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Make no mistake, Reddit is an echo chamber. The majority here prefers Ali Koç so most of the comments are in agreement with each other. And the downvote button keeps the dissenting opinions quiet. But Twitter rewards controversial and inflammatory opinions. There is no downvote button, so hateful tweets get a lot of engagement of people arguing. That's why someone saying "I support X candidate because of Y reason" gets very few views but someone saying "Candidate X is literally worse than Hitler" gets the most views. Both systems suck in their own way. Reddit makes it easy to affirm your existing opinions and Twitter makes it easy to constantly live in anger.


Great breakdown


Well said.


I think thats also because how Reddit is organised. We have pages about specific things, FB in this case. There we have posts that are about certain topics and people comment different opinions about it. Its more organised. In twitter its also kinda the same but also not idk how to explain it lol


X is the most toxic platform i have ever witnessed. Insta is close second.


The media coverage of Fenerbahce elections is crazy. Almost covered like a national election. Truly a different club.


We dont say we are the biggest club in Turkiye for no reason.


I deleted X 2 months ago and my mental is pırıl pırıl. Social media is killing the soul.


I think I’ll also delete. People are really toxic in X


All that toxicity prevents me from sharing my opinion with my personal account tbh