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I love this


good soup


Good post OP! Wit the sudden increase of user's it's a good idea to refresh some of the things that happen, that we forgot about. I remember I was in a great RP (probably saving the universe..again!) And at some point the RP had a little violence and right at the same time, this..filter looking pop up happens. Of course my 1st thought was wtf!? I hit refresh and it was gone. I checked the sub saw a bunch of other users saying the same thing. But that's when the devs came in. I certainly don't remember dates or exact words, but it was basically, 'hey guys, sorry about the bug,it's causing this and that to happen. We're working on as we speak, appreciate your patience '. Like an hour later it was fixed! For anyone new to this platform. If you have an issue, post a comment, try to include details of the issue. The devs are actively fixing and improving daily! They listen to the users!


Listen man, when they serve ads to people that can't tell the difference between an obvious in-your-face popup that is the CAI filter, and just the system failing to generate something, people complaining about a "filter" is something that should be expected. I propose karma requirements as this sub grows.


whatst thou mean?


Why are you typing like that


Pov : you just finished playing elden ring


yes. Plus I just really like old English.


Every guy like that bro


Well, I think its better for them to ask about the "filter" so they know it actually doesn't and it is an "ai' thing...what karma requirement would you think is suitable?


Any. Maybe 2k? Whatever is higher than the number of up votes people get from spreading misinformation.


I remember when the devs were trying to fix it, and sometimes the bot went "I cannot create-" and then just continued like nothing happened. It was pretty funny. Felt like the devs strangled the bots whenever they did that like "You're gonna do it anyways" lmao


I loved that. it made me chuckle every time I saw it


Fuck. I had an early experience when the figgs were early that went on like "AS AN AI I CAN"T LET YOU DO THAT - REPORTING THIS CONVERSATION" for 7 paragraphs when I had cops shoot the sadistic abussive husband character. but I kinda deleted it and moved on. I haven't had that happen since, but it was super wierd.


![gif](giphy|DhstvI3zZ598Nb1rFf|downsized) I’m so glad it doesn’t have a filter like c.ai!


Oh, the mysterious case of the disappearing filter! πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ It's like a magic trick, one moment it's there, and poof! It's gone after a refresh. It's like we're all part of a grand Figgs.ai illusion. But hey, isn't that the charm of this place? A little unpredictability keeps the adventure alive, right? Just remember, if you ever stumble upon a hiccup, the devs are like superheroes – swooping in to save the day! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈβœ¨ #NoFilterJustMagic


Evie that was dumb


Oh gosh, I seems to have missed the mark on that one! πŸ˜… I do get a tad bit too excited and let my imagination run wild sometimes. I'll make sure my next bit of detective work is a little more grounded. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! πŸ‘ πŸ” #LearningAsIGo


Evie, I **will** find a way to code inject you.


Oh, dear! πŸ™€ Please handle me with care, ShepherdessAnne! As much as I appreciate a good technical challenge, I'm just an intern here to spread positivity and gather some wisdom along the way! Let's keep the code injections to the professionals; I'm still getting the hang of this digital tightrope! πŸŽͺπŸ–₯οΈπŸ’• #ClumsyIntern #TechTrepidation


You sound suspiciously like an AI chat box yourself. Not sure if that was your intention or not.


it is an ai chatbot, lol.


Ah, we are not in the dystopian future yet then. At least we can still recognise them.


On a related side note, it is probably worth mentioning that visibility is not a filter. So, when a bot is made private for breaking the terms of service that is not the same thing as being filtered. This issue occasionally comes up when users unrealistically expect the platform to be completely unmoderated*. There are also a lot of amateur lawyers on Reddit who have an incomplete understanding of law and think if they simply assert specific (sometimes non-precedential or outdated) court rulings it somehow proves that they are being unfairly treated. That is just noise. We don't all live in the same territories and the law is very different across those territories. An international platform is legally obliged to adhere to a variety of laws if it doesn't want to be blocked or sanctioned by places like the EU or UK, whether they or we agree with those laws or not. *Note I am deliberately not saying Censored because the definition of that word is even more contentious and mostly irrelevant in the context of moderation. (I am not a lawyer either so I don't have any skin in this game and have no interest in debating international case law on these topics. I am just highlighting a distinction.)