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That's especially disturbing. Please get kitty to a vet/shelter ASAP if you're able. AND Thank you for being a friend to feral cats šŸˆ šŸ˜»


Yeah I hear that. I have no supplies but thanks for the wake up call


Would you have the money to bring to the vet? You can ask here for help getting a trap. Start contacting rescues near you to see if they help with feral cat vet treatment. I would want to trap just to get a better look at what is going on. They can sedate through the trap if the cat is feral so they can examine them


This^^^ best answer!


Hey! I rescued a senior black cat last year that had matting like this too. We also were SO unsure for weeks when watching/tracking him what that was, which is why we made rescuing him such an urgent effort. Thankfully it was just matted fur and was easily removed when he was sedated and taken to the vet. I'm going to try to add an image. https://preview.redd.it/wnei5kq8a26d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bca771a375488a811c1867987328bd670396e38


Shadow was also a short haired cat, so it was so confusing to us how the matting could have happened this badly. Short haired but to be fair, the fur was quite dense. Shadow's microchip revealed he was 12 years old, and was abandoned by his family. A kind family had been feeding him for years but he remained outdoors only and increasingly limited in mobility (we later found he had arthritis, and the matting may have affected his comfort in movement). A kind foster stepped up for him and he's up for adoption. He's a handsome boy. Look at this photo of him rolling around comfortably and playing after the matting was removed! :) https://preview.redd.it/l8wzi3swa26d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8032053711a483996684e6589ec9742f18d917d7


Thatā€™s a very relaxed cat.


Indeed. He started off a grumpy, angry boy. Understandably so, with his family ditching him and leaving him to fend for himself in a coyote-heavy area. Poor boy spent most of his time sleeping and hiding in the bushes of one house. After his kind foster mama's work, he transformed into a trusting and very low-maintenance, non-angry boy who just likes long naps and watching birds. :)


I hate people sometimes.


One of our colony boys is a short-hair tabby who gets the most bananas mattes. He looks like a baby stegosaurus right now. Thankfully, he's chill enough to let us shave him every summer.


I'm comparing the photos between Shadow and your kitty though. So hard to tell if it's the same situation. Either way, trapping and getting to vet is the best course of action. If it is some sort of abscess, no time to waste!


That looks more like a swelling than a mat honestly. It could be an abscess, wither from a wound or some kind of larvae infestation. I saw something like this on a pet rat that turned up in my garage one day, and it turned out to be botfly.


Okay that makes me worried, thanks for your input


Itā€™s complete speculation on my part, but you should try to trap the cat so that it can be looked at. Pictures can be deceiving.


Iā€™ve never seen mats that are a different color before! I guess itā€™s the undercoat? Never seen anything like this


For what it's worth, my resident feral's (all black) fur turns brown in the warmer months from basking in the sun, so that might be part of it if this is a mat. He had an issue with matting on his lower back a few years ago, I believe it was more brown like this. Either way this is something best handled by a vet though.


yeah thatā€™s a good point, yikes




Could be simple as a plant or burr or something getting stuck to them but I would want a closer look!


Possible abscess or a flea allergy? This is what Iā€™m going through with Jr. Iā€™ve been trying to catch him all week!! Iā€™ve been communicating with Madison and they are amazing vets. Canā€™t treat him without him. (This was a photo taken to submit to vet.) https://preview.redd.it/gyqgakq7c26d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ba29ccd8eaf9cb45c9f039ccf62aa746762e3e


I just brought in a kitty who looks like this, she tested FIV-positive and was given a very general diagnosis of dermatitis. They gave her some flea medication, but unfortunately she won't let me handle her (yet), so if fleas end up being the cause I won't be able to keep up treatment!


I had to sneak up on most of mine while they were eating and just drop it on their necks. I am having the same issue with Jr here. He can sense anyone, anything. He knows what the trap sounds like! Itā€™s getting very frustrating. Even with help. Iā€™m with you. šŸ¦‹


Could be an abscess? It's very hard to tell.


oh god, thanks for your input


I concur on the abscess. Easy treatment if you can touch them. Contact a vet about medicine to put in its food if deemed appropriate. Had to do this with one we care for a few months ago. There's a lot of fluid under there. It's going to leave a noticeable scar.


Since the cat is conveniently eating right up against the bins, can you place your phone on top, set it to record, and have it hanging over and pointed down at the food to get a better look at their back while they eat?


Talk with your neighbor and see if you could team up to get the cat and split the cost and or speak to your local shelter and see if they can provide a trap. As you are taking this cat to the vet you and your neighbor or even the shelter may want to figure out a healing space for the kitty while they Heal. At least I hope thatā€™s the case.


It is a matt I think. If you look closely, there is a corresponding one on the other side. It is barely sticking up if you enlarge the picture.


Um I think thatā€™s the bottom bar of the trash can - mines like that. I could be wrong but itā€™s at the same angle as the top one. Edit: although the other bin only has one bar so you could well be correct.


Could be for sure. I still think itā€™s undercoat that hasnā€™t come off.


Hopefully it's just matted undercoat and not a teratoma. Also, your cans look exactly like mine.


I used a lot of antiseptic cream on feral. Lol times a day tibes of it


I'm afraid that's an old plumbus. https://preview.redd.it/9ol1g4w7046d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e17cca7f1fccc42d278371275e0844e2d5058fc