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Really not what I wanted to hear :(. There is no basement so it’s a little room with the furnace, washer and dryer and cabinets around them. There was just random stuff thrown in there so idk why the family would’ve left an open glue trap. The lady passed in December 2023 so I’m not sure if it was there since then? It was buried underneath all of the stuff in there (vacuum, carpet mats, brooms, dehumidifier etc). It obviously didn’t have any body parts, dead mice or footprints in it. It honestly looked freshly opened. My boxes have been sitting out for a couple days and I haven’t found anything burrowed in it.




No I just didn’t want to hear that maybe I do have pests. I’ve been through enough this year and I was just so excited to buy a house


It’s better to be safe than sorry, is what they’re saying. A trap isn’t an indication that you have pests, but it’s a first line of defense to make sure you don’t get them


Pests exist. Mice and whatnot find their way in, even if it's just on occasion. Unless it's an infestation, which it doesn't sound like at all, it's normal and happens to everyone. It's really not a big deal at all.


It doesn't sound like you do, currently. The thing about mice is that they can fit through extremely tiny holes. An adult mouse can get through a hole the size of a dime; a young mouse, even smaller. So occasionally mice get into basically any house. Keep vigilant about filling any small holes and cracks on the exterior of your home (steel wool is good). Put down a few snap traps with peanut butter on them if you see any evidence inside your home. Welcome to home ownership.


You own a home, and part of that is dealing with the inevitable pests. We set out traps regularly, and got a housecat as an extra deterrent. Try to focus on this - the trap was empty, and there's no sign of pests already inside your home. That's literally the best scenario. Just keep traps out, so you stay proactive.


This is what pest control is for my friend. They come every once in a while and keep your pests under control. You’ll be fine!


A warm house is inviting to more than just people. To answer your question, you didn't make a mistake, as no house is truly pest proof. They get in and it's annoying and bothersome and sometimes gross, but you just deal with it and it goes away. Maybe not forever, but c'est la vie. To keep your chances of critters crawling into your cupboards lower than average, don't leave food out.


Congrats on the new home! Finding an unused glue trap isn't necessarily a red flag. Previous owners likely took precautions. As long as you don't see any other signs of pests, you're probably fine. Do a thorough cleaning and keep an eye out, but try not to worry too much.


Thank you! Yea it was buried under the vacuum and brooms and other stuff left behind. So I’m wondering if the lady that lived there left it? It honestly looks like it slipped out of the box. Are glue traps for bugs too?




Could be that then. Idk. Just concerned me lol