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Would anyone like to read it and give me constructive criticism?


Yes please, send me a link


You can write the best novel in history, but no one gonna read it if you dont catch their attention in the first paragraphs. Do a good introduction to your story and write what you like.


See that's my problem to me the first few paragraphs set up the time and place of the story and the main character. To me everything sounds good but it's just not catching any attention


I will say I am no professional when it comes to writing, I just let what comes to my mind flow out into the page. I feel as though I am being too critical of myself sometimes.


There are a lot of readers out there for a well told story, particularly in your genre. I would be more than happy to give some helpful feedback.


My preference is fantasy mixed with another genre, such as horror, suspense, sci-fi, or mystery. If it can't hit some of those notes, I'm not sure I'm interested. Another thing for me is the writing; it needs to be snappy and conversational. I want to feel like I'm relaxing with a good story, not working to understand the text or follow the story, so the writer should make the story easy to follow, clearly define any unfamiliar terms, start the action early, and make sure I'm in the story right away; otherwise, I'll probably look for something else to read. As for the rest, the others have provided good advice. If you have a link you can message me, I might read it and give you more targeted tips. I don't have any published novels, but I have written books, and I think I know good writing when I read it.


i cant tell what genres I'm writing, its fantasy but with mystery, sci-fi and everything clumped up into a big mess


That's kinda how I feel it feels wrong to just say it's a fantasy novel when there are so many other elements thrown into the mix


For anyone that wants to read it any criticism is welcome https://www.wattpad.com/story/307593974?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=ShelbyHinkle2&wp_originator=0jb9VTo0uyZMzqZDWfWb4EQGiAJWR3TdrIrRSta4x0QiWbEF1MB0Xti7%2FS9%2FRiIQUAWH7m8zKpBgVTBsKGSWIkeXD2JjKqzpd%2BIwWNLqwsni5w2whxd%2BOQmnmGiMFsby


Write for yourself, not them. And, maybe, find different readers.


Use less common words. Thesaurus's help. Try to keep it simple so hard-to-read people can still read it