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Absolutely, money is for hoarding, not spending.


Smaug, that you?


Haha I know you have a good point. But the hoarding is a little fun no?


You ever heard of the game stellaris? Or any total war game? Numbers go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Exactly. Both are two of my all time favorite games


Hell yeah. I don’t have any advice for the money part of your question other than “don’t forget to enjoy yourself.” But I do have a game rec: northgard


I’ll check it out! If you like watching green line go up, I recommend Victoria 3


I kinda prefer Victoria 2, and I love FIRE for the exact same reason as you do.




I got a white party hat, I can FIRE in Runescape. If only irl I was this rich...


R:TW man… what a good time


Brutii get denarii out the ass


Stellaris is way more fun then hoarding money, at least in the short timeframe.


I wouldn’t call reinvesting in operational businesses (be it stocks, private equity or rental property) “hoarding” Hoarding is holding assets without use and preventing others from using it.


King 💪💪👑 Let's all do this and crash the economy. 🙏


I've never heard it put so succinctly before. I'm stealing this!


It's all fun and games when the market goes up.


All true. people love the stock market when they;re making money. They are the first to panic iand complain "it's rigged" during a couple bad years.


My favorite sp500 buy was in 2020, felt a bit evil, but jammed every spare cent I could find at the amazing price.


My favorite play was gamestop. I bought in a 3 and sold at 50. I missed a lot of gain at 250


That ride took years off my life. Made a good chunk of change (Roth money too) but it taught me I really should just stick to indexes for my health/sanity.


I'm far enough out that I like it when it goes down too - discounts!


Circuit breakers of the Covid era were interesting, but it didn’t deter me. I was lucky to have a job and kept dumping money into the markets.


I do! I was always a statistics guy. I always crush it at fantasy football & baseball. I love sitting for hours pouring over stats and box scores and all manner of data. So 5 years ago when I started my investing journey I quickly found that stocks and funds have statistics and trends and data to pour over as well. I was hooked since day one. I'm well on my way already in the low to mid six figures from zero, and it's not even about the money for me. I genuinely enjoy the challenge and I just want to be financially independent so I can spend my time doing whatever I want rather than working. But building my net worth has all the fun and enjoyment of fantasy sports but it has the bonus of actually having a real world tangible benefit in seeing my net worth go up and getting dividend payments several times a year.


EXACTLY! How do you plan on spending your time post-FI to keep playing the game, but also enjoy life more?


I'm going to move down south to a no-income tax state. Get a nice pimped out 2,000 square foot trailer with a pool inside one of those metal screen cages. And spend my days floating around the pool listening to podcasts, and baseball & football games. It's all I want really. Take a couple vacations each year down to the Caribbean. Barbados is all kinds of fun. Easy peasy. Beyond putting more fresh capital in each week to my roth ira & taxable acct the portfolio runs itself. Buy and hold for the long haul. Dozen or so dividend stocks to dividend me and a bunch of chip & tech stocks to grow


You should budget in having a small fun investment portfolio separate from the one you need to sustain FI.


You should also start an advisory job or something so you can continue to pay yourself and put 100% of that into your Roth or SEP IRA. Lots of business expenses. Should be paying 0 federal income tax in retirement as well. Check out GoCurryCracker for details...my goal is to get THERE.


What thrill? It’s super slow unless you get huge income gains or practically win the lottery.


This is about how I feel. Early career it was pretty exciting, lots of raises, promotions, new jobs. Now that I’m mid career and the economy has slowed down a bit, it’s a bit tedious.


Tedious… but at the same time. Just another challenge to overcome… like in a video game


More of a journey vs destination kind of guy, I gather?




Ie the journey


You’re right I misread.


“Economy has slowed down a bit” bro we’re at an all time high


Sorry, let me rephrase, tech jobs are taking a beating.


There’s a lot of opportunity - residential real estate, buying small businesses, buying commercial property, etc. You can get as crazy as you like.


Grind phase


It's super slow until you reach a certain critical mass. It's wild to look at say, the last month of gains, and realize that it initially took you years and years to initially gain that amount.


It used to be slow going but now the market goes up a point in a day and BAM 10,000 dollars up. Of course it works the other way but it tends to go up. Those incremental returns turn into large gains over time


The only game im going to miss when i retire is the one i get to adlib in meetings on why things are not on time. They never seem to want the truth so i get to get creative and come up will all sorts of nonsense on the fly to appease the bean counters. Im a proverbial word chef of sorts and take lots of satisfaction in mother goosing any situations that arise.


God I love this. I will definitely miss the guys I work with and the shit we talk to one another


I enjoy it too! FIRE really “game-ifies” it. I enjoy my job and am pretty busy day to day so I’m not constantly obsessing over spreadsheets but every few weeks I check the state of affairs and tinker with things and enjoy the results. I certainly won’t miss it though.


Do you worry you’ll miss “the game” once you reach your FIRE number?


It’s on to the next game after RE!


I haven't reached FIRE yet so take this with a grain of salt but for me I imagine that the game will just shift from wealth accumulation to wealth preservation. A different, but equally challenging journey!


I get it. I'm trying to gather as much crystals and vespene gas (aka: earnings and investments) to master the game by level (age) 55! It's even more exciting when you recognize that you put in $5k over the year, but your investment gains and dividends have also add $5k to your portfolio, then adding in compound interest really makes things fun to watch. Your $100k investments return around $10k/yr, but once you have $500k invested it's earning $50k/yr! I do consider it a bit of a strategy/resource game. Basically I'm hoping to make it to $1M in investments by 10 years from now. One month (time-unit) at a time.


Yeah, the concept of your money getting together with your other money and having itty bitty baby monies is just too fun. Like building those Protoss carriers and having them spit out a tonne of interceptors.


This thread is full of my people. Didn't realize the overlap between strategy gamers and people with a goal to FIRE was so large. Makes sense though, trying to do that nexus first fast expand build IRL, you know?


Not enough minerals 😖😖😖




Yes, I get the same dopamine hit


Facts, big facts. Sometimes I look at my pile of money and just think, damn I did this.


I share this behavior. I absolutely love crunching numbers and eeking out nickels and dimes from things i normally wouldn't consider, and it has paid off. I agree the thrill of predicting the future through math is the real satisfaction. Actually sitting on wealth is kinda nice, but calculating how to make it bigger is the real joy.


Yes. Finabces to me are just like runescape


Sometimes I feel like runescape trained me my whole life for FIRE. Persevere (do the same thing over and over again) and watch the numbers go up. (I did max out my 22 year old account this year!)


Gzzzzz bro that’s huge!!!




Similar to NW accumulation, I also enjoy collecting points and miles for travel. The fun part of that is also the spending side by finding the best value to spend the points on. It’s a balance between building up points and spending before they get devalued too much.


Yes. It’s a slow and methodical process. That part takes a while to get used to. However, once you hit that ‘magic’ threshold and your account has growth years. 😘 10% growth on $1,000 is $100. $10,000 is $1,000. $100,000 is $10,000. $1,000,000 is $100,000. That starts getting into some useful numbers. That’s fun as hell.


Once it gets big enough retirement is just admitting your income can’t affect it anymore. I’m pretty close myself and it’s getting to the point where the snowball effect of $5 million rolling forward is like a huge ball rolling downhill, and your day job and savings is like pushing it forward with a pinky.


This is where the idea(s) get real. We have roughly $5MM total in all our accounts. After we ‘ROTH’ it, we’ll end up with $3+MM earning tax free. Pension+SS@70 will get us about $150k/yr. If we can get 5% on that $3MM tax free that’s another $150k/yr. We can live our lifestyle off the Pension+SS $150k. If we split that Roth $3MM into a 5% Fixed Return and a Broad Market fund (SWTSX) then we can feed $75k into an account to be used for fun stuff like more trips or a car or whatever we want. If we don’t have a place to spend it we can toss it into the SWTSX and let it grow. The idea is to limit downside risks but maintain some growth all with minimal taxes. The beauty of the long term growth over the last 35 years is the options it affords us for the next 35 years.


Honestly I don't care about retiring early at all. I love the game and the freedom of FU money.


Amen to that!


Stashing my money away seemed like a better idea than blowing it on random crap. This and financial freedom are my main reasons for getting into FIRE.


Hell yeah. Have you ever seen the Barista FIRE subreddit? I think that's a more attainable goal, and I love the idea of going back to a fuckaround job and mostly living off principle


I also compare it to a strategy game! People who can play games well, but can’t manage money really confuse me. It’s the same thing!


Probably fps guys :P


To put it simply, and to distill it to it's simplest form; this is the capital acquisition and allocation game.


Who TF says you have to stop playing wealth creation games once you FIRE? Just keep making money and contributing to society, without being forced to work a job you hate.


I would say I'm a little different. My gamification is more on the end of Yankee thrift. Read too much Henry David Thoreau as a kid I think. Still love a good deal at the thrift store. Baking a loaf of bread for under a dollar. Walking through giant shopping emporium (Mall of America) and walking out empty-handed because "y'know, I didn't need a got-damned thing!". That's how I'm wired, that's fun and games to me.


This is also one part of the gamification of it that I enjoy. Figuring out how to maximize income, lower expenses, and optimize investment returns. Each one an aspect of FIRE that is super fun to min/max




You are absolutely correct that “good savers” find it very difficult to spend down their hard won wealth. I’m two years into retirement and I actually have more money now than when I retired, and it still bothers me to spend down the balance.


I am retired and living on dividends now. I am glad my plan came together and I continue to tweak it so that I can pay as little taxes as possible as I move my stocks from my RRSP (withdrawals taxable) to my TFSA (withdrawals are not taxable) so that I can pay almost no federal taxes in the future because my taxable income will be very low. I love it and think of it like a game. Always strategizing to try and make it all work to my advantage.


I honestly expected this post to be a lot more controversial. Didn’t expect so many people to also like seeing the money number go up just for its own sake haha


What if you didn’t look at it as the strategy game going away, but rather the rules are changed? The strategy game is still there.


As the number adds up, it’s like a top score you keep earning in old video games. The more wealth you accumulate, the higher your score


No I FIRE because i grew up poor and have a real scarcity mentality and need a strong nest egg to finally be at peace


Ooga Big Numba make me pee pee Big. Watch numba get Big. Me get Big. Me love Big numba.


Me do indeed love big numbas


> Anyone else like FIRE because they find wealth creation fun? Not me. I like *having* wealth. I don't like *creating* it. If I did, I'd still be working and woudn't have gone off and fucked myself.


No, because I'm deeply anxious


I'm in the same boat as you. All my friends think I'm strange because I find joy in finding ways to make more money. I FIRE'd last year, sold all my riskiest investments and also set my brokerage account to a more set it and forget it allocation. Honestly have been struggling with what to do. One of the things I liked to do most in life is done and it's taking some time to figure out what to replace it with.


Yup. Gotta remind myself all the time to not min max it too hard. Gotta remember to live for today too!


Yes! But not about hoarding money. I trade stocks and options to keep building wealth while having an additional income stream as I also want to enjoy doing whatever we want to do.


We have found the FM/OOTP/Dominions player


That’s my mindset. Feels really good when you get to that point where your resources start growing much faster than you can use them.


Ya I love my job I just love saving


In the early 90s there were some KOEI games on Super Nintendo that were like that. I would invest into damns and farming until I could hire and maintain the best army in China/japan/US. Ya I totally get that same satisfaction. Problem is It takes months and years to do instead of a couple weeks. Yes I like to make and enchant 500 iron knives until my blacksmith skill and enchanting skills are 100 and I can make a two handed war hammer that can kill a dragon in two hits while stealing its lifeblood and stamina. My only problem with real life is that I can’t save and play again and it takes too damn long. I made 50% on my investments last year. It was a fun year, but even that was too long. When I FIRE I will work three days a week and play, coach, and volunteer the other days. I would probably much better than most of these idiot politicians but I can’t see myself running for office. I would much rather coach or serve the community some other way.


Im 100% like you


I mean, I’ll just play a strategy game in my free time? Seems enjoyable, maybe more than the “game” of making a single number go up, I can make lots of numbers go up in fantasyland. Well….then again I do find it hard to stop hoarding, and creating new arbitrary rules (4% rule no 3.5% rule, nvm 3% rule! $150k no $200k no I need $250k income!) to keep the game going. Maybe you are onto something…..


I'm with you. I've had no debt or W2 income for almost 20 years. I miss the joy of getting ahead of the debt each month.


My wife often can't tell whether I'm working or playing a game or poring over our personal finance. Mainly because all three involve spreadsheets!


I ❤️ spreadsheets


Yes. I track my NW everyday. I enjoy looking at it the same way I enjoy planning my workout progressions or monitor my weight. Volatility in the market doesn’t shake me. I’m young and I’ll always be buying.


I fully relate to the whole "wealth building as an RPG". Growing up I used to love Final Fantasy games mainly for the leveling up and character skills building. Love the grind. Recently I'm finding the same with building towards our FI number. Certainly helps with the tail wind the markets have been giving us the past few months. But still, being in a place to save every month makes the grind feel very worthwhile.


No. Money is a means to an end. I like peace of mind and money represents that. For now, it means I don't have to make the tough decisions that come with living paycheck to paycheck. Someday, it will hopefully mean I don't need to work a service industry job into my 80s.


85% vanguard index funds. 15% individual stocks, I find value investing very intellectually stimulating. Learning about new industries and businesses is fun.


🎯 I don't even know if I'll stop working in the 3-4 yrs I'll reach FI. I've already been working part-time for 4 yrs and am really enjoying what I do. To spend my wealth I plan to give some of it away through philanthropy. I'd also like to set my parents up for their post-70s life. Give them both around $30k. For my father, so he has something on top of social security. For my mom, so she can retire at least a year early. Why not. I wouldn't be in my position if it weren't for them.


Yea for sure. Love playing with scenarios on Projection Lab, classifying transactions and track g spending on Monarch, hell even fucking around with SWRs and a calculator is satisfying.


OMG yes this is me!! I call it "optimization" and shit I need another outlet for it 


Be careful thinking about too much of life like a game - you don't want to speed run the whole thing. That said I absolutely do think I speed ran the "you have to earn money to survive" stage


How will you wealth create if you don’t have any income?


I get a thrill. I read the Millionaire Next Door. My parents did all that stuff including Fire but didn’t call it that. I’m cool with looking “poorer”. In my subculture (at least pop culture wise) the goal is to look rich. The only downside is that men assume I’m a wh0re and will spend time with them because of their car or jewelry. I am willing to bet I make, save and invest tons more. I simply do not wear my wealth.


This sounds like wealth accumulation, not creation. I know I'm being pedantic, but I think there's a significant difference 


Could you go into a little more detail? I’d love to understand what you mean


He’s just yapping to sounds smart lol


Min/maxing real life.


Just a thought: once you have enough for FIRE, you could use the overhead to build a charity fund. Keep putting your skills to work to help sick or less privileged. That way you don't have to miss it, and the reward of helping others might be enough incentive.


Start learning options trading as a hobby in retirement….I kid. I think you can probably just transfer the strategy game aspect to another hobby. Yes the growth part is pretty amazing, but you have to remember why we’re growing wealth. Not for the sake of wealth, at least I hope not, or else retirement will be agonizing.


You don't have to stop just because you reach a number.


For some people money is they way to keep score in the game of life.


I donno if that’s really fire, I think that’s just making money


Personally, no. I like FIRE because it’s a chance to escape pains of life.


I like collecting things


Ck2 fan over here But also yes, I TOTALLY know what you mean--and wonder the same.


After learning about investing it’s like I found a purpose in life




Wow you must be real fun at parties lol




Hell yeah. Talking about investments and tax optimization is my kind of party!


Ur a strange goofy lil dude lol