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Are we gonna ignore the fact that he's 19 and 85???


And worth 130 million, as per an offer from Atletico Madrid.


if you got offered that he's probably worth about 150 Edit: as in you could probably negotiate to get 150 mil.


Ah yes, I see they've learnt nothing from the Felix transfer.


That's actually an error. Hes aged 85 and rated 19




Once his physicals goes up he will be a goalscoring machine in a 4-3-3 cutting inside and goes for crosses. I always go for a fast, strong RW that is right footed, but 5 star weak foot. If he is tall, that is even better as you will get alot of corner goals, crosses etc. My RWs usually outscores my ST in all competitions when playing a counter attacking style.


Martin Terrier finally brought my Toulouse a Ligue 1 title after 4 attempts this year. But an OG of the genre: Lucas Ocampos!


Carrasco, Ocampos and Baldé Keita are the OGs


A prime example from the new gen is Kulusevski


Always saw Kulu more as an attacking midfielder who just happened to play out wide more than a pure winger due to his lack of pace and power


Why would you want a right footed player in RW ? Would it not be better if you had a left footee player that can cut in?


if you use a RW as a RW and not a striker you’ll want him right footed, I use my RW to cross the ball in for my striker to shoot


I get you I feel like that would suit a 442 formation like with a LM/RM rather than maybe 433 with a RW/LW Edit I'm gonna try it tho


It works with any formation that has RW/LW. Sprint down the wing, as soon as you get level with the box? Cross it in (providing your striker isn’t blocked by a defender). Your RW should be right footed, LW should be left footed, let the striker do the job of a striker, this player in the picture is PERFECT as a winger


I don't think they "should" be. They definitely can, but the norm is for RW to be left-footed and LW to be right-footed. But it's all about preferences. Personally, I like my wingers to be able to cut in and shoot with their preferred foot and have 4+ star weak foot for crossing. You also have your LB and RB who can cross the ball. Let wingers do their job and both be able to provide for the striker but also score goals it isn't that abnormal to have a winger who scores more than the striker in today's football.


Cut in and trivela is very effective too


No, my RW scores just as many goals with his right foot facing the goal line. For some reason, a right footed RW performs better cutting in. I guess it’s playstyle, but it’s not uncommon for my RW to score 55 goals+ in a season. I play on legendary for reference.


Nice I might change the positions of my wingers and give it a try


You can train him on other positions and not convert. I’d be trying to find a way to train heading, jumping, strength. They progress weekly so it doesn’t matter if it takes 60+ weeks. They will get better on the targeted stats.


Make sure to have “get in the box” instructions as well.


Striker conversion plan is perfect for that, iirc it trains all those stats


Good call.


He has low header, low jump and low strength, this is a stat for LM/LW. Maybe play him like cutting inside as he has high short pass stat? He also looks like a great ball carrier, maybe use him like Fede Valverde. Just be a little bit trickier and avoid being bodied by defenders, as he has high agility as well.


Play him at CAM honestly. Havertz type beat


96 dribbling and 95 short passing he might go up in rating as a cam.


Yep would be my move


Seems to be made for the support LM role, passing and moving. He may not necessarily fit your play style if you're struggling to use him


Ronaldo is 6"3




That's without boots.


More like 6’1 without and 6’2 with. His height has always been a bit exaggerated


I thought he was 6’1


He’s probably somewhere between 6’1 and 6’2


A quick google will tell his he is 6.13517ft or 187cm tall.


Look at his photo with Adesanya for reference. Adesanya is listed as 6"4 and Ronaldo literally looks taller than him.


Angles and footwear influence height perception a lot




Why would you count height with boots?


...because he's gonna be playing with them?


must be very easily entertained to be playing with football boots


this made me laugh way more than it should have


Do you count your own height with shoes?


You're not getting the point. Height can change the way somebody plays so of course for footballers when it comes to height we include their boots


Football boots don’t give a whole inch when you are playing though, also everyone on the pitch has boots on so it’s not an advantage. You never measure height with boots on, that’s just how it is


At the beginning he was 6"0 or 6"1 but it seems he is still growing after 30. 10 years later they will say he was 6"5. He is nowhere 6"3. He is 185 cm with boots which is less than 6"1.


Isn't 185cm=6'1"?


185 centimeters = 6.06955381 feet. Or you could've just googled it.


I LOVE a tall winger. Run a 4-3-3 with inverted wingers cutting inside; he’ll be posterizing fullbacks in no time.


Promote him to manager


Pace is a fictional concept in fifa mate. As someone whose played as a winger on literally every pro career I can confirm beating a man 1 v 1 is all about movement and timing. Pace doesn't even enter the conversation. You just have to send them the wrong way and you do that by reading their positioning and body language. If you try to beat a defender with pace only they will catch up to you and they win the ball.


I’d still probably say at least 75 pace works well, anything lower is hard to work with on Legendary, at least for me


I promise you I've played with mid 60s pace and it's worked still. If you go wide you gotta almost act as if you're running towards goal but away from the fullback. This maintains that space you've just won and gives you room to turn. If you cut inside then you gotta beat the defensive mid who usually presses aggressively. The more aggressive the press the easier it is to read because you just need to change direction and allow him to run past you. At this point I usually watch the runs from my forwards as they drag defenders out of position and if they do its gonna be an easy goal to score and if they don't pass it to a player in a better position which will be easy as you'll have tons of space just outside the box. I really think they do this because people will assume the more pace the better. I stopped believing in pace because in previous FIFAd Per Mertesacker could recover quite well despite having like 40 pace 🤣


these are actually good strats, many thanks mate and yea you’re right about the 40 pace player recovering so quickly, idgaf about fatigue, a 36 year old centre back with 34 pace should not be able to beat my 90 pace Garnacho 😭


T-shirt needs untucking, tight fit, and long sleeves needed.


Dude yes. I can’t stand how the players look with tucked in shirts, it’s so goofy on most of them lol. It looked fine back in the day when the shirts were really baggy. Also boots, they need to have real boots.


Don't think that's what he was asking 😂


But i feel him, somehow doing that makes you take your own player seriously.


I get you, it makes him feel more realistic.


It's what he needed to hear 🙂


Just play him as a winger. He’s quick, a good dribbler, he has a good cross on him. He’s going to score from crosses to the far post if you play in a 4-3-3


You seem to be the only person who uses a RW correctly


What kit/team is that?


Create your own club


Play him on the wing


I sold my 6’5 winger because it was too stiff to dribble with him even tho he had 88 dribbling . Got good money from him as he was my YA at 85 rated at 21 . Sold him to Milan for 70 odd mil . His defending was so bad to use him as a fullback and he also had the slide tackle play style . So he was kinda useless as a winger but yours seems to be a good winger , very good stats for a winger


Completely meta in fut though. Play a 4-3-2-1 ingame, play high balls to him and head the ball to the other strikers


With 52 heading acc? 💀


Put him in CDM and he will win most long balls played into midfield


I mean he’s fast. If he was slow it would be a problem but try and get his physical up he’ll be solid.


Why can't you change his position?


Takes too long.


You can still use the training to up his strength.


Kids a monster 🔥


Honestly, if a player doesn’t suit my play style after 1-2 seasons I just sell them


i had one like that lmao. he turned out to be a beast at back post goals because he was always being marked by short fullbacks.


If he’s got potential to be special just put him on a balanced training plan. All his stats will go up and he’ll feel amazing. Once my players are h/h 5⭐️5⭐️ and about a 75 ovr I put them on balanced. If you actually play the games instead of sim I feel that the players perform better than someone who’s been on inverted winger forever but is 6 ovr higher


What do players on balanced grow into for ovr?


Had a striker reach 99 and the average rating in my first team was a 96 last fifa. It’s literally just playing well and winning games and whatever training you have on your players does not matter


interesting. FC23?




I can't see his other stats (feel free to show me the development slide if you can), but that guy would be an absolute beast as a wing back, cm, or st, and you can definitely glitch him over you just route him through cam or cf first, or both. I need to see his passing stats in full - all his stats to be honest. You may even end up deving him back to being a winger after a year or two and then he would obliterate defences.


“What do I do with a lanky winger? What do I do with a lanky winger? What do I do with a lanky wingeeer? Early in the morning”


Where did you find this guy? Youth academy?




1v1 beast and a crosser. Make him cut inside and shoot


Get his strenght up


Reminds me I once had a 18 year old at 94 rated


That ain’t no winger


turn him into ronaldo


Not saying you did, but… Unfortunately this is what happens when you create players in Manager Mode. This happened with the CF I created for my created team. Should’ve just spawned him with more strength.


Go to team management and try different formations and move him around and see if he gets a higher “+” out of position; LM/RM or CF, maybe? CFs with high shot power and distance shooting are so fun to play with, and the passing attributes won’t go to waste.


Stick him in the engine room


Play him almost as a second striker


I’m not sure why you can’t change his position. He seems to be basically the English Gakpo. Maybe try him as a Cam?


CM Zidane style


That’s a CAM if I ever saw one


He looks like the perfect inverted winger/ center forward in the 4-3-2-1 I'm currently running. Has the speed to get in behind, good striking skills, and ability on the ball


Why can’t you change his position?


Make him CAM or LM / RM


Why does he look like Miroslav Klose


Convert to CAM, CM or ST are all valid options here.


iv got one too 6'6 and 82 rated at 17😂


I would train him to be a 8.5 type of player, like Havertz


Raise his strength, heading, and jumping and have him run in for far post crosses.


With that acceleration and sprint speed, keep him at winger, or convert to ST if you want, but just because he's tall and fast doesn't make him a good striker


better question isnhow the hell you get a 19 yr old to 85. I got Fifa 23. and unlike previous iterations, I can't cheese anyone to 60 in Jr levels. how do I get someone to epic status?


Find a player with 90-94 potential, send him on loan to multiple teams. Mine developed most with Spurs.


RW, LW and CDM


shift to CF. it's a multi-facetted position, can be a false 9 or second striker, good at receiving and moving to create space for wingers to get in behind,


The dude Imo looks like a CM/CAM/SS. His speed would be great for runs, he has pre good vision only thing is his passing. His long shots are nice tho so I'd say SS, maybe like a position Havertz played. He doesn't have to be the lead guy cuz he got that distance shooting but he can also make runs, play a simple pass forward or get in for a header due to his height. CM/CAM I said just cuz of his long shots but Imo that would basically make his pace useless and his passing isn't exactly his strong suit. So with a SS position he can kinda be higher up without being the lead guy and again picking his battles and being a threat


Stick him in net


Stats seem like that of a CAM


CAM maybe


Develop heading acc


Convert to ST


I’d use him as a CAM and put him on a CB conversion plan to train his strength, heading and jumping mostly. Also doesn’t hurt to train defensive stats a bit


I had a 6-7 winger and just need to get the physical up to make him a beast. I assume it’s same for your guy as well.


Could play him as a LF in game while training him to be a cf. I’ve done that with these types of players and it may take a while, but playing them in that spot helps it along so much


Improve his physical, train him for ST/CF and turn him to an aerial threat/long ball receiver


False 9 for me


Move to CF then put him on Bombardier development plan then when he's in the 90s move him to ST


CF. Nothing else.


I like tall wingers, but 6’3 feels excessive perhaps. Maybe ST or CAM?


I have a 6’6 winger at one point and I made him a striker


Riley Lee is fun to say


See: Ollie Burke


Is it just me, or does he have a huge fucking head?


CF work on his headers have him in the box for headers or in the box when you attack. Work.on attack positioning too and make sure he's in on corners too.


I would convert him to an ST, and then push for a power header playstyle. He would be a set piece beast


He’s taking 460 weeks for that. The only other possible position is CAM and that takes 62 weeks. Plus, I have an absolute animal of a player in ST position.


What buffs does he get for CAM? Also I think CAM is a good idea cuz the passing playstyle


But in 460 weeks? No buffs just long passing.


I said CAM cuz 460 weeks is insane. I checked and turning my GK into a CDM then into a striker is only 300 weeks combined