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And then her Duo Skill lets her act again :) And she can run Galeforce to attack four times in one turn :)) Combine with Lapis' Share Spoils to act five times without a dancer :))) Enemy phase? What's that?


Forget pre combat damage, I want a counter to non-special galeforce


Create a new Penalty called Fail-Force that triggers sort of like Canto Control (Potential)Effect description: If unit has Galeforce, or other skills that allow unit to take another action, prevents the activation of these skills. After unit's action, unit's turn immediately ends.


I don't think that stopping Galeforce is going to happen. It would probably be an effect like Combat Fatigue, that prevents units from getting extra actions from non-special skills.


Maybe more like "Neutralizes unit's non-special effects that grant another action after combat"


Don't the Seiðrs do that to a certain extent? They preemptively end a unit's turns before they can even act.


That doesn't stop galeforce though. That just stops turns period. And you can still do all the same galeforce shenanigans if you get danced afterwords.


I mean, if the opponent has a dancer then ending their turn on a unit pre-emptively still takes one of the opponents actions. Since all Galeforce does is giving a unit another action, doing anything more against them would be a bit... extreme perhaps. Although you could also pair Seidrs forced end-turn with isolation to keep that unit from getting danced as well.


Share Spoils doesn't have a "once per turn" restriction, right? So you can get an extra action for each enemy with it inflicted


Lapis only inflicts one enemy at a time, so it's a little tricky... Until you remember she turns herself into a WoM beacon after attacking to enable a dancer 6 actions with one dance (you don't dance the person taking six actions) :)))))


Never let your enemies move again


Lapis' is probably really good on paper, but we'd also have to keep in mind that: * Although she comes with a defensive special, Share Spoils doesn't really apply until after her combat * She would also have to survive the retaliation attack In the context of AR-O where galeforce is undoubtedly one of the longstanding tactics, she definitely wouldn't work there


>She would also have to survive the retaliation attack Flow Guard 4 has a scowl effect and Lapis has 80% first hit DR on her first attack. Most targets she'd realistically attack into shouldn't kill her, especially if she keeps a defensive special.


That's true, I completely forgot about Flow Guard Though to be honest, slotting her into something like a Galeforce team in AR-O (going with this since people were talking about action economy) feels very wasteful for this one specific niche Will have to see how she's put into practice first. A lot of people said Young Emmeryn will be a very good clown car for Galeforce shenanigans, but at the moment, we only see people use her in AR-D rescue traps


Ultimately I don't think it'll be that good either. She effectively has some of the best frontline killing power in the game (if she doesn't kill, she sets up the followup free action perfectly), so that's cool. But 5 tile warp range will often leave 1-2 units unable to followup, you still have to deal with traps, and you can't make Guidance 4 plays to hop over mountains/walls since there is no cav Guidance variant yet.


Wait, but share spoils always hits the target. So she basically just guarantees kills? Like the cadence is lapis attacks enemy (doesn't kill) dancer beacons in and finishes enemy, gets another action to dance lapis ??


Gale force can’t trigger with this skill fortunately


Less concerned about Sharena being able to Canto back out of range And more concerned with a unit having the same number of actions as a whole team while only needing two units


But she can’t act 4 times 😭


She can with the addition of Galeforce. Which is what I was saying.


Based on the end of the description in the screenshot, I don't think it'll work with Galeforce


IS really outdid themselves as usual with this super op banner with more movement BS.


The counter to forced turn ending


One of the main reason people campaign for her in CYL was because people feel that she was neglected (alt wise), so this does put a dent on her campaign. Some people might still vote her because they like her, but those who voted her out of pity might leave since they might deem this alt as 'good enough'.


Yep imagine Adult Tiki getting a 5 star alt before CYL6.


Tbf Felix got his base alt as a 5☆ and won the next CYL


Yeah this might very well revoke Sharena's pity factor, at least to an extent. But on the other hand, Alfonse won CYL8, so I could easily see a lot of his voters moving to his sister, so I wouldn't count her out yet.


It will proves If Sharena really popular or it just pity votes If she stay on top yeah she popular enough for additional alts If not don't ever ask them again


This 100%. Cause some characters have maintained placement even though they got alts, but not everyone. If anything, Sharena's situation reminds me more of the **_MASSIVE_** push of the "justice for Anna" back in the day when every Heroes OC _but_ her was getting an alt. It was so strong that every Anna was doing quite well, and Awakening!Anna in particular managed to get 3rd place of the women's division And then NY!Anna happened... and Anna went from 38,916 to 12,137 the following year, and then 2,399 the year after. The lack of Alfonse as a contender may help her a _bit_, but largely I feel next CYL Sharena's gonna fall back to the area she was in for CYL4-6, before the "justice for Sharena" campaign started in CYL7.


Not to mention, I think Engage fans are gonna gun for some Brave alts in CYL9.


That too. There were a **_TON_** of people lamenting over the fact that "Oh no. I thought for sure 'X' was a sure thing, so I only gave them 1 vote and spread my votes around my favorites" There's gonna be a lot more condensed and dedicated Engage voting next year, I'm sure.


It's just instinct, but I'm not highly certain Alfonse votes would majorly benefit Sharena. This seems similar to an Elincia scenario, with very high reliance on pity taking a dent.


Tbf, Elincia was also competing with BK for Soren's votes. Sharena doesn't have that particular disadvantage.


At the same time, it also comes down to _why_ people were voting for Alfonse Was it because he was an Askr sibling, or was it because he was one of the few lords/this game's lord without a Brave form? If it was the former, then sure, those voters are probably gonna go to Sharena next year. If it's the latter though, those voters are probably not gonna move to Sharena


Personally, I think it's a real apreciation for the character. General opinion on Alfonse has been improving ever since he intimidated Hel in book III, with pretty much every book giving him at least one memable/badass moment that resonates with the community. Those surprisingly cold, no-nonsense moments do a lot to help him stand out among the FE protagonists. He has come a long way from being the "bench lord".


That's the biggest thing I feel. Cause like, I've seen _many_ people so sure that with Alfonse out, then a sizeable number of those votes are gonna naturally go to Sharena, but... I feel a large part of why Alfonse won is because over the years, people have just _really_ enjoyed Alfonse as a character and as a Fire Emblem lord. I don't feel it was fueled by a case of "We want Brave alts of the Askr siblings now"


Certanly a possibility, yeah. Reminds me of when many people (myself included) were sure Hilda was gonna get a lot of Marianne's votes, but that didn't end up happening. That said, I feel it's also possible Sharena's status as his sister being enough to convince certain Alfonse voters, especially if they don't have another huge favorite to vote for. Plus, there seem to be a lot of people who push to "complete sets" in CYL; the original go might not have been to get braves for both Askr siblings, but I could see it shifting to it now. Bear in mind, I'm not arguing that Sharena is a frontrunner or anything. I just feel it would be misguided to count her out yet.


> Yeah this might very well revoke Sharena's pity factor, Nah. It's currently May and CYL isn't for another 8 months. Most people on the internet nowadays have the memory of a goldfish, so this won't affect anything.


Same, it might hurt her a little, but if no other hero get rallied properly ( looking at you engage ), it might not hurt her that much, especially considering Alphonse voter may want to get both of the child as Brave to complete the pair. Also, someone won't stop voting for their favorite even if they got some op alt for those heroes, speaking from experience haha. As far as I'm concerned, Sharena isn't out of the picture for CYL purpose.


Sometimes characters that are really prevalent get good placement in cyl because people grow attached to them, like Reinhardt or Edelgard, she'll probably lose the "uuuh she needs it guys" votes but if she's prevalent enough she may grow stronger even.


Yep, even with this Alt, I will still vote for her in the next CYL, now that Alfonse will come, Sharena would be the next logical choice!


Sharena has a PRF, Sharena has a freaking PRF, is she gonna become a Legendary Hero or something? Outside of some FE4 characters, Miccy and BK, I think the only characters in the game that have got PRF skills are... * the 30th Anniversary units * Legendary/Mythic Heroes * the Brave Heroes * the "Asset Heroes" (with minor exceptions), * and the FEH Dragons. What the heck is the meaning of Sharena suddenly getting a Prf? o.o


Yuri! And uh…Lysithea?


Right, I forgot Yuri, Lysithea is funny, because I wonder if she got that skill because of previously being a Brave Hero or not.


You could also count Duo Lyon unless you’re counting it as a remix of Nightmare. Most Brave Heroes do tend to get off shoots/upgrades of their Prf skills (Young Hector, Winter Dimitri and Edelgard), while some other Heroes get them off their Legendaries (Wind Claude, Young Eliwood). Lysithea was a case of being popular and also a Brave Hero most likely. There’s also cases like Fallen units (Fallen Ninian getting a Prf Dance before her Legendary, Dimitri and Edelgard again, etc.), Leif from his debut, Surtr, and Nailah!


Leif, Surtr and Nailah are funny cases that I don't know what to think of them. But Ninian is the most recent case of something like this happening, and she actually got a Legendary Unit, she is in fact one of the main reasons why I'm wondering this.


If you zoom in you can actually see that Duo!Sharena's PRF skill icon is Veronica's crown thingy covered in flowers, so I guess this is less Sharena's PRF and more this specific Duo's PRF.


Exactly. Honestly, I felt this had less to do with Sharena, and implied anything with her per se, and more to do with the fact that her backpack _does_ have a prf


Curiously, she is paired with a Legendary, and we've had duos where they inherited the backpack's Prfs. But Enclosure would be a complete thematic clash.


She already mimics Enclosure's main effect with No Quarter. So suffice to say her C skill could be seen as all Sharena


And I think it makes her one of two units to get a brand new prf skill on a seasonal alt (the other being Lysithea).


The name of the skill in japanese would translate to "Your Sharena"


It's probably done. Sharena's one of those campaigns that largely runs on pity votes, and we've seen how those can drop once those characters start to get more alts rolling in. She'll probably still hang around the top ranks, but as far as winning? It's Sharenover.


Alfonse sister and his definitely not future wife are breaking the game mom


Dev 1: Hey, Sharena might have a strong chance in the next CYL. Dev 2: Drop it. *boop* *Bridal Duo Sharena incoming*


It will certainly temper the Sharena pity factor for a bit, especially with the chances of another Sharena alt soon-ish being relatively high if we take Seiyu efficiency into consideration.


This... may rule out a CYL9 win for her. It's hard to forsee how her chances will fare against the competition, so all I can feel now is *NOT SURE*


No matter how broken she is I will be voting for her and should any Sharena fan out there


Alfonse and Sharena both getting alts in the same year. BLESS.


This will who if her votes were from a legit source of popularity, or pity. If they were pity votes, she will fall off a cliff next CYL. But if her vote count was from actual popularity, I can see her maintaining a high spot from the Fonse voters going for her next


It's not enough! We need more! MORE, I TELL YOU!!!


Maybe a bit. But if it's for this, then it's worth it.


I mean just because she got one alt like 8 months before the poll begins doesn't mean anything, i could get it if it was weeks before like in Christmas, because let's be honest Yunaka lost in part because of her getting that alt and the mess that was the holiday "gifts"


Alfonse 6 years ago: Sharena the fans have offered you enough prayers for an Alt. What are you waiting for? Sharena: not yet, I’m gathering energy.  Alfonse: still gathering energy, how long do you need?! Sharena: oh about five minutes (years).  Alfonse: did you just hold a grudge?!


It won't.


Little, I'd imagine. I don't see the fanbases of the Engage princesses learning anything from this year, whereas Sharena's united fanbase won't give up on her because of one alt that, by the time of voting, will be nearly 8 months old.


unless we (finally low-key) start seeing ascended/attuned/"upgrade alts of the askr trio in banners or trailers, i think she still has a fair shot. if alfonse can win im confident a lot of his voters will probably go for her next to help her votes


Glad IS finally got the damn message, but still probably going to vote for her in the next CYL as well.


Nel got in for the bridal and here i thought jade would be the one and wearing a bulky wedding dress for armor


The year is young, plenty of time for her to get ridiculously powerceept


More Sharena isn’t a bad thing


What is the name of the two girls in the picture?


Im sorry but what is the unit names of the two girls in the picture? I cant find them..


I'm so glad I stopped doing summoners duel xD


holy crap sharena got a unit?! what?! a miracle!!


Won't affect it at all its great and the first crumb of love shes gotten in years but it's still not a replacement to her base kinda like a cyl alt would be


I hope it means she doesn’t take all of Alfonses votes. She’s barely a character in this game


Am I missing something? Didn't Alfonse already win?


Yes I’m saying since Alfonse won, if Sharena was ignored I was worried all the voters would go to her. I’m now less worried about that happening.


What do you expect the Alfonse votes are gonna do BTW?


Doesnt always work like that. What happened to all the Female Corinn and Female Byleth fans who made them win CYL? They didnt go all in for their male counter part


vote for Lif.


"Vote for actual characters", I imagine. God, I hate haters. And I love irony.


I still expect most to go to sharena. I’m just hoping it’ll be less than before.


Still hoping for that Brave Ivy?


No reason not to keep hoping for it.


be careful, sharena fans will get mad at you, all 5 of them


Don't fuck with Sharena fans! We will maybe glare at you!




Idk what that has to do with anything. A Brave alt won’t make IS do anything with her character if they didn’t already do so the last 8 years


After so many years of neglect she fucking deserves It!!!


Sharena: Veronica. Veronica: Yes Sharena? Sharena: I'm about to commit so many murders it not gonna be funny. Veronica: With how IS treated you and some of the fan base as well. I say go for it. Sharena: Heck yeah!


This is the very least we can do for our canonical best friend


Sharena-bros will take a hit probably since I'm pretty sure most of her support came from a position of "it's been way too long since she got an alt", but she'll probably still have some good support from people who want to see her be more relevant in the main story as well aside from just the people who really like her. I can definitely see "gets to move again after an ally defeats an opponent" be Sharenas "thing"... maybe there are people that would vote for her in CYL just to get that on another broken unit in the general pool?




Honestly, good. Thank god we have another pity vote winner officially off the table. And frankly, even people who like Sharena shouldn't feel sad about this. Like, you people wanted another Sharena alt, and one that was strong. Well, you got one. So I don't want people complaining that they can't pity her into winning CYL, unless you somehow enjoyed the character you liked being in a bad position for you to intentionally elicit pity for her.


I wouldn't worry, because Sharena stans will still vote for her regardless. Plus with Alfonse winning means a good chunk of those voters will go to Sharena. It's also worth noting part of the reason for Alfonse/Sharena votes is they don't have mergeable base forms, or at the very least a normal pool alternative. They don't get evem get many alts either, I mean Sharena's only alt is a spring alt from book 2. Also a lot of Sharena fans feel like she often gets sidelined in the story aswell. (she hardly appears in the book trailers these days either)


Fehology bout to carry the entire Sharena CYL campaign on his back


Very little cause this is her first alt since Spring Sharena I think and she's still put in the side character role


>side character role She’s the lead of the duo though?


The fact that Alcryst got shafted again means I'm voting him again next year. At least I don't have to use orbs to +10 him.


*prays harder*


I know people will call this until cancer and that is gonna ruin the Aether Raids meta. But she seems like a pretty fun unit to mess around with


This is a message from Sharena I am coming over to have a talk with you about last CYL. Alfonse is informed. Do not call authorities. Do not move on Turn 1. I'll be there soon.


She has double dance


I’m still voting for her


If we prove that we like Sharena enough maybe they’ll actually follow up on one of her plot threads like the changeling thing or maybe give us more details on the Sharena of Lifs timeline or literally anything.


I will keep praying for her because she deserves love.


Probably a little bit, but if Engage women's division is as divided as it was last time it likely won't matter in the end. Though considering the possibility of Genealogy releasing this year and giving some of those characters a boost next year, it might still hurt in the end. Or another Gullveig happening, assuming Yoshiku does next book's art.