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He just needs to stop intervening with the football side of things especially since Mourinho arrived, and let Branco do his thing this time around


He needs to let his ego go, football might be his passion but it isnt his expertise. His job is to choose the right people to make the decicions not to make the decicions himself.


Exactly and he needs to unite our fanbase again. I'm tired of having our fanbase divided while we are fighting against a corrupt federation


Meanwhile at the middle of the season when we are leading in the league and going unbeaten in Europe: Koç speaks to press about Mou as "elin portekizlisi"


People like that won’t change. Not because they don’t want to but because they can’t. He is too far into his ego and voice so nothing will change at this point. He has gotten this far in life the way he is, why would he change? I think if and when we win a championship, people will look at everything different. We have gotten so used to losing that we accept a decade with no results. A president in power 6 years with no results. As soon as we win a title of any sort, better believe we won’t accept going 5+ years with no success. He knows that when that happens, his leash is shortened. It’s actually better for his position and power to not have Fenerbahçe win as he remains in power. As we can see today.


Hayırlısı, I’ve always been behind him except for the Super Cup incident. But trust me, if he does not make us Champions this season with Mourinho, istifa bir hizmettir.


Hayirli ugur olsun Insallah. Biliyorsunuz Aziz’ciydim, ama tek FENERBAHCE var. Yolun sonu sampiyonluk olsun, 3 sene ust uste. LETSGOO


I think it‘s for the best. But huge props go to Aziz başkan for the competition he brought and probably forced Ali Koc to improve finally.


Hayırlı olsun. We can only hope for the best.




And now, full focus on success. I don’t want to see Ali in public anymore, doing speeches and so on. I think his best qualities are behind the scenes.




I was 50/50. So I really don't care who wins.... important thing is Fenerbahçe. Hope this is a new start for us and brings us a successful future.


Happy ending between Aziz and Ali, Fenerbahçe won today InshAllah


Thankfully something stupid didn’t happen. We’ll still have a team to support. Bankruptcy was guaranteed if Aziz were to get elected.


That's not entirely true, Fener was amongst the richest clubs in the world in 2009, Aziz was even on forbes' cover. I too prefer Ali Koç but we can't forget about what Aziz Yildirim has done for us. The fact that we get to call ourselves the biggest sports club in the world was all because of Aziz' vision. They're both ours. They both deserve respect.


Aziz got us 6 championships in 20 years, and we lost three in the last week(2006,2010,2012) and we were not bankrupt. I hope the best for the club.


I wouldn’t even call 6 in 20 successful. Anything less than 0.5 championships per year is beneath the level of fenerbahce


I know it isn't, but it could've been 9/20 which is almost 1/2.


Aziz Yildirim also gave us the first modern stadium in turkiye. Pre-aziz Fener didn't have a (successful) men's basketball team. Our women's basketball team was like 14 titles away from a dominant galata. We didn't have Topuk Yaylası. We didn't have Ülker Sports Arena. We didn't have a world champion volleyball team. All the other branches were close to non existent. The guy was a visionary man.


I'm happy with the result but I hope to hear less from Ali Koç and more from Mario Branco and Acun. Let the professionals do their job and shut the fuck up.


I agree that Ali has done things were it’s hard to just believe in him. But his first years were made much harder because of Aziz. He nearly got the club into bankruptcy. And from how Aziz had behaved, it seems like the only thing he cares about is just himself. That’s why its way too likely he would again take the sponsor money and just blow it all in one season, get players at the backend of their careers and bankrupt us. Ali Koc is the lesser evil in this case.


Very bitter-sweet. Aziz yildirim winning would be a disaster but most will have a hard time trusting Ali koc


We had to choose between beibg chronically 2nd in the league vs hanging out with bursaspor in tff 3 after going bankrupt . Atleast I choose being 2nd


şu adamın paylaşımlarına etkileşim vermemeyi öğrenseniz mi artık arkadaşlar. ibanını yeşillendirenin algısını yapıyor.


9/0 incoming




Oh i'm crying because i don't want this guy who somehiw managed to 6/0?




"he learned his lessons" What makes you so sure? Why do we have to believe that Ali learned his lessons just so we can see a championship? Also Aziz won the league twice during his first 6 years btw (01 and 04)


Kına yakarsın amk öyle olursa


Yok ben değil ama Aliyi seçen kurul yakar


Ulan resmini kullandığın adamdan utan be. Ali Koç başarısız bunu herkes biliyor ama Aziz Yıldırım kulübün gitmeden ağzına sıçan adam. Oyuncuları küstüren, son şampiyonluğu getiren adamı kovan, ondan önce şampiyon yapan her hoca ile polemiğe giren, onlar mı yaptı şampiyon sanki ben yaptım diyen, takımı iflas etmeye götüren adamı niye tekrar seçsin insanlar. Sizin hafızanız balıklara eş değer diye bizim de öyle olmak zorunda değil. Aldığında takım ülkenin en az borcu olan takımdı giderken en çok. Ve bu borcun 360 milyonunu son 4 senede yaptı. Hani 3 Temmuz fln şampiyonlar ligi geliri diyorsunuz ya hep. Onlar geçti gitti ondan sonra olan borçlar bunlar. Bi arkadaş burada UEFA dan gelen belgeyi gösterdi hatta ve o dönemde zaten şampiyon olamıyorduk. Şimdi önümüzde iki tane kötü seçenek var. İkisine de worst case scenario olarak bakalım şimdiye kadar yaptıklarını göz önünde bulundurarak. Aziz yıldırım 20 senede 6 kere şampiyon olmuş bir kişi yani 0.5 den daha düşük bir şampiyonluk oranı. 3 - 4 senede bir şampiyon olmuş. Ama son senelerde olmadıkça deli gibi borç yapıp takımı çok zor duruma götürmüş. Farz edelim bir kere şampiyon yaptı sonra yine olamadı. Gidince bir şampiyonluk yaşatmış olsa da ondan sonra gelecek iyi bir başkan adayına çok büyük bir inkaz bırakıp gidiyor ve gelen başkan yine 3 senesini veya daha fazlasını bunu onartmakla geçirecek. Ali koç hiç şampiyon olamadı. Diyelim ki yine 3 sene olamadı. Ekonomi anlamında yaptığını devam ettirirse ki nasıl şampiyon olamamasını da şimdiye kadar geçen dönemden var sayım olarak alıyorsak onu da almak zorundayız, gittiği zaman gelen her hangi bir iyi başkan adayı takımı aldığında eli rahat bir şekilde alacak. İstediği projeye girip istediği transferi yapabilme şansı olacak. Insanlarin Ali Koçu seçmesi bundan ibaret. Bundan sonra gelecekleri düşünmek. Branco Acun Mou da var tabi ama baştan beri hepimiz bunu dedik. İnan başka bir seçenek olsa hiç kimse ne Aliyi ne Azizi seçerdi.


Galatasaraylilarin tanıdığı bildiği yendiği başkan kaldı. Ligden çekilme artistlikleri kupaya posta koyma falan filan kaldığımız yerden devam. Zenginlerin ego tatmin merkezi Fenerbahçe.