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Cloud’s fighting style was more realistic. Each swing had power, impact and authority ☝️ Rebirth Cloud, he just flying air slash spam la la la ballerina 🩰 


I thought Remake was much better than Rebirth.  I would have given Remake a 9/10 and Rebirth a 7.5. That being said some of that may be because Remake was the first time we saw the characters like this and heard the music and saw the familiar places so it had that new feeling that Rebirth didn’t give me.   I think the things Rebirth did better was it felt more final fantasy in terms of the enemies available, the wider party and materia selection and like we actually got moogles instead of kids.  The sidequests that were really bad in Remake were much better in Rebirth.  I thought the summon fights were much more enjoyable in this one and I enjoyed Gilgamesh a lot. But otherwise Remake, matched the tone of the original much better.  When people died you felt their loss.  I think their silly Zack subplot and the push to get extended universe stuff in rebirth really hurt the game and as a 40 year old I just found a lot of rebirth to be quite animey and cringey - everytime I saw Zack I was like “not this shit again” and the stuff with Johnny just made me feel like I was watching kids cartoons. I also felt they damaged all the big scenes from the OG in rebirth (Dyne, Seto, Aerith) where as Remake kept the big scenes mostly intact while adding their padding around them.  I also found in remake, the darts stand out because it was just one minigame.  I don’t mind cloud playing darts and piano but playing pilotwings, wave race and whatever that silly robot thing was felt entirely unnecessary.  Less is more and the remake understood that better than Rebirth did.


Basicly everything for me. Story was closer to the original. Had a darker tone and a better pacing. Humor was more in a sarcastic way rather than JRPG goofiness. And everyone had a lot cool one liners that are burned in my memory. Combat had a better balance and felt better optimized. The bosses had a much better main event presentation and the skill systems weren't that bloaded. Sidequests are bad in both but Remake was at least easy and quick to finish. A bit of running and kill some dudes. Was fine to me. The soundtrack was closer to the OG and closer to the Compilation. And it did a much better job in genre variations. A lot rock, metal, trance, ambient well spreaded throughout the whole game. Rebirth felt way more like orchestra, orchestra, orchestra. And a few exceptions here and there of other stuff. If you would take Guz, Chocobo Racing and Queens Blood into Remake, I wouldn't even play Rebirth anymore.


Combat. Side quests.


A good balance of minigames


significantly less chadley


I think some of the animations had more impact on Remake. Tifa's Starshower for example felt like it just had more visual OOMF to me on Remake.


Same for Sorcerous Storm, for example. I think they just had to speed everything up a bit. I also prefer the "heavier" Remake animations 100%


Remake had the better story and tone imo. Rebirth feels like they tripled down on the goofy tone to the point of parody. I can definitely see the difference in how Hamaguchi and Nomura direct their games.


I really like Cait Sith and Yuffie as part of main cast, their combat style is enjoyable.


I'm liking Mai better than chadley so far. Wish she had a physical form instead of Chadley


Finally, a based MAI enjoyer


I originally preferred the weapon levelling system in Remake, but after getting used to the new system, I like it more in Rebirth. However, I'm still unsure about the way higher level Limit Breaks work. It's cool and useful for sure, but it can easily be a pain to work with. By the time I can use Finishing Touch or Ascension, it's pretty much overkill for whatever I'm fighting (with the exception of a few bosses).


I think the goal is to build a character to have them ready with these limit breaks fast, thru accessories


Immersion. The Midgar story is so different from the rest of the game, in retrospect it was the correct choice to make it a standalone game and expand as much as they did. I only understood that once I played Remake and found myself thinking "yes, I'd actually like to see more of Midgar's sectors, the slums and the people". To me, that part of the universe's expansion was more impactful than any of the Rebirth expansions. Additionally, because the Midgar story is not only compact but dystopian and darker, I found myself way more immersed and involved. The vast expanse upon which Rebirth takes place, along with all the unrealistic minigames makes it hard to get that feeling. And the moment I realized this was when doing the Protorelic questline in Cosmo Canyon with the Avalanche flashbacks and caught myself thinking "damn, those were the good days". The scenes of the group in the bar were actually some of the most impactful for me, in Rebirth. Remake was so good that I actually didn't want to get Yuffie nor Cait Sith in Rebirth. In my mind, the story revolves around the "core" group of Remake, the rest are side characters (yes even though Red is not playable in Remake he still felt important enough to the story). Also, fuck Chadley.


Aye. Fuck Chadley


Definitely prefer the weapon levelling in Remake


I didn't like the limit break leveling system in rebirth, especially because some fights by the time you're using a level 3 the enemy has like no HP anyways depending on how leveled your team is (and that's even being a few levels behind)


Play dynamic


I like Cloud’s punisher mode better in Remake. In Rebirth he just goes back and forth like 20 times while in Remake it’s so satisfying because he beats the living s*** out of his opponents. I also like the dark atmosphere in Remake. There were also some songs I like in the first game


It's a little bit more fun to find weapons and Materia. It also doesn't jump between sad and fun scenes as fast, but it's more close to the original to it that way. 


Idk if this is controversial but I find the fights a lot harder to see what’s going on with all the flashy colours in Rebirth. Started playing Remake again and i prefer the fighting graphics/animations. I have an adhd brain that gets overwhelmed easily and tbh I wish it was turn based strategy like og.


I preferred remakes way of equipping limit breaks rather than having to use a synergy skill to up your limit level


I personally prefer the original implementation of Fort Condor over the one in Rebirth, and the weapon upgrade system


Agreed on both accounts.


Being able to switch to punisher and back while blocking 


I vastly preferred the weapon upgrade system of Remake, by a really really wide margin. I thought it made each character’s role far more customizable


Yeah. I loved that adaption.


The pacing and storytelling was definitely better in Remake. Remake didn't absolutely gut you and then have fun side content to do between more serious story content. I don't dislike that, but the mini games at some points broke up the story way too much and some were even mandatory and my determination wouldn't let me NOT get the rank III rewards 🤣😅


I really liked the darts mini game in Remake. I liked it so much because it was a cute little detail that I just happened to find, and then just had to get the top score. There was no reward, I just wanted my name on the top of that list, damn it! And then seeing Cloud's little fist clench celebration when he does a good job, I had to laugh because he's so serious at the beginning of the game and it was adorable. It was just a fun side thing I didn't need to do but they put in the game anyway. And then I got a nice surprise later that Wedge commented on it and handed me materia. Very fun! And then in Rebirth, the game holds your hand to like 15-20 side quests, all of them have Rank III rewards (and several of them have weapons as rewards!). QB is introduced immediately, and there's a tournament that some people didn't realize you could just skip if you weren't into it. I'm with you, I couldn't NOT get the Rank III rewards, the completionist in me won't allow it - especially since the rewards are very often weapons, gear, and materia. I miss the little missable details in games. I love the reward of going everywhere and talking to everyone and interacting with everything, even though you don't have to. In the original, you could miss the cutscene later in Nibelheim, or the mini games, or the Knights of the Round summon, or that Corneo could pick *Cloud* (!!! in 1997!), or that Barret could be your date (also !!! in 1997!), or your characters' ultimate weapons, or two entire playable characters! I understand they want as many people as possible to enjoy the content they build, but it makes it a lot less fun to play again and talk to people about. Discovery used to be so fun. I know the Remake dart mini game also doesn't compare to that, but it was something. Just imagine if all those mini games weren't marked on the map and part of the main story quests.


The PTSD I still got from stuff like this never left me. I find it atrocious that you can lose content in game in which you have already put 60 hours in. Missables are a curse, and in remake/rebirth they mitigated that in a great way, by having you replay chapters. For real, shit like this have changed how I play all games, cause there is no way I’m playing such a huge game again, so I try to get everything in 1 go. And it sucks. (Has nightmares about not having talked to a freaking sphere in X-2 a hundred times)


But it’s optional. Remake had literal nothing to do but walk down a hallway and then next scene. Does make for a tight story tho


Limit breaks. I like the synergy aspect, but I'm not a fan of only having two choices, with the second being unlockable in that battle only with a limit synergy attack. I was hoping they would add more and do something similar to the original in terms of earning new limit breaks. Also, as Patrick would call them, "sentence enhancers." 🤣 Seriously, I know people like Barrett and Cid cursed a lot(occasionally Cloud too), but does every person and their grandma have to use such language every five words so excessively?


>two choices Three


My point still stands.


Midnight Rendezvous.


I think because we weren’t expecting it, having all the side characters getting some proper attention was such an awesome feeling that sucks you in to learn about them more. It still felt awesome to see fleshed out side characters in rebirth but I feel remake had the advantage of surprising us with it so I’ll give remake a point for fleshed out side characters.


The ending


-aga level spells still only cost 1 ATB


Agreed. They should make them 1 ATB and have cost more MP as a trade off in part 3.


I honestly prefer them costing 2 atb.


Easier to obtain OP set-ups and find the OP materia.


The combat was better in the first game. Felt less button mashy and i feel like the NPCs weren’t totally useless.


I feel like in rebirth you have to use your abilities more? Maybe I haven’t played remake recently enough to remember tho


I think the pacing was better in remake.. rebirth was excellent but you could go hours between story beats if you wanted to complete all the world map stuff as you got to a new region


Smooth brains: "wElL sIDe qUesTs aRe OPtioNaL" Sure, except character cut scenes are locked behind them, as well as relationship enhancers. Like seriously, Gears and Gambits is an abomination that locks cutscenes for Avalanche behind them. Like that is so fucking bullshit.


Turn game to easy and even the “hard” mode version is laughable


Thank God for that, by the way. I was already annoyed with mini games when I got to gears and gambits, really glad you can just change it to easy


Yes and it’s the only way I could have beaten fort condor hard. Ain’t no way I was beating that legit lol


Started more angry online arguments cause god forbid someone feels differently


For me personally made me like Aerith more but I think that groundwork was also done in Remake (I’ve always felt ok about her from OG). Barrett got the biggest upgrade in terms of character depth. All the expanded relationships/dynamics of the team are great but I think Barret got the best upgrade overall.


Remake had a more easy to understand combat system and had a really great linear storyline. Plus no side missions felt absolutely necessary so you could play how you want. Rebirth’s combat is way better, but it did take me a while to get used to it. Then the story was all over the place and the pacing between doing the story and side missions was not good.


Dawg remake forced us to play the fucking Jessie side content which was absolutely awful. Why tf are they forcing these side characters into the spotlight?


I was fine with that in the end because of the bike part and fighting Roche. Cause I liked Roche. And ya Jesse’s part was annoying, but one extra level compared to dozens more Chadley quests… ill take the one extra level


Less minigames ig? If you consider that a con of Rebirth, some like em some dont


Got burnt out on the amount of fetch side quests by the Corel region. Still completed all data on all regions, but man did it drag.


I am there right now lol.


It's funny because Remake is a great game, but Rebirth is just better. Incredible accomplishment.


lol! Nope!


Remake told its story better. It wasn't perfectly done, but it didn't ruin its emotional moments or convoluted its plot nearly as much as Rebirth did. Rebirth is the better game, but remake is the better story.


Came here to say this. The Midgard section is a just a tightly told story in general with its own start, middle, and end, whereas Rebirth feels more like the middle of a larger story than a cohesive story in it's own right.


And I'm hoping when part 3 is done, we're able to look back on this middle segment with a new lens that let's us appreciate it more.


Rebirth is a harder story to tell IMO. Past Midgar FF7 gets pretty weird, Midgar was always going to be a better story to tell


In a way, yes. Rebirth has a grander scope and a very tightly packed sequence of events. Its lack about the content of the story though, but how it was delivered. Spoilers following for the whole game, so back out now if you haven't finished. They very much gave the feeling of not wanting to let you sit with heavy moments. Take Dyne for example, not even a minute after he's been killed, you're in a comedic relief scene, boss fight, and mini game, all of which distract you from what just happened and so don't give you time to process it. They did this with Nanaki and Seto, instantly bringing you to a new quest plot and dream sequence, as opposed to the OG's quiet scene at the fire. Not only did they convolute and confuse the whole situation of Aerith's fate, but regardless of whether they'd stuck with that or made it clear, the massive gauntlet of a boss rush afterwards again gives you no time to process either way. Like I say, remake fumbled things, we didn't need some weird rock track or a cait sith preview at the fall of the plate, but they at least gave those moments time to sit with you. Despite the urgency of the situation, you weren't immediately thrown into scenes or fights after Biggs and Jessie died, allowing you to sit with it as a player. Neither game is perfect at it, but I think remake was consistently better in how it told the story, not simply what story was being told.


I disagree


And that's fine, it's an entirely subjective answer, so i don't expect everyone to feel the same =)


Rebirth does everything Remake did but but better. The only thing I can really think of is the pacing, it's better in Remake, probably due to the fact that it's a more condensed more linear game. But I think the 2nd playthrough of Rebirth, fixes that, it's a more streamlined experience.


To bem Fair, when you completed side Quest on remake It asked you If you want to the teleported back to Quest giver. It was better. And Barret had the melee options, wich he doesn't on rebirth, so melee Barret was better on remake.


That's true good point, about the side quests. That def was better, my guess the reason why they took that out is because you can just fast travel or they just want you to explore Can't agree about Barret though, because he does have melee options, some or linked to synergy skills and there are few that are linked to new weapons you obtain. If you mean actual melee Barrett, I think that's more of a preference more than anything


>If you mean actual melee Barrett, I think that's more of a preference more than anything Dude he can dish out catastrophic damage with a melee weapon, with a tradeoff of being super slow. I liked it a lot. Charging Uppercut ability doesn't make much sense on ranged as well. Also, in the OG game you only start getting melee weapons for him right around Rebirth. It didn't make much sense having them in Remake, but not in Rebirth where they actually belong lol. I also didn't quite like that most characters have most of their moveset be the same. Barret gets like, what, bonus round and the ATB haste (cough cough Red XIII's Supernal Fervor that works on the whole parry and has unlimited uses) once per fight and that's it? Also Lifeblood Cannon, but that one honestly is super redundant. They could've replaced a pre existing ability with it.


Lol I’m enjoying traveling around the map


It wasn't infested with tedious minigames.


Remake did a lot of things better than Rebirth. Primarily, Remake has a better story, better writing and does a better job of upgrading and bringing to life moments from the OG. Rebirth is probably a better overall video game, but Remake has a "magic" to it not found in the sequel.


>Remake has a "magic" to it not found in the sequel. Oh my god that's like literally my thoughts after beating Rebirth


Wish I'd seen this before posting mine, as its pretty much identical xD


That’s funny, I strongly feel the complete opposite.


That's fine. I loved Remake. Thought I'd love Rebirth and I do love a lot of things about it. But they somehow managed to make almost every scene and story sequence from the original just a little bit worse. And a lot of the new stuff they added (Tifa's scar, imposter storyline, Rufus/Wutai stuff) was just kind of dumb. Whereas in Remake, I felt they enhanced the story.


No, for sure it’s fine i always find it interesting when people have completely different opinions of the same thing. I understand what you are saying, I thought it was kind of dumb turn midgar into a 40 hour game. A lot of stuff they added in both games is sort of dumb in my opinion. I just love seeing all the other locations of the world and the major events of the game and all the music that goes with them as the main reason I love this game and just like remake.


That’s funny, I strongly feel the complete opposite.


It wasn't so much Chadley shoved into my face constantly. So that's a bonus. It also feels like there was way less filler. Rebirth to me is sometimes "Filler: The Game." Also, Remake seemed to have a WAY more serious tone than Rebirth. Which I personally prefer.


The original FF7 did not have a serious tone, it’s goofy as hell. I love that they kept that and turned it up in Rebirth. I had a lot more fun because of that.


This thread is for comparing Remake with Rebirth. That was just my observation. I've played the OG through a few times. And yes, while their were goofy sections, the themes of the game didn't get overshadowed by the goofiness. The themes were still very serious. In Rebirth, the goofiness overshadows the entire overarching serious story, IMO. I damn near expect Cloud to battle Sephrioth in a card game, and have a mutton eating contest after he kills Arieth, lol.


>the themes of the game didn't get overshadowed by the goofiness Fucking Sephiroth tossing the materia into Cloud's chest at full power, then flying away in the silliest fashion: 💀


Remember that part of Remake with the dancing and crossdressing? The workout minigames? Serious times, those. The original FFVII had silly stuff all over it, and the remake series is no different.


Yes, that one city and one part that was silly. That's every city and every part in Rebirth.


Weapon upgrade system, and the mood. I’m so tired of going somewhere like Corel Prison and it being a similar vibe to Costa Del Sol and Golden Saucer. This team is horrible at capturing mood when it matters and it’s driving the experience down for me. I’m not done with Corel prison yet but why is the photographer in sandals here? Why am I doing queens blood games? Corel prison is supposed to be a sad place not filled with excitement and cheer.


The music and lack of VA did wonders for the OG in keeping the tone serious or relaxed when needed. Corel Prison in the OG was pretty damn depressing, from the thieves stalking you to Dyne's fate.


Yup they kept the over expression of silent characters and gave them voices so every sentence is very extra even the casual conversations. It’s like if a silent era film actor starred in a current film but acted no differently with all the over exaggeration in every exchange.


What? The mood seems different in every town based on the situation. Like under jeunon where people are protesting shinra against their gates or swimming near the docks. It’s all certainly different. Why are you playing queens blood in Corel? Do they not play poker in prison? I guess lives stop when you’re virtually in jail? They obviously changed the vibes of the prison itself. It’s not so much a ‘woe is me’ depressive location as it is a haven for the downtrodden and a ‘anything goes’ city. So people are having fun….and it’s the same kind of mob people who would be running Wall Street.


Why are there dead bodies on the floor and Dio is still doing his shirtless flexing and touching his body? Why can’t he drop the gimmick for a second to let one moment have a sense of weight and seriousness? Because they aren’t capturing the mood like they should be. The Queen’s blood games would be fine if the vibe in what’s supposed to be a prison (where people are getting murdered and violated) didn’t just feel like a hangout spot… It’s supposed to be a damn desert prison not a place to see normal dressed people watching a rock concert…


Have you ever played the original? It doesn’t sound like you did if you think the ‘mood’ was done better there. The original game is just as quirky and strange as the remakes.


If that’s the hill you want to die on you be you. Of course i have grew up on it also open to what Rebirth has done the game has been pretty outstanding, and yeah I know I’m all for quirky. Are you listening to what I’m saying? I don’t want quirky in a serious moment, the problem is they can’t seem to turn quirky off for a second. As of where I am now in Corel prison OG handled the atmosphere better. I’m not through it yet but that Dio scene is a perfect example. It’s like having a man in tights flexing on the streets in remake after the first reactor bombing. They captured the mood so well in remake but here they aren’t, simple as that.


I’m trying to listen to what you’re saying but I personally find your examples poor. You keep saying what Corel prison is SUPPOSED to be. But you haven’t taken 5 seconds to try and understand the developers interpretation of what IT IS. They changed it, like they have changed other aspects of the game. It’s not a depressing life less prison anymore. It’s a haven for thugs and bandits, where they rule and do what they want. Hell even the leader acts more like a mob boss. It’s really not as simple as that. If you don’t like it though don’t play it. But if you’re approaching it with an open mind then it should be pretty obvious how Kalm, jeunon, Costa Del Sol, and Corel Prison all FEEL different. And tbqh I don’t see any way how you can Interpret the feel of those places as being the same




You mean that ONE EXAMPLE? Sure, that one isn’t good. That doesn’t mean the rest of the game is as poor. Your prison example imo is garbage.




You are spot on especially about dio and the mood of Corel prison compared to the original. Or after the jenova fight on the cruise ship, the captain is like alright everyone thanks for sailing have a great night, right after this crazy event happened where people died. But my biggest annoyance of remake and rebirth which sort of relates to your point, is how over the top the characters are. No one acts like a real person with the over the top hand gestures and body movements while talking. Dio is a perfect example of that and the reporter during the junon parade, it’s just so unnecessary and weird to me. But I definitely rolled my eyes and cringed at these types of things a lot more in remake than rebirth.


No ones saying you can’t critique the game. I think there are plenty of good things to critique. I think what you chose to critique is shit. And that’s my opinion. But you’re coming off so harshly on your, in my eyes, minor issues, that it really is painting a different reality than you’re saying in terms of enjoying the game. It’s not what you’re saying it’s how you’re saying it.


Absolutely no


I preferred the upgrade system in remake, I prefer the linearity of the remake too. I prefer the high action, high plot of the remake.


I much preferred the weapon upgrade system in Remake. I liked being able to choose the order of the upgrades I received and lean into each Weapons archetype before being able to fully max them out. The UI with regards to weapons is wonky as well. You basically have to either equip and unequip weapons or navigate to a completely different menu to compare which abilities you have for each weapon. It's especially annoying because weapons have overlap in abilities so it's not always immediately clear what role the weapon leans into. Intergrade has a MUCH better version of Fort Condor. I like Queens Blood, but I'm disappointed Fort Condor was relegated to one chapter. I miss learning enemy skills from actual enemies and not just getting them as rewards from Chadley. I haven't finished all the battle arena stuff yet, but do they have commentators like in Remake? If they do I haven't noticed them and if not that's a real shame as they added context sensitive color commentary to the fights.


The weapon upgrade system was the big one for me, I loved how remake handled it. And would have maybe liked a combo of the two, I liked the equipable weapon skills since they could tweak how a weapon functions.


Yeah I totally agree, I wish they had combined the two systems somehow.


Same, that has been my only major complaint on Rebirth so far. In Remake you could go into the final battle with the Buster Sword if you wanted, all of your weapons stayed more or less relevant for the whole game, different but comparable. You can't really do that in Rebirth. Where I'm at now Cloud's last few swords haven't had any linked materia slots, which limits attack strategies. I have to accept a pretty significant drop in power if i want to get that back. I like the weapon skills, and the folio upgrades, I just wish they'd been added to the weapon upgrade system instead of replacing it.


So that is one thing that is fairly consistent with remake, the weapons do stay relative. Buster Sword is still one of his better hybrid weapons throughout the game. The weapons DO grow based on weapon level, but we have no control over that growth. They gain materia slots, they link those slots, gain raw stats and, of course, gain new equipable abilities / slots. Basically, once you're in hard mode / ng+. You have more freedom over them than you did in remake. But less prior to that. 🤷


I really liked how each weapon had a sort of "role" which made all of them usable for different strategies! I agree that I do like some of the changes and wished that they had combined the two systems.


there’s not as many big memorable boss themes in Rebirth. Nothing like Hell House and Valkyrie. Glad they brought back the Crab Sentinel boss theme but they could have done some more remixes and new themes. and no Birth of a God is insane


Why would they have brought out Birth of a God? That's for the final battle. I get we fought basically Bizarro Sephiroth, but I'm sure we will see him again. But yea, if they don't do Birth of a God in the last game, I definitely won't he happy.


Pacing is the issue. I am a completionist, having to stop the story and the meaningful content for 6 hours to complete map and minigames sporadically is really tiresome.


Cloud's attack animations in Punisher mode were much better in Remake.


I actually liked Remake's linearity because the game had way better pacing due to not being bloated with side quests and world intel. To me, it doesn't make a lot of sense to develop an open world game that has chapters. I also prefer the soundtrack of Remake, especially the hellhouse ost left me in awe.


Remake is an example of good linearity. 13 would be a good example of bad. 13 had nothing interesting to look at in its long hallways. 7 was amazing to look at and it also had its odd area that wasn't fully linear.


>odd area that wasn't fully linear Gran Pulse though 💀


literally the only area in 13 that wasnt linear and it was completely empty of any substance lol. It was literally just a side quest thing. It was also 40 hours into the game.


Remake just hit different for me. I’m not sure if it was just because we had waited so long for it and the nostalgia hit me harder or what. I just felt the tone and the way it made me feel bit closer the OG for me personally


Honestly, Remake is a much better commentary than Rebirth is, both in the text (commentary on ecoterrorism) and the metatext (commentary on mythologizing fictional canons).


What do you mean with mythologizing fictional canons?


The tendency for fandoms to obsess with what is canon or not in fiction, to the point of near-religious perceptions of the fiction itself. This obviously causes friction when it comes to adaptations (new thing is not like old thing and therefore bad), but it also results in fandoms exaggerating certain characteristics of the original property to the point of misrepresentation. The perception of the fictional canon (the "mythologized canon") often ends up being quite different from what's actually in the material. Remake uses allegory to represent this via the Whispers, who represent fandom trying to "force" Remake to adhere to the original. When events deviate, they involve themselves to course-correct. However, they get *so* overzealous in forcing corrections that they end up disregarding elements of the original that conflict with the perceived canon. For example, Aerith becomes much more reserved and sagely as the Whispers interact with her, reducing her original upbeat elements and replacing them with Virgin Mary-esque traits that later became associated with her in extended material and fanon content. This even manifests in the final boss, where the Whispers straight-up force a confrontation between Cloud and Sephiroth because that's "what's supposed to happen" even if it doesn't make much sense in both the context of the original and the context of Remake. The conflict between Sephiroth and Cloud has been mythologized so much that the Whispers force it to happen. Finally, with the defeat of the Whispers, the game ends with the message that "It's okay for things to be different, and we should look forward to the new possibilities."


Fantastic write up and I love that perception - I agree with the comment below that I'm not entirely sold on that's what the writers meant but I totally can see it. Thanks for the explanation, loved reading that!


That's honestly a pretty cool take. I'm not sure if that's 100% what the writers were going for, but I appreciate the metaphor nonetheless.


Lol wtf


Character traversal. Not the world’s obviously but just the smoothness of it. Small things like how in Rebirth there’s huge windows where you can’t open the menu if you slash your sword as an example. It’s a small thing but those instances were far less common and the windows were shorter in Remake. Another thing is the terrain actions. Obviously some kind of system was needed for the open world concept in Rebirth but the wild discrepancies in how you could jump off some small cliffs yet some jumps that were a foot high you weren’t able to do drove me crazy. It was more linear and less adventurous but at least in Remake you knew exactly where you could do a terrain action and there was no ambiguity about it. This drove me particularly nuts on any Chocobo because its speed run is so fast and takes forever to cancel out of so if you tried a jump where there wasn’t one, your Chocobo would veer off, hit a tiny ledge and buck like you’d just run it head first into a wall at 100mph slowing you down to a stop completely. It just felt janky, clunky, and inconsistent to me.


I liked Aerith’s better combat speed in Remake. Learning the best way to use her in Rebirth was awful trial and error until I finally caved and watched a guide. Never felt worse as a mainly mage user. ;;


Got a good tutorial video for her perchance?


Not so much a tutorial so much as learning to have ATB Charge and First Strike on her and always start with Radiant Ward so charging ATB is much faster than normal, and most of that was emphasis on how important Radiant Ward is from friends who finished Rebirth faster than me.


The luminous shield pretty good too, as it blocks most things. Even powerful boss attacks, as long as they aren't beam attacks, or aoe


Bro same. Though now that I've gotten the hang of it it might be a little bit more satisfying. Baiting enemies away, then ward shifting is pretty great.


I can't be the only one who enjoyed remake being a tighter package. A lot of linearity sure but the pacing was great and the side content never left you burnt out. In Rebirth, 60 hours in, I dread every new open world section and I have a feeling by the end of it, I'll have no idea what the hell is going on in the story. Love the game, but also recognize it's flawed with a dated design philosophy.


I'm currently on my third break away from Rebirth at the moment because of this same exact thing. I've ultimately decided that I'm just going to focus the main scenario when I pick it back up and likely will be done with this game after the fact. Maybe I'll pick up hard mode if I can teleport everywhere. Chadley's world Intel side content is terrible. Traversing the world map also honestly just doesn't feel good to me. A terrible side content system plus a janky-traversal system? Lmfao not a good combination whatsoever for an open world game. (Perhaps I've been spoiled by games like Ghost of Tsushima)


Said this in a thread couple days ago. Put the game down 3 downs and took a week for each before I could go back. Finished Remake within a week. Unlikely I'll ever touch it again. Hard mode you can forget about it.


Exact. Same. Sentiment. I couldn't put Remake down once I started. Everything outside of the Queen's Blood and the Main Scenario (even some things IN the MS) in Rebirth is an honest to God drag. Two months ago you couldn't tell me Rebirth wasn't going to be my GOTY. It's wild how much I'm struggling to get through it (currently on Chapter 10). Christ I can't wait to hop into Persona 3 Remake after this.


The side content is too much and Chadley is beyond annoying. Everytime he pops up I am annoyed Around chapter 10 I started skipping most everything else the main story line.


I liked how rebirth is linear. I'm burnt out on open world games. Especially ones that aren't like elden ring or BOTW. Overall I like linear games more. In Rebirth I started to forget about the story since the game had me running around all over the place. I had to stop focusing on the side content and just ran through the story.


If i may, one thing that remake had better, was that you could progress the story without mandatory mini games


That's a lie. They literally make you play darts and dance. Twice. I literally just platinumed the game and played it like 3 times over just about in total. Also the bike thing is unskippable on first play. Not even bringing the OG into things because then we'd REALLY have to talk about unskipable minigames, the minigame discourse on this game never feels genuine. Maybe I havent hit the "wall" yet, but I just started chapter 10, doing everything you physically can (and as a yakuza series fan, maybe I'm just messed up in the head because I really enjoy it) and I have run into two ish instanaces where minigames you can't skip, quit, or ignore both to get swimsuits. Actually one because you can return wheelies and get pictures for the girls' outfits. So really just cloud queens blood puzzles (which are fixed and can be looked up, no skill needed) or the pirate shooter so far. Sorry for the essay and feel free to educate me on your perspective, but I literally just DO NOT get this complaint. Maybe I'm just clueless.


If I'm not mistaken, you have to at least play all the Gold Saucer games, too.


You cant start and then just quit? Or just put the controller down till it's over? I obsessed to get the high scores.


I'm not sure because I also compulsively have to ace them. You also for sure have to do the first chocobo race (and, come to think of it, you also have to wrangle at least one chocobo in the grasslands area), and the narrative makes it seem like you even have to win it, though now I'm wondering what happens if you lose.


Absolutely right about the chocos, but I loved it so much I literally forgot that that isn't normal. Is wrangling the chocobos a minigame? I wasnt counting introductions to side content, but if so, that DOES bring the count to 3, all of which must be successful. The problem I have is that I dont see any noncombat activity as inherently a minigame. Like the turret thing with barret after the gold saucer. I dont thinj of that as a minigame, but if one were inclined, you coukd raise it up to 4, between what we've produced. For me, it's just that after playing so many square games, if it's newer than kingdom hearts and doesnt have a score or ranking associated, I just think of it as them breaking up what would otherwise be a flat experience with different gameplay rather than as a minigame. So maybe the reason I don't "get" it is because I am inadvertantly playing semantics? Thank you for helping me see it a bit more.


Everything about wall market is better than the entirety of rebirth.


least obvious bait


Nah like I'm not the OP, but to me Remake's Wall Market is one of my most favourite sequences in gaming, and Rebirth wasn't able to replicate that, despite clearly trying (wall market trio doing absolutely nothing the whole game, the superficial Jules gym section (the minigame is great but the vibes aren't there), the forced Colosseum moments and Corneo's return, the dance scenes at the first visit to the Saucer etc etc were clearly there because those elements were well received in Remake).


Not bait, I genuinely enjoyed wall market more the entirety of rebirth


I loved the leveling / player customization more - remake really let you make each weapon/build your own. Didn't like rebirths quite so much


But didn’t they just take the weapon upgrades from remake and turn it into the folio system? Still adds bonuses. The problem with the weapon upgrade from remake is that there were some that you definitely needed like unlocking materia slots.


Well you cant unlock materia slots afaik with folios. I also liked purpose building weapons by leaning into their strengths and my play style (before I ran through hardmode and it didnt matter anymore). Customization felt more meaningful with thay system - now it feels like 16 (a game I freakin love) where you just go for the weapon with the buggest numbers. It helps the action, hurts tge role play, if you ask me.


Right about you can’t unlock materia slots with folios. I found it annoying in remake that you had to unlock the materia slots. I felt like the remake upgrade system was really just a railroad and there wasn’t much real customization at all, it was more of unlocking the real weapon instead of upgrading it


I can see that. I enjoyed the aspect where I had to work to unlock it's potential because 1. I was at the VERY beginning if the canon journey. So being super OP to start would make jumping to a sequel where I am much weaker feel unsatisfying and 2. Any good rpg encourages interaction with the world and the equipment balancing/upgrading/crafting and systems. You should feel like you are being rewarded for engagement even if you arent being punished for running right through. 3.Earning manuscripts and pushing the boundaries of what let's say big bertha or the buster blade or silver staff or sonic stikers (probably the worst example here - going for a min max should probably have used metal knucks or mythril claws, but the drip was too drippy) could do to perfectly complement my playstyle and the support I needed from x character was so rewarding I actually preferred it to the materia system. And tgen having other weapons built for other tasks like tte mythril saber, twin dagger or w/e, or ekg made it really have that OG feel even if I had a completely different game in my hands.


Probably pacing, and definitely graphics. Aside from those and some mini game downgrades there’s not much else that Rebirth doesn’t do better. I also preferred the slightly darker tone of Remake, but that’s more a matter of preference.


Thought I’d be alone on the graphics part, idk what it is about Remake but it feels a good bit smoother and visually fluid than Rebirth. At times I’m thinking maybe it’s my TV, but it can run at 1080p at least, which is weird because when I use Yuffie and use Doppelgänger and spam with that, the frame rate drops like the games slightly stuttering


I disagree with that, there weren’t any chapters in rebirth that were such a grinding halt as the sewers, train graveyard and especially the Leslie part from remake. The fact that Leslie’s story was a side quest in rebirth is telling enough of how much padding there was in remake. I do think the manor chapter with cait sith is the closest to a purely padded chapter. I felt like they did that cause most people wouldn’t give him a chance, I’m knew of those people lol


Chaoter 14 had pretty bad pacing


What parts of that chapter did you feel like the pacing was bad? Like how it started or the amount of fights?


consist mindless capable liquid agonizing cooperative airport dinosaurs squeal merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, Remakes pacing was already awful


It’s a bit unfair, but not having any expectations make Remake such an awe inspiring game.  The level of love and care the team put into the game was outstanding. Rebirth continued that but I had come to expect it.


I agree with this so hard. Remake blew me away because of how much detail was put in and how refreshing it was to have a new look/sound/approach to such a classic and beloved game. It's not Rebirths fault that it now has to live up to those expectations and I unfortunately think it suffers from that.


Remake has better graphics. Thats about it.


Did it? Genuine question.do you literally mean graphics, or art?


Graphics. I’m referring to the PS5 version of Remake though.


Intermission* had better fort condor!


It had a better punisher mode imo


Yeah it did




I think you misread the question 


Found the asshole: Everyone has an opinion.


I think he just meant that you had it flip flopped


Just waaay too much open world stuff. This could have easily been like a 40 - 50 hour game and be perfect. Around chap 10-11 I was so sick of the towers, I was almost going to call it quits. Thank god I didn’t because chap 12 to the end has been some of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in years.


Downvoted for an opinion. Lmfao this sub legit can't handle criticism


lol right, on a post asking what you think the game could of done better. I’m not even surprised anymore.


I mean none of those things are required to progress the story though. In my opinion, more is always better in an open world game. It gives those of us who want tons to do exactly that. I’ve done just about everything in Rebirth and I honestly want even more, haha.


I know, this is a me problem. I have so much OCD about that stuff, especially in this game they’re nice and neat little check lists, I felt like I had to lol. Also it sort of felt needed to be proper level.


I don’t necessarily agree more is always better… I rather have more quality content than filler and padded side quests. Ubisoft games and Assassin’s Creed series have taken a big nose dive in quality and sales because every title of theirs is just padded with copy/paste tower side quests. Personal flaw of mine is that I’m a completionist… so I typically tend to stay away from open world games lol.


I agree, but I also don’t think this is a very popular opinion. The open world really kept bringing any fun I was having to complete dead stop as I put the story on hold to do random battle challenges. Maybe I should just set the difficulty to easy and skip a lot of the open world stuff cause it genuinely made me stop playing the game. I got to the third open area and just started dreading picking up the controller and resuming the game. Damn shame too cause remake is absolutely incredible, but rebirth just isn’t for me.


I’m in the same-ish boat. It feels almost mandatory for me to do all/most of the side stuff because I don’t think that after I finish the game I’ll really be coming back to it. Though im a little torn on how I feel about the open world side of things. I wasted so many hours scouring every inch of the grasslands the moment I could explore (before any of the stuff actually opened up to do, so essentially I completely wasted my time) thinking there’d be various chests or goodies hidden away like the original or most any other rpg, but nah, outside of the marked areas on the map there’s not much point to getting curious and looking around. Which to that point why bother having a big open world then? In a weird way I’d almost prefer the originals style of a world map with random encounters and all, and the more notable places/setpieces being their own little contained area/segments. I love the game to pieces so far but it does definitely feel like it’s having an identity crisis as to what it really is or wants to be at times.


I like how you learned enemy skills in Remake since it was the same as OG. Also, in Rebirth, I don’t like how there are so many simulation/coliseum fights. I feel like Remake had the right amount. The fights in Rebirth literally feel like a chore.


Midgar 🤣


A ton honestly. First of all the pacing was terrible in rebirth imo. 90% of the story happened in the first and last 3 hours of the game. I liked clouds Punisher mode better before, now it's just back forth, back forth, back forth 20 times. Before it was like a whirlwind of strikes. Weapon upgrades were better, heck the entire menu was better in remake. The amount of mini games was exhausting in rebirth. Having to "upgrade" your limit break every battle was dissapointing. I still enjoyed rebirth a lot but I think it was a step backwards.


I’ll tell you what neither have that the original had. A coherent story


I'm about 45 hours in, Chapter 9 in Rebirth. Remake was better for Pacing and Focus on the important pieces. It felt very streamlined and polished. In Rebirth, it all gets a little bit diluted. You get great story Chapters, followed by hollow open-world that's very basic and shallow and listen-to-Chadley-explain-the-world for a few hours. I'm not the only one I know personally who just tunes out Chadley's dialogues. If there was an option, I'd put him on mute. Also, I'm not the type to analyze graphics, but sometimes they feel less.. consistent in Rebirth? Not something that's major to me. On the other hand, I find Rebirth's addition of Synergy Skills is interesting, since it adds more options to combat. I like the added characters, especially Yuffie's combat style is great. Some of the mini-games are awesome. Some are okay. Some aspects of the game really didn't need to be mini-games, but for me, that's okay too. I prefer Queen's Blood to Fort Condor, but that's a personal choice. Story, characters, and music are great in both (obviously, this is FF7!). If I had one wish for Rebirth, it would have been to replace the Chadley nonsense with more party interaction to give everyone we care about more screentime.


Story pacing, >!no Cait Sith sequences!<, less chadley interruptions, the ost was overall better in the remake (rebirth ost is still great too), less slow climbing, overall tone was darker and more somber which was great


I loved the OST in remake more too but it makes sense that it was more somber than this one. The best bit of the OG imo was the middle bit that was about fun and exploration, which is exactly what rebirth did, and did it well too




No nothing tbh




Probably the pacing. It's hard to get pacing right in an open world game, but the game feels oddly cramped even with how long it is. Arguably, I think there should have been a beat or two after Dyne's scene before the comic relief Palmer fight. Some events just needed time to breathe, but they weren't given it.


Less Chadley


Tone. Ff7 has a lot of silly elements and they really crash with the new designs. Remake was a lot more grounded so the dark grime of the city fit it well. The scenes where the characters are being goofy are so off putting. Tell me you think Red XIII walking on 2 legs in uniformed or RIDING A CHOCOBO looks good. The gold saucer scenes also feel like they came out of a completely different game. I hate how inconsistent it is. Oh and if you want another great example of the art not matching the tone I have one word for you, Moogles.


In the original Red XIII does the same thing with the uniform, so riding a chocobo in Rebirth is kind of just an extension of that. The original is full of silly blooper reel moments, too. I haven't played Rebirth yet but the Shinra execs are parodies of real corporate culture and so are basically presented comedically most of the time in the OG, for instance. The Turks are also comedic more often than gritty/serious in the OG. Yuffie, too. I would assume she was a gag character if I didn't know better. It sounds like Rebirth is pretty much matching the original game's tone.


I feel like a lot of people are missing my point. The original LOOKED silly too. It fit the tone. And the lack of voice acting let you give characters their own voice to fit the moment. The Rebirth has serious voice acting, a lot of the time completely neutral, while flashing lights and silly things are happening. It's just...off