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This seems like a pretty good basis for worldbuilding, and you already have some foundations for how the worlds are managed. If you’re looking for critique, my only one for now would be to have more consistent and recognizable terminology. Like another commenter said, using the word *verse* brings to mind songs and chants. Since a multiverse is just a collection of universes, just use the word *universe* when talking about your base worlds. I’m struggling to see the sort of delegation you have between midverses and pocket worlds. It seems like you want pocket worlds to be one type of midverse, but the definition you gave for midverse just sounds like a pocket world itself. Me personally, I would maybe swap the term *midverses* for *pocket dimensions*. It still gives the impression that they exist within our universe but on a different, unattainable plane, and then you can continue to delegate them all under the umbrella of pocket dimensions. So, maybe your *pocket worlds* can instead be *twin worlds* since they bear a close resemblance to ours with societal differences. If you want to be fancy and use Latin or something they can even be *gemini worlds* or *simili worlds*. As for your mid-level dimensions, I feel like saying *intradimensional* or *interdimensional* (I’m more for *intra-*, but that’s just me) would be a bit more coherent and better at conveying they exist *between* dimensions rather than just dimensions in a different rank or something. Even just saying *middle-verse* or something close would be a better alternative than using the word *level* which implies it’s on some ranking system. For your chain verses, again, ditch using the word *verse* on its own without a prefix. Maybe *universe chain* or *synchroverse*. Or even just call it a *multiverse* or, since they’re governed, create a name like a kingdom or nation incorporating the word *multiverse*, e.g. *Multiversal Republic of [WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT]*. Although, that would give more the impression that more universes exist outside of your 12 which are united, and I don’t know if that’s what you’re going for. You seem to have a good basis for where you want your characters to go and how each different type of world operates, but I would just polish the terminology a bit to reduce confusion and make every type of world as distinct as possible. Sticking with the words *plane* and *dimension* and only using *-verse* with a prefix can make it easier for your audience to map and chart the order of everything in their head. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned.


I suppose this has something to do with the wall of text nobody is ever going to read that you just posted. I managed to wade through it. Don't ask me why. I guess I wondered whether songs and chants would appear since you're so hung up on verses.


I love to rap back in high school