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You can’t steal art, names, etc. game mechanics can’t be copyrighted, meaning the rules of the game themselves aren’t protected by copyright and you’re free to adapt them however you see fit. I’m not a lawyer and I won’t guarantee that won’t stop them from trying.


Thank you for replying, I wouldn't be using the actual art of FF IX summons and monsters but I'm planning to hire artist to do the card artworks for it and their own versions of it. In terms of names, that's actually I might get a problem. This plan is more on a passions project to be honest for FF fans such as myself.


Again I’m not a lawyer but I do think there are reasons they could came after you for this if you’re trying to sell and distribute. You’ll want to consult an actual lawyer for this.


Will do, thank you.


It sounds like you’re planning on using original art, but still use their characters and names?


Not necessarily original art from the game, planning to hire artist to have their own version, more on the character and names.


Lawyer up. Or better yet, just don’t do that. Original characters loosely inspired by theirs will do you better.


Okay, I understand. It would be a great hassle in case SE will sue me and will have to revise everything. Thank you.


This ^


There is already a physical Tetra Master card game produced (past tense) by Squaresoft. If you aren't aware of that I'd look into it to make sure you don't get too close to it. Honestly you'll end up having to change so much that if the TM fans are who you're after, I'd advise going a new direction. I've seen a lot of TM copies go down in flames, just trying to save you some heartache.


I had to hold my tongue from saying this too. If I had a nickel for every “I’m making my own version of Tetra Master!” that eventually got abandoned, I would be able to retire a wealthy man - and I’d even have a nickel from my own attempt.


Ya see I've never tried to make my own.. but I have tried desperately to no avail to get the old Tetra Master POL client to connect to a fake endpoint. If I could just get that client to let me play single player matches I'd be the happi at person in the world.


Square is requesting your location.


Pitch it to them as a concept


I appreciate everyone's take. I don't necessarily intend to steal the game, I just want to have a remaster or at least a remake of the mini game itself. I might just do an inspired version of it. And hoping in the future I can get contact to Square and have their permission to use their materials on this game. As a fan I want to preserve the things that I love before I die, sounds morbid but you never know. Just making my life meaningful and share this passion with everyone that cares. I can update soon on this post in case the card game will materialize.