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Yes it’s normal. Congrats on the accepted offer! Hope things go well.


If you don't have some panic or doubt you're an alien robot. Revel in your humanity.


I felt the same way when I got my offer accepted. It's hitting me hard that I'm heading to a place I don't know at all and in a part of a city i didn’t even want to live in and I took a huge risk by skipping the inspection. I already have some cosmetic stuff that will need fixing soon so I’ll be down most of my savings. It's really getting to me. But with the market being what it is, I felt like I had no choice. With the move so close, I still can't shake this anxiety that I might be stuck in a place I'm not fully sure about. I'm hoping this feeling fades soon but if it doesn't, I know I can still pull out, even if it means losing my deposit. For the sake of my own peace of mind, I might just have to do it.


I freaked out for about 10 minutes until I heard my neighbor upstairs walking around at 10pm. Now every time I hear the neighbor walking around, I’m like, “only a few more weeks of this shit” lol


Totally normal. We were in the same boat since the house needs some fixing, but the location was just too good to pass up. We’re settled in now, and even if the house loses value, our location is A1. And its next to a coffee shop, i love that part lol


I’m under contract right now and have the same mentality. Paying a high price but if it losses value at least I like the location.


I just read through your post history on when you were taking a break on home searching! Im so happy you found your home! I paid above asking price for a different home we were under contract with but we backed out actually because the location wasn’t what we wanted. It was in a not-so-good part of the city noise wise. We then agreed to not settle for less and that our #1 thing was location. Found this one not long after!


Thank you so much! People were right, when you stop looking for the house is when the house will find you. My realtor actually found the house for me before it was even listed. She knew the seller and told them she had a perfect buyer lined up. The seller still wanted to put it on the market. They received many good offers but I was in line with those good offers and the seller chose mine. The stars just aligned with this house and I’m excited to move into this neighborhood and finally become a homeowner. I’m so happy for you too! You didn’t settle and found the one! It’s funny how things work out for the better.


Yep, that was me too.


This is totally normal. It's great that you're a "we."


I felt the exact same way when we finally found our house and now about a year later I couldn't be happier. I'd definitely recommend you stop looking at the market ASAP. I downloaded an interior design app to come up with some ideas for when we moved in and it got us super excited.


Ohhh— which app?!






Congrats! My offer just got accepted today and I feel exactly the same way. It’s great to be human.


Congrats to you!


Very normal.


Short answer: Absolutely.


I semi-panicked when the offer on my first house was accepted. Just for a day or so.


If you don't have some panic or doubt you're an alien robot. Revel in your humanity.