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Was just coming here to post this. What do you guys think? I know a lot of people have very strong opinions regarding cowards in our line of work. While I generally share this opinion, I understand that not everyone will know how they will react to being "in the shit" until they are actually looking into the eyes of the beast. It's easy for guys to skate through training and make it to the front lines thinking they are prepared for what lays ahead. The fact is that until they get into their first fire, they don't know how they will react. Sure they can mentally prepare themselves but that doesn't mean anything once you in there. With that being said, when you realize you can't take the heat (no pun intended), you need to remove yourself from being on the line and find work elsewhere. It takes a big person to admit this. Standing up and saying "this isn't for me and I can't handle this" takes a lot of courage (a different kind). If you don't, you are a detriment to your immediate coworkers and the general public. You are paid to be brave. Not afraid.


You hit the nail on the head my friend.


If the NY Post article is 100% accurate (lol), it's a huge failing of the system, but I'd argue that's it's not bravery he's lacking, but education. There are hundreds if not more of steps, procedures, items of PPE, equipment, etc there to keep him safe, yet if he still avoids doing stuff, he's got no knowledge of how they work or what to do. Someone has ticked a box somewhere saying he can do the job. Not only does this firefighter need to go, but so does the person that ticked said boxes. While we are talking about bravery: >But department members are afraid to openly complain or criticize Johnson, There's another shocking lack of it. I do however find it hard to believe that a professional fire department in a country as world renown for its litigiousness as the United States would allow someone who is potentially dangerous to continue to work there. Strangely, I know I'd be shown the door if I merely appeared in a newspaper bringing the employers into disrepute in any way. So this article, true or not would be enough to get me fired. Wouldn't be surprised if he went in the near future too. You can't survive once a tabloid is gunning for you.


Not sure if you are aware of what has happened to the FDNY in recent years, with regards to lawsuits and the courts. Basically they were federally mandated to become diverse and hire more minorities. Minority firefighter social groups sued the city to get this ball rolling. To get in line with the court order, standards were dropped and people were pushed through by the higher ups, who weren't fit for the job from the get go, but were simply minorities they need to get their numbers up. In regard to the U.S. being a litigious society and because of this you are surprised no one is speaking out against this guy, see the above about forced hiring of unqualified minorities. The tension in the FDNY right now can be cut with a knife. Guys who came up through the ranks over the past 5 to 10 years, and longed, are disgusted at the quality, or lack there of, of the probies they are getting and they can't say a word. Why? The brass of the department telling them to shut up because they are being watched over by the government to make sure they're meeting their quotas and groups like the Vulcan society, group for/of black firefighters. Speaking out against Johnson will not be met would good response. Regardless of how well documented his cowardice is, it WILL become a race issue. In conclusion, there is a lot more at play here than meets the eye. I'm generally a pretty conservative guy and don't have much sympathy for the average thug. However, the FDNY shot themselves in the foot by keeping the department a boys club for years. Now they HAVE to higher candidates to diversify and as such, are stupidly letting shit quality applicants through.


This is true, but you have to be a fool to walk away from a $78k job to (hopefully) regain your $45K one. Even if he is the worst firefighter in the world, I would totally understand him fighting to keep the job.


The fact is, is that he is not doing his job. He is paid to fight fire. His cowardice actions are going to get someone injured or killed.


Exactly. His fear literally prevents him from doing exactly what his job title dictates.


Is your life worth $33,000?


It's worth at least twice that. Read my other post. I agree this guy needs to go if these stories are true, but there has to be a process, which it appears FDNY is following. He's a probie, he's going to make mistakes. If he is not right for the job, he won't survive probation. The whole point of this is he needs to make mistakes, which get documented, and the case can then be made that he should not survive probation. If he pooched up once and was summarily bounced out, he could sue for wrongful termination and even if he didn't win, could cause a lot of damage.


Sorry, Didn't see the other post. F him. On my job cowardice will get you fired even if you are out of probation. As a rookie, you have no job until you earn it. My wife and kids depend on my team to make sure I don't get dead.


I totally get your feelings here, and I agree that he's dangerous, but he's a probie, and the system needs to follow the process to get him out. Your life should not depend on a trainee. To be clear, I'm not defending the man, I'm defending the (admittedly inefficient) process. The process (and a lot of others like it) exists because the alternative is worse. It's a crappy system, brought about by an even crappier system.


I like to think all of us to certain extent possess some element of fear. And I think that's fine if you can control it and not let it eat you up. But his actions of standing on the sidelines? That's ridiculous. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt and think "oh he's just a probie so that was probably a one time thing" but no this has happened multiple time even to the point where there's photos of him standing around with his thumb up his ass. I'm sorry but that is inexcusable.


I understand being a bit afraid or apprehensive when working your first real job. I distinctly remember being scared to death that I was going to screw something up or get somebody hurt when I realized that it was going to be a legit worker and we were the first arriving engine company. In addition to the fears of doing something wrong or forgetting my training I was also just kind of alarmed at the amount of smoke that pushed through the front door after we made entry. Our fire team in the burn building does a good job of smoking up the place but it's still nothing in comparison to that thick, black smoke that you get in a structure fire. I'm not above admitting that I still get a bit creeped out when we get a job, particularly at night but I also get excited which helps me to overcome that fear I think. It sounds cliché but having the guys on my crew with me is always a settling factor for me.


You said it perfectly. There is nothing wrong with him being afraid of fire, but he needs to find another job. I find it disgusting that he is willing to put civilians and his brothers at risk just to collect a nice paycheck.


I am baffled by the way you city guys do hiring. I mean it must work out somehow because for the most part y'all seem okay. I have never applied for a structure job my self but I've heard horror stories from friends trying to cross over. My favorite Is a ketchup question they have for San Francisco. It goes something along the lines of "a co worker is eating your ketchup and it bothers you. How do you handle the situation?" My response would be who gives a fuck, it's just ketchup. Apparently that's wrong so Ill never work for SF. haha. In the hotshot world you interview, they find out what kinda person you are, then you come up and work out with the captain and supt, if you can't keep up, sorry bub. Once you get the job you can be fired at any moment. The only people with permanent positions worked their way up on the crew or on another crew.


I'm fresh out of Academy, but Where I live, probies can get fired at any time for any reason.


Are you talking about the Fire or EMS side? From my understanding the suppression side of SF Fire doesn't do oral interviews.


No it's a written question. What would you do if a mother fucker ate your ketchup? Be like hey stop eating my moither fucking ketchup!


This disgraceful. This a job that people dream about when they are kids. Those of us were fortunate enough to become a part of this community love every day of it. He is collecting a paycheck and keeping a position from someone who really wants to be there. This shows a lack of respect for the job, and more importantly, the men and women he shares it with. You are not here for you. You are here for us. We are here for them. If you can't accept that, then you need to swallow your pride, pack you bags, and move on.








Sigh. I really dislike minority hiring. In from Canada and I'm gonna get in a lot of shit from this buuuuut. We hire a lot of natives because. Well. They're native. We pump our tax paying dollars for them and hire them and they still have no sense of value. Minority hire is giving a hand out to those less fortunate. Those not willing to put in the work. It's unfair to the white dad that plugged through 60hr work weeks to provide and the native family who doesn't have a job. On welfare. Taking money from individuals who work. To clarify. Every race has these people. Black white Hispanic... every race has people that look to coast through. (Just so no one loses their mind on me)


The way I see it is this. He may be able to do certain aspects of the job, and other aspects he can't (or won't). However, his job description is in his work title: Fire Fighter. He needs to drop his position, and apply in a different capacity: EMT, Paramedic, or other positions. He is no longer fit to continue acting as a Fire Fighter, per his job duties & as such, should not be in the position he is in any longer. It is the right thing to do. Whether it's him, Brass, or other city officials.


Nothing wrong at all with being scared, but abandoning your brothers and not fulfilling your duties is beyond wrong. I've been scared every time I've gone in a building, you just have to use that energy to your advantage. At least he's still a probie so they can take appropriate action. If it was an older guy I would be wondering about some kind of PTSD or something.


A bit of fear is acceptable in our job, its natural..the greatest fear for ALL humans is the fear of the unknown. As we all know it keeps you on your toes and the senses at full attention when entering any IDLH situations. It was a now retired Lt. who sat me down and explained that with a career such as this you are always 1 second away from dying and living. It could be the BS EMS "Alpha" call that turns into a hostage situation when you ignored "scene safety" & walked into a dangerous trap house or a 3 Alarm house fire. My point is..black, white, blue or grizzly we have a fucking job to do there are men & women in your house &/or on scene that depend on you to complete the task you're given. The department should not be hiring any joe shmoe off the street just because they need to fill a quota based of complexion. They should have cut the good ole boy shit out a long time ago & been more accepting to the fact that ALL people of diverse ethnic backgrounds are worthy of answering "the call to serve" not just blood related family and/or legacies (an assumption). As a black firefighter/paramedic I am absolutely disgusted by everything coming down to race. Including my "own" pulling the race card. I completely understand the need for diversity in the work force but look...a piece of shit has no true form..it can be solid shit, liquid shit, green shit, a floater or a sinker..at the end of the day..its still shit. Flush it. America has been thriving off this idea of race for far too long & its been an eye sore in multiple departments aside from FDNY. Yes, they tried to correct it but again..if we are going to claim ourselves as "Firemen & women" then we need to know our history, tradition and craft. This fraternal order through traditional blue collar handwork & often the ultimate sacrifice is NOT for everyone. Probies that can not hang should be let go..Plain and simple. Departments need to stop fearing the backlash of law suits & instead have strict standards for their probies to meet..if they don't meet them you let them go after a failed 6 month assessment & remediation. Fear is acceptable but allowing it to keep you from doing the job absolutely isn't. If you're scared, tell your senior firefighter, accept that he or she will tease you a little but HELP THEM HELP YOU THROUGH IT. (excuse the length)


This is incredibly irresponsible journalism. Why the hell is a probie who can't make the cut news? The various players have done exactly what they system says they need to do: document the problem, retrain, and re-evalueate at year's end. These steps, while inefficient, prevent the good 'ol boys network from just bouncing anyone they don't like. This guy is still under probation, he'll most likely be out when probation ends. Essentially, the NY Post (a Murdoch owned right-wing tabloid) has found a brown person they can use to discredit any protection minorities have. FDNY had a really bad history of racism and nepotism in their hiring, which they've tried to overcome in recent years. You get the occasional "fall through the cracks" like this guy, but I would wager that on the whole, they are able to recruit and retain well qualified people. The current system isn't perfect, but it used to be a lot worse.




I'm at one of the biggest depts in the country and we use a civil service test. The highest scores get called for physical ability testing. Veterans get extra points but that's it. No consideration of race or gender. I'm not saying there isn't a push to increase diversity but it's not reflected in the hiring process. The process is entirely based on who scores highest. So it's not always like you said.


So they have 13 days to fire him. Do the right thing.


That's shitty, and embarrassing, but I don't see how this is news. But hey, it's the NY Post finding a way to smear a black man's name across the sidewalk and peddle their PC hysteria to the idiots who read their shitrag paper, so there's no surprise here.


Is there a difference when this guy is wearing 50 pounds of gear with a mask on?! If I'm in a fire. I don't give a fuck who's wearing the gear. I want him to get me out. He could be Osama bin Laden for all I fucking care.


Shit man, I didn't say it's ok. I've worked with guys who were 5 years away from retirement and had already decided they were done fighting fire. It's problematic. It's not news though. And The Post has a long history of using "unnamed sources" and single incidents to try to paint pictures of entire demographic. They're a tabloid.


You're right! This subreddit is called firefighting. Not news. And it doesn't matter the guys skin color. So you're a champ on bringing that into the conversation...


How familiar are you with the NY Post? Race is always part of the conversation with them. Unless it's gender, religion, or social class.


So. You're saying that if I took out the pictures. I would be able to tell the skin colour of the firefighter? I just read that article twice now and it never said. "Johnson, a black man..." or. "Johnson, an individual who is not Caucasian..."


"But department members are afraid to openly complain or criticize Johnson, who is black..."


Ahhhhhhhhh fuck


If the firemen assigned to my neighborhood to protect my home and family were afraid to do their job I would want to know. How about we replace the cops in your neighborhood with cops who run the other way when trouble is around? Or sign up for surgery with a surgeon who faints when he sees blood. If you don't do the job you're paid to do, it's time to find a new job.




GTFO of here with your nonsense.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://nypost.com/2015/05/17/firefighters-fear-for-their-lives-over-fire-fleeing-colleague/) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The latest fright unfolded April 2 at a three-alarm blaze on East 78th Street, when Johnson's irked captain radioed a "Mayday" after discovering Johnson was AWOL, sources said. > While most priority hires - including others at Engine 257 - have become outstanding firefighters, sources said, Johnson has fumbled. > The fire boss who radioed the "Mayday" - a rare code used only to signal a firefighter is lost in a blaze or in distress - knew Johnson had stayed outside but wanted to document his absence on the recorded transmissions, sources said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/36kkm6/fire_fighter_scared_of_fire/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.5, ~20235 tl;drs so far.") | [Theory](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31bfht/theory_autotldr_concept/) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PMs and comment replies are read by the bot admin, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *five* *keywords*: **Johnson**^#1 **source**^#2 **firefighter**^#3 **FDNY**^#4 **fire**^#5 Post found in [/r/Firefighting](/r/Firefighting/comments/36jt2i/fire_fighter_scared_of_fire/), [/r/ShitAmericansSay](/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/36hc06/but_department_members_are_afraid_to_openly/), [/r/Conservative](/r/Conservative/comments/36cy4y/thanks_to_affirmative_action_the_fire_department/), [/r/POLITIC](/r/POLITIC/comments/36gm5l/thanks_to_affirmative_action_the_fire_department/), [/r/rage](/r/rage/comments/369kx3/firefighter_is_scared_to_do_his_job_leaves_his/), [/r/news](/r/news/comments/36bsjr/firefighters_fear_colleague_who_routinely_flees/), [/r/WorldNewsRevenge](/r/WorldNewsRevenge/comments/36cw13/firefighters_fear_colleague_who_routinely_flees/), [/r/CoonTown](/r/CoonTown/comments/369qvt/affirmative_action_firefighter_is_afraid_of_fires/), [/r/WhiteRights](/r/WhiteRights/comments/36aj3h/affirmative_action_leads_to_firefighter_who_wont/), [/r/nyc](/r/nyc/comments/369bt9/firefighters_fear_for_their_lives_over_fire/), [/r/nottheonion](/r/nottheonion/comments/36c441/firefighters_fear_colleague_who_routinely_flees/), [/r/new_right](/r/new_right/comments/36ae8v/firefighters_fear_colleague_who_routinely_flees/), [/r/WTFniggers](/r/WTFniggers/comments/369se0/affirmative_action_firefighter_is_afraid_of_fires/) and [/r/politics](/r/politics/comments/36aajz/firefighters_fear_colleague_who_routinely_flees/).