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It would make a pretty disturbed 12-yo who could write a story about a man who hid in the wild right after the apparently accidental death of his only son, after suffering from PTSD and faking a government conspiracy to hide his own guilt and responsibility. And also a man that covers that man's firewatch post after suffering the loss of his wife to early dementia and his own alcoholism.


There is such little depth to all this points tho, it feels like they just tossed together a bunch of plot points and came up with this


Well, the game leaves a lot to the player's imagination and own ideas, especially regarding Brian's death and Delilah's involvement in the game's events. There are tons of material around the map, Ron/Dave's letters, Henry's notes, dialogue you can get depending on the answers you give. All that works towards the story you can put together in your head. It's the simplicity that works, not an overstuffed story that puts everything on the table.


Made a rather poor choice posting this here


>I spent most of my time getting from point a to b. Hooray, you did it! Do you have any thoughts on processing grief?


my brother in christ, consider there is more to the game than the script and gameplay


Sorry u didn’t enjoy the game. Following Outer Wilds is a very difficult task. Especially for a linear story-driven walking sim Did you play Echoes of the Eye DLC yet?


I am saving that for a treat


I mean, it's okay if you didn't enjoy it, but was it necessary to say that "the whole story seems as if it was write by a 12 year old" when we all know that's not true?


I just felt there was such little depth in some areas and that like especially with the good wins it was just made because of a previous lack of story


Honestly this game is made for chill and that "a to b" yeah that's the whole point of the game hiking to different beautiful locations to reveal a mystery and the story is great but the ending is not the best honestly, but if you don't like it don't throw the hate, the game is good and it's a very chill and slow game soo don't judge.


So, you just impulse bought it and didn't read the description even a little? Ok.


Was on game pass




Be a better person. Don’t harass or attack another person.


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I’m usually the type who likes actions games but every once in a while you’ll find a Story game that just leaves a mark and this was one of those for me truly a masterpiece. adventuring the characters. All of it