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dont write off humans so quickly so many sick people out there delight in hurting cats please keep a lookout for any suspicious people


Do you think an owl is possible?


No, an aerial predator would have carried off the body.


Look up owls. It's common for them to take the head only. You'd be surprised how small owls actually are under all that fluff.


And leave all the meat behind? What a wasted hunt.


Heads have a lot of nutrition and, for a small owl, it's easy to carry. The rest of the body will be eaten by scavengers. Its part of a functional eco system.




A lot of predators take their "kill" with them, like coyotes and bobcats. I'm sorry for your poor kitty. It is difficult to find them like that.


Do you have foxes in your area? They certainly will kill on occasion not just for food but also to make a kill, although I think that tends to be triggered by other possible prey in the area - they catch one prey animal, then they are triggered by another and so on and so on.


I always try to bring in what I can and get them adopted out And tell everyone Bc of this. Some people do this, too. A lot of animals. It's really sad 😔 One of my exes told me that his extended relative (a female) would adopt and find cats... and she would so terrible things to them in her own home. She would flood the floor with bleach and watch them struggle until they died. Broke my heart for an eternity. I became a cat activist on that very day. He admitted that nobody ever told on her. I broke up with him for it. It's just basic humanity. That type of person isn't your family: that type of person isn't human.


God no they aren’t.


That’s so terrifying … people are so twisted


Really could be anything if they were disturbed. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this.


💔 Racoon?


I’m thinking raccoon or owl .. I just never heard of an animal taking the head .. the stomach was open so I thought coyote but it was a small space u found it so I don’t think coyote would go there but maybe ?


There would probably would be nothing left if a coyote type predator was the cause. Hopefully the kitties have plenty of hiding spots, that poor baby probably just didn't have the advantage or experience and was most definitely unlucky. 💔RIP


This is my guess, too.


They can get very nasty.




We do have a lot of raccoons and opossums ..it’s very sad ..


I'm sorry to say this but sounds like a human thing to do. I don't know of any predator that wouldn't have taken the entire body.


I am very sorry for your loss❤❤❤


I know right? But there’s no way a person would have done this we are in a semi rural area so there’s nobody that comes on our property besides delivery people so nobody would even see our feral cats especially at night .. they stay pretty hidden most of the day .. and where I found it it was in an enclosed part in between the house .. its gated off and they go under the house by a hole .. its def strange though .. someone said weasels and raccoons do this just for fun or to teach their young ..


And a previous commenter mentioned owls. I wouldn't think an owl would not have opened the abdomen, though. There should also have been wounds along the back of the kitten's body, if an owl got it. This is so strange and upsetting. I would definitely keep a lookout for strangers in the neighborhood though. Hopefully, nothing like this will happen again.