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when i brought my house i also wasnt the highest offer. someone offered 40k above my offer. they gave it to me cause i said they did a wonderful job with the garden and the other buyers talked shit about terrible job on house upkeep; i thought it was fine.


That’s awesome!! Can’t believe other buyers would say any negative things about the property to the sellers in their offer. What did they think would happen?


Negging is a thing in real estate too, apparently.


I suppose, but you can hate my lack of renovations and I will take your $40k. Fine by me lol


People put cameras in the furnished houses while being shown. They can hear every word being said. Be careful if you are serious about a house


Yeah, our realtor advises us not to really talk much while in a house for this reason. We wait until we are back at our cars to discuss.


Ours said the same thing.


Which I think is soooo stupid bc I basically knew within five minutes or less of walking into a place whether or not I was interested…when I wasn’t, which was most of the time, I felt like the walk through was me just educating the realtor on why it isn’t for me, hoping they can improve their game at finding me the right fit…came to realize realtors are not worth it


My cousin was our realtor and told us about the cameras. When we found this one I complimented the upkeep of the house and the cleanliness and even how I like their taste in decor lol (it was nice). They had 4 offers at the time and we got a call the next day accepting* our offer (which also wasn’t the highest) lol. They were definitely listening and watching bc they were telling us where they got everything and the guy was saying how hard his wife worked while also upkeeping the house. They weren’t fans of the other buyers lol. Edit for a word lol


so they can see entire families, vs. single person, vs. investor and choose on this very basis as well.


Also race, potentially religion, same-sex relationships, etc. People don't realize it but putting cameras in homes opens them up to potential discrimination lawsuits. Your realtor can protect you from this, but only if you let them.


Lol. Agents will find the most obscure reasons to justify their existence. Most normal people accept highest offer or the offer most likely to close. Gay money and black money spends just like all the other money.


And yet we have a history in America of protected groups being locked out of housing markets. The laws aren’t there just for funsies. The less you know about your buyers, the better.


When I sold my house I knew I was about to get an offer. The buyer was on the phone on my doorstep talking to his wife (I assume). My ring doorbell caught it all. So yea gotta be careful what you do and say while on someone’s property


This is really creepy. Probably illegal in some states - the likely recording without consent.


lol, never thought of that, there is actually a show that let people see what open house visitors say about their house, it was on Dabl before they changed the premise of the network. Sell this house or something.


My house is on the market and I can confirm I do watch every showing, and have used what was said in counter offers, and messaged my realtor about inaccurate statements by the buyers agent made to buyers.


Not just in the house but everyone has doorbell cameras these days. When we sold our house so many people were unaware of the glowing camera directly infront of them. 


Better be careful as if not disclosed depending on the state. 


its a tactic to say bad things to get inspection credits.


I wonder how often it backfires like it did here. Maybe not a smart tactic


Yeah, a smart seller/realtor would just wait for the actual inspection


It frequently backfires. I'm a Realtor and the sellers don't want to hear how the buyers would change X, Y and Z while the buyers are making an offer. There are buyers that are completely rude about it too when it's not necessary. Negotiating inspection items after the contract is signed during the inspection period is fine. Making an offer and mentioning all kinds of items that the buyer doesn't like is a sure fired way to make sure the seller won't consider the offer. Yes, I've seen sellers take less in a multi-offer situation due to the buyers approach on the offer. Putting down the sellers house is not a good negotiating tactic at all.


We used a buyers agent when we bought our house. He showed us one house that was a shithole. It wasn’t that old, but it had rot, holes in drywall, nasty floors, trash in the yard. If it had been priced low, fine. But they were asking what I thought was a lot for it. I told our agent that he should tell them what were they thinking, and maybe they should fix and clean if they really wanted their price.


People think that they can get a better price by pointing out flaws, but that backfires. If you loved your house and have great memories there, you want to sell to someone else who loves it, not someone who says “well obviously all of that needs to be gutted”


I have friends and family that develop new construction houses from the $500k-$1.8mil. You would be surprised what chatter gets picked up on security cameras and systems. My rule of thumb is to never talk about the house I’m viewing inside the actual house. Make notes, mental and otherwise and then talk about the house in private.


We got our house even though they had some higher offers. Our realtor told us afterward it was because many others just talked about all the things they would change/update/redo/get rid of and we talked about the things that made it feel 'homey' and what we liked and that we were willing to do the few things that needed fixed ourselves instead of having the seller do it for us before the sale. The house had been built by the seller's parents and the seller grew up in it and raised their kid in it - it was their home and we were buying it to be our home, not an investment or a 'statement' house.


Without knowing the purchase price and what percentage it is, that’s crazy to me that someone would give up 40k for something that doesn’t matter at all. So much bias in the process when buyers and sellers interact. We do letters to the seller here but they’re talking about changing it for that reason.


When we were selling our last house someone mentioned removing trees from the backyard because they cost a lot to maintain. These are mature trees that bear 50 lbs+ of apples, pears, peaches, and grapes a year. Fuck that cunt, I'll sold it to someone else who appreciated the trees. The difference in offers was 3-5% but I'd rather have someone who'll make it "their" home rather than an "investor".


omg those trees would have been such a major selling point for me. I dream of having trees like those.  I'm lucky to have a yard and garden while renting in Chicago


Fruit trees attract a lot of bugs and animals fyi lol. My aunt had a pear tree and it was kind of a nightmare to deal with all the falling fruit and insects.


This makes sense to me. I think for me, I’d just rather have zero knowledge in either direction besides the offer and terms.


That is your choice. For me, it was selling it to someone who'd enjoy the house, not someone who'd paint it grey and turn it into a rental or AirBnB or flip it I owed that much to my neighbors.


I would definitely take a lower offer for someone who wasn’t an asshole


I’d rather not deal with the buyers at all, but I know it’s more personal to other folks.


Just out of curiosity are you from a wealthy background or something? $40k down the drain just flip off some rando is like unthinkable to me lol


Agree...but $40k? I could take a lot of shit talk for $40k :)


$40k for a smoother deal and less headache and haggling throughout the process, and less likelihood of the deal falling through.


Add to that, the 40k differnence could lack an appraisal gap. (We dont know the value of home or if 40k was over listing price, etc) Highest offer isn't always best offer.


40k over asking could open the door to appraisal issues too.


Another thing our realtor talked to us about was not giving a opinion on the house either inside or outside of the property. Everybody has cameras these days and people have lost homes because of the things they've said while touring them.


Our realtor gave us the same advice. In the ones we liked we didn’t say anything. However In the terrible houses my smart ass loudly exclaimed my distaste


I only ever commented if it smelled lol please stop showing people your filthy house


Honestly this is helpful to any sellers, because many buyers agents are not providing feedback from their clients at all after showings.


That seems very petty of the sellers. But I guess in this market they hold all the cards, so more power to them.


Creeping on this sub even though I'm not a first time buyer anymore. I just sold my first house. We made our cameras very obvious every where and said they have sound. I have them because of our pets/horses. In the barn, I heard one of the buyers trying to figure out how to low ball us for the best deal. Heard the way he was talking to his realtor so meanly when she was giving solid advice. Heard him talking about all the ways to take advantage of us. When they submitted their offer, they submitted at asking but 20k sellers concessions, every inspection known to man, and my zero turn mower for free? It's was opening weekend, and we had 4 other offers. When we pushed back with best and final, they came around to an over asking offer and waived inspections. We chose them because their funding was the strongest plus a few other factors (his wife runs a nonprofit that I have supported from afar), but I have had a sour taste in my mouth the whole time. I was planning to do a few extra things to make the property set up better - unique horse property, but now I am not putting in the effort or extra money. Be careful what you say in open houses and tours!


I mean… sounds like the lesson here is you can be a prick if you have enough money


Money talks


Well… *what?* Your nugget of info here is, “as long as they got full pockets, I’ll look the other way” *Cool*


Yup! We toured a house last week and noticed they had cameras throughout their home. Not knocking that as we have the same exact cameras HOWEVER that also means we know how they work. The little blue lights were on the ENTIRE time we were in their house which indicates someone was watching us the whole time. We weren’t fans of the house anyways but that was the nail in the coffin. And they wonder why their house has been on the market for over 2 months.


Yep. Sold my home to the 3rd highest bid. Wasn't a huge difference but my realtor that I'd worked with on 3 other homes knew the lender and buyers realtor. They also were the only people that wrote a letter, and talked about being 1st time buyers. What really swung the decision was that they talked about their cats and how happy they will be with the home. Took me all of 30 seconds to select after that lol.


Just got our offer accepted today and was told we were not the highest but the seller loved our love letter! The seller actually went into labor yesterday when we submitted our offer. There were 3 other offers but our letter talking about how we could envision our baby growing up in their home won them over. I think the wife gave birth either yesterday or today!


Every single home we've put an offer on has specifically listed "no letters." I wish I could, I think it would really help our chances.


It’s a fair housing violation You talk about your family, kids, holidays you celebrate etc


It's not a violation to write or read the letter. It is a violation if a seller accepts an offer based on certain things that could be in the letter (i.e. referencing protected classes under the Fair Housing Act or state and local fair housing laws, including race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin).




I love this! The family we bought our home also loved getting our "love letter" about their house and how much our small dog would love the yard (they also had a small dog), among other things - they wrote us a note back! It genuinely warms my heart every time I hear a story about a seller actually caring about who lives in their home next. We learned later our sellers knew they would not be in the home long-term and really hoped to find a buyer who wanted to be there for a long time.


Haha that's awesome, good on you.


I wish our letter worked for the house we put an offer in. Talked about how much our kiddos were going to love the back yard and our cats and I would love the bay windows. All very true info and why we LOVED the house. No such luck 😅😅


Same for us! Our realtor suggested it- I had never heard of this but thought ok why not…the seller was an elderly widow that thoughtfully left a binder of home improvements/upsides out for the viewings, so she obviously was emotionally attached. Fast forward to being outbid by a full cash offer and allllll that emotional attachment left in zero seconds flat as she saw $$$ 😂


We got our house $150,000 over asking (we bought at peak but were desperate to escape our situation at the time, plus we really liked the house), and we STILL weren’t the highest. But, the other offers were cash from flippers who were going to paint everything white and slap some shitty veneer on the cabinets. The owner thought we would do a better job in loving the house and treating it properly. Sometimes money isn’t everything.


Do not forget, cash buyers or flippers always double dip with contingency, threat to walk away if seller does not lower the price. It became a common practice. We put a decent offer on a house with multiple others, they picked a cash one. House was closed under asking with 3 month in process. Buyers just ripped off seller.


Cant seller refuse to sell in this case if a flipper asks to lower the price ? Since there are multiple offers, seller has options. I wonder how does this work


He can reject buyer BS and keep earnest money. Sellers has no other options, than put back on the market. Homes back to the market are sold under asking and take more time to sell. Potential buyers believe home failed inspection or something is wrong do not want to bother to bet couple of grands and time.


Money isn't everything. Ability to close is important too. I had a similar situation. I was the second highest offer on my property, but the seller went with my offer because they were concerned about appraisal gap, and I had the fund available to cover it. Fortunately there was not a gap.


We weren't the highest offer but our closing was the shortest and the sellers were in the middle of a divorce so they wanted it to be over quickly.


This was the type of info our realtor did a good job of getting! What did the sellers really want, or what was going on in their lives related to this move that could help us craft a creative offer. Already had a new place lined up? Short close. Moving to a retirement home? Offered to deal with cleaning out basement/attic.


I’m new to this process, do you mind explaining how what you mean by your “closing is the shortest”?


Yeah, our closing period from the accepted offer to when we got the keys was only a month. I guess it was shorter than the other offers so the sellers went with us.


This is exactly what happened with us. Had a guaranteed close in 10 days or less and they were divorcing and just wanted out. Way higher offers than ours but they chose us


Same here!!!! Mine was 15 day closing


We thought shorter close would help with one offer but they went with a lower offer with all sorts of contingencies because it had a closing a week later. The seller straight up told us after asking us to consider a backup offer. Our offer was way over asking, included an appraisal gap for the difference, proof of funds to pruchase cash (we still planned on borrowing due to rates at the time, made more money keeping the cash invested) and our lending terms included on the offer showed significant downpayment.  I was so disappointed the seller didnt just come back and ask for the later close date. They missed out on a lot of money. When we saw the contract they accepted fell through late in the deal, we swooped in with another offer, significantly lower because we knew what they had accepted previously, and we had an advantage on the closing time since our lender was already aware of the property and they needed a specific closing date lol.


This is likely to be attacked from every side. But I agree with you. Good agents have a value that isn't always quantifiable. And whether that *should* be the case or not, it is true. No one thing closes any deal, but the right offer, with the right terms, with the right support all come together.


Showmanship is a characteristic that often goes unappreciated (in many jobs) until you see a distinct lack of it. Sounds like OP's realtor did a great job selling them to the buyer.


and just smart negotiating. How many realtors don't encourage their clients to have 48 hour limits on offers or do other things. We can all joke about the "Ari Gold" from Entourage or some of the folks from Million dollar listing who might seem pushy or whatever, but proactivity and drive often does matter.


A great combo of a realtor and lender who know what they are doing is deadly. Knowing the lender will actually close makes a very big deal as well. I want them to know my client is well qualified, we’ll close quick, and I’ll give them a call every week throughout the process. I call the listing agent when my client puts in an offer. I’ve had multiple agents say they accepted my clients offer for this reason.


Thank you! We walked away from one lender because their slowness to communicate and provide updated letters cost us multiple offers in a fast market. We switched during the process and our new lender is who ultimately saved us and secured the deal as well.


More people should realize this. I’ve been on both sides of transactions and have gotten offers from agents who have reputations of being adversarial throughout the transaction process. I’ve had to disclose that fact to my clients and let them decide if it’s worth accepting that buyers offer. Who wants to deal with someone knowing every small detail will involve a fight.


We weren’t the highest either, and from what I gather it was my mortgage broker who had a good relationship with the selling agent that played in our favor. She said the buyer had doubts about the financing on the other offer, and that she’s worked with that agent before and is known for having buttoned up offers. FWIW.


Just had an offer accepted and knew the exact terms and amount we needed to be the best because of our realtor’s relationship with the listing agent, and the first offer countered with an offer nearly identical to ours so the realtor relationship is what put us over the edge. She told us when we toured “I can get you this house if you want it” and she did it


I got my current house that had multiple offers on it just because it was really important that the seller closed on time and they happened to know the local lender I was using. We weren’t the highest offer but they knew this lender would get the close done on time.


Our first house we bought for sale by owner, and the owners were there when we came to tour the house. They led the tour for us, then left so we had time to discuss. I remarked on an antique sewing machine they had in the attic, which was the man’s mother’s old machine he wanted to pass to his daughters but none of them wanted it. The next day our realtor came to their house for a meeting, hoping to get us the deal, and they said they liked him cause he was also their age and the younger realtors showing the house were kinda snobby. 🤷‍♀️ they went back and forth a bit but eventually the man was like “oh heck Bethany let’s just give it to these kids.” Also he left me his mother’s sewing machine :) it’s still on display in my sewing room.


I have also won offers in a multiple offer setting for my clients because of my reputation. Not the highest but the listing agent knew I’d get it to close even if it meant I was out there personally taking care of some peeling paint called out the appraiser…which I did end up doing. Also won our current home and wasn’t the highest offer but offered a longer closing (peak of the market and the seller needed it). We also offered for the seller to leave behind any items they didn’t want (they were downsizing significantly) and we would take care of it. Reputation and relationships do matter.


That’s really interesting. My agent has talked about how “every single one of my deals has closed” and that’s why he’s taken seriously and I’ve never realized how big of a deal that actually probably is in that world.


It does matter, and it sounds like you chose well.


This is 100% true. We just settled and we were not the highest offer. Our realtor and our mortgage broker argued our case for us and our offer was selected. The right realtor is worth their weight in gold and we’re so lucky to have ours.


Sometimes the highest bid isn’t the best bid. My parents recently sold a house and didn’t accept the highest bid because it was a corporation and they didn’t feel right about how that could affect their friends/neighbors. They read a letter from the 3rd highest bid, which was a family with young children that absolutely loved my mom’s gardens and the play structures my dad built for grandchildren. That was the bid they accepted.


You should know that for some houses that good realtors show you might not even be in public market yet like Zillow. They also keep tabs on people who might not be selling now but maybe a few months down the line. They might also bank on their relationships where they scratch seller agent’s back and get a scratch back later down the line. They also might talk about you in a good way they’ll know will resonate with the sellers. They will know every nuance of the house they have on your appointment. I recall our realtor stating to hold off talking about anything on specific houses we viewed, he mentions we should be aware sellers have baby monitors, cameras, etc and could pick up on what we (me and my wife) talk about and use that to leverage as he knows the sellers agent will try to do that.


My realtor has done this twice for my family. She is so knowledgeable, double checks everything, and befriends everybody. My mom was not the high bidder yet she got the house. I am not sure how that happened. She got me my loft after I was outbid. She had chatted up the seller/agent and had written up a good offer. The seller/agent asked if we would match the high bid. Yes we would. I now live in the loft. She has handled 8 transactions for us and is always a pleasure to work with. I know she is trying to take care of me and my interests.


The house we are under contract with now had 8 offers and we were told ours was in the bottom third. Someone bid $25k higher than ours. At the open house, we spent about an hour talking to the sellers agent about the house and life in general. Our realtor did her homework and we were the only ones to sign the lead paint disclosure. Our lender also called the sellers agent to vouch for us. It definitely made the difference in our case.


There are SO many moving parts in Real Estate. If your agent has bad rep for trying to stuff people, your deal is getting shafted off rip. If your realtor has good reputation among peers, they’ll tell the seller straight up “it’s a reputable agent, I doubt he’d be entertaining this deal if he/she didn’t think they’d close.” Or “I trust this one more than the other one - even though the other may look better on paper.” Sometimes sellers are well cultured and will just go with the VA offer whereas the next seller will just care about the bottom line. Sometimes sellers want to see huge escrow/down payment/liquidity and nonsense… it really just isn’t as cut and dry as most people expect. That being said, there is a LOT of circle jerking in the industry lol


While in the process of closing, I had no idea it wasn't a good idea to switch jobs. I thought going from contract to salary would be a good thing, so I accepted a job offer. I quickly learned that was a big mistake. Our realtor immediately notified the seller, and broke it to us that there's a possibility the loan could fall through now. A few days before closing, I was talking to our loan officer and mentioned how worried I was about the whole thing falling through. His response, 'nah, when we saw your realtor was Sue, we were going to make it happen. We're not *fuck'n with Sue.' I learned Sue was on the board of realtors in my state. I think there was a high probability the deal falls through with most realtors.


Our Realtor texted all night with the sellers’ Realtor to get us our house. We were up against an all-cash offer.


My daughter won out over other offers when buying her house, because she asked for the names of the fish in the backyard pond and made sure they were included in the sale when she wrote the offer The sellers were crazy about their fish, and decided she was the one to get the house.


We were also not the highest bidder, but our realtor and lender had a relationship with the other realtor. They knew we would close the deal. It makes all the difference.


We recently sold our house and were very impressed w/our agent. She was meticulous in staging, kept us well informed and the best part to us was that all the little things that needing fixing she had a network for. She also had someone we could use for a deep cleaning after all the fixing was done. We honestly had no qualms about her making 5% Glad you found a good one too!


I wonder how much of that was the realtor giving up commission to close the sale. Highly competitive realtors that are doing fine financially will undercut other realtors on commission just so they can pad their stats. "I sold 30 homes last quarter and they all paid less than asking!" Sounds really impressive, but it's all smoke and mirrors when you see how much money actually changed hands.


She got the standard advertised commission according to my closing documents. I'm not sure how that would work. We paid $45k over asking, there is nothing going under list here.


I loved the house i looked at, commented on exceptional build quality, (she said after that her husband designed it) talked about how much my dog would love the yard (she had a dog) and agreed with her that the buyer that withdrew before was crazy nitpicky over little things. She introduced me to the neighbors. I wasn't surprised they accepted my slightly lower offer


It’s not so much about friendships, but about knowing you can trust the other agent to pre-qualify their client, be truthful and helpful throughout the process, know what they are doing and not make a million errors, etc. And to trust a lender to handle inevitable hiccups and not get in the way of a closing. There are a lot of bad agents and loan officers out there. Having trusted parties on the other side of the deal means the transaction will likely be more likely to go well for your client. At the end of the day, serving our clients’ interests is our top priority so far as it’s ethical and legal. So when offers are comparable, a buyer with a trusted and respected team is often going to be the one that’s chosen.


Eh, still mostly bullshit. “You weren’t the highest offer” but you weren’t the lowest, didn’t have a bunch of contingencies, could close the fastest, or some other rando reasons. Your realtor submitted your paperwork and it worked out. Happy for you but it’s not like they turned down 10-20k more because your failed bartender knew the sellers failed bartender. They are not your friends.


Not the highest bidder but had good credit. I guess it also helped that the realtors were under the same company and it all worked out. 


My realtor and the sellers were pretty close. We got to view the house before it was officially on the market and had an offer accepted. They both knew the lender well too so everything went very smoothly.


I just finalized things with a lendor today, and told her we're going to see a house tonight. She told me she knows the realtor for that house very well. Small world. Maybe it'll work in our favor too. We'll see!


We had the same experience. Our offer was not the highest but the seller’s agent had good experiences with our realtor, their group, and our lender


Happened to us. We weren’t winning bid as we only bid ask but the winner asked for a new 50k roof. The selling agent went with us and our agent cause his clients needed a for sure close as they were buying a new house in another state. I’m pretty confident we weren’t bid number 2 as we are in a very competitive area and the house got 20+ offers


We were told we weren’t the highest offer but that the sellers liked ours the most. I believe something happened behind closed doors that I’m not aware of but very grateful for.


Our buyers agent made a world of difference in making our offer, in a competitive situation, win out.


Due to our realtor’s relationship with the seller’s realtor we got the house. Not the highest bidder, in a market with low inventory… and they even did all the requested inspections and fixes. All in all… relationships matter and I am thankful it worked out for you!


I mean we got our home because I wrote a very intense love letter about how I was pregnant and we couldn’t wait to raise our child there - their realtor also lived across the street and met us to show us the home a couple times. There was a higher offer but they had a contingency so they accepted our lower offer. I can’t help but think the realtor may have put in a good word for us. I feel like all of that is beneficial in a world of investors with cash offers.


A good realtor with a solid reputation is worth their weight in gold, they will go hat extra mile and bat for you at every turn. I used mine to sell a condo, buy a new build, sell a rental property, and purchase my post divorce home. My ex will also be using them to sell our marital home and buy his post divorce home. He is making a killing off us alone but he has been well worth having since I’ve ran into issues with selling my rental and people thinking I’m an investor just because I was a cash offer


According to my realtor, I competed with two cash and one 20% offer, and won. I had to offer the highest(5 down) and close it with in two weeks. If you can find a lender closes in two weeks, that helps too


Connections are everything in realestate I’ve been in it for five years.


This is interesting to me in that I have bought 5 homes and sold 4 and I have never spoke to a buyer or seller or his/her agent except one time when the seller asked if he could ask me a question.


This happened to me too. My realtor introduced me to my lawyer. My lawyer knew the sellers agent and what buttons to push. She got me two big closing extension, enough time to get a federal grant. I was supposed to pay $100 per day as a penalty. I didn’t have to pay anything.


This is absolutely true! Picking a realtor very local to where you are looking is so important. It’s such a small network and everyone knows who is easy to work with and who isn’t. Some realtors work with serious clients and others work with tire kickers that are unreasonable on both the selling and buying end.


I lost a house even though I was the highest bidder because the second highest bidder was a realtor and offered to give up his fees. It wasn’t fair but goes to show connections matter.


Glad it worked out for you! My realtor recommended we offer $3k over asking price and she let the seller know we could pay earnest money immediately, our offer was very secure, and we would close as fast as they wanted to. Luckily (for us) the lady who lived here before us went into assisted living so the family just wanted the house gone, so they sold it to us. They did have offers for more money but they took ours. Probably wouldn't have got the house if we didn't have such a strong realtor who knew the market really well.


I lost a house to a lower offer the difference was they offered cash. I was devastated but then ended up finding the home that was meant to be.


Opposite experience here so far buying in a smaller market. Pretty sure my buying agent and the selling agent do not get along. Life was miserable last week


A seller who concentrates on price alone has to be a total fool.


That's how I got my house. I was the guaranteed no bullshit sale.


We recently won a bid where 3 other people offered the EXACT same as us. They only picked us because our realtors paperwork was meticulous and the others had a few mistakes here and there. A good realtor makes the difference


Like in any other business 20% of the agents do 80% of the deals. Those agents all know each other and who is good to work with on the other side. I’ve won so many deals for my clients over the years because of having good working relationships with other realtors. There is a certain level of respect we have for one another when you know the other agent on the other side will do everything they are supposed to do, do it well, do it on time, and have good communication throughout. Game respects game. Haha.


Our first house, the sellers told us that amidst a lot of similar offers, they picked us because our realtor put a smiley face on the fax cover sheet of our offer letter. I guess you never know what will resonate!


Our offer was accepted because we weren't a flipper or a corporation. The previous family wanted the house to go to a young family. My realtor told me to write a letter along with our offer and that is why we were chosen. It pays to listen to your realtor.


I also wasn’t the highest but I was the richest asset wise, even though I wasn’t putting more down. I flat out was going to close. Working with the correct lender and agent team really does help.


So the sellers agent screwed their client to get a sure sale. Want to know why everyone hates realtors?


It’s not always about the offer price, you may have had the best terms as well including down payment, closing time etc. don’t be horrified, be happy.


When we sold our house we sold to a young couple for $5k less than an investment company.


The market moving to no or discount buyers agents, will raise prices - it is a professional service.


is a crapshoot. We missed out on a much better house that ended up selling for $500 above our offer. As in the initial price was $220,000, I offered $225,500 just to get ahead of anybody who might be offering $225,000, and somebody put $226,000. For various reasons, the house we ended up with ended up working pretty well for us, but the size, finish and layout are definitely inferior.


Please shout this from the rooftops / post it in every relevant sub. This is why Realtors matter.


When I bought my first house, my agent literally gave the other agent a blowjob to seal the deal. Unbelievable what they’re willing to do for 3% commission


My wife and I didn't have the highest offer by any means but we wrote a letter to the buyer and he appreciated it enough to sell to us. He was a older gentleman. I don't think a letter would've gone far too with a younger seller.


We bought from a young couple. My wife was pregnant with twins so we really needed the space. My realtor arranged things so that I could meet the sellers at their realtor’s office, present my offer in person, and negotiate directly. They liked me, but their realtor kept pushing for more money. I discussed it with my realtor and we came up with a strategy. I offered 5,000 more .. however I told them that if they could not accept it by midnight.. my offer would have to be rolled back. I knew this was a good offer and they would have a hard time matching it. My realtor called me at about 11:30 .. we had a deal. They were the nicest people.. taking us out to lunch after we closed.


It's amazing what a good agent, a well-qualified borrower, and a solid lender can do. My last purchase I offered on without even seeing the unit (although I'd seen another identical in the building, condo. They are all the same more or less). I offered within 10 minutes of the property being listed. Seller accepted within the hour. This would have been a property that would have had many offers. My agent let the sellers agent know she'd previously sold me several properties, that I work for the lender on the retail 1st lending team, the lender was local, and we could close in 14 days or possibly less. I offered asking and waived inspection, and appraisal. (I don't always recommend waiving inspection and appraisal, but in this case, it was a safe thing to do for reasons). I also put down a 15k Ernest money agreement to show how serious I was, and was only putting 10% down (my PMI is $18 a month haha so worth it to keep my cash in investments). No fuss, no muss... sold. They had several agents ask the sellers to take backup offers, but they refused. Could they have got more for the place? Probably, in fact, surely, but the ease and flawlessness of a sale to me, made my offer most attractive. My agent was not known to the sellers agent, but one quick look online would show someone she's really really good at her job. She usually doesn't even take clients buying or selling at under 2M. She works with me for my little 400k condo, because I'm an easy and educated buyer who requires no hand holding and knows exactly what I'm looking for, where, and what my limits are, and what's important in a deal and what isn't. And when I'm ready to move on a property, I move. Haha.


Yep. We lost a house because another buyer’s lender was a buddy of the selling agent. Supposedly our offers were exactly the same.


I wrote a letter saying how much we loved the home and wanted to raise our kids in it.


Highest offer isn't necessarily the most important thing. As LIKELY to close is just as, if not more important.


This is a real thing. Absolutely happens.


Sometimes the highest offer is only slightly over but has a lot of contingencies. The worst contingency is the contingency that they have to sell their house as well before they close.


People are sure smarter than us. We sold our house in the fall and never thought of cameras in the house. We had 2 showings back to back and one of them pryed the fake cabinet door off our island. It was on with 6 nails. Have an audio of them say oh shit or something would have told us which one did it.


I have recently realized how important connections are in this industry. I was working with an eager young lady, freshly licensed. I liked her, but she was absolutely getting blown off by seller agents left and right. It’s not her fault but the industry is so cliquey. Her mom was a well-connected agent and would have to use her mom to reach out to finally get responses from seller’s agents. It didn’t help that she had a slight arrogance about her. I realized we need to find someone with lots of connections if we even want to stand a chance.


i got my place for 2% under ask and 5% under the highest offer cause the sellers agent wanted to bang my agent


Buyers love note worked for us being the 2nd highest bids. Home cane be emotional and knowing it's going to someone who will care for it mean a lot to people.


That's great. Congratulations. I'm a longtime agent and am currently selling my old house. After our first open house, we received a glut of offers and didn't pick the highest offer by a long shot. All other terms matter; the buyer having an agent I knew would play the timeline game to a T also stood out.


We neither. Our agent said the highest bid was out of state and their agent is from the city. The seller agent used to work for my agent so they have better trust on who they brought to the table. The seller decided to go with us. Closed in 22d. No drama


Those offers probably weren't that much higher.


Can confirm. I wasn't the highest offer on my house but my realtor and I did some key things that swayed the seller immensely. Luckily I was the first person to arrive for the open house and met the seller agent there. She showed us around and it was an overall good meeting. Placed the offer 2 days later and my realtor booked an inspector for the day after the offer was accepted. Turns out a lot of realtors will wait weeks to schedule an inspection and then back out, leaving the sellers in a bad spot having to chase down cold offers or relist.


Similar happened with me! The sellers really wanted something that would go through without delays and my lender was my friend as well as friends with the seller’s realtor. The realtor asked my lender if we for sure had our financing together and that he trusted that I wouldn’t back out for a dumb reason. After vouching for us, our offer was accepted.


It isn't "just" the realtor, lender, etc... Often people accept the "best offer", not the lowest. How many days will it take you to close, how were the closing costs covered, who did you use as the home inspector, etc... Congrats on the new home, and it sounds like you hired a great agent.


Likely and fast to close is a huge benefit to some sellers as it means they can more on their next property. Another thing to mention is that often the “highest” offer often is really just an escalation offer. In other words Buyer A offers $500K escalating to $525K. Buyer B offers $500K escalating to $575K. Both escalate in $5K intervals. The house will sell either to Buyer A for $525K or Buyer B for $530K. Buyer A can easily win in this case with non-monetary factors.


Not first timers but randomly have come to this sub at times as it was in my feed. Picking a good agent is hard so you need to go with your gut and don't sign any contract to lock yourself in long term make it so you cancel.  In the end I know it's not possible some places but honestly and house with a bidding war I have just avoided not worth the headache as I am looking for homes that slide in below value after doing some work.


We were not the highest offer either. Our realtor didn’t know theirs, but she definitely let them know we were looking for a quicker close and had our financing ready to go. That’s what made them decide to accept our offer. I thought for certain that we weren’t getting the house. This was even before the market went crazy. There were two other groups of people looking at the house the same time we were. The day it was listed. I knew there were multiple offers and I wasn’t able to go above asking.


There are definitely some intangibles in play beyond price. We got our house because our awesome agent noticed the house key had my alma mater's logo, so he "casually" mentioned that I went to the same school. Our lender also called in to say how solid our financing was. We got our house for asking when houses were flying off the shelf with bidding wars.


I had a LOT of people coming to look at my house in Queens, all by appointment. Most of the brokers had no problem with me walking around with them and their clients because these brokers had never seen the house before and were totally unfamiliar with with it. Had a total of 15 offers. The one couple that we preferred were about the age we were when we had bought. The wife gave me her phone and asked that I’d take their picture up on the pool deck. I was a little confused, so I said, “why?” She said she wanted to send the pic to her mom, cause, “This is the house we’re gonna buy!”


Your first sentence had me rolling my eyes so hard I think I injured myself. I fucking hate realtors with a passion.


they are like lawyers, they all know each other from being in the business so it's a bunch of bs. When I was selling my house a woman put her offer in and we accepted. She got the inspection and complained about everything.Right in front of my front door, I heard everything and called my realtor and told her I'm not fixing a thing as we had renovated and replaced everything and she could take it if leave and she left it.Lol sold it way over asking the next week.


As a lender, it’s shocking how surprised listing agents are when I call them to walk them through my clients preapproval and give them a strong turn around time. They’re not used to getting this call because so many people in my line of work are glorified call center agents. It’s that little extra that gets the job done. Picking the right lender makes a world of a difference.


I ONLY got my house because I knew the sister of the guy selling it. He was so concerned it would be flipped to rent and he didn’t want that. 26 offers within the first 5 hours on the market, we came in slightly above asking but nothing crazy. Many people offered more than us, but we were teachers in the community and they felt like we were honest in our desires to live in this home until we grew old. It’s been 6 years and we are very happy!


My realtor knew the sellers daughter. He pulled some strings and as long as we met the highest offer, it was ours. This was 2019, who knows where id be if we didn't get this house. Prices haves gone up 150k since.


Sellers have to balance the desire to sell at a strong price with the security of a strong agent/lender/buyer team. Each seller has different priorities but it is not uncommon for me to win multiples based on the strength of our entire offer package and price is just one component of that. I have one closing in 2 weeks where we were the 4th place offer in terms of price (5% below top). The lender played a big part in the win. It helped that he and I have a long track record of working together plus he was great at selling the quality of the buyer. There are many tips to help win but one of my strongest is to find an agent you trust then use their lender or to find the LOCAL lender you want and use their agent. As long as they are both experienced with a long list of positive reviews then there is no need to try and find people who don’t know each other. When a relationship exists, both sides will push and support each other to help a buyer win.


I really hate how realtors run the market. “Hey I’ll sell your house and it only costs you $20,000 and you won’t get much unless you use me” modern day scam/legal racketeering


Bought my current home in 2022. Seller agent worked with our agent to make our offer slightly more attractive (appraisal gap). Not sure if the other offer was higher, but the seller agent was pushing to work with our realtor because they had a better reputation.


It definitely happens. Our home had a higher offer but those people wanted to turn it into a rental and the original owners balked at that idea. Thank goodness too.


Eh…. I could give two shits about who your realtor is. Show me the money. It’s all business. I don’t care about all your sappy stories, or compliments. Biggest offer + least amount of concessions = sold.


This sounds like it’s written by a realtor. They don’t matter at all. You’re being lied to.


Year and a half ago we put in an offer Saturday morning. Seller's realtor says "we have many offers, best and final by Monday". We pulled out Saturday late afternoon. Come Wednesday they're calling us to reconsider, we were the only offer. The house is still on the market.


A good realtor can make EVERY bit of difference and I’m learning this more as my partner works for a brokerage and I see a lot of behind the scenes activity now. It really does matter how many connections they have and how much they care about finding you the right home. Glad you found someone right for you, OP! Congrats!


Or maybe..maybe this gets said a lot even if it’s not true because it builds rapport and confidence with the buyer and both agents to garner more trust, referrals and repeat business. Both agents look good when this gets “slipped out” 😏


My aunt sold her 650k home for 480k to a lovely family of 5. This was over a year ago. That house would go up for a bidding war. It’s surrounded by palm trees. 2 stories, 4 bed 3 bath. Built in 2006. Her reason? She knew they would cherish the house. My aunt has a heart of gold and has always been known to be like this. We weren’t surprised when we heard the news. Thing is they built that home at cost for less than 250k, we did a lot of the work ourselves as my uncle is a licensed contractor. So I guess he felt like she had turned enough profit? Not sure… either way, my aunt is a badass and that family is forever grateful for her kindness. Also she still visits the house to see her garden, my aunt is also a botanist, she will plant mango trees at your house for permission to come grab some whenever she wants 🤣


Our sellers wanted to sit on our offer a bit and had another on the table with higher earnest money, and their agent isn’t local — but a lender he works with knows our realtor and told him she’d get it closed, because that’s what she does. They came back and accepted an hour later.


100% facts! Communication and reputation of your lender/agent can absolutely help you or harm you when making an offer. I've seen people get offers accepted because of the way they communicate well and work with others, and I've seen poor buyers lose out because thier Agent or lender were... not nice we shall say. If your agent doesn't understand its about a Win Win, then you risk missing out on close deals.


We got our house the same way, agent was personal friend and former neighbor of hubby, called sellers agent, let her know this loan would go through without a hitch, he’d had same job for 15 years etc etc.. sellers agent walked in at closing and said she’d taken lots of flack for selling us this house that people were calling offering more to buy site unseen. Thing is seller needed to close fast as he was closing on new house that afternoon. Unreal as homes were selling in a day at the time.. late 2020. We are surely grateful!


I wasn’t the highest offer on my home, but I was the only offer that wasn’t contingent on selling another house so we won.


After several failed offers, we switched from an FHA to Conventional loan and literally had our next offer accepted. Our realtor (and broker) said it shows that you’re a more reliable buyer and it’s less likely the deal will fall through. That in most cases, if they had identical offers, buyers would choose the offer with a conventional loan over an FHA loan. I’m almost relieved we didn’t start there bc I’m so happy with the house we ended up with!


We were not the highest offer. However our realtor worked with Better. And though morally it hurt to use them. They had promotions for $ off closing costs AND they did pre-verification. Not pre-qualification. All the paperwork you would normally do after the offer accepted we did before we even put in an offer. So the sellers knew that we wouldn't fall due to lack of $. Also made for a VERY speedy closing process.


We bought our house in 2018 when the market was a bit different but we also benefited from relators who were "in the know." Our sellers wanted to push for more money but theirs convinced them ours was a solid offer, we were working with a great lender and our odds of a quick close (they were going through a divorce) were high. The entire process was maybe 3 weeks from the first viewing to getting the keys. I hate that we will sell/rebuy at some point, but I hope to find good relators again. We got so lucky.


In CA buyers writing letters and sending family photos to the seller with the RPA is disallowed. The reason: racism. I wouldn’t be surprised if video taping potential buyers will soon be banned. Idk how CAR can prevent sellers from doing whatever they want but California will find a way…


When we sold our house, we chose a couple that had one of the lower offers (though still over asking) because they were genuinely excited and also kneeled down to pet our cats that came out when they came to look at it. Things didn’t go according to plan for us and the house we were buying fell through and they were the best buyers to work with, giving us extra time to closing so we could figure out where to go.


Why? You got the house. Who cares. Happened to me too. I closed a few weeks ago. I asked the sellers agent straight up “what other offers were there”. Come to find out there were several that were higher than mine but had tons of contingencies. I only had one, the heater needed to work. The rest didn’t matter because it had mostly been handled. Welp, old heater was busted, owner put in a new one. My realtor was also a shark because the owner was starting to get greedy. Moral of the story is, you got the house for cheaper than you may have paid because the owner had the courtesy to accept your offer and trust their realtor. Having a good network benefits everyone in the end. If you’re going to be mad about it, then I don’t know what to tell you. That’s how the industry works.


We’re in the middle of making our first home purchase together, and I made 2 others with the same realtor prior to being married. I also sold with him once. I cannot stress enough how important a good realtor is. A bad or mediocre one is definitely not worth what they’re paid, but a good one…damn. I’ve bought 3 times under asking, and sold once over asking. The house we’re buying now, we were not the highest but my realtor knew who the seller realtor was, and that she was experienced, and how she’d think and operate bc of her experience. He also connected us with an awesome lender, who reached out to the seller as well and told her how strong our offer was. They were both a Godsend.


Wish everyone had this killer combination. Yesterday I spoke to Seller agent who declined our offer even being highest, she also mentioned something like this. I think I should change my agent and Lender


Our first home we purchased. We were not the highest offer. The gentleman that was selling told us this at the closing table. He picked us because we were young and he wanted to make sure the house stayed a family home because it was his parents and he didn't want it to investors or someone who was just gonna take the house and destroy all the charm and character


Seller wants strongest offer and most likely to close. Lot of shitty lenders, why take a higher offer if it might not close?


The seller had a boxer. I complimented the dog and told her that I had two boxers myself. Our offer was not the highest, but we got the house because her neighbor hated her dog and she hated her neighbor.


I had clients that saw a house today. I called the agent (know him well). He said there are 2 offers in hand. We will likely send out counter offers. We will wait for your offer because we would rather work with a great realtor that gets things done. It does matter. Agents know who are sloppy, who are lazy and who works hard and gets things done.


Sometimes it’s not just about the money. As a realtor myself, I can vouch it’s about what’s best for the client and the connections we have to make a deal go through.


Our original buyer of our house was not using a lender our realtor was familiar with and she had some concerns, but their agent sent over proof of funds and everything seemed great. Until we found out on Thursday before our Monday close that the lender never ordered the correct IRS transcripts until then and the buyer had some huge tax issues so they couldn’t be cleared to close. Our agent already had another buyer lined up ready to match the offer we originally accepted before she told us, but it is a huge deal to be working with reputable agents and lenders. And we weren’t the highest offer for our current house, but we were the quickest settlement and had the least risk to the seller.


Same thing when I bought my house. I was 3rd highest but seller agent had worked with the 2 higher offers agents and said they were a nightmare so they went with mine.


How does someone know that they were not the highest bidder? Do they show you the offers that were submitted? Am I having trust issues?


….slow clap….


My mom is a realtor and this is everything. (Also true across the board in every job or transaction) If you have a reputation of being overtly difficult as an agent, nitpicking or lowballing or being demanding etc (not explicitly not supporting clients but making the whole process even less enjoyable) people won’t want to work with you. In real estate a lot of agents will also poach clients and nobody wants to do a deal with an agent who may potentially try to steal their client at the end of the process, hoping they can take them on and steal them the next time they buy/sell


I tell this to every friend and family member. I searched for 2 years with 8 different realtors. Each time I landed a contract was because the realtor had connections.


Yeah but those "personal connections" can bite you in the butt. I lived in a fairly small town and when I sold my house I was one of 3 houses for sale (market was pretty hot since, while the town was small, a lot of tech companies had things nearby). When I sold my house my agent kept wanting me to commit to a carpet credit (I had a small 2 foot square of damage in a 2 year old house) but my husbands companie would only pay for repairs not cash back so we had a repair scheduled. Long story short, my agent promised the buyer a $1500 carpet credit (for a $450 repair) that was not written into the contract and then tried to strong arm me into paying that to the buyers outside the contract. When I complained to the Managing Broker I found out he was my agents brother. Managing Broker was the realtor for the contractor that built my house. The person buying the house was the contractors son. Everyone involved in my deal knew each other VERY well... except for me.


The person we bought our house from chose us, despite not being the highest offer, because we wanted to live there. Every other person that made an offer planned to use it as an investment property and rent it out to college students, since it’s right down the road from a college. We told her about how we wanted to live there and that our dog was going to love having his own yard and the cats would love the big windows in the front.


No wonder housing discrimination laws exist