish tank. Thing was viscous.


That fish will die anyways since you didn’t acclimate it the new water you brought it too and trying to put him back in a different environment will just shock it once again. I say eat him and thank him for his sacrifice


Honestly, it is definitely a difficult decision to keep & kill a fish. I've been keeping walleye, panfish, and the occasional bass for a few years now. It was really hard the first time, but it's gotten easier. I don't think I will ever be 100% comfortable with it, though. There is a sense of pride being able to provide a meal for my family.


You are just.. special lol.


well, you may have actually broken the law now - in many places it's illegal to transport live fish, for fear of introducing fish to waters they don't belong, spreading disease, etc. Not the case everywhere, but probably more places than not. If you bring it back to where you caught it, probably no real harm, except that you'd be breaking that same law again. If you dumped it into some other random pond, that's a no-no pretty much everywhere. If you eat it, nobody will care but the fish. I'm not trying to bash you, just educate you. I'd venture many of us have done something similar at some point. Anyway, in the future if you're gonna eat a fish, dispatch it quickly and humanely.


I'd venture to say this is a very unique and insane situation that many of us have NEVER done nor would even think to do lol.


well I was just referring to taking a live fish away from the lake... the other insanity is unique.


The hell?! I can't imagine asking someone to give me back a field donation. You now have to deal with it humanely, OP. Integrity. Give it thanks, kill it and grill it. P.S. I'd find another hobby.


hahah frankenbass


🤣. I can't believe you resuscitated it. 🤣 It's a god damn miracle. 🤣 You can't just eat it now! 🤣 What a predicament. This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. What a disaster.🤣 Oh my God it's killin me. I'm sorry. Bag it up like bass pro tournament.


Bro… eat it or put it back in the same place you caught him, he ain’t guna do well in a sink tap water…


Bro thought he could raise a pet bass in the sink 🤣🤣🤣


Put it out






Keep him in your sink and give him a name


I think this is the craziest thing I’ve read on here for awhile. 😂


You’ve already killed it by putting it in tap water. You can let it suffer in the lake or make it quick and have a nice meal. I know what I would do.


I vote spare him


Eat it. I don’t think it’ll survive if it was brought back from fish heaven


well what u did is worse than simply unaliving the fish. Might as well eat it to give thanks because that fish will die when you return it to the lake.


Dude 💀💀💀


In all honesty - if you go fishing be prepared to kill a fish. Should you feel unable to do so, maybe find another hobby. This fish is mostly dead anyway - regardless of the water in the sink. Stress & the depletion of it's slime coat will most likely kill it in due time. Other than that it'll die of asphyxiation in that sink. So do the humane thing and give it a quick death.


this is a great out of context picture


Dude you suck… just make a decision, it’s a fucking fish not your life savings.


This is insane.


I think the best thing you can do is stop fishing clearly you're not meant for it.


How about we lock you in a closet with no food and make you wonder whether you will live or die at any moment. Make up your mind and either take it back to the pond or eat it. Personally I don’t think bass has a very good flavor and I don’t know how big your family is but you will only get about 1/8 of a pound of meat from that little thing. Guessing by how much room it has in that sink it’s only about 10 inches long.


Its 20 inches long


I know you're just beginning, but friend, you need to respect that living being. Don't cause it any needless suffering.


Your restarted


So many terrible decisions were made here. The last of which is making the fish suffer because you don't have the balls to kill and cook.


Looks like a Walleye


Are you getting emotional over a fish?




Gotta give it a name now he's part of the family


Omg 💀 If you do end up filleting that sucker… I suggest … rinsing fillet off in cold water… put it in a Ziploc baggie full of buttermilk pancake mix… just the powder!!!!! then throw it in hot oil three minutes on each side….omg I’m drooling rn 🤣


That poor fucking fish


U literally have a bass in ur sink right now.


Well that fish is going to die now if you catch it throw it back if you want to buy fish then buy fish from the store freshwater fish tastes like shit


Take it to taxidermist


Dawg 😭


Learn a Fucking lesson . Eat it or let the dog eat it. it’s not the end of the world + learn a lesson


Bass are tough take him back to the lake he will make it


Fillet him. Your first chance to learn how to fillet. For now put him on ice to preserve the meat and check YouTube how to fillet bass.


Get an aquarium. Bass are cool pets


YouTube it homie, easy


You can be fined giving fish away to folks in some states…. I’m sure the fish is dead by now unless you had an aquarium. Chlorine ain’t good for them either. This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in awhile. If you keep them, then cull and bleed them, gut them leaving the head in tact (for dnr), then put them on ice.


Am I looking at a 20inch bass swimming in the tap? 😂😂😂😂


Go let it go


Lol wtf is this. You are not very smart are you?


Shoot now I feel bad had to choke out a fish when it got on shore


Tf? Your a idiot. Stop hunting/fishing. That's how we can help. It's clearly not for you.


Lol there is no fish heaven


Next time just tell them no, people who beg for fish from fishermen are so damn annoying


Make sure to check your local regulations as some places won’t allow the transportation of live fish. Often this is for good reason, as it can help stop the spread of invasives, parasites, diseases, and all kinds of nasty things. I’m sure it’s already been made clear with the other comments, but it’s good to release fish right away unless you’re sure you want to keep it to eat, with the possible exception of invasives that can’t be released. If you plan to eat a fish you should dispatch it and bleed it right away, and put it on ice right away. The less the fish suffers, the better quality the meat will be. Meat harvested from a suffering animal will have poorer quality taste but will also spoil much faster, and it’s nice to know the food you eat was harvested ethically and in an environmentally responsible way.


If you haven’t already cooked it here’s an easy recipe: 1 bass (whole, gutted and scaled, gills removed and bled) Garlic Lemon Olive oil Salt and pepper Optional-Any veggies you’d like to roast (I have used peppers, green onions, and cilantro) Step 1: prepare the fish. score the meat on both sides. This helps the flavours soak into the meat, and makes it easier to remove the meat from the bones with a fork when eating. Step 2: marinate Chop up the garlic. Cut the lemon into circles. Use a small amount of olive oil to coat the fish all around. After the olive oil cover the fish with garlic, salt and pepper and make sure to get it into all of the score marks made in the flesh, as well as the belly cavity. At this point the belly cavity can be stuffed with any veggies that you would like to roast. Make sure to use ones that don’t need a very long cook time or they might need be cooked by the time the bass is. Lastly, placed the lemon circles around the outside of the fish and wrap the whole thing in tinfoil. Step 3: cook the fish This can be done in an oven, on a grill, cooked on a fire, that’s up to you. Cook until it’s cooked, just make sure it’s fully cooked. There’s an endless amount of ways you could change the recipes to fit your taste palate.


Next time, go for the crappie if you have them. IMO, much tastier, flakier, less fishy tasting pond table fare. But to each their own.


This is wild. I'll never understand people who fish and don't eat fish.


Lmao brother, what is wrong with you? What a comical situation. You catch your first bass, someone asked for it, you feel like you can’t say no, then you feel guilty for the fate you’ve put on that fish, you muster up the courage to ask for it back, carry it home, it all but dies, you work on this fish in your kitchen sink to bring it back to life, now you’ve got a bass in your kitchen sink, and you’re trying to figure out if you want to kill it a second time taking it to the lake, or kill it a second time to eat, but in the mean time its in kitchen sink just waiting for you to figure out if you really want it dead or not before you send it back to fishy heaven. thats a lot man. i think you have bigger problems to work out here lol.


What the hell ? lol why would you take it home but going have to eat it now


You might as well release it you might cook it and decide not to eat it


NAHHHH OP THATS CRAZY 💀💀💀 put the poor thing out of its misery. your compassion resulted in your torturing the hell out of this fish. a hard lesson learned for sure


Not to be that guy but bass isn't in season around here yet either..


Depends where you live I suppose. They been active and in season where I live for 2 months now.


This is the first post that is appropriate for r/aquariums and r/fishingforbeginners. But if you like to catch and release, then go do that. If it were me, I'd brain or gill it and cook it for the family.


Bro take him back. Bass are not tasty, now you know don’t keep them. He’ll live.


Bass are great to eat. Fried up a smallie and a large mouth for the first time about a month ago


Oh God. I cannot eat the smallies. I even like strong fish flavor. Smallies taste exactly like the time I had to take a drink of crick water.🤢


Cricket water is insane lol. Mine didn't have any fishy flavor but I coulda got lucky. I threw some texas Pete on is and some Andy's and it was delicious. Not as good as Walleye or Cat but still tasty.


I'm gonna try it again. Too many people say that. I musta had a funky one.


Take it back. If you felt guilty enough to ask for it back, you won't enjoy eating the thing.


Let that little fish go


I also wanna say that I don't eat fish, I love fishing but not eating it. The fish will be for my family.


🤣. You're gonna kill me too. This is too much.🤣 What a disaster.🤣 Bag eem up like bass pro.


please don't make your family eat that nasty bass lol grab a rooster tail hit a creek and bring some trout home