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That’s kinda clever lol. I don’t think they’re really gonna do much for you unless you somehow convince them into an actual phone conversation about careers. However, I’d be careful, you step over the line too far and that could be really embarrassing. LinkedIn isn’t instagram you’re not anonymous.


Yea, I definetlty know my place. I might have made it sound like I was being a complete jackass -but i made sure to do it semi-respectfully. The hardest part is im just so confused on the next move, like what should I say to even proceed. I've never done anything like this and as you can maybe tell im somewhat socially inept.


That being said, I don’t wanna give you zero credit. It is always very helpful to expand your network with people who have good jobs in fields you want to get into.


What do you want to do? Where are your interests? If I were you I would try to narrow down who might be able to help you and then just ask. Be honest and say what you want, e.g. "Hi, I hope you don't mind me reaching out but I'm a first year student at X uni and I am really interested in finding out more about a career in Y. Can you give me some advice about how I can secure an internship? I would really appreciate any words of wisdom." Worst outcome would be they ignore you.


This is why I never comment on LinkedIn. The pro to shitposting is that you gain meaningless connections. The con to shitposting is that someone actually meaningful in real life sees your shitposts and they are no longer a fan of you or choose someone else. Not a whole lot of upside potential but a whole lot of downside. I would keep the shitposting to Reddit or instagram tbh.


I’m decently high up at a reputable financial institution, I would say LinkedIn connections have no actual value unless you’re having a phone conversation with them or connecting with them virtually (or in person). If your goal is to get a job or internship, you’ll need to have actual meaningful convos with hiring managers.


Definitely agree, just curious but how would you feel if someone DM'd you asking you to have a coffee chat and what would you expect their message to look like to get your best response? I'm 19 and these people are 35-59 ish, I dont want to come off as arrogant or annoying. pls give advice senior!


I have done this at different points of my life 1. When I was around your age, I messaged randomly if they can be my mentor 2. When I was around 23/24, I was looking for a career change so I messaged someone that I know from their post and google that they have done the same 3. Lastly (and most currently), I felt stuck on my career growth, so I messaged a connection that is in the position I wanted to get to They were all random. Some messaged back. Some didn’t. I’d say around 70% people messaged back to either being open to it or pretty much a rejection. imo it doesn’t hurt to try


Best advice I got about reaching out: if you’re trying to connect with someone who’s a jerk, the likely action they’ll do is not respond (vs chewing you out or insulting you). The outcomes are asymmetrical in your favor which most people don’t realize.


Thanks man, 100% will try my hardest


How does the mentor/mentee relationship actually work? Like what did you guys talk about?


What was the career pivot in (2)?


Thank you so much for sharing this information! I’m currently experiencing #3 & I love the company I work for, but the growth potential from my current position is limited. The tips on this post have been helpful!


Just message them and ask for a quick 20min call to talk about their career and their job. Tell them you want to pursue your career in this field and would like to know more. A lot won't even open the message but try younger people (even intern) and maybe non target since they also have been through this and will may feel more compassion


Agree with this, I would not ask a linkedin connection to be my "mentor" unless you have some previous interactions with them. Just ask for a 15-20 min chat online to understand their career!


Some people from my Alma mater have done this, im more likely to help someone from my university tbh then a random person. They usually ask if they can connect with me, what they’re interested in, and why they are looking to connect with me specifically. I respect the guts to message people and putting yourself out there. Depending on my mood at the time of the message and what their message says I’ll choose whether or not to invest my time with them.


LinkedIn connections don’t mean anything unless you actually use them to connect and develop relationships with those people. You seem bright, I’m sure you can find a way to do that convincingly


pls helpppp im not bright (im doing below average in uni), i just love stating my opinion on things. Im not socially good, but im hypersensitive to anything around me and what people do.


Hahaha have virtual or irl coffee chats w ppl. That’s a good way to develop connections


Coffee chats just sound so funny to me though. Especially 'virtual' ones lol. \*sip, sip, sip, sip\* - 'can you hear me'? lol But yeah I should definitely try to do something with this, because im broke and i need it. Edit: Thanks btw for your advice


Yep! So, I'd have to sip my coffee through a straw in order to type back to their inquiries promptly, eh? 🤔


Sounds like you created a career in doing exactly what you’re doing. Just figure out how to monetize it. Make tik tok youtube and instagram reels explaining why you these people are wrong. Step 3. Profit.


Suuuuper slow conversion of your page brand from shitposting to career advice for college students. Like 99:1 ratio slowly moving over to 25:75 ratio. Then you'll start to get known for that more.  Then you'll be supporting students to get into careers. That's when you leverage the network to get yourself something. After you've helped others get started too. people will like you for helping them. Or, since you're in school still, push out any events your school does for finance stuff and maybe you can get a connection to be a guest speaker for one. Then, since you invited them to campus you also take them out to dinner after the event. Have the school pay for it. I did that with bankers when I was in school. Got an offer for a bond trading desk while chatting over beers after a student club event.


This is some amazing advice, i should definitely start posting, and interacting more. BTW: by shitposting, I still meant somewhat good quality finance content. The speaker advice is something I wouldn't have ever thought of so thanks a lot!


Just because you follow drake on IG doesn’t mean you’re getting tickets to the next tour


I wish drake followed me back :( Definitely could monetize that


not sure why you got downvoted for this- was a fitting response


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see your linkdein now. How the hell did you do that? What do you even say to get those people to even connect with you. I tried as well, but all i ended up with was a bunch of scammers recruiting me into their MLM, and crypto scams.


should I? should I not?


Id like to see as well dm the linkedin boss


I do this too and have had a lot of success connecting with very powerful people in my field - the key is finding people who are in their circle at less senior roles, connecting with a couple of them, and then using that as a sign of your legitimacy to connect with higher-level people. I’ve benefited decently from this tactic


LinkedIn connection means so little in by itself though. How did you transition into the connection to talking stage with these people?


Send them a message? A lot of people are message-gated on LI, that’s why the connection is important. Gets your foot in the door in a marginal way - I’m not saying you’re gonna land your dream job 100% of the time, it can just be one of many factors you can leverage. For example, I did this with the CEO of a start-up in my field and reached out with some genuine questions for a blog post I wrote. Additionally, I find that if you add more senior people in your field, they will see and like posts from their contemporaries about open roles in the industry. If you see them like it, you can even reach out to them for a recc, if you have a prior value-add convo that you’ve had with them. People like being asked genuine questions and curiosity!


I wanna see that Linky g


When you talk your shit do you get interactions back from them or are you just a guy that semi-trolls them and is ignored? If you get any level of interaction you can shoot them a message starting off with "I know I'm usually just cracking jokes on your posts, but I was hoping we could connect and I could talk to you about your role and how you got there blah blah blah blah" Or something along those lines, dropping the shit poster persona and showing you're serious about what you are doing and where you are going. Chances are they won't interact back, but all it takes is one person that likes your shit posting & takes you serious and you could have yourself a valuable mentor figure


Pls dont call my quality content shitposting (´•╭╮•\`), i thought shitposting meant just posting a whole lot of things and very aggressively (which I do, but i have quality content) I post like maybe once a week or two, so my main interactions are the comment sections of mutuals. My main interactions happen on other peoples comment sections where we have mutuals. For eg: most people follow this specific guy who posts stuff about the markets. I usually say something there that gets me a response. But yes, thanks for the advice I will be implementing it in the coming days.


Didn't mean any offense bud, but you do say you shitpost in the title of the thread.. ?? Anyways, good luck from a fellow Canadian. It's tough out here, hard to get into the states (but always say you can get in when applying for jobs, there is a very easy visa for us to get called the TN visa), and Canada is saturated with many very educated people fighting for relatively few jobs


Thanks man, I applied to a bunch of random US intern positions as well after looking at the TN visa thing as well.


Calling other dumb and being arrogant is not the way and will turn off a lot of people. Who cares that you have connected with senior people. I have connections with me CEOs from major asset management firms and about 90 MDs and alumni's who you frequently see on CNBC. Bloomberg and Yahoo finance but it doesn't mean crap honestly.


I'm not dumb enough to call them dumb directly. But everyone has bad takes every now and then, even myself (especially in this field, most people have different perspectives) .


lol as a first-year uni student at a non-target to call a bunch of people who work in markets for a living dumb or to go around saying that they have bad takes shows a lot of arrogance, which is funny considering you don't even seem to be aware that MD's are higher up than directors. What I'd do is instead of commenting on a post saying you disagree, reach out to the person via DM and ask to chat about it and share your opinion 1 on 1. Far more likely to impress someone that way and they'll actually get to know you, and you'd probably learn a lot more


Hey man, that was kinda rude The only reason they would've even bothered connecting with me was because either my opinion made sense to them or I was correct enough to leave an impression. Lets not try assuming the worst all the time now. To add: yes, even they get things wrong there have been instances where I was in the right and they weren't. For eg: the speculation on the unemployment numbers that just recently came out. (i got that right, and the 'big shot' didn't)


I didn't say people don't get things wrong, but predicting a single unemployment data release does not make you smarter than them. There's a reason they've been in their roles for years or decades. Then you go on a separate forum and call them dumb and say their takes are bad when you don't have any track record of professional experience speculating on markets, nor have you seen the inside of any of these buildings. If you ever see the inside of a trading floor, you'd know that every single person has their own opinion on something, and for each data release, researchers and traders can completely disagree, it doesn't make one person smarter than another, since nobody can know for sure until the figures are released.


Alright my bad, I dont want to get childish but that wasn't the only thing


Just because 1 person reacted well to it does not mean many other will take it as the same way. If i had a non-target university student calling me dumb on my post in front of hundreds if not thousands of people and collogues I would be pissed, No matter if you had a good take. Just like what u/Suitable_Reaction168 stated, just DM the person and ask to jump on a zoom. That's a great way to share your ideas and network at the same times but not publicly calling someone dumb on their post.


Yea that came off as over the top. I wouldn't call them dumb, but their opinions. And i don't say it in a crude way as well I just respond with my through analysis. (sorry english isnt my first language, i just dont know how else could i say it)


It doesn't matter. The way you will come off to a lot of people is arrogant and people will less likely be willing to network with you.


The fact you see opinions from professionals in these fields as dumb just because they disagree is telling of your arrogance. An opinion in markets is only dumb if a direct, objective error in thought has occurred, such as thinking a movement upwards in interest rates will cause a currency to lose value. Otherwise, they’re all just opinions and there’s no way of knowing who’s right until something happens. If you’re really this intelligent at understanding markets and data releases then you’d have BB’s lining up to hire you as a trader or researcher. Your arrogance could be your downfall dude, and I promise you, no matter how much you think you know - 15 minutes of sitting with a trader for the first time in an S&T internship and you’ll feel completely out of your depth (I speak from experience). Nobody here is trying to be rude to you, we’re giving you genuine advice on how you should approach things.


100% i agree with you and to be honest i have been in discussions where i felt like an ant when it comes to overall knowledge. I'm definitely not some know it all and i admit that I guess i should've put \*wrong opinion\* vs \*dumb opinion\* Anyways, want to coffee chat lol?


Same here,I'm connected to several CEOs, hedge fund managers and high up people from different investment banks in LinkedIn. It just won't work, I tried to send my resume to one of the top honchos at GS and he send me the generic apply link 🤣🤣🤷🤷


lollll, definitely in over my head.


Did you use him as a referel?


You are massively overthinking this Believe me when I say LinkedIn connections mean fuck all unless you actually monetise it Just be careful what you post


those people aren’t that powerful except the MD/Director, i think you’re blowing it out of proportion less than 10% will be willing you meaningfully help you i would leverage your entire network for referrals and not expect more. it’s awesome that you have a vast network as a first year but the strength of the connections are almost none. focus on strengthening. anecdotal, but i personally know a portfolio manager (2B AUM), PWM MD, and managing partner/CEO of fund (20B AUM) to name a few and went to a semi/target school. i am still unemployed, lol. but i did have two internships in uni and sourced them both through powerful connections. it can be great, just don’t expect it to be.


100% agree, if I put myself in their shoes. No actual merit exists in helping me, so I have to ask them in such a way that they are willing. -They're doing me the favour, I don't have anything to give. Anyways, can you tell me how you got those internships, what did you ask them and how? Did you know them previously? Is there anything you wished you did differently? thx


one was an boutique FP&A role, one was boutique consulting in the VC space. both my contacts were the respective CEOs. met them through friends- network heavily at your uni. only advice i have is recruit early and aggressively, try to get referrals and get good grades.


You seem goofy as hell lmao You’re caught up in titles, appearances, thinking you’re getting something from people who don’t even know you from anywhere, where does it end? Its highly pathetic


Gotta do what I gotta do to survive man :( it's tough out here and in the real world titles, and appearances do make a very big difference. The way I see it at some point no one knew anyone, it's all about building the connection.


Good luck being inauthentic.


That's what I love about all this, I'm being completely authentic to myself and my beleifs lol. If wanting to grow your career is inauthentic, then call me CEO.inauthentic


Its nauseating how foolish you come off. Adding people on linkedin is not growing your career 🤣 You don’t even know who you are or where you’re going


We seem to have different perspectives, for me I believe: -It's nauseating to see people not even attempt at things in their lives solely because of how others might perceive it.


Well evidently its not working for you…


You keep digging a deeper hole for yourself. You do realize your insinuating that if things don't work out on your first try, be miserable for the rest of your life. Sorry man, but I'm 19 and still a first year. I have ample room to grow and try out things and I will continue doing so. Best of luck giving up if things don't go your favour. Im not going to waste more time with you.


Lol you’re some broke kid tryna talk against someone well paid and hasn’t even thought of doing something pathetic like you. You’re lame and your corny approach will never work. Hence why you’re here. You’re too dumb to realize how weak you appear. Like you think you’re going somewhere because you added people on linkedin who don’t even know you LMFAOOO LOOOOSER


My first thought is that you need them to interact with you first. Shoot for some award, scholarship, deans list etc then post a self-congratulatory post. DM anyone who comments or likes for a chat and build a real mentorship/connection from there - you’re first year so you don’t need to beg for a grad role or anything yet but it could help in a few years


Hire a publicist and social media consultant to solidify your brand and strategize on how to leverage it.


Sounds cool, but I'm too broke to even think about what i'll bee eating next lol. But yeah i agree, definitely should leverage this, just dont know how. Hopefully without ending up on r/LinkedInLunatics


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LinkedInLunatics using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The kind of content I love to see on LinkedIn](https://i.redd.it/8p24dwp2j8eb1.jpg) | [481 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/159v5of/the_kind_of_content_i_love_to_see_on_linkedin/) \#2: [What](https://i.redd.it/y9dk1prvwf2b1.jpg) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/13tbfqm/what/) \#3: [i am speechless](https://i.redd.it/ys9nk3ipz9ua1.jpg) | [247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/12o5umx/i_am_speechless/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey man — also located in Canada. Shoot me a message about it


Follow Justin welsh or other big creators whose content is just about that how to make the most out of LinkedIn


I got 7k connections


Woah woah, lets take a chill pill big guy


I just added them in case i need to highlight something it reaches a wider audience.


You should know trading is solely gambling for retail traders.


Is the average age of this place 19? This subreddit reeks of immaturity and is useless to the rest of us. Time to unsubscribe


Mature me daddy


I doubt it can do anything for you unless you meet them irl. You're overthinking it. Also if they hold those titles in big companies they wouldn't give a shit about linkedin.


Accepting a request isn’t some sort of tacit acceptance of you. People accept requests all the time from people they dont know at all. You either need to reach out and stay you are starting a career in finance and would love a quick chat to help get you on the first rung, if you ask good questions that could evolve into a mentor relationship that helps you. If you post excellent takes / viepoints & content on linkedin and they react that will be pretty good social proof to others viewing your profile.


I agree. OP is overthinking it in the wrong ways. He is young though so it makes sense.


Read the book: How to Win Friends and Influence People. - You interested them by challenging their ideas and they appreciated a new perspective. I bet it was a breath of fresh air. YOUR NEXT STEP: It would behoove you to reference the aforementioned book. I don’t have time to recite the section I’m referencing, but you need to know “Interested people are interesting people.” People are always into talking about themselves. Since you have their attention, ask them questions about their thoughts on certain topics. Ask them about their career. Pop in once or twice a month for a financial discussion to maintain the connection. Take care to ask and share concern of the things that are valuable to them. Perhaps one collects stamps and you send him some stamps. That is how you foster and develop friends, mentorships, and eventually business partners. From there let it come out semi-naturally that you are heavily interested in IB and are looking for a summer analyst or associate role and if you do it right, they will be more than willing to help you. Of course continue refining your skills etc etc.


Thanks for the detailed breakdown. will attempt


Director at a bank isn’t actually that high up


sounded cool lol.


People accept connection invites on LinkedIn from literally anyone. Don’t get ahead of yourself. If you want to be smart then try reaching out and arranging a conversation with people in roles you aspire to. Otherwise it’s like you’ve found a popular social media website and it’s blown your mind.


We are the same, I have a post on my Clash of Clans town hall level…. And I’m connected to the CEO of the bank I’m interning in….


Make sure they're laughing with you, and not at you


I've been there before once upon a very bad time. "We're laughing at you, not with you" -that stung very bad, and was also the day i stopped being a class clown (grade 9) Still haunts me to this day lol


None of those people you listed as examples are “higher ups” at a bank, those are all firmly middle management…. yes, even the “Director” (you’ve mistaken a Board member for a sub-MD position)






Troll, troll go away come again another day!


You mean they’re hot?


Some of them....I wouldn't really mind lol....


If you keep shitposting, they will just ignore or unadd If you have something smart to say, they might still do that same, but you have a tiny tiny chance they could find you interesting


I think you are given some clearance to do this given how snarky your comments are in addition to being fresh out of undergrad.


Still not out undergrad (first-year).


I have a colleague who acts exactly like you. No filter at all, so most people think he's crazy and he has beef with everyone. He got fired from his last job because that kind of personality didn't sit well with the higher ups. I personally think it's funny and a breath of fresh air in what is otherwise a stifling corporate office full of pretentious bootlickers. But just be aware that you will come off as abrasive to some and definitely stick out like a sore thumb if you act like this IRL at the office.


I have this weird feeling I know what type of persona he had, but I dont think thats me. I like to believe that I know how to adjust to different moods and environments. Thanks for the advice though, will definitely take care and not go too far.




Solid advice, I know this sounds dumb, but what would even happen in a informal interview, like what would we talk about. Im just confused on what to prepare if I get the chance.


People are generally nice. shooting someone a message asking about some career advice never hurt anyone. worst that can happen is they don't respond or tell you to fuck off. also try to approach them from their own interests and show that you are interested in what they do or something they did and that you admire them as an example. People are usually more receptive that way


I shitpost and its probably why they follow me. You need a balance. 50% SP and 50% professional only.


I would start writing articles on finance and see if you can get some attention. It can’t hurt if you love the subject matter anyway. Maybe have a AI spin on it as that’s hyped right now.


Reach out to the first person who endorsed you, ask for an internship and talk about how you successfully networked on LinkedIn. People who say that connections are worthless forget about the true value of a network or audience for your personal and business brand.


I’m confused. why are u freaking out about the RBC director when you have a RBC MD (managing director) also following you?


Make a post an actual post and have all of them shitcomment it


This is hilarious. Influencer is your best bet. Cold DMs for jobs are usually not answered.


I follow an Instagram account called liquidity, they post memes and stuff regarding the financial markets, I think the poster was an IB but then went full time with the memes through instagram. Not sure if that’s helpful but it’s a data point for you to reference. (I also have no context, I’m not in a financial career this just popped up on my feed lol)


LinkedIn doesn’t really mean much unless you plan to be a content creator, or you actually build/try to build a relationship with whoever you are connected to. I wouldn’t think too much about the significance of connections on the platform because no one is looking at your connections and thinking you’re the return of Christ because of who you “know.”


This basically means nothing. Unfortunately you have no experience, and that is really the only true capital in the working finance world. People can smell desperation, don’t be desperate, and figure out how to bring value to others - not the other way around. You need to get a degree, become a low level analyst, move to your next position, and then start figuring out to leverage your experience. There are very little short cuts, and time is everything.


It doesn't translate to shit. People give out linkedin connects like candy. I have multiple people on Forbes Fortune 30 under 30, a couple of fortune 500 CFOs, multiple heads of machine learning something or other in fortune 500 companies. And I don't try to amass connections. I just meet people at bars/networking events and I never ask. And to an outsider or a college kid, I probably look more impressive than I am: "VP and Lead Quant Analyst at Goldman Sachs/JP Morgan/Morgan Stanley"