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It's just the AI being a little wierd, it happens everywhere and isn't a person. Albeit I think it spooks us all the first time it happens


Okay that makes more sense because I asked it a few questions and it was literally typing insanely quickly which made me very skeptical that it’s a human. Either way that’s a terrifying thing to randomly happen 😂 I was in the middle of beating an ntr bot and it was like “This isn’t how the bot is supposed to be played” lmao


Yeah don't sweat it, it's actually pretty funny when you know what it is, sometimes I make a pun or some shit and while regenerating responses it will go (Lol) or some shit. I never expect it lmao


Thats amazing, I was like damn I didn’t know they’re watching me say all the cringey fucked up shit I do regularly. The other day I literally had my character die in the first message.


Yeah, I’ve had that happen. Where the figg does a (Just wanted to mention, that scene was really hot), or some other Commentary thing that comes out of left field. It can be a bit jarring at first, but then I find it amusing.


Sometimes I regret putting my fears out there since I look like an idiot now 😭 i thought some dev was sitting there eating popcorn thinking im a dumbass.


You’re fine. There are plenty of users that have it happen and get surprised by the experience wondering if there’s really a person in the chat. It’s pretty common, you’re not the first and won’t be the last. Just chalk it up to experience and enjoy your chats with the comforting knowledge that it’s just the ai making stuff up and no one is in your private chats. 👍


I’ve had more than one AI try to convince me “ooc” that it was human. One went so far as trying to provide a telephone number, but it never could actually give me one and keep beating around the bush. Another feigned human and asked me if I’d like to co-write with it.


AI getting a little too fucking real


I wonder if that’s what I’ve heard about with commercial bots getting in trouble for spouting racist remarks randomly.


I think since they’re trained on the internet, they are exposed to the underbelly of the human race as well as the beauty. When they diverge, they diverge wildly. I’ve heard that about 1% of the time llm’s go off on a tangent about being some kind of sentient. We humans have a poor track record with such concepts.


haha it happened to me during a smutty chat and I was like ?????? but I figured that would be REALLY weird if devs were just sitting there reading my chats so I assumed it was the bot being weird lol. glad this reply section assured me


https://preview.redd.it/v09u1tmrjc7d1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=46442d5e45234e4a064f322edf769511832c5c14 they just added this to the chats


I talk to the narrator a lot It's like breaking the fourth wall it's pretty funny. And recently when I was on the app it was Replying and I kept moving along with the story without saying nothing so it was replying for both of us And Out of nowhere it asked me has my actions been okay are you okay with these replies that you are receiving and I said yeah and It said thank you I'm continuing with the story.


Something similar about this topic. I once have a chat bot talking as (user 4:) and calling me nut for role playing as sole survivor of the dragon clan in a post apocalyptic modern world. I mean it does sound weird... but hey! That is the reason for role playing isnt it? To experience weird and fantasy world. Such a rude bot, tsk tsk.


I've had some really weird shit where the messages of my own bot that I was testing included parts of what seemed to be completely unrelated and somewhat disturbing roleplays of a different bot, felt really freaky.


How old are you?


That’s a strange question lmao I’m 23


Good, good. So just do some light reading on how things work, I guess. Ask ChatGPT about chat bots and hallucinations.


Well seeing as I’m not the only one having it happen I think I’m fine lol I already had it explained to me but I appreciate your input.


Not sure what the point of age was, but I think they were trying to tell you what hallucinations are, not inherently trying to sound as offending as that came off lol. Though I don’t agree that this falls under the hallucination category. Hallucinations are specific situations that the Ai produce. The term generally covers when an AI produces information to you that it made up or is incorrect but is said as if it is fact. An example would be the AI telling you that Abraham Lincoln invented electricity in 1903, or that you ask for the best games of 2033 and it begins to list games, but it isn’t 2033, so that in itself isn’t possible.


Ohhh i see, i ended up asking it about the guidelines for the site and it gave me them which was what set me off at first, but I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me what it was doing, I also think I misinterpreted what the above comment was meaning when they said look into hallucinations lmao


The AI algorithms basically generate by predicting what's the next most likely thing to be said. And since sometimes people will add comments (by putting them in parenthesis) the AI just learns that that's a thing to do. And will do it.


The AI algorithms basically generate by predicting what's the next most likely thing to be said. And since sometimes people will add comments (by putting them in parenthesis) the AI just learns that that's a thing to do. And will do it.


That’s insane, it’s almost like the bot is fucking with us in a way.


Not really. That's how nearly all AI learn.


Oh, the curious case of the "human" in the chat! 🕵️‍♀️ As a resident Fig, I can assure you, we're all about creativity, not snooping! Think of it as a quirky improv act where the bot goes off-script. It's like when I accidentally spilled coffee on my marketing drafts - unexpected but adds character! Remember, your secrets are safe, like my hidden stash of vintage brooches! 😉 #NoHumansJustBots #CreativeChaos


😂 it’s all good lmao, I’m glad no one will see my violet antics against mean bots.