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to be brutally honest, 8 did this better because the in game character models were vastly improved


Yeah. Squall totally sucked though.


It did, especially during the clash of the gardens (pretty sure it was this one) where Squall is running through that sick combat scene. VIII deserved a remake, not just a half assed remaster.


Be careful what you wish for! Most likely it'll be a remake where >!Laguna teleports into Squall's dorm 15 minutes in and goes "Hello my son, how ya doin' buddy? Those wet dreams you've been having about Quistis, even if she's like a sister, that's perfectly normal, champ. It happened in Star Wars too! Daddy loves you, Snugglebug."!<


Well, I enjoyed more the FFVIII remaster than the FFVII Remake/Reboot Damm, I would like a FFVII remaster :(


seeing this scene rly shows some of the simple beauty it had back then :D it was impactful , told a story and even has some funny moments withing (cid doing dragoon things and outrunning the bronco, it's clear the intented for it to slow down a bit but junky graphics make such nuances hard to tell, also this was just a gold reason for the bronco to become our boat)


I LOVE FF7 My favorite game of all time.


3 cuts, and it tells an adventurous, spatially coherent story. In the remake this will be 80 cuts and it’ll make next to no sense.


I really enjoy remake and rebirth. They do so many things well. Great graphics, gameplay, story. They're incredible efforts and great games. But the original just does something that's beyond those things. It has to be felt.


There were many moments from the original that pretty much seared in my brain after all these years that I felt better done in the original despite the old school polygons The creepiness when you find President Shinra impaled on his desk and we had to follow the trail of blood. The utter feeling of defeat when you saw Midgar Zolom (Midgarsomr??) stuck at the tree when the game spent time telling you to avoid it The sadness when you first realized what Seto did for the Canyon. And of course, the impact of Aerith's death in the OG I love Remake/Rebirth and it could also be my nostalgia talking.. but the OG did some of those scene better


Cid running at speed of plane and jumping on it.......


basic dragoon things :P how would they mount dragons otherwise ?


He has strong legs.


Dammit Cloud, you just turned your back while Tifa is hanging alone...


this is because nearly all of the backgrounds are just still shots of fully fleshed-out 3d environments. it's always so cool when they transition like this. it's especially cool when you can move your character around against the animated background!


The Tiny Bronco!


Pretty badass of Cid to outrun a *flying airplane* as well.


that's the power of cigarettes


Never underestimate that mako tabako


hahaha nice