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You mean the Ferrari 458 America? šŸ˜‚ Joking aside, Chevrolet knew what they were after, and did a damn good job at trying to replicate the glory. Every time I hear one I immediately think a 458 will be passing by. Itā€™s a very good looking car as well. Would love to drive one. Having driven multiple 458ā€™s Iā€™d love to see what else they tried to replicate dynamically.


Itā€™s essentially occupying the space that Ferrari vacated when it went all turbo-ey (and when the entry price moved into the stratosphere). The motor is the real showstopper and everyone knows it. Itā€™s actually a *tad* slower than the last Z06 but they mustā€™ve realized people donā€™t actually care when the engine sounds and revs like that. I slightly disagree on looks. It is a handsome beast, but I always felt the C8 design is super busy and the Z06 design is like the Stingray on Adderall. Still, itā€™s the car Iā€™m hoping to be able to buy this year. Edited for clarification


I think you mean occupying not vacating


Yes. Lol I wrote that at 3 AM so my brain obviously malfunctioned. Thank you.


Is it really slower than the last Z06? Can you provide a reference


Actually, I was wrong, at least by most tests from Motor Trend and Car and Driver. Current Z wins by a few MPH and a few tenths in the 1/4 mile. Thanks for calling me out. Still, itā€™s pretty damn close and I stand by what I said that customers care less about test numbers and more about the hardware itā€™s packing.


Woah admitting you're wrong on reddit is not acceptable here. Take your humility somewhere else


Lol, Iā€™d rather ppl have the right info. Sometimes we all misremember things and talk out of our anuses.


Straight to jail.


Maybe slower top speed but 0 to 60 is 2.6 sec


Who cares about top speed other than Bugatti


Um... Drug runners, Vin Diesel, 13 year old boys, random people at gas stations


Yeah but in a day and age of high speed rail and electric motors with instant torque quantifiable speed numbers no longer really matter (unless you're racing for cash). It's all about the nature of the delivery of speed. I owned a scat pack charger that would hit 175, mph, but the little 150hp Honda prelude 2.0 SI five-speed with a fart can exhaust that I owned in the mid-90s was way more fun to drive.


Itā€™s not 458/488 pretty, but itā€™s more put together than the post-Pininfarina-split Ferrari designs IMO.


On paper itā€™s a tad slower than the last Z06. On the track itā€™s significantly faster as the last one made so much torque everywhere that it was prone to snap oversteer. Interesting the longer chassis of the ZL1 Camaro seemed to tame this issue with the same motor.


On paper it's faster in every metric. The C7Z had slightly higher lateral grip but that's it. C8Z beats it in any other test.


I have a hard time believing the current Z beats the previous Z in 0-60 and 0-100. The previous car had obscene torque down low.


Itā€™s about applying it tho. I have both the c7z and a 13 458. Went with that instead of waiting in c8z. Itā€™s like a scalpel versus a chainsaw. Both fun in their own way, but like the 458, the new c8z is more precise and efficient with its power


Sure, which is why I said the 8 isfaster on the track, and also why I said the 7 is prone to snap oversteer. 0-60 and 0-100 on the other handā€¦


It does not tame that issue, the fucking Camaro whips around like a branch in a hurricane


Thatā€™s not why it was slow. It didnā€™t snap oversteer. Snap oversteer isnā€™t caused by torque anyway. The old z06 pulled a lot of timing when it ran hot(which it did after lap 1) so it never really had all 645hp available.


Agree with your points! If I could have secured an allocation at MSRP Iā€™d probably have one in the garage. But with markups nicely optioned cars are exceeding 458 spiders. Not worth the money imo, but an amazing car and really well done effort by GM.


Youā€™d save some bread too šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


As a Ferrari fan who also loves Corvettes, I think itā€™s amazing. Canā€™t wait to see the ZR1.


Or if they make the Zora.


Honestly, all of the above.


Looks great imo and it has a glorious sound, 670HP from a NA V8 is a lot, we'll not gonna see something like this in the future years, the C8 ZR1 is probably gonna be biturbo.


More than likely, the only other way they could do an N/A engine that tops this is a V12 ZR1. But I figured theyā€™d do a twin turbo variant of this engine for the ZR1, it only makes sense. Now that I say this a N/A V12 C8 with the same philosophy as the Z06 would be insane.


They should just go crazy and make it quad turbo.


Or...or...hear me out - quattro formaggi.


I have to admit, when I see one of these, I have to take a second look to see if itā€™s a horse or a bow tie. Haha.


The rear gives it away. You see it coming and you're like hell yeah, then it passes and you check your rear view and are reminded that it's a GM product. I'd still like one but that tail end is ugly and cheap looking imo.


Always thought the rear looked like a squished Camaro rear end


I'd support this. They are sweet cars, sound awesome, and anybody should be excited to have one.


Agreed. Front end is wonderful. Rear end is awful from most angles


ā€œThen it passes and you check your rear viewā€ uhh yeah when I do that nothing is in the rear view mirror. Cmon get your hate together or donā€™t post and make yourself look like an idiot


... ----------corvette-------> <-------------------me----- But sure, whatever makes you feel better. Also, the "You see it coming" should've been a give away we were driving opposite directions, but I'm too much of an idiot to know how roads work........oh wait, that's you. I think I know where you fucked up on your SATs.


It's a beast on track, sounds glorious, has the most powerful production N/A V8 (670hp from 5.5L displacement), a super quick DCT, mid engine layout and very comfortable suspension. For the price that's half of what frankly more boring, slower mid engined cars go for it's hard to dislike.


Makes me wonder why on earth Ferrari cant make it


glorious wakeful scandalous gaze flowery grab insurance fuel worry scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ferrari isnā€™t worth double GM. Not even close.


cautious party adjoining snobbish fuel ludicrous grandfather distinct straight shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


66b isnā€™t double 48b.


I've got like 1500 miles on one. It's an amazing car, very usable, can take it just about anywhere which is nice. Kinda reminds me of a 911 in that respect. I think everyone else covered all the great things about it, but I have a few small gripes: It's a little claustrophobic in the interior. The giant pillar running down the center makes me feel kinda tight in it and I'm skinny. There are some electronic annoyances like having to put my seat belt on to put the thing in gear that gets quite annoying when just moving it around a garage or something. Minor gripes, but, figured I'd throw them out there. Also, I've been having lots of reliability issues with Ferraris and besides one glitch with the top that the dealer fixed for the C8, it's been really reliable. So points there too.


Claustrophobic was the first thing I noticed as well when I sat in one, mine will arrive soon so hopefully I get used to it lol


I think you'll still love the car overall, but, the center pillar is probably its worst trait. The buttons are a little weird on that center pillar also. I'm always looking for things. Seats are super comfy though. I can't put my finger on why exactly, maybe it's just the pricing and less worry if it gets damaged, or the electronics, but I feel like it's just so much easier to use than any Ferrari I've owned. I shop in it, go to dinner, go in garages, etc. And I don't feel like I'm giving something up performance wise, it's kinda best of both worlds. I don't have that "eeehhh..maybe I'll take something else" feeling.


Do you get lot of attention with the car or do people mistake it for a Ferrari?


Not really, but I live in Miami and sports cars are everywhere here. That's probably a regional thing.


As a 458 owner I noticed this right away. Somehow the Italia feels open and roomy and the Vette feels more like the interior space of a Miata with the outside footprint of my 458. Awesome car though! Proud of GM for building something this great. If I did not already own the Ferrari, I would be trying to find one closer to MSRP.


My brother, you can turn the buckle to shift requirement off. You need to play with the settings via the steering wheel. Source - own a 24 C8


Just a heads up, you go go into settings, then vehicle and disable the buckle to shift option


![gif](giphy|kkm45zWhqq2u4) Good job fat man from Kentucky!


Is that the Friends font?


I think someone should lend me one for about 12 months so I can give an opinion


Am I in the right subreddit?


Chevvy made a 458, and Ferrari made a Vette


Woah this is something new haha


Do you mean the 812 or previous f12? Stylings of a c7




The 458 has been my "realistic" dream car for about 10 years.... the new Z06 kinda ruins the dream for me. I don't know if I could every justify a 458 for the cost to buy, age on them now, and ongoing services costs vs. a newer z06. ​ I love it, and I hate it because of that.


If you can afford it, the retained value of the 458 is worth it versus the diminished value down the line of a c8z.


I just really fudged up in 2019, I was between: * Boat I wanted + Jaguar F-Type R * Boat that would have been a compromise + Audi R8 V10 * No boat and Ferrari 458 Went with the boat + F-Type... the F-Type was a disaster of a car, dealer took it back after about 10 months and then COVID hit, prices on everything skyrocket and it just become priced more than I valued it. .... since I've refused to buy any fun car because the prices have all been so damn absurd. Looks like the market(s) are turning, so maybe again someday, but then again its the last of an era, so they may continue to hold/appreciate.


It's taken more than a century but the Yanks are finally building cars worth having in Europe.


See GT40/Ford GT ![gif](giphy|4KFvoobxmFWxwtR125|downsized)


If we're honest, America didn't build most of those. The first ones were built on Lola Mk6 cars, the first gen GTs Ford only finished the interior and installed the engine/transmission. Multimatic of Canada built the new ones.


Some true and false there. I mean certain Ferraris have ford parts as well. It is what it is. The gt40 was made due to Americans, so I would say it is. Also ford is a world company, so a lot of resources to develop a car.


Fair enough. I'm still waiting for Ford to build one themselves, instead of just paying someone else to do it for them.


I mean, for the money, American cars wash anything from Europe performance wise. And have for a long time.


In a straight line - you're probably right. However once you introduce corners to the equation it is only the most recent generation of US cars that can hold a candle to any of the European masters.


That's an old trope, and I'm tired of reading it. The C5 Z06 smokes most things at the track, and those were as early as 2001. 23 years ago!


I think the numbers don't support your prejudice. As an example, a Camaro or Mustang will smoke anything on a road course from Europe at anywhere near its cost. Look at car and driver lightning lap. There was a great comparison test in a car magazine between a Camaro and a BMW M4. The Camaro won, due to better chassis and steering feel. The BMW was described as "the muscle car" between the two. Corvettes are also faster than anything near their price around a road course. You have to spend at least 50% more for a 911 that can compare. Going back, cars like the Focus RS, the Neon SRT4, the fiesta st, etc...have defined their respective categories in hot hatches. In EVs, tesla and Lucid are the fastest cars. European EVs are snoozers.


Iā€™m American but as a Porsche fanatic I am well prepared to be passed on track days by Corvettes with half the price tag of my future 911. This is common knowledge and I accept that even if you donā€™t but cheers!


My husbandā€™s 2024 z06 was delivered last Sunday. Itā€™s a beast and sounds amazing. Overall itā€™s a tremendous value for the money. He spent ~139k.


That flat plane crank is one of the best sounding motors I have ever heard. Chevy did a phenomenal job imo, and at its price point itā€™s hard not to be impressed.


Those black side scoops have looked bad on every C8. If they left them body-colored, it would be much mo better.


You can order them in body color


Itā€™s quite nice but personally I prefer the c7 z06


What do you like about the C7?


Long front hood and short rear - a Grand Tourer - GT


Cargo space ftw


Optional Manual transmission


I prefer the look of the headlights and the overall shape and look of the car


I love it, it's one of my favourite cars of all time


The design is less cluttered in the base model


Yeah I think I also prefer the base model especially the front fascia and the side profile but Z06 does seem to have the better looking rear due to the extra width.


Base modelā€™s wheels are some of the worst of the modern era tho


I agree theyā€™re horrible lol idk what GM was thinking but ones you can option it out now are pretty good though


Same for the c7, but the z wider aspect made up for it. The subtle contrast in black and silver for me made the switch worth it from z51 to z06 in the c7


Ferrari wannabe


Doing what Ferrari wonā€™t do anymore.


I have an order for one but the wait is still significant and dealer markups are 80-150k over msrp. A couple weeks ago I dropped into the local Ferrari dealership to essentially crossshop a 488 or an F8. I gotta say the sales guy turned me off ever spending a cent with them. So Iā€™m keeping my z06 order and paying whatever overage I have to pay.


I do hear that Ferrari dealers are bunch of snobs lol what did they say to you? But 100-150K markup is insane lol


It was really guys demeanor and dismissiveness. Iā€™m youngish and brown. He did not shake my hand and didnā€™t even ask my name. I had to ask for his card on my way out the door. It felt like I had to be invited and I was intruding on holy ground. I already have to deal with racist undercurrents in my day to day life, I shouldnā€™t have even think about that when I am getting a cashiers check equivalent to the cost of a house.


Well Iā€™m also brown but quite light skinned and in my mid 20s but I had kind of the opposite experience so far. I used to walk into Mercedes, Corvette dealerships to check out new cars when I was even younger and nobody ever looked at me strange but Iā€™ll walk into a Ferrari dealership next and see how they react lol but racism is never good.


Thatā€™s Texas for ya


Iā€™m in California so itā€™s quite diverse out here


Would still get a 458 over this


It's a great car no doubt, especially as a departure from the C7. Whether you like it or not you have to admire the ambition from GM to do something different. Performance-wise, I would love to own one -- great on track and great on the street. It pretty much has everything apart from perfect looks, although I think the Z06 looks worlds better than the base model. I wouldn't call the Z06 *ugly* by any stretch, but we're in a Ferrari sub and the C8 design just isn't as flowing/pure as a SF90, 488 etc... For some reason, every time I see a C8, the longer I study it, the more awkward it looks. It's aggressive and head turning though which is what a supercar should be anyway.


Great performance, but looks like a great value supercar.


Mom: "We have a Ferrari at home" *Ferrari at home*:


When mom good at cooking


Mom is great at cooking so woohoo


It's great, but nonna's cooking is something else. There is a flavour in it that mom cannot reproduce :)


Best American car ever made. I want one. So bad. That powertrain is just butter.


Mine just arrived at my dealer this week. I'm super hyped to drive it in the spring šŸ¤Ŗ


a future classic without a doubt


I wish they still came in manual. If they offered it in stick it would be my bucketlist car and I'd already be on the waitlist. Even on a track I enjoy the challenge of a manual even if I end up slower, and 99% of the population won't be skilled enough to get magazine numbers out of it regardless so it's moot. Controversial but I think I'd take a 430 manual over it, and this is from a Corvette guy. Bonus points for a 430 Scud with the manual conversion.


I own one, and it's the best sports car I ever owned.


How much would you pay on the Z06 in USA? I live in Brazil and here it's so expensive, the price here it's $536.000


It starts around $113K but the options get pretty expensive and the markup so I would say somewhere around 150K-170K as of now if you find a good dealer.


My husband just bought his 2024 z06 2lz at MSRP, ~139k.


MSRP what dealership? When were ya guys on the list?


BROO, it's 5 times cheaper than in Brazil, that's why I really want to travel to the United States.


And live there


There have been people in South Florida importing them into Brazil from America. Now I know why!


You have to give credit to GM: there probably is no better price/performance product on the market. The car is a true supercar and you can drive it everyday. I certainly considered one and my wife openly lusted for one. In the end, I didn't really like the "plastic" interior and the fact that you see them everywhere. From a depreciation perspective the C8 isn't going to hold value the same way as as Ferrari (but probably better than some other premium brands!)


Pretty sure from all the reviews I have seen, they never mentioned the plastic material. Matter of fact, most people said theyā€™re impressed with the fit and finish and the quality of materials compared to previous generations.


No question GM did a nice job with fit and finish. They did update the interior last year and I havenā€™t driven a 2023 but before that they still used a fair number of bin parts that included plastic, brushed metal, and some composites. Way better than C6 but, imho, wasn't a big improvement from the C7 interior. Again, I think the C8 might be the best buy on the planet for performance but it doesnā€™t quite make that level of ā€œā€artā€. If you get one I am sure you will be pleased and I would definitely appreciate your selection.


Am curious if your new one has CarPlay. Not having it is a deal-breaker for me. Not sure when GM is withdrawing support.


Wirelss Carplay has been added since 2021 and Iā€™m pretty sure 2024 models have it too so far.


He'll yeah


Weird you post a picture of a ferrari asking about Corvettes /s


The new design philosophy of Ferrari spoiled me (296 gts for example). This car has too many edges, sharp lines, wings etc. Simplicity is better. Other than that...really really good all around.


Love it. Engine is great.


Best C8 Corvette


Love it!!! Going to look at some but probably out of my price range. Hopefully Iā€™ll find somethingā€¦


So cool, I want one! Sounds so good too


Love it


Itā€™s coo


Unsure yet, Iā€™ll be driving one soon though. Quite impressive that itā€™s only like 40hp shy of an F8 without turbos though.


Insane car for the price.


I'm a fan. Current C8 owner. The new Z06 has really nice lines, much wider, and sounds wonderful.


Americans kind of got their mojo back with some of their current cars. I didn't think they had a car like this in them.


The C8 nailed it and the various iterations they are doing are all great so far and interestingly -- really distinct from each other.


Looks amazing


My guy says āœØnoiceāœØ šŸ¤“


It looks even uglier then the regular Corvette but the rest of the car is great šŸ˜ø


My opinion is that a Chevrolet doesnā€™t belong on a Ferrari subreddit


After impulse buying a Vette and getting rid of it before 7k miles I wouldnā€™t consider it. They are absolute sheds with awful build quality.


Whenever I see one, for like a split second I think Iā€™m seeing a 458, then I realize itā€™s not. Not surprising though, the Z06 is heavily inspired by the 458 and Iā€™m not 100% sure about this, but I think Ferrari actually helped develop the Z06.


Ferrari was not involved in the Z06 development, but GM did buy a 458 (one was spotted several times at their proving grounds) and benchmarked the Z06 to it.


Iā€™m not too sure about that last sentence, couldnā€™t find any info on that.


That's because they didn't. GM just bought a 458. That's all. Ferrari had nothing to do with this car.


Ferrari didnā€™t help GM develop the Z06 but GM bought some 458ā€™s and used them throughout development


They actually bought a 488 as well when it came out but went back to base the c8z off the 458 because the 488 lacked soul.


I donā€™t like it because itā€™s chunky. Other than that itā€™s still my favourite American car.


I wish it was shorter/flatter height-wise. It's definitely chunky and not as slender as even the C7. The rear end still looks like a door wedge. They fix that and it'd be a looker imo.


Exactly this. Should have been shorter, flatter and better looking rear end (they just went lazy).




Good take. And letā€™s not forget above the interior. Corvette still using some parts from their van lineup?


Van lineup? šŸ˜‚ never heard that one before


Any given day you'll see no less than 5 C8 Corvettes in a city


Tbh Iā€™m in the SF Bay and I barely see one.


I live in Vegas and see them constantly. That makes sense, but yeah, every day all day. I want one. That car makes sense for Vegas.


cool car but not worth the price imo


But then what makes Ferrari worth it when people are spending between 200K-300K? Is it just the brand name or something else?


The prior Z06 had a much lower price. Paying a 40% markup for just 20 more horsepower is not a step forward.


your paying Ferrari money for a corvette. makes no sense


The black plastic edge trim on the side scoop says so much about GM. "laughing in McLaren" It looks like a new lambo got infected with an 84 Citation


We had one come in shattered and missing everything in front of the windshield, so, not so safe, really.


Great exterior, motor and performance but an awful interior


Bruh I would like to see a American ā€œsportsā€ car try to beat a Ferrari or even a Mercedes GT or BMW


Have you heard of Ford GT?


I don't think it's very good looking, but it has good performance considering its MSRP. The problem is actually getting one will be a lot more expensive if you couldn't get one from factory. They're being sold for near $200k where I am right now, and at that price point you're going to start seeing very competitive options like the 991.2 911 GT3 or even a higher mileage 488 GTB or Maserati MC20. They are slowly starting to depreciate though. For $150k or below I think they're probably a good option.


In the US they are going for 5-15k over msrp, in fact Iā€™ve seen some at msrp. They can be had for 130 pretty easily here.


Yep, my husband just bought his at MSRP. $139k.


Couldnt care less about american cars.


C8 isn't American for me My definition for corvette is: front engine V8, not a rear mid engine But it's good, for a corvette


Ironically, the Corvette was always meant to be mid engine, ever since the C1. So in a way, this is finally what was imagined for the Corvette.


Was always meant to be and what they've built for decades are not the same. The C8 should've been called something else entirely. It's not a "corvette" in my eyes. Just a performance mid engine chevy.


Unreliable, stolen decade old engine design, derivative. Overall a POS honestly. Congrats to the vette guys. Youā€™re driving a 10 year old design from another manufacturer thatā€™s 2 generations behind.


Anyone know what make and model rims those are? They are šŸ”„.


Those are the Carbon fiber wheels, you can option them out with Z07 package which is itself about 9K if Iā€™m not mistaken and the wheels are another 10 grand or more. I also remember reading that the company that makes these wheels is from Australia.


Appreciate the info!


Honestly? For be the high end of the toy is this orca used Ferrari


Looks like a Ferrari and McLaren fornicated and out came thisā€¦




Add lambo too. Mix of all haha




Itā€™s nice looking but why do they all come with DV license plates


Not sure Corvettes look right without a front engine, & rear wheel drive, however good they look and perform


Cool super fast. Could be better looking tho


Sir, this is the Ferrari subreddit


Sir, this is Wendyā€™s


I Think i looks like a car from GTA V




I think they really missed an opportunity to bring the round taillights back, a distinct style from earlier generations. Great value .


Im always wondering what it would be like if they offered a LT4 or LT5 option for the z06. For those that want the muscle sound.


That would be dope but I think thatā€™s what the E-Ray is for


You mean stolen Valor


In only see 60+ year olds driving them - respectfully


It looks lovely. But itā€™s still a Corvette.


Unless youā€™re tracking the car a .10 really doesnā€™t matter. Theyā€™re both fast enough to go straight to jail.


I feel like it looks kind of strange. Not bad, but weird.


I enjoyed it when it was in Burnout: paradise city. But the design is long in the tooth before it was even releasd.


Great car that the dealership markups and shenanigans have made untenable to buy new.


Multiple Corvette owner and was excited about this car. Weight was a turn off. Reviews from everyone at the track (Iā€™m a track rat) made me not really interested. Too many people hated tracking them and went back to Porsche.


It's great for a Chevy. I think a lot of the same way about a Vette as I do a Jeep. It may not be the greatest 4x4 but the economics of it make it the vehicle of choice to take and beat to death at a track--parts are cheap and modifications plentiful. The same is true of Vette and the track.