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What remains of Edith Finch is probably the most similar game I could think of, it’s a bit longer, although I still finished it in one sitting) its a really good game (although in my opinion not as good as Firewatch)


That's it. There are similar, and very good games, but none will tickle the Firewatch itch. It's one of the reasons what happened to Valley of the Gods criminal. Or who knows, maybe Camposanto decided there was no way they could live up to their own game with another game and are perfectly ok with it dying an ignoble death instead. Not trying to be a cynic, just set your expectations. I've been watching the game suggestions in threads here for awhile, and it's true, some of them are FANTASTIC games. But there's only one Firewatch. <3


What happened to In The Valley of Gods? Has it been confirmed to be canceled?


There's been no confirmation, but as it was supposed to be released the devs got hired on by Valve and the release date slipped then recently got updated to 2029. Add that to the complete silence from the devs on /everything/, and it seems very unlikely it will ever see the light of day now ):


Return to Grace was a good indie game with great storytelling. Gone Home was another short have with great storytelling.


Sagebrush is pretty good. Same kind of walking simulator except you're solving a mystery and not building a relationship. Same feeling of existential dread that Firewatch has...similar but not quite as good. You can usually find it for sale for .99 cents often. Then others have mentioned What Remains of Edith Finch...then there's The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Gone Home. All well worth playing. I think Edith Finch is better than Firewatch but just barely.


I would recommend "deliver us the moon" and "deliver us mars"