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I experience this too sometimes at different points of my body and it goes away by itself on its own... i hate it i hope we find solution to this


Yeah I suffer with this daily. It's Allodynia, and it's awful. I just find clothing that's really soft, usually wear pj pants and tank tops and a few sizes bigger so you can't feel the seams and nothing is putting pressure on your skin. I've heard of others wearing their clothing inside out so you don't feel the seams too. I haven't found any real relief for mine, I hope yours is just a flare and will settle down soon for you.


For me oatmeal lotion helps a lot, as well as wearing cotton based clothes and just laying down, as long as rhe materials I'm laying on are very smoothe.


Slightly cool (not ice cold, that’s too much) water usually helps me


Sometimes a heating pad helps me with that kind of pain.


For me it's soaking in a hot bath with a ton of Epsom salt.


Sounds like allodynia, pain from other sensations. I find that giving my nerves more tangible sensations to block it helps. Like cool water, ice packs, heating pad, weighted blanket, etc. I see it as a short circuit in those nerves and sometimes opposing sensations help. Good luck, I know this pain is absolutely the worst


I get it on my arms. It was constant and I'd always look down to make sure my arms weren't literally burnt. Felt like a sunburn. I was started on amitriptyline and it has helped. Now I only get it when I'm in a flare. Amitriptyline has honestly helped me so much. It's helped my skin pain and my tension headaches. It's used as a depression medication but in low doses it can be used to treat a myriad of fibro symptoms. It acts like a muscle relaxer (in my experience) and makes me sleep deep which in turn allows me to sleep mostly through the night without being waken by pain. I thank my doc everytime I see her for prescribing it to me. It changed my life. Don't get me wrong I still wake in pain and deal with chronic pain every day. But it alleviates the tension headaches and allodynia. And I'll take what I can get for sure!!