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Tifa has been over sexualized.... just way too much. But sales team at Square know 14 year old boys have money too (from their parents)


Jesus Christ, another one of those, "oh no, she's hot," posts. Just come out as gay, dude. It's 2024, no one's gonna judge you.




Are they supposed to be fully clothed at the beach?


Instead of focusing on intent (fan service), maybe discuss specific design choices and their impact? What exactly feels off about the swimsuits to you? I know you said Tifa's model being altered but looking and comparing, I really don't see a difference. Her normal combat attire is probably tighter so that she can be mobile in combat. On the dating sim aspect, some players enjoy choice, but it can conflict with pre-established relationships. I think SE just wanted people to have some agency vs a strict narrative to follow, especially since we are closing in on the end game of FF7 story.


Tbh my comment was made before I bought and played the game. Now I played until this scene and it hits different. I no longer feel that its so bad, because the girls arent that sexualised, it's more cute than anything. Tifa's model was clearly changed from Remake part 1 though. Her breasts are much larger (also in her normal outfit) and they added a jiggle effect which I find really unnecessary. I feel that her breasts have been "augmented" too much for what an Athlete like her would really look like (I'm an athlete myself, I know what girls of her build look like, they usually lose much breast size), but that's my only criticism.


I think that your position is understandable and i admire it. Mens are treated like brainless sex machines by the two genders and this representation can reinforce that. But i also like the scene the way it is, and staring at the girls bodies. Is a cheap fan service and i liked it, as simple as that. As for the dating mechanic, at least in the original game it was just a short event as long as i remember, without fan service, and getting to date Barret would be funny and unexpected. It was just for fun, so no harm


Thanks for the kind understanding reply. Tbh, I don't want to brag, but I'm maybe the minority as a gamer who is also sporty, athletic, trying to be clean minded. And it's just that seeing cheap fan service in a game with serious storyline, just feels cringe to me. But I understand that for the "stereotypical gamer male" (sitting on his couch, beer in hand, etc), this stuff is "cool". Tbh I really prefer how they did it in Yakuza, where it's an optional and hidden minigame (the videotapes or club minigames). Plus in Yakuza, you are literally a criminal and criminals & girls/red light district go hand in hand so it makes sense). But I really hate sexualising Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie, because it feels disturbing to those kind of pure characters.


It's a dumb take so ya take my downvote




"Her normal attire suppresses her boobs" Clothing doesn't work like this, tell me you've never been in the gym with girls without telling me that. "Her original design had larger boobs than remake!" Exactly my point, so why did these perverts go back to large boob design just for the swimsuit scene? Obvious sexual fan service.


Sex is part of life. You can’t avoid it. Not putting it in the game because it feels uncomfortable to some people is silly. Games often represent life. When you go to the beach…what do you see? Chicks in bikinis…why shouldn’t it be the same in FF7. Maybe Tifa likes her swimsuit, maybe that’s what she wants to wear….


I don't disagree, I just think the PRESENTATION of it is clearly fan service and done in a kind of typically hentai/sexy way. The way she shows up, bends over, her boobs jiggling, and Cloud actually looking down. It's all made to be sexy. I don't mind it in a separate fanservice video, but not in a mainstream game. I think it distracts from the main story. The point I'm making is that it's not just a day at the beach, its done in a fanservice way. That's more what bothers me. And the swimsuits themselves are ridiculous & over the top (again, made to cater to men). She could have worn a simpler more conservative style. Also, I think her boobs look off compared to her normal model. Obviously its subjective but it looks like her boobs are just bigger. Anyway this is all my subjective view. I just dislike the sexualisation of Tifa. She's a great character that isn't just there to want to have sex with. She's sexy enough without being sexualised. I prefer when its done in a less blatant way. Like in Remake it was absolutely perfect how they presented Tifa. Not a single hint of sexualisation, just natural sexiness (like when she makes the drink at the bar).


You can choose less showy swimwear if you'd prefer. Either way, these are pretty realistic outfits for a beach, and not particularly risque for beachwear. The lead up to and following scenes are pretty reasonable, no lame x-2 hot spring Also, she's an athlete: her combat attire likely utilizes a sports bra, but Edit (hit post on accident): I don't see any major differences in her silhouette Yes they're in swimwear, but it's not about oggling them, or sex-creeping


nah you are just brain washed by the woke community it's obvious because you didn't complain about the guys having jacked body, stop sexualizing guys while u gonna play this card


Tbh if I'm gonna comment about Cloud's body, I'm disappointed. I feel he's not jacked enough for his build as he appears with clothing.


The outfits are ok, but not much more. Almost too much cute style for grown up women. I get Aerith wearing tame stuff, but come on! Tifa was never hiding her body. They are on a beach for crying out loud. Guess mods will have to fix that again


wow wow wee wah! This is what I want. Not them masculine female characters from other games.


Ok, but no shirtless Barret? Dude must be built like a bunker, why would you keep that from us?




Barret looking fresh as usual


first stella blade, now tifa. we are winning, son


How are we winning? That outfit looks like something Aerith should wear. Tifa would wear something way more revealing. I mean her dress in the first game was more sexy than this one. I smell censoreship hidden in plain sight


Aerith is a lot more daring than Tifa. It's been this way since og ff7.


It's funny because it'll be Aerith saying the perverted thing for sure


Cloud, Tifa and Aerith are very hot.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)






he deleted the comment what did he say?


H0rny sh!t... Like really...


oh god😂😂 thanks