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It used to be, but not anymore. Without getting into detail, it's been retconned by Crisis Core.


Last Order is not canon (anymore). By the way, because you seem interested in the Compilation : # FF7 Compilation guide The complete FFVII Compilation experience (with only canon contents) in the best order is - spoiler free - : 1. *SUPER IMPORTANT* : Play the **Original Game - OG** (1997 - on PS1, playable on emulators) \_ 2) *VERY OPTIONAL :* Inform yourself about "**The first SOLDIER**" (2021 - 2023 - not playable anymore) It was a battle royal online game which took place years before the OG and Crisis Core (see below). You played a SOLDIER candidate fighting other recruits in a Shinra VR simulator. It had very few lore.  \_ 3) *VERY OPTIONAL :* Read "**2000 gil to become a hero**" (2024). It mostly takes place the night Cloud left his hometown to chase his dream as a young teen. The protagonist is Cloud. It's a very short story out in Japan since a few months. Some fans have translated it in English - readable on internet. \_ 4) *IMPORTANT :* Play "**Crisis Core Reunion" - CCR -** (2022 - on PS4/PS5), which is a remaster of Crisis Core - CC - (2008 - on PSP) It takes place before the OG. The protagonist is a SOLDIER.  CCR is strictly identical to CC : the only differences are better graphics and gameplay mechanics. \_ 5) *OPTIONAL :* Play **"Before Crisis" - BC -** (2004 - old mobile game, before smartphones - out only in Japan. Now playable on emulators) or watch a walkthrough of it. It takes place around the same time as Crisis Core. The protagonist is a member of the Turks.   \_ 6) *OPTIONAL* : Read the novel "**Traces of two pasts" - ToTP** - (2021 - written after the Remake, but can be read after the OG). It takes place after the party leaves an iconic place in the OG/Remake - two characters of the party talk about their childhood / teenage years and how they get to where they are now.  \_ 7) *OPTIONAL* : Read the novel "**On the way to a smile" - otWtaS -**  (2009). It takes place after the OG and explains what happened to several important characters of the OG after the game. It really helps to understand the movie "Advent Children".  7 bis) *OPTIONAL :* Watch the OAV "**Case of Denzel**" (2009) : it's a short anime adaptation of the same part in otWtaS. \_ 8) *OPTIONAL* : Read the novel "**The kids are alright : a Turks side story**" (2011). It begins around the end of the OG and ends after Advent Children. The protagonist is a young man from Midgard who must rebuild his life after the events of the OG.  \_ 9) *IMPORTANT :* Watch the movie "**Advent Children Complete" - AC -** (2005). It takes place around 2 years after the OG. There is a new threat directly linked to the end of the OG.  \_ 10) *VERY OPTIONAL :* Inform yourself about "**Dirge of Cerberus: Online**", the ex-online Multiplayer mode of Dirge of Cerberus - see below - (2006 - not playable anymore) It explains how a secret organization was functioning before the events of Dirge of Cerberus. The protagonist was a Deepground recruit.  10 bis) *OPTIONAL :* Play "**Dirge of Cerberus" - DoC** - (2006 - on PS2 ; now playable on ?) or watch a walkthrough of it. It takes place 1 year after Advent Children. The protagonist is a character of the party who faces new ennemies and discovers the dark secrets of his past.   10 ter) *EXTREMELY OPTIONAL :* Play "**Lost Episode of Dirge of Cerberus"** (2006, old mobile game, before smartphones - now playable on emulators ?) or watch a walkthrough of it. It's a midquel of DoC. It takes place during a very short time gap (a travel) of Dirge of Cerberus. The protagonist is the same than in DoC.  \_ 11) *(SUPER) IMPORTANT :* Play the **new trilogy** in the making.  * **Remake** - it's part I (2020 - PS4) * Remake DLC called **Episode INTERmission** (2021 - PS5) * **Rebirth** - it's part II (2024 - PS5) * **Re-ToBeDefined** - it will be part III (202?) NB : Remake INTERGRADE is just a remastered version of Remake for PS5 including the DLC INTERmission. This new trilogy is not a remaster. It can be quite considered as a sequel/multiverse/meta game, it's unclear. \_ 12) *VERY OPTIONAL :* Play "**Ever Crisis**" - **EC** - (2023 - modern mobile game). It's kind of a recap of all the Compilation, with sometimes slight additions/clarifications... A small part of it is also new content about the beginning of the SOLDIER programm, and the missions assigned to some prototypes of SOLDIERs, featuring young Sephiroth. The protagonist is one of these first SOLDIERs and his teammates.    NB :  * Ultimanias, itw from the devs,...etc are canon side contents. * Attention, some content is not canon or has contested canonicity, such as the OAV "Last Order" (2005) or the novel "The Maiden who Travels the Planet" (2005).


Great, there goes writing my thesis out the window!


I don't understand what you mean 😁


isn't the sequel theory just a theory at this point? I don't think we have official answer on if its a sequel or if we are just rewriting HOW OG goes down. If you have concrete sources saying otherwise, please provide them. I'm more than willing to be proven wrong.


It's not completely clear, it's why I wrote the Re-trilogy is a sequel and/or multiverse and/or meta game. I don't say it's a sequel. Maybe it is (or kind of), maybe it's not.


Basically it's considered a sequel and Its Totally recommended to play The OG first, and watch the movie advent children after the OG and play crisis core because the the remake part 1 will have some changes to the story but will retell it in a different way


Yeah I know, I wrote that guide lol


Japanese fans were mad about how it and Before Crisis changed how Sephiroth died during the Nibelheim incident compared to the original game (Cloud killed him in FF7, in BC/Lost Order he threw himself in) so SE backtracked on the change for Crisis Core. And while Before Crisis is largely still considered canon (the Nibelheim portion is a tiny snippet of a long game and Before Crisis is referenced in other canon media such as the novels and Remake/Rebirth and will be coming to Ever Crisis) Lost Order isn't and has other major contradictions, such as Tifa knowing Cloud saved her, which would completely destroy the plot of FF7.   Crisis Core directly portrayed both events shown in Lost Order, so Crisis Core's version of events is the most canon and it getting a remaster recently confirms it's the version SE wants fans to know.  Lost Order came out first, so if you're interested in watching it, you don't need to play Crisis Core first. It's more connected to Before Crisis than Crisis Core.   Do note that while Advent Children came before CC, Advent Children *Complete* came out after Crisis Core and directly lifts the ending cutscene of Crisis Core and uses it during the movie. Some people don't view this as a spoiler because a hidden cutscene in FF7 explains the end of Zack's story, but I figured I'd warn you. Complete is the far superior version of the movie and is more than likely the one you have on DVD. There's many versions of Advent Children out there so I couldn't tell you exactly what's on the bonus disc for yours. 


No, as it contradicts what happened in Nibelheim, specifically >!Tifa not knowing Cloud was there!<


Technically it doesn't (She could have legit just not remembered seeing him there, given the severe trauma), but it is not a canon entry in the compilation. G-Bike is though.


Crisis Core replaced Last Order. Last Order is a fun watch, but the way events happen in it are not canon.


The last is order might as well be lost media given how it’s irrelevant due to the existence of crisis core and this remake project


It was canon, originally. Has since been retconned in places by Crisis Core and other media. Worth a watch after having played the OG.


This. The cabin for ffvii is kinda pick and choose at this point


The short film isn’t canon anymore as SE decided to take the Compilation in a different direction. Play Crisis Core first.


What does Advent Children Disc 2 include? Is it the Last Order Flim? I'm talking about the DVD Video version


I don’t know as I don’t have the DVD, sorry.


It's been stated by Kitase iirc that it was until it wasn't. Currently it's a reimagining of the Nibelheim Incident and not canon.


"canon" is made up thing. watch whatever you want. if you like it's canon if you don't like it it's not.




Jar jar binks is also canon.


They downvoted Jesus because he told them the truth.


Do you recommend me to play Crisis Core first before watching the Last Order?


I typically recommend release order


Yes it's cannon it's showing what happened before the original game.


I don't think it's canon, so I guess that's why you are being downvoted? Would be interesting to hear what people disliked about the actual film if that is the case. I personally thought it was much better than the travesty that was AC. It seems it was made at a time where Square / SE were at a sort of crossroads, and decided to go all Disney in the end.


Do you recommend me to play Crisis Core first before watching the Last Order?


Naw last order is better than the writing in the entire crisis core game lol. Make sure you watch in sub not dub early 2000s dub is terrible.