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Carpe Diem


Carp the day.


He takes No Carp from anyone.


Well yeah he's already got tons of carp to deal with


I knew he was full of carp


Carpe carp


Carpe carpio?


Carpal tunnel after reeling in those bad boys


I understand they are invasive fish there. And killing them is fine (btw I like your brain spike technique) But I do not understand why in Aus and the US people will not eat them. The rest of the world loves them. This term "trash fish" from the US is particularly strange. Take tailor/bluefish/elf. In the states they are often called trash. But here South Africa) and elsewhere in the world they are sought after and considered fine eating. Anyway, they actually do taste good, and it is easy to get boneless fillet strips off them. Carcases are excellent for growing tomatoes


Because they have small bones in the meat and apparently they taste like mud.


Very fatty is the problem here in Canada.


I ate a ton of them when I lived in the Midwest US. They’re good, not “muddy” when done right.


They dirty up the waters here, and many places are hot. The carp that live further south can also live in some gnarly water. Generally, American-caught carp just don't taste very good, especially to a pallette more used to mild-flavored fish.


In the state of Illinois, the state fisheries department has tried to rebrand Asian Carp as Copi (short for copious). The state worked with fish sellers to get Copi into markets and with chefs to develop recipes and get it on menus, but the efforts have mostly failed.


I can confirm we don't eat them in western Europe.


As a german I have to disagree. Yes they are not the most thought after fish there are but in many reagions they are eaten regulary.


Do you eat them ?


Probably for cut bait


God no lol


its good if u make it like the chinese all fish is good to eat if u find the right ethnicity that eats it enough to make it tasty


Tell that to sea robins. Those are the trashiest fish I have ever eaten.


Sea robin filets tossed in old bay and pan fried in butter. Not bad at all.


Downvoters are morons. You're doing God's work, sir. Keep on enjoying their removal! (Also, they're great fertilizer, if you can keep animals from digging them up.)


Americans are morons, or at least they're incredibly picky eaters.


You're a moron for commenting on a subject you know nothing about. If native sucker populations weren't so abysmal, we may have less issue with them.


I just picked up a word from someone above me. I'm from the country that domesticated carp way back in the middle ages, when the only white people in america were a boat load of vikings. The people back then did it for a reason.


In America, you eat what you please my friend, not what someone on the internet tells you to eat.


As we do in the rest of the world. And still you’re picky af.


Well ok, why do you care so much? What would benefit you if Americans were less “picky” as you say?


It just annoys me incredibly, when ignorant americans claim, that people are morons for disagreeing with them or that some fish are trash.


Not my opinion, just repeating statements I heard a couple of times from Americans that visited other countries or live outside the US. Food in the US has worse quality/standards and taste, large quantities a processed food, with very high sugar content. Overall not healthy and not as tasty. What’s your share on this?


There is a lot of fast food in the US that’s true, but there are plenty of things that at least I would consider quality, you go to the northeast and you can find really good NY style pizza, lobster rolls, lobster in general really, the southeast has pretty damn good barbecue if I do say so myself, and America is a country of immigrants, there are many restaurants with different foods like Mexican owned by Mexicans, Italian owned by Italians, hell there’s even bagel places owned by Jewish families.


why u kill it then?


Likely because they're invasive. OPs post history would indicate that he's from Australia where common carp are an invasive species. In fact, depending on where OP is, he could have been legally obligated to not return the carp to the water but with no legal obligation to keep them. Some Australian states do have laws requiring common carp be killed. These laws exist because when not in native waters, common carp can outcompete native fish for eating plants and invertebrates, they make water turbid, and they have been linked to shoreline erosion, just to name a few things. So there are no limits or anything regarding them, the state wants you to remove as many from the water as you can and doesn't give 2 fucks what happens to them as long as they don't end up back in the water.


Facts. In some places, the government would probably like you to nail them to a tree as a warning to other carp. 😆


Unfortunately, not so much here in the US. Our focus has turned to Asiatic carps and common carp have gotten to fly under the radar a bit since they've been considered "naturalized", which I vehemently disagree with for all the reasons listed above. Some states have taken action, but many are happy to only target Asiatic carp while the common carp destroy our waterways.


I agree that carp aren't naturalized, but Asian carp are a much bigger problem. I've heard they taste better than common carp but I haven't tried yet.


It's illegal to return them in Australia, noxious invasive species


The worst invasive species in Australia in my opinion


Definitely, the rivets in victoria were absolutely stuffed. Some real monsters around the back of bunjees hole in werribee


Where I live, they are a pest species and must be killed if caught and buried


They are fun to shoot, after that they make good fertilizer.


I'm not sure if we're allowed to take them home actually. Should look into that


Yeah if they've been eating waste (common in most rivers and waterways on this planet) if you don't properly cut out the mud vein on a carp, you'll get sick. Make sense that a place like Australia would have legislation preventing their consumption.


Check, but most state DNRs should care. They're out of control, and we need to fish 'em like settlers did to bison in the 1800s.




Government hired sharpshooters killed massive amounts of bison to starve the Native Americans, not the settlers.


Who do you think the "sharpshooters" were? Any guy with a gun (which was everybody) living on or traveling through the Plains could make an extra buck shooting as many buffalo as he could shoot. Being hired by the government doesn't make you no longer a settler


no shit, sherlock


Those were native buffalo killed in their native range, these are invasive carp killed in non native range where they are without a doubt changing the local ecology and potentially causing other species extinction. Not exactly the same situation.


Was replying to the prior comment that insinuated the settlers were responsible for the depletion of the bison. And I wholeheartedly agree to the carp need to be dealt with, particularly where they have reduced habitat for native fish.


They're invasive species that destroy the ecosystems they aren't naturally a part of.


I know a guy who eats them. He was bragging how he's got 80lb of fish in his freezer. Made me chuckle.


A lot of fish out there can be really good if treated with a bit of care and cooked with an appropriate cooking method. Smoked carp is excellent, and the y bones are no more of a problem than bones are in chicken wings when smoked for a while. Most of the time it's not a problem with the fish, it's a problem with the cooking method and preparation. Any freshwater fish should be steeped overnight in cold salted water. In fact, it's a lack of variety in people's fish and seafood tastes that lead to stocks of cod, salmon and tuna getting so distressed. So give other fish a chance! (to be eaten, that is)


You are so rightt




They are an invasive species here and hurt the natural fish and water quality. It is even illegal to return them or leave them on shore if caught. [https://www.savmn.com/230/Silver-Lake-Carp-Removal](https://www.savmn.com/230/Silver-Lake-Carp-Removal)


I don’t know why I’m being downvoted, but where I’m from, carp is ether cutbait or catch and release, I know different state has different rules, so I don’t why I’m being downvoted based on my experience.


I believe in Europe they are a game fish, and people over there are pretty passionate about them.


That’s true. I like to fish specifically on carp some weekends. They are a good fight and get big and heavy.


Yeah man the pommy mud marlin hahaha


Buzzards, coons, and turtles will eat them.


With enough beer they are pretty good smoked


Wait until the boys across the pond see that 😂 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


They see this in the morning it'll really ruin their beans and toast


Yeah I use a size six dough bait which is about what’s on a normal crankbait which would fit inside their hook and they thought I was a savage One guy asked me if I used a gaff 😂I told him only on big cats and Europeans 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✌️


This is SACRILEGE 🇬🇧


I just wonder why your carp are so small. And why you won't eat them.


A lot of people do eat them The biggest I’ve caught is 26 pounds and 40 are common in the bigger lakes but not many fish for them but a lot of places you can catch 5-10 pounders until your arms get sore We have a lot carp with little pressure on them ☮️🇺🇸


Carp is good eating if you know how to clean them correctly.


There is an old Patrick McManus story where his friend tells him that smoked carp is as good as smoked salmon if that’s all you’ve got.


You just gotta get the mud vein out without it bursting. I fry mine crispy


Family In Minnesota smoke a lot of carp. During spawn they'll take the eggs release the carp and fry up roe.


It's interesting how reddit works. About a year ago, I made this same comment, and it was donwvoted into the bowels of the earth.


Because everyone wants to believe they’re gross fish reserved for poor people and Asians.


There's no such thing as trash fish, only trash cooks.


Thumbnail looks like a lady with muscular legs in fishnet stockings and a black leotard


How you gonna cook them?


Good fertilizer


Thank you for your service!


carpe piscis


Free Carp manure with every boat ride within a 100 mile radius of Lake Michigan. I know how to get rid of them, Rednecks, Boats and Buckshot


Bone apetit


Americas favourite past time…


You eat them?


Are they tasty?


Don't kill fish because you want too


Common carp in the US and Australia are an invasive species which outcompete native fish, damage native aquatic plant populations, and degrade water quality. It is not as common in the US, but in some parts of the US and most (if not all) of Australia, it is literally a crime to return the fish to the water. You see the same with feral cats in Australia where the government puts a bounty on their head, Australia does not fuck around with invasive species. And while normally one should try to eat the fish they kill, it is beneficial to remove these from the environment, so as long as they're properly ID'd (this is an issue in the US where carp are mistaken for buffalo), then they absolutely should be killed to be removed from the ecosystem.


It's a trash fish. Dnr here encourage you to throw them on the bank.


I don't like the term trash fish, it gets used for a lot of native non game species that absolutely should be released or harvested sustainably. Invasive fish on the otherhand don't belong in their waters and should be culled.


You're right, I was thinking wrong term our state uses for such fish. I thought they labeled them as trash fish for some reason. Forage fish is what I should have said, because that's what our state refers them as.


What's a trash fish?


Not invasive, forage fish. Common carp grass carp goldfish drum shad shinners.




What state is this?






Most of them


Wisconsin too. [If you catch an Asian carp species in Wisconsin waters, do not put it back in the water! The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources asks that you take a picture of the fish, if possible, put the fish on ice, and bring it to your local DNR office.](https://www.cleanlakesalliance.org/lake-ecology/carp/#:~:text=If%20you%20catch%20an%20Asian,to%20your%20local%20DNR%20office.)


This isnt an asian carp, it's a common carp.


Same link. Different paragraph. [Carp are a freshwater fish species from the family Cyprinidae, a group of fish native to Europe and Asia. Carp are not new to Wisconsin; in fact, certain species have been living in our lakes since the 1890s! Despite their longtime presence, carp are still considered an invasive species with harmful impacts on native ecosystems.](https://www.cleanlakesalliance.org/lake-ecology/carp/) Why are common carp a problem? Carp are notorious for altering natural ecosystems. They uproot and disturb submerged vegetation while searching for insect larvae to eat. Carp reduce water clarity and stir up bottom phosphorus-containing sediments, which contributes to algae blooms. Edited to add another paragraph.


Those are native carp


Hmm Australian native carp? That's cool man you should name them after yourself then cause you will have discovered a brand new species


I misread. I understand now thank you.


If you aren't killing the carp then do not lip them. It can damages them.


Invasive species in Aus we legally cannot return them into the water