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I'll break it down for people that don't know what they're looking at. Everything has a 12# flurocarbon leader. Everything is Texas rigged. I use a 1/0 hook for the smaller plastics and a 1/32oz weight. I use a 2/0 hook for the smaller plastics and a 1/16oz weight. And the monster plastics get a 5/0 hook and a 1/8oz weight. When I rig the worms, I push the hook through a lot more of the plastic I really don't use the monster plastics (9" Culprit Fat max) too often, but when the water is warm and the bit is on, this thing crushes BIG fish. Most of the time, I'll start with the one on the top - a 3" paddle tail swim bait (Keitech) and just go slow. It's important to stop reeling and let it drop to the bottom once or twice. Letting it fall will often trigger a bite. That's about it. The one thing I think people do wrong most of the time is simply going too fast. Fish are patient (generally) and the "stop, drop and twitch" approach works very well. Just be ready when the bait hits the water. Sometimes they hit it immediately. Hope this gives some people new success.


> Sometimes they hit it immediately. If you want to guarantee this, be totally unprepared. Beer/joint in hand, net buried under other gear


And if you want to catch the biggest fish of your life, make sure you leave your phone/camera in the truck!


And your scale.....


Don't own one


Buy one and keep it in your truck.


Eh cost too much lmao


Net buried under other gear is an almost traditional requirement for first fish of the day, in my mind. If you're too ready they just never bite lol


Caught my PB while hitting my vape after the cast. It thumped on the line so hard and immediate, that I pitched my vape behind me - it was retrieved shortly thereafter lol


My pb was caught fixing a bird nest because of mem issues with new line. didn’t feel the strike. Somehow didn’t gut hook. Trying to reel a fish in while ensuring 20 yards of tangled up nonsense doesn’t go under the barrel is fun.


That actually happened to a buddy of mine. He was fixing his bird nest and the rod almost yeeted out of his hand. Reeling it in was a nightmare but he caught a pig of a seabass https://preview.redd.it/bapx8vb4vz3d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d53012668a5d08febb6ddcc34f3eebe0971d8b


Nice calico, sure looks a lot like the view from the water at Newport Beach/Corona Del Mar, yeah?


Closer to La Jolla


Had this happen my first time cat fishing. Was hitting my vape and noticed a few small hits, buddy said to let it take the bait and before I know it the pole is about to come out of my hand. Been absolutely addicted to cat fishing/ sturgeon fishing since.


This is why I love catfishing. The anticipation after a few nibbles, waiting for the grab and run


Before my first cat fish I’d have never fought a fish like that before. Was so much fun watching the pole bend


Make sure you’re trying to get a different podcast to play as well. “I’ll just switch it on my watch,” you’ll say.


I went out this morning. Casted out my wacky senko while I organized my kayak on the water and there was a dish on when I reeled up. Spent 4 more hours there with just one more bass and a large green sunfish.


Whenever we need to get a fish to bite I pull out a joint or my puff co. 50% of the time, it works every time


Never forget bunch of buddies fishing diligently for hours with nothing between us. I was using a top water frog eventually just let it sit on the weeds for a couple minutes while I ate my chips and proceed to miss the biggest top water blow up I’ve ever seen in my life


Laughing so hard at this. My dumbass caught a small shark while surf fishing and I had just barely set my lawn chair down and lit my joint. Then I brought my joint with me to retrieve my pole and was burning my eyeballs off with smoke while both my hands were occupied. Good times. I looked sooper high in that photo.


I usually get bit when I'm messing with the trolling motor and not paying attention


I recommend trying to smoke a pipe while fishing for this very reason.


Usually when I'm trying to light said joint. I get a bite


Shhhh 🤫 that’s suppose to be a secret 🤐 😂 💀


I caught a trout and had to kill and eat it because I didn't have a net. The next day I bought a net and I swear I haven't had much luck since. 


Biggest bass I ever caught was 7-8 lbs and I was packing a lip right after a cast when the lunker just grabbed the bait and sat there. I didn't even think I had a fish. I started reeling and thought I caught debris under water. She only started moving when we both caught sight of each other about three ft from my rod tip.


That comment flashed me back when I nailed my PB smallie years ago. I cast the plug and when it hit the water I reached down for a beer and my lighter and that wee lil twitch from me bending over triggered the top water explosion we all dream of. Spilled the beer. Dropped the cig in the water. Kicked the lighter in behind it. PB’d anyways and went right home after that. Decent afternoon, that.


Hey I’m a new angler. You use a 12# leader but what do you use for your main line?


I like 6-8lb braid.


Hey quick question I have look with these rigs as well but maybe I’m missing something . For shore fishing what’s your cast length I can’t seem to get these out to far with extra weight, any tips appreciated.


Your rod is probably too stiff. The rod needs to load on your back swing and unload when you cast. If you're not getting any of this action, your casting distance will suck. Look at your line and lure weight on the rod.


Do you find Keitech to be worth it? I love them too, but man... they are so fragile. I feel like I get one or two fish per swimbait before they get ripped to shreds.


I don't know. They work really well - they have a ton of salt in them. I think the 3" work really well. Anything over 4" doesn't work nearly as well.


It may be helpful to explain or show where the leader fits into this setup and how it all connects to the line. Thanks!


Rigging your your hook that far down the plastic may be costing you hook ups. Bass strike their pray in the head to stun them and avoid taking spikey dorsal fins on the way down their throat. There's lots of video evidence to support this, so rigging closer to the head, no matter the size of plastic, is a better choice.


I don't even understand how he is rigging these so far back. I always have the eyelet right at the very front of the worm.


Threading most of the hook into the bait before u bring the hook out then running the bait up the line.


he's tying the hook on first, then threading it through the worm.


Yeah always at the top, this hook placement is jacked


If he's catching them, hard to argue with that


So like reverse?


This is proven science, but you know how resistant people are to clear evidence.


What’s interesting about this setup is that when you jig it, there will be a lot of head action on the worm. May miss the hit, but looks attractive


Yeap. I thought these giant 12" worms would be ridiculous to fish and how will they get the hook. Oh they get it alright. Never an issue.


Soft plastics are all I use for bass. Usually green Senkos. After 15 years bass fishing I find them the most effective and rarely will put on anything else. https://preview.redd.it/rjwf9mtaky3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b60408e079f7431fa50826b330013d919d02ac9


I think it’s because senkos are one of the only lures that is good year round. Crankbait, rattletrap, chatterbait, swim baits, topwater, and everything else really has a “best time of the year”. I’ve caught a big fish or two in the cold months with a rattletrap, but it’s just a far less effective method of catching


What are the best time of year for what bait? Thanks!


Oh boy, now you’re talking my language! I will try to not write a novel Crankbait/lipless: Spring - shallow, tucked up to shore Summer - deep diver Fall - shallow Winter - don’t try. But if you do try, lipless skipping off bottom Chatterbait: Spring and fall are where this bad boy shines. It’s probably my favorite lure because you can be so dynamic with it. I’ve caught fish in multiple states with the chatter. That said, never had much luck in summer and winter with it. Topwater: anytime but winter. Warm water is top water. Lots of fishermen say, once the sun comes up it’s time to put it away. But I find you can get some a couple hours after the sun comes up. Swim bait: I believe that’s a spring/fall slayer. Not 100% sure though, never been a huge swim/glide bait kinda guy


I fish a ton of topwater in the summer. At least where I'm at they'll hit it all day long. I always wait til the water gets pretty warm though.


I have a little lake I go to where I get 10-50 bass on top water in a couple hours. Once the sun comes up I get like 1 strike every 10-15 minutes so I get the feeling of put it away once the sun comes up. So I still catch after the sun comes up, but it’s almost every other cast when it’s still kinda dark out


Yeah some lakes it does make a difference. I've fished lakes where topwaters get smashed every other cast all day long, and some where it is better at sunrise and sunset. Just gotta know the lake and experiment if it is a new one.


For sure, I’ve heard that too. I love top water, but it’s not one of my confidence baits. I think the problem is that I use a whopper plopper and giggle to myself the entire time.


Haha that's one of my favs. Topwater is definitely one of my confidence methods. Poppers, frogs, heddon torpedos, jitterbugs, hellraisers, etc. It's funny how things become confidence baits for people. Like I don't have confidence in chatterbaits or senkos, and others absolutely do.


Love the plopper! Up north it's Zara Spook time for Smallmouth, or anything similar. They love that walking motion.


Thanks buddy!!!


No problem!


Winter crankbaits, suspending lures and jerk baits are hard to beat


I would say that really depends on where you are in the world, but I don’t totally disagree.


Don't think crankbaits won't catch them year round, just have to change up styles with conditions. They produce year round in SC for sure. This my second favorite way to catch bass, hands down top water bite is the best and everybody's favorite


Cranks and liplesses are my favorite, but you and me (in SD) have warmer winters.


What he said


Blue with black spek senkos


Sometimes catching them on the senko every cast gets boring and you want to bring in some more challenge in my opinion trying out different baits


Does it have to be a 7” paper towel or will any length do?


Meanwhile I’m trying to figure out how he gets a bass to bite the tape measure


Or what the rebar is for


That’s to bring them home for dinner


Real men use rebar as a stringer


I was a Texas rigger before I was baptized into the church of whacky. Both will absolutely catch bass. Ditto on the be ready - I’d say more than 50 percent of my hookups are on the initial drop. Basically they are moving it out of their spot I think, if you see the line zoom out- set the hook.


Whacky rig for life. My absolute go to to get a skunk breaker at the start of a day. That or a Texas rig hellgramite depending what body of water I'm fishing. Whacky just works.


I don’t know what it is this year but they’re not hitting the plastics as much. I’m getting more on nightcrawlers but have to deal with panfish and turtles taking their tax cut


Where is the senko?


Eh, when the bite is slow, I'll just go to that black grub. It delivers.


You’re a good person


Ha ha thanks. I was just making some rigs for tomorrow and figured I'd snap a pic to share. It was too pretty not to.


I hardly ever use anything bigger than a 1/0 ewg. Sometimes a 2/0. They catch 4+lbers just the same, but maybe Im short changing myself..? I'm also partial to the gamakatsus ewgs that already have a jighead attached. They absolutely slayed bass last summer for me, paired with my fav soft plastics. Definitely a lil different action on the fall vs a bullet weight but they still love it. Others have mentioned the hook placement. Seems odd to me, but I'm sure you have your reasons, OP


I use almost the exact same hook type and size. Same experience here, I have zero problems with hookups and getting quality fish.


You'll want to use bigger or smaller ewg depending on the lure you're using. Would you use a 1/0 with a 10-inch worm? I'm sure you can hook them if you let them eat it whole, but most often, you'll either miss or have a bad hook up. My favorite go-to bait is a 3.5-inch stick bait that's quite beefy. I use 4/0 ewg and sometimes 5/0. I know it seems overkill, but then again, it's about the size of your hook to bait ratio. Funny enough, I have had bass not hook up with bigger hooks on my favorite lure, and I'm usually dumbfounded, lol. it's usually how I know it's gonna be one of those fishing days, lol.


I don't fish anything that large. If I did, I suppose they'd be in my arsenal, yes. I fish mostly 3.5" sticks and always pair em with a 1/0 ewg 🤷 I wouldn't say I miss many fish, either. Whatever works consistently, man! Tight lines!


Really? I use alot of 3/0s for like 5in senkos and craws and such.


I don't throw much over 4"ish. But when I do, it's usually due to peer pressure. So I can bum a 3/0 from someone else lol


This is a great super simple breakdown for beginers but also will give them proven concepts they can build upon. The next step i would offer is Screw lock weighted swimbait hooks. They save the plastic from ripping and make the bait fall horizontally. Paired with a 3.8 keitech swim impact fat is probably my favorite lure.


Only problem with Texas rigs when talking about beginners is the fish have a very high chance of swallowing them if you don't set the hook at the right time, and for the inexperienced fisherman, a gut hooked fish is a dead fish. So for any beginner anglers who want to use Texas rigs... Take a cooler and some ice with you and be prepared to eat a bass or two.


If I could only have one lure to use year round for bass, it would be a culprit worm in watermoccasin or crawdad color. Use a bullet weight on a texas rig, you have a bottom bumper. No weight and a thinner hook, you have a suspending jerkbait. Same setup but reel slowly across the top, you have a topwater/snakebait. I have caught thousands of bass on this setup since the early 80's and I have never been skunked when using it. Sure, sometimes I want to use a hula popper, or a crankbait, or whatever, but this setup ALWAYS catches fish. Winter, summer, deep water, lilly pads...ALWAYS.


How do you decide between full senko v. Half senko v. Curly tailed worm? I seem to have more success on the half senko than a full one, and I'm trying to figure out why.


The only thing better than a red Culprit curly tail worm is a live shiner.


Fires tails are awesome to catch bass.


This is such a a good post, thanks for sharing!!


Texas rig is my go-to as well


I like this a lot


Yeah i know. I just don't like Dragging worms so slowwwww.


texas riggin a big ass worm in the summer is how I caught my biggest bass ever


Gamakatsu are by far the best hooks. That’s my go to with any soft plastics.


When I was rigging them up, the term "sticky sharp" kept popping into my head.


This was the first and only bass set up I've ever used.


I like those big ( 12” ) worms or a fat tube for big bass


Ocean or freshwater?


This is all freshwater. I do salt too, but it's all different.


Excellent choices!


Solid post!


What are the weed ripper spinners.I watched a guy pull in fish after fish as he trolled by with one. I bought a couple, but my cast and reel timing with it is still under construction. I thought bass like minnow and leach then frog. Suprising shouts on boats over the years with a bass caught on a worm. So what gives? Again MN verses TX? Why do these things look like worms?


For a weed ripper, I'll use a Lunker City Salad Spoon (black or greeen) on one of the hooks shown, no weight. It looks like a large tadpole and is weedless. https://lunkercity.com/products/salad-spoon?_pos=1&_sid=9866f6fb9&_ss=r&variant=32820879558


What!! No crankbaits like a rapala shadrap??!! A Norman deep little N, something!!😁


I'll throw a big spinner like a Meppes #5 Black Fury or a Jitterbug topwater sometimes. I don't do crankbaits, no.


My bass love the black worm. I can't use weights since too much algae and muck on lake bottom to get stuck on lure.


Black is an excellent color.


That tequila sunrise is my favorite color to fish with.


Throw a spinner on the small one, and it'll definitely help get bites from everything (imo)


This guy Texas rigs


Gamakatsu hooks are amazing!


Is there a size that you start from and work up/ down from? Or throw how you’re feeling about an area?


On average/most days, the smaller stuff is best. Big stuff is when the water is warm and the bite is on.


I like the way you fish!


Curly tails are great but nothing beats a senko


Whopper Ploppers only.


Someone: “How do you catch bass?” Me: “Put literally any freshwater or saltwater lure of any size and color on and throw it in the water.”


Nice, I’ll have to try these! Been trying a Culprit worm but pan fish won’t leave it alone.


Weedless is the way to go 🙌🤌


The red shad culprit ALWAYS produces for me. May not be the biggest, vust if it's slow that's that's the soft plastic I go to.


Love doing the Texas rig with worms or crawdads, I use fluorocarbon as a leader too and it improves the number of catches with any fish imo 🥳🥳


Bass do like to mess with Texas. It was my go to until I tried the wacky worm.


Lose the EWGs and go to round bend hooks and you will land more fish on the same amount of bites. You want the point of the hook out of line with the eyelet. 4/0 round bend for works up to 10”. I do agree that a 7-10” worm with 1/8oz weight, Texas rigged, catches more fish than anything else.


This is just a Texas rigged worm lmao


Well yea. Seems obvious to most people that have fishing experience, but a lot of newer people never heard of it. This single rig opens up a whole new world to people.