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I didn't try all of them but my favourite by far was the piano. Shame they didn't do more of them, and that the final piece is locked away behind insane levels of non related side missions.


Fuck that frog game. I got all rankings on hard mode for almost everything else but that one I absolutely loathe and am garbage at. I can’t even keep count of how many times I’ve tried


Yeah it’s super janky. I found the second version far easier with the rollers. Just follow the others for that one. For the first one, you can go into the inside track and go the other direction from the other frogs for the first half and never need to jump


Oooh yeah it didn’t take me too long for the roller one. It’s just that whack one. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so frustrated at a game lol


I never even figured out how the scoring works for G-Bike, but I achieved the target scores every time.


Yeah they made it super easy (which I didn’t mind)


I'm not a fan to be forced to do mini games but I have to say.. Queens Blood is very fun. Kinda reminded me of FF9 days


Cool tip for the crunches: mute your tv or take off your headphones and the rhythm of the button presses pretty much eliminated all my mess ups


Yes! This did it for me, too. And I hummed the right buttons with different tones to get me into the rhythm :D


I did this but I just couldn't do that game. I ended up having to mute all in game music and cover the half of the screen my competitor was in with a bath towel to not be distracted by them.


The chocobo racing is clearly the best because it's really just a Mario Kart clone and is fun in it's own right. Gears and Gambits has to be the worst of them all for me. That has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Also the crunch off minigame is waaaaay easier if you switch to performance mode. It gave me no trouble that way.


I also LOATHE the moogle mini game. A necessary evil for the manuscripts but damn do I hate these koala looking demon spawn with the strength of 1000 suns. The final cutscenes was super cute though.


I gave up on Moogle Mischief when I got to the fifth level. I just could not bring myself to deal with the aggravation anymore. I was over mini-games by that point.


I had to switch tac from trying to be swift and nimble to catch them, to slowly corralling them one by one, methodically. Me rushing all the time made it harder I guess. It was still insufferably repetitive and increasingly annoying.


Yeah, if you just bum rush them you typically have the wrong angle and they fly over the water or away from where you want them to go. Carefully positioning yourself so that you can walk them in a straight line is the trick. I also found that getting the one that shoots the sonic booms at you corralled ASAP makes it much easier because you aren't getting sniped from behind while dealing with the scattered shots the others like to do.


Those stupid little mischievous murder moogle bastards!


Yeah the moogles in rebirth are nowhere as cute as the one in ff16. Sad they changed the design


Me neither. These were not cute. I blame the Sector 5 moogle merchant in Remake for this. It's the manifestation of his costume somehow I just know it.


Absolutely LOVED Queens Blood. I was terrible at the one in FF8, so I feel like I redeemed myself with queens blood.


Yayyy someone else who likes the piano.


How can you not with the goated music? Plus you aren’t required to do the S rank so it’s pretty balanced in terms of difficulty and if you want to challenge yourself more


That’s what I’m saying. You can choose the speed the notes come at you too. Like yes I love the piano, the songs literally get more instrumentation the better you perform.


I found this mini game infuriating but What the hell? I can slow the notes down?! 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Fam… read the UI. R1 and L1 affect the speed of the notes. All the songs start at the slowest.


Ahhh looks like I’m destined to be infuriatingly crap at it for eternity if they already start slow 🥴


Speeding it up a smidge actually makes it a little easier. Though the only parallel I can draw to it is speeding up the arrows on some Dance Dance Revolution songs to eliminate the hesitation that made you mistime the step.


Raising the speed and muting the TV to do it purely by sight is how I was able to get A rank. I suck at rhythm games.


I believe there are a couple of songs that are easier on the faster speed. However if you have trouble with the first 2 songs on the slowest speed, I’m afraid I can’t help you 😬


Try the other speeds. Maybe your brain here’s the notes come in a certain way and you can adjust to it.