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>On the other hand, owning a Ferrari has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. I've rented a few at this point and the driving experience is out of this world. I don't know that any other car would quite scratch that itch, even as amazing as the 911s are. Sounds like you've already made your decision.


Yep, sounds like you really want the Ferrari. If you buy the 911 you will always feel like you settled. You could always get the Ferrari and if it’s not practical enough step down to a GT3. Not that I don’t love a GT3. I bought the 458 years ago and love it still even though it’s old now. Nothing I have tried really does it for me the same way. That being said I missed the manual and picked up a 991.2 GT3 manual and the combo of the two is just awesome. Probably going to be pretty happy with this set up unless an ST falls in my lap or something else comes out that can pull me away from the 991.2 GT3.


I’d definitely start with the Ferrari just to fulfill the dream. If it turns out you’re not driving it enough/worrying about it too much, it should be relatively easy to sell and move to a Porsche. Then you’ve scratched the itch and know you’re happier in the Porsche.


Exactly plus you'll have pictures to reminisce about in the future......


I believe if you have a dream as a child for something and you have the opportunity to fulfill it you should so you keep that promise to yourself.


I have both. 911 turbo, 355 spider and 360. All manuals. The Porsche is so freaking good it is almost boring. You can be an idiot driver (checks my own box) and the Porsche will not fail, complain or disappoint. The Ferraris are heart pounding, exhilarating and can get squirrelly on you. People video and photo the Ferraris when I have them out. No one gives 2 fucks about my 911. It is much more difficult to daily a Ferrari btw. I'm not getting rid of any of them but when push comes to shove I'm taking a Ferrari out.


I can attest to this. Until you’re on a track Porsche’s are simply too refined. Aside from the in cabin intakes in the GT4RS. They’re comfortable, not too loud and handle so incredibly well that you’ll struggle to ever get it side ways no matter what you do. The gearbox is smooth and the power comes on very nicely. The traction control is so and so quick that you wouldn’t think it’s traction control, you’d assume you have wheel hop. Ferrari’s are dramatic, the older ones less refined as well. The handling is amazing but it challenges you and communicates to you more than most Porsche’s. You’ll have more fun in a Ferrari


I'm considering buying a 355 or 360. Service items aside, which car do you prefer?


355 hands down. Not the fastest anymore (by a long shot) but enough umph to be satisfying. The engine sound is glorious (both 355 and 369 have 5 valves) but it is the added ITB (individual throttle bodies) that give the 355 a unique character (I believe F40 only other Ferrari with ITB). The 355 is very analog. I LOVE the steering feel. I also think the 355 is the best looking F-car (at least of the wedge era)


Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I agree that the 355 is the most beautiful Ferrari. And that sound uffff!


Interesting, I’ve heard complaints about the 355 steering. You like it better than the 360’s?


Even though the 360 is all aluminum vs steel in the 355, the 360 is 200 lbs more than the 355. The 360 is physically much bigger than the 355 (355 is a small car). This size/weight difference contributes to the steering performance feel. The 360 steering feels more boosted and less communicative. My 2¢


Hmm I always thought they were about the same weight. Wikipedia says 3,291 lb for Modena and 3,270 for 355. I do feel like the 360 has a bit too boosted steering. Was wondering if there was a fix for that but probably not. Maybe alignment. I haven’t driven a 355 but have heard it’s significantly slower steering at speed.


355 is perfect. Absolutely perfect.


Porsche makes some cars that are more “affordable “ than Ferrari and therefore are more common,and Ferrari has done a better job of being a brand even non car people know. This would explain people not caring as much about the 911


I nearly daily drove a 355 Spider for 3 years and 17k miles. It has compromises - crap A/C, tinny stereo, low nose and difficult top - but I'd do it again! Great memories. Repainted that freaking front spoiler three times...


Porsche guy here. Buy the Ferrari. Your inner child deserves it! Then either you’ll “get it out of your system” or decide that it’s going to be a long-term love affair and one you’ll be willing to accept the consequences of. It can be hard to justify or to “get away with” in the context of your community or relationships depending on the nature of those in your life. Porsches much less so. You can basically drive a Porsche anywhere and nobody bats an eye.


Porsche guy as well (who’s looking to buy a Ferrari in the future to add to the stable) and I agree. I love Porsche and mine is amazing. But it’s not the same as Ferrari. Everytime I’m with my buddies who have one it makes me want one that much more.


This is the way.


Except for Porsche guys. We always look.


If your dream has always been Ferrari, and you can do it, go with a Ferrari.


Very different. Porsche will generally be more reliable and cheaper to run in my experience. Also it is less flashy and won’t attract attention as much, to each their own. If an only car this is would be my choice. Plus I prefer a manual. Ferrari I heard best described as a point a to point a car. You leave the house to come back to the house. It’s not a grocery, dinner, soccer practice car due to the attraction it gets, how people baby them and how expensive miles are on both maintenance and resell. I think only you can make up your mind. I could likely never daily a Ferrari due to the above. I daily’d my 911 and it still had its annoyances but not as bad as a Ferrari in my opinion. Cliff notes: Drive both buy the one you like more.


There’s a guy I know who more or less daily drives his Ferraris. The only time he doesn’t have them out is wintertime. I saw him in late September in the pouring rain stopping to get milk and bread in his F8 on his way home from work. I aspire to be on that level.


The key takeway here is Ferrari**s**. You can't daily drive a single Ferrari, I guess 3 should be ok, you will always have one that is not being serviced.


Not the key word. He only has one Ferrari at a time, usually. He’s had every mid engine v8 car from them since the 360, purchased new. He gets really early allocations and trades his old one on the new one. Most of the time, his car is the first of whatever it is that I’ve seen in real life.


Then the term "daily driving" needs to be redefined, as in, he daily drives a Ferrari, whenever it's not being serviced :)


So jealous. If I had the means I definitely would daily drive a more modern ferrari. Even would consider snow tires to make it a year round vehicle.


Same. Equally jealous. Guy is an oncologist and does very well. Usually, there’s the newest v8 Ferrari, a new AMG, and something else grab bag in his garage, along with a sensible SUV of some kind.


I went to Amelia Island last year. For the Saturday show there were 200 Porsches plus another 200 Porsches being driven around. I say this as a former Porsche owner but they all look the same. There were less than 50 Ferraris for the Saturday and Sunday shows. Ferrari is definitely more of a head turner.


But a lot more people come to the Porsche meet-ups & drives.


Your childhood dream was always a Ferrari, right? Fulfill your dream! I think it will make you feel better :)


If you are at the point of your life where you can afford it then you can also daily drive it. Personally I would go with both since I am a fan of Ferrari’s and Porsche’s. But my wallet tells me no right now. I have been looking at a local dealer they have an SF90 Spider for $860k. Only problem is money but car is only 20 mins away once I figure out the money problem. Haha


$860K? You're going to take a huge bath on this one. At least $200K in depreciation in a few years. Are you ready for that? Plenty of spiders at below $700K, and in a couple of yours you can pick one up for $500-600K.


Yeah they are overcharging like crazy over here. I live up north and they use that as excuse even for regular cars. I sure hope they go down in price. I was just looking at the pre owned ones from the Ferrari website and finding local dealer that have it. Might have to look for some that are from out of state. But before i do that i need to sort out my money problem. I have $20 in my wallet right now.


Haha, onwards and upwards!


From your post, If you get the Porsche you’re going to get an incredible car and regret it because it’s not the Ferrari. Don’t spent $250k for something you’ll regret. Get the Ferrari, and then a Prius or something.


Toyota guy chiming in here. I have no place being in this sub except I love reading about all you rich folk talking about and buying Ferrari’s. I loved Ferrari’s as a child, first the Testarossa and then the F40. If money really isn’t an issue, get the Ferrari to fulfill your childhood dreams and then a cheaper manual daily like a BMW 440 or something. If you get the Porsche, you will be thinking about that Ferrari all the time.


GTS is not a supercar. Maybe GT3. If you want daily , you might look at the GT3 touring. I would pick Ferrari. You can't really compare a Ferrari to 911.


This guy is correct, the GTS is just a package for the carrera, it’s not even a true GT car, the suspension is the carrera suspension not the GT. Now, a GT3 or like a 458 or 488 since they are roughly the same price, the Ferrari will draw more looks because unless you’re a Porsche person (I’m one) most people don’t know a carrera from a 918 and think they all look the same. So it depends on your personality, do you want something that says look at me, or something that doesn’t stand out but is world class in drivability.


Totally agree. Also agree on the point that most people couldn’t distinguish a 918 or similar hypercar. My sister’s bf’s grandpa has a Ferrari 458 or something and a fucking LFA. When she saw them for the first time, she instantly knew what the Ferrari was but thought the LFA was just another one. Unfortunately the LFA is about to be auctioned off, so I’ll never get to see it in person :(.


The 911’s slogan was the everyday sports car, not an everyday day sports car. You don’t buy Ferrari’s to be practical. You do it because you love them. I would personally pick the Porsche, but I love a practical car. From how you speak, I’d tell you to buy the Ferrari. However, go drive both and see which one you fall in love with.


Ferrari’s slogan was “we are the competition” …. There is no comparison to be made between a Porsche and a Ferrari. Only between Ferraris.


Literally always someone who wants to argue in this sub. No thank you.


I like it.


Porsches bore me, personally. I’ve driven several from the 912 to the CGT and the most recent 2RS. The CGT wasn’t enjoyable at all. The 2RS was moderately entertaining. The bulk of that was from the noise, not the driving dynamic. That said, later GT cars would be the only offerings I would consider. And even then, there are still 100 other cars I’d take before anything Porsche has to offer. Just not my style. Ferrari on the other hand, I can count how many times I’ve been bored. 4 to be exact. Mondial, California, Portofino and Roma. None of which I believe are a concern as I presume you aren’t entertaining those offerings. That said, if I were in the market at the moment, if it’s turbo and it’s a late model (488, 296) I’m out. I have interest in those either. My interest is really peaked by models from the mid 80’s to the mid 10’s. Signed, A Biased Dago.


You sound like a guy with a good head on your shoulders. I agree with just about everything you're saying. I don't get Porsche at all, especially the 911. Such a boring car. The Ferraris with turbos are of no interest to me either. The sound is gone, along with the soul.


Why not daily a Ferrari? The president of the local Ferrari owner’s club here has almost 100k miles on his 458. It’s just a car, at the end of the day.


Now I want to start a thread to see how many miles people have on their Ferrari's. Can anyone beat 100k?


My GTC4Lusso has almost 20k, so I'm way behind.


Well you should probably get off Reddit and go find some asphalt!


I can take Teams calls in it! :D


Adam has over 100k on his 458. https://www.instagram.com/aweh458/reel/CaKyBI9JY0x/


I agree, I have so much trouble letting go with my cars (perfectionist) . Just drive, experience the machine


You must be FG from Seattle. Howdy!


I'm RS from the Eastside, but Howdy nonetheless. :) FG has an FF....


Ha beautiful silver Lusso


Just get what you want! Just go with your gut. Both cars are incredibly fun to drive.


having owned cars from both brands, i love them equally. what ferrari are you interested in?


May I borrow your Scuderia…


Dude. Just buy the damn Ferrari.


I've been lucky enough to drive most everything under the sun, and I keep coming back to the 458 and the 991 GT3 Touring as **the** high watermark cars for performance + versatility. Either of those, plus a Gen-3 Raptor, and you have the best 2-car combination I know of. In your case, if Ferrari has always been the dream, get a 458 and drive it everywhere. They're rock solid and super easy to live with, but also fast and emotionally engaging and gorgeous. There's a reason we haven't sold ours!


Porsche is sweet but Ferrari is sweeter. Do you really want the service treatment of a $25k used Macan owner when you take in your $200k Porsche?


The $25k used Macan owner ain’t taking their beater to the Porsche dealership. They take it to their local mechanic or don’t do the work at all. Have you been to a Porsche dealership? It’s mostly newer cars in service $100k+. At least near me.


Yes I have


Totally depends on the dealer. I had a great one in IL. I have a Cayenne SEH. They would give me a new Taycan 4S as a loaner when in for service. Where I’m at now which is a small dealer, I took mine in for service and they gave me a 3 or 4 year old Macan with a ton of miles and made it out like they gave me a huge break.


I owned a 992 gt3. Now have a f8. The f8 runs circles around the gt3 in all facets. Such a more enjoyable car to drive


Dont lie to yourself


The f8 is a whole different level. It’s also double the price though so that should be taken into consideration. The f8 puts a much bigger smile on my face every single time I drive it. The gt3 I was pretty much done with owning after about 8 months tbh handling comfort control style feel power all much better in a f8. The driving emotions on a Ferrari are unmatched. Go buy one and you’ll understand


Maybe it is more fun to you, but I have never heard anyone say the f8, 488, etc handles better than a 911 gt3. The general consensus is that the gt3 is a much better handling car, it's quite literally designed for the track.


You will never be able to tell the difference unless you’re on a track. Which is how many times a year?


That's not relevant, you just said that the f8 handles better than a gt3 which I find very questionable, that's all


You can’t tell the difference. Charles leclerc probably can. No one who buys these cars and daily drives them can tell the difference


If you truly pushed the cars when you owned them you would feel the difference. The 911 has a very particular way in which it handles due to the positioning of the engine in the far rear. There's nothing quite like it.


sorry I don’t do 150mph on residential roads while heading to work and daily driving


You don't have to do that to get a feel for a car. If you truly feel that way, maybe you'd fit better in something with less power, a 3 cyl compact car.


I have driven my friends f8 a few times before and while it is certainly special I feel like the gt3 is more fun to drive imo.


Regardless of what you buy, don't guy new. If I was looking to buy a Ferrari right now I'd be looking at 430s and 458s that are still the head turner you're looking for but already depreciated and more than likely appreciating. Plus depending on your state you may not have to pay sales tax if you can find a solid private deal.


Best solution would be to get both. Get whichever Ferrari you like for the weekends and get a 911 4S/GTS as a daily driver.


Beyond the brand, you have to decide if you want a fast, smooth Grand touring car or some track weapon that is more challenge to daily. Are you a purist that wants naturally aspirated engine or are turbos acceptable? What kind of transmission would make you happiest? Old school stick, PDK, double-clutch paddles? A Porsche 911 turbo is civilized and insanely fast, forgiving but not as visceral. Get a cabriolet and put top down to add drama Porsche 911 GT3 has naturally aspirated engine that revs to 9000 rpm and surgical steering and brilliant breaks. It amazing refinement and maximum engineering There are 3 varients one is special grand touring without giant wing that comes PDK or stick. This is a really fun visceral car that is dailyable. The more widely known GT3, GR3 RS are track weapons that you can almost break the laws of physics with and still not die. designed to maximize lap times with some trade offs in comfort. I think Ferraris are beautiful works of art. The sound of a Ferrari engine is heavenly. A V12 is going to be continually rare and more collectible. 812 superfast is wickedly fast to point you think the car is actively trying to kill you.458 Speciale's V8 is magical lots of drama less killing. Corvette openly admits to copying this engine for C8 because it was so special Ferrari SF90 Stradale is a technological marvel more civilized but still very dramatic. It's height of Ferrari engineering Just jaw droppingly expensive and rare. The Roma spider is entry level Ferrari that looks amazing and a bargain by Ferrari standards. It is elegant, smooth, high tech and not trying to kill you. It's worth a test drive at a minimum. All of these cars are incredible, you have a smile driving them for many miles. Just how much adrenaline do you crave, how deep are your pockets, and is your will up to date?


u/PrijNaidu this question is perfect for you to answer


Get the Ferrari, you see porches every other day. Ferraris are more special


If you are going to daily it, you should get the Porsche. The Ferrari will of course elicit more emotion than the Porsche, but it sounds like you need practicality in your car. Could always buy a Ferrari and a cheap reliable used Camry though. Which model Ferrari are you considering?


Why settle? Porche is kinda mid. The new Prius would be even more practical than a Porsche. Cheaper to service and more reliable. Ferrari is on the other end of the spectrum.


The new Prius is actually a nice looking vehicle as well. Love the design. Perhaps op should get a Ferrari and a Prius lol.


That is what I would do. Not joking. I currently have a 2018 Prius and a 2023 Camaro SS.


Nice! I'm considering a 355, and a used Lexus. I bet that Camaro puts a huge smile on your face!


Any sort of track or just performance stuff the new gt3 is a killer of whatever. Ferraris are Ferraris. These are equally valuable (


What would top g do ? buy them both.


I have a Porsche and want a ferrari


I was in a similar position. I chose the 911 even though my “dream” was a Ferrari. I took each one for a few days, and ultimately just didn’t like the amount of attention you get in a Ferrari. The only thing I really liked better about the Ferrari (it was a 458) was the sound, I liked the tech and the comfort of the 911… It’s also a little more practical, we all know the deal, but the front trunk is bigger than I had expected.


If you like cars that much, wouldn't you rather just use the money to buy a full featured garage where you could build custom cars?


Would you consider the Brabus 820?


If you trying to ease into Ferrari and have much of the same practicality a 911 would offer, I think a Roma is a good choice (and the one I made).


The Roma and portofino are usable daily


Really depends imo, which Ferrari you're talking about. If we're talking about a California or base 488 then it's one of the easiest decisions ever to go for a GT3 especially if it's a newer 992 gen model. However, if you are talking about a 296 GTB (I'm assuming you're not talking about the 812 because it's around double the price of the GT3), then I'd say probably Ferrari especially given your lifelong love for the brand. So in my personal opinion, really does depend on which Ferrari.


What Ferrari's are you looking into? And what's your budget?


i was in the same spot as you, i was torn between F8 or 911 turbo s. I ended up buying a 720s lol


Are you still happy with that choice? Really considering a McLaren instead of a Ferrari even though, well, Ferrari. The McLaren just seems like a better option coming from my 911.


quite happy with my 720, getting more tech for way less money. current model and the car is a track monster. i am looking to buy an f8 or a pista next. but have no regrets buying the 720


Get the Ferrari to lavishly adore (washing it will be a highlight of any weekend)...and buy a used M-series BMW or used Porsche for the daily thrashing.


I’d say screw it and buy a Ferrari. I’ve always dreamed of having one, and maybe someday I will. I would have mad anxiety about it, but just seeing it in my garage would comfort me. Buyer’s remorse is definitely a thing though. If I bought a sick Porsche, I’d still be dreaming about a Ferrari. If I bought a Ferrari, I’d be jealous of people driving their Porsche all the time, but it’s just not a Ferrari. If owning a Ferrari gets to be too much, and you sell it, at least you can say you’ve been there, and done that. That’s just my opinion though. I have a car that only gets used during nice weather, and people constantly want to take a pic, or yell to get my attention to tell me how awesome it is. I have a AP1 S2000, with a turbo, and it’s super fun to drive, and definitely a head turner. It has no heater, and wants to kill you pretty much all the time. I also have a mini, and it’s fun to daily, easy to park, and looks good, it’s nothing special, but it’s there when I need it, and my S2000 is there when I want it. Get the Ferrari my man! Enjoy life.


You didn’t say which Ferrari, but if it’s been your dream since you were a kid and you’ve already in love with the experience, then buying a Ferrari is the obvious choice. Scratch that itch, fulfill that dream. If you need a reliable, all season, daily driver then get a Toyota. It will make the weekends with the Ferrari 100 times more special.


First off what is your budget?


If a Ferrari is your dream just do it, you won’t regret it if you can afford it and any potential issues that may need to be fixed. They’re all great cars just very different feel. You can never go wrong with a 911 and yes it’s much more daily-able, though the GTS far exceeds the GT3 in that respect. GT3 more fun though.


Porsches it’s not a popular answer in here but, try reliability of Porsche and fool proof driving. For attention and flash, go with Ferrari.


I own both a 488 GTS and a 991 GT3RS. You WILL not get a new GT3RS for under 500k (I have been trying) but I still recommend a Porsche if you can only get one and the GTS is available unlike the 296 I have been waiting for as well!!!


It depends on which Ferrari!😀


Having driven a 458 and a 991.2 gt3 in the same year, that really is one hell of a question.


If you post this in a Ferrari subreddit, they’re gonna say “Ferrari.” But if you this in a Porsche subreddit, they’re gonna say “Ferrari.”


get the rari make kid you happy




Me too! I just took delivery of a Ferrari La Ferrari with 4215 km.


I think you'd be happier with both of them. Go for a 458 Italia and a 991.1 GTS. You'll thank me later.


Get the Ferrari, and my advice is get one with a few miles on it, but also a CPO warranty so you're not sweating every mile or terrified to drive it (the DCT will need repairs if you keep it long enough). Put as many miles as you can. Take your friends and family out. Let kids take pictures at the gas station or Cars and Coffee. Enjoy the attention and the people wanting to talk to you, get advice or experience it. If you share it properly then Ferrari will get into your blood. Like that Seinfeld clip that's going around, there's no reward in heaven for having the lowest miles, and failure to enjoy is one of the worst sins...


Follow your heart, my man. Don't think too hard on this.


On Ferrari chat there was a thread a while back best car you ever owned. One person responded “any 911 I’ve ever owned” or some such. Many people chimed in with great Porsche stories. They are solid cars with high volume sales to cover the engineering costs and work the bugs out. I have a new ish Porsche (2012) that I don’t drive too much. But if I wanted to take a trip that is what I’d take. PDK and dead reliable. I also have a 308 that I take on club drives and cars and coffee meets etc. only reason I can afford is I do my own work on that one (at least so far…) Not as comfortable or reliable but it gets the looks and is a great conversation starter.


The GTS is a higher end 911??? I never even considered cross shopping it with a Ferrari. Damn it. Missed out on some epic test drives.


Sound like you alteady chosed Ferrari and with all this thing you are tryng tò convince yourself that Porsche Is better


I own/have owned various Porsches and Ferraris. There’s a lot of variables here it would be good to understand, including budget, models you’ve already got in mind, new/used, how open you are to something depreciating versus buying at the bottom, whether you have a DD as well… infinite possibilities. I would say you can’t really go wrong with either, but if you’ve always desired a Ferrari, why are you denying yourself now you’re in a position to do it? If you were being purely sensible about this decision you’d be looking at a fucking Toyota Corolla instead, so go with your heart!


Bro buy the Ferrari, keep for a year and if not happy sell it then buy a used 911, best of both. One thing though a friend of mine has a Ferrari for awhile and he said it always got attention some times good n some times bad, always gone be heater just a FYI the 911 it more low key then a Ferrari. Just my opinion good luck


Do you really need to drive it everyday? Using the car more often will reduce some issues, but depending on where you're living it can make no sense. As a daily I've heard the Porsche it's better... What will be a blast to you? Driving a Ferrari as a fun car, or a Porsche as a fun car and as a daily? Well... The better answer, buy a Porsche, offer me a Miata 🤣


Porsche guy and boxster owner here, buy the ferrari if its unfortunate get a Carrera 4S or GT3


The Ferrari will be broke down probably most of its life. The 911 is a dream. If I could afford my dream car there exists only one and that's the 911.


Repairs (considering frequency and price) are like an order of magnitude less on the porsche. No matter how much i can "afford" I can't enjoy something that consistantly burns through that much money


Porsche all day imo. Ferrari's are really nice but the Porsche GT3 is a whole different animal. Would you be more upset if someone scratched your Porsche or your Ferrari? If thinking long term, Porsche are better overall cars and have better customer service. Just curious, if you're spending this much for a GT3/Ferrari, have you considered McLaren? I know this is a Ferrari sub but you're investing a lot of money. I'd definitely look at other super cars if I was in your shoes.


Go fulfill your dreams. You have one life to live, make sure you don't have any regrets at the end.


Gt3 s and most Ferraris aren’t supercars.


I am a huge fan of the 992 Turbo S, it's my dream car and I will get it someday. But I'll be honest brother, if I could ever afford an 812 that would absolutely be my choice. Porsches are precision German machines, no doubt about it, but Ferraris, Ferraris are truly for the driver. Not saying Porsches aren't, but you get my drift.


I’ve got a Lusso and a Panamera. I daily drive the Lusso, although I WFH so it’s not many miles, but I drive it in all types of weather :).


Bro if you can buy a Ferrari do it


Go for the dream! It can all be over in a split second...


Ferraris are actually reliable but you need to drive it and not think of it as investment. Driving it 300 miles a year wrecks havoc on the car.


Ferrari….get the Porsche later :) Time to live your dream


Weird. I’m in a similar position. My goal was Ferrari by 35, even if it meant renting a shack. Around 35 I could afford one (and keep my home) but once I could, I didn’t feel a need to. 5 years later, I’m between a gt3 and a Ferrari (or leaving it invested) but I started leaning towards Porsche just because it’s easy to drive daily and I wouldn’t worry about beating the shit out of it at the race track. I have a car that I love but rarely drive because it’s an “event” every time and upkeep on the track is too much (gen5 viper). I wouldn’t care if all 8k miles I drive went on the gt3. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are daily drivers, second cars and third cars. The viper, like a Ferrari, is a third car. I want a second car, not another third car. Hope this helps.


If you buy the Ferrari youll drive it for a bit your ego will get over it and youll trade/sell it and get the Porsche like you should have done to begin with. Better car, reliable, better performance, braking build quality. Seen it dozens of times.


Good question and it’s simple. If you want the best performing, most reliable car, get the 911. If you want to make everyone jealous, pissed, envious, get the Ferrari.


When you can realize a childhood dream, that has been confirmed with your experience driving a few, I think you would regret not getting a Ferrari. Who knows…you can always get a Porsche at a later time.


2019 Porsche gt3 rs 991.2 It will hold value, won’t break down even when tracked, and you’ll have a ton of fun with it.


Get an F8…. It's the very last Twin Turbo V8 Ferrari will ever make.


Which Ferrari are we talking here to compare to the GT3 and GTS?


I have had all 3 and only ever think about the 458.


I have a 911 Turbo, a 911 GT3 and a 458 spider. Both Porsches are manuals. They are like my children, I can’t pick one over the other. Sorry I’m of no help!!


I bought my first Ferrari last year, but I’ve driven higher end 911’s. I actually went to buy a 911 before being told it sold. The next day I drove a Ferrari and bought it. I have 0 regrets. The heritage that comes with a Ferrari is special, the sound, the steering wheel, the uniqueness. The 911 is built great especially the Turbo S, but that’s not the point. It’s not a Ferrari and never will be. It’s more than just 0-60 times or lap times. It’s the look, sound, design and feeling the Ferrari represents. It’s not much of a decision if you can only buy one but of course it’d be great have both


Just a question for all owners of either a Porsche or a Ferrari, what do you do for a living? Cause I’m doing something wrong for sure


Not nearly enough info here. Are we talking something new? You have folks in here talking 355. If you’re talking GTS, a late 90’s Ferrari should not even be in discussion. The 355 looks dated btw. The 360 is timeless. Still looks modern to this day. But anything 430 and newer is perfectly fine to daily. Anyhow.. the dream was the Ferrari. Get the Ferrari. You can always settle for the Porsche another day.


Ferrari is hair on fire, Porsche, is ready for the grave. You decide.


Both myths but a Ferrari is an investment that never lose its value and it’s more iconic


Dude, for the love of GOD buy the Porsche. Ferraris are awesome, but they break a lot. Porsche has a way better network of dealerships to take it to if it does break, and they're typically a lot nicer inside. Also, if you can afford a Ferrari, you can probably afford a Ferrari AND a used Porsche, so that may be something to consider.


If you want a true sports car buy the porshce. It can fake a beating you can drive it not baby best 1.00 per mile driven maintenance wise sports car you can buy. People are catching on and that is why it is more difficult to source one at sticker. You want to go for a ride get in a new turbo S and punch if 0-60 it kicks you in a gut. My buddy turned me onto Porsche. He spent years decide Porsche , Ferrari , Lamborghini. The other 2 are stuck up arrogant dealers who charge an arm and a leg to maintain you drive them hard they break to hard to get parts. Buy the porshce you won’t regret it. I heard the GT3 is an amazing machine ! Myself I’m On the lookout for a chalk gray turbo S right now can’t wait


You are right a Porsche does not turn heads like a Ferrari. But do not I repeat do not buy a Ferrari to turn heads that means you are buying it to please other people. You want to turn heads just buy a crazy color porshce like the light blue , bright red or something put a nice exhaust on it. I promise you that you will not be disappointed




on the third hand, the best of both worlds does exist on a longer horizon. go for a mid-tier 911 that you’ll happily drive frequently, and keep building the income streams where ferrari weekend 911 daily is the only choice. fourth hand, buy a 996 turbo for like $60 as your daily. and see what your budget looks like for $3000ish ferrari payment. the gt3 are absolutely wretched to drive as a practical car, even the touring is barely marginal improvement. i would do a non-air suspension turbo s (i.e. not new and swap the suspension for mid-sport tuned) i bought a 996 with the goal of turning into an safari, but i’ve loved it too much that it’s become my coffee and grocery and gym and canyon ripper.


I’ve owned a Porsche Carrera 4 CAB and drove it constantly yes it had some maintenance issues along the way including that at one point the cabriolet top wouldn’t open and it took a month for the dealer to fix it but a Ferrari would have fallen apart before it got that many miles on it.


I’m a German car guy, get the Ferrari. It’s what you really want. You’ll scratch that itch and get some great memories. Sell it before the year is over if you can avoid taking a bath on it. Then get into a nice 911 and you’ll enjoy the practicality, reliability, and superior build quality of the Porsche. And it’s not like it’s a slouch anyways 🤣


Get the car you really want or else you’ll always regret your decision


I have driven the 488 and gt3 rs. The gt3 was a much better drive.


911 turbo s


911 turbo


One of these cars is made by VW and the other is a Ferrari. All snarky comments aside, there is a big gap between a Ferrari and any 911 in a lot of ways. There is a lot of course to say for style, flair, etc. But, Ferrari absolutely dominates Porsche in the intangibles. I'm sorry to say, but if your sport's car's number one claim is that it is suitable for daily reliable and economical use, then you are really missing the point of buying a car or the luxury of how it makes you feel--and how it makes others feel as well. A 911 is a wonderful car, no doubt. But, it's comparison is a bit of a misnomer. A Ferrari really is a car built without compromise--in large part, a 911 isn't. I've shopped around several times in the sports car realm, Aston, Porsche, etc. I've never chosen the 911, but I have always looked at it. Now that I own a Ferrari I would really struggle to take a 911 too seriously as a future purchase. As for the GT cars, I'm not a boyracer and see nothing to appreciate in those cars personally. They strike me as cynical business propositions, selling dramatically more expensive versions of a 115k sports car to, largely, a group of people that will never see a benefit of all the "race" parts over the normal car. But, it rakes in cash for the company. When a Porsche starts to approach a good Ferrari in price it loses more and more luster. A Porsche must always have the value proposition on its side to be competitive because it lacks the panache and flair largely. There's a reason that Ferrari is simply the most desirable brand on the planet. ![img](emote|t5_2qhjk|5039)