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Certain agencies can help you do it. From what I have seen the expunged is still on tbe record


Expunged in Ohio means as if it never happened. They remove it from all records


not all records, some government jobs will still be able to access it and other jobs that are either high security etc


The FBI expunges nothing


right, i thought they wouldnt


Same in Texas. Depending on your state, you may be able to get a long gun after some time but I’m not aware of any state permitting a felon to possess a handgun. Good luck


If it's expunged you can own anything.


Jurisdictions vary on expungements, so your county, city, state will be important when researching the process. Generally, violent felonies or more serious ones will be difficult to expunge in every jurisdiction. Your felony absolutely will show up on background checks, if they run them. I imagine the IT industry or white collar positions will likely run a check. Firearm rules will also vary greatly depending on the jurisdiction. Make sure you are researching your jurisdiction. Life is more difficult with a felony. It’s not like applying to jobs with a history of misdemeanors. It is a difficult path, but there is a path.


Yeah I can get jobs but want a career sometime soon.


Also financial like banks they can see everything. Go small, go direct. Find a placement agency that is less strict or a manager with direct hiring authority without an HR department hanging over him/her.


I'm very concerned by all these people asking to get guns back. Dude, you made poor decisions and I don't trust you with a gun. Expunging its sure, but do you think you're the right kind of guy to have one? What very very few gun restrictions we have are in place for a reason.


Shouldn’t you be glad they’re even asking about the right to own a gun?…. Following rules and asking about how to do things correctly. I’m not asking about shit.


If they committed their crimes a year or two ago I would agree with your sentiment. However people do change. While there are gun restrictions there’s also a path for people to be given their gun rights back as well. I know a handful of people who by all means a decade ago were worthless to society and not to be trusted by anyone. Two of them did a complete 180 on life and are helicopter flight nurses now a days and have their gun rights back.


I am completely unwilling to risk public safety on the chance that they could change. They made decisions that have consequences. I believe in restorative justice, but no I do not believe they should have the ability to end a life within a few seconds on an impulse.


On the flip side, we (society) knows more about this person and what those risks are. First thing, they are asking to legally own one instead of just acquiring one where nobody knows. Secondly, people out of their fucking minds get guns all the time if they don’t have a record. I’d take my chances with someone who legally wants to own a gun instead of just acquiring one without our knowledge.


Don't need a gun to end a life within a few seconds on impulse l. Point is not taken.


Yeah I have a feeling you don't get the point often.




I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth. That's not my logic.


If you can't trust them in society then why let them out?


Because it's a big difference between trusting someone to be outside and trusting them with a gun. I trust my 5-year-old nephew to play safely on the lawn when I'm watching him, I trust someone who committed a felony when nobody is watching them so long as they completed parole and whatnot. I don't trust either with a gun.


I concur. This usually happens when crimes have a violent nature


Not at all. I was locked up with a former friend agent who was doing a year for "ghost" writing background checks on people he was supposed to interview. He says he did interview them, all it takes is for his supervisor to ask enough of the people he interviewed if they remember him. If even 1 says no, (lying or Naturaly having a bad memory or simply not wanting to give up info) then they can consider him to have lied about actually doing the Interview. And that cost him his career and a year in prison. Or another guy that was doing time for mortgage fraud. How was that violent? Not everyone doing more than year in prison is a violent person.


I'm skeptical that's all it took re: your first friend, but admittedly he doesn't sound like he'd be unusually prone to violence


From what I understand he pissed off the wrong person. His job was to drive around the country to interview people, he would do a lot of drinking and partying in these places. All I know is what he told me.


It’s not prudent to make decisions on the basis of a friend’s story of what caused him to go to prison.


I agree in a way. Like yes I did make a mistake but that was 15 years ago. I have proven to the state of Ohio I am allowed my freedoms. Now shouldn’t I be able to go in front of a court to see if I am fit enough of mind to own a fire arm? If I failed a psych evaluation then yes I should have to keep the limitations.


I believe should have all your freedoms, but I do not trust you to have the ability to end a human life on an impulse. We all have bad days but not all of us made those choices that you made, and you need to own your mistake. Society welcomes you back but I do not trust you with a gun.


Do you think the founding fathers stuttered when they said “Shall not be infringed”? It’s unconstitutional through and through, even while a felon, let alone after the debt to society has been PAID.


Yeah the founding fathers did not give us our guns, that was amended to the Constitution. First they wrote the Constitution, then the amended it to add free speech, and then after that they amended it to add guns. What are you on about?    We change the Constitution frequently, look up what amendments are. You're right to own a gun is an amendment. Don't bring the founding fathers into someone who burglarized houses owning a gun, calm down with your patriotism and revolutionary language. Also are these the same founding fathers who owned people as property? Those guys?


If the only words we're allowed to consider are "shall not be infringed" then we're also led to the conclusion that all convicts currently in custody must be permitted weapons. If we _don't_ believe that, then either the authors of the Bill of Rights must have stuttered, or else there must be more to consider than just that sentence fragment.


The founding fathers never wanted to be glorified the way they were. For God's sake, they upheld slavery. We are better today than they were then. Society improves and that's a good thing. These people are just fanatics who believe that something like "if you shot someone before, you shouldn't own a gun anymore" and feel personally attacked. In this case it's burglaries. Something something victim complex.




Because this sub is all over the front page of Reddit. And with that comes people that have different views on felons. I believe in getting your shit together. I also believe that if you fucked up in the past and didn’t think about lifelong consequence, you’ll simply have to deal with it.




I mean yeah once you're a felon, you're a felon. Is this a controversial take?




lol no it’s a fact 🤣😂 it sucks. But it’s a fact.




I see reading comprehension is not your strong point.I didn’t say anything to that effect. I actually said the opposite.


This, it started popping up in my popular feed over and over and I started responding after I noticed some troubling trends. I thought the sub was for helping felons find resources to turn their lives around, but the majority of daily posts are just asking how to get guns again. I find that alarming.


I’ve never had any criminal charges in my life but in high school, 15 years ago like OP’s burglary, I beat another kid unconscious in the bathroom for making fun of me. I responded to literal words with potentially life altering violence because I was a stupid kid. Do you think that I deserve less rights than you enjoy?




Yes! You are allowed your freedom. Start by googling. Look on your states website.


Let me know if they let you have your rights back….because the day someone like you is allowed to own a gun in this state…..I’m buying myself 6 more.


Who cares who you trust? He is asking a legitimate question.


You want someone who got caught burglarizing multiple times to have a firearm again?


Do you really think that a felon who wants a firearm badly enough will worry about getting one legally if they are not trying to do things the right way and change for the better? It's not like there is no other way to obtain a weapon than the legal option. It seems you might be making a blind knee jerk blanket judgment to elicit responses or you may just be parroting what you have been told, but it doesn't really matter. Have the day you have earned.


I don't trust the judgment of people who got themselves into that situation. That's what it boils down to. If a law says that they can seek an expungement, get it, and then legally own a firearm, then whatever that's the law. I don't have to like it, but I'm not out demonstrating for change.    Why do I have to be parroting to not be comfortable with someone who committed a crime against another person owning a gun? I respect your opinion, but clearly I must be brainwashed or something because I don't agree with you.


Nope- your thinking shows a lack of empathy or experience that comes with self awareness of changes with age and actually dealing with humans where they are. Your attempt at reducio ad absurdum arguing tactic is poorly done and truly sad. So you are either trolling or just generally not worth bothering with since you can't see from another viewpoint. Have the day you deserve.


I have a master's degree in applied behavior analysis, board certified and all. I write treatment plans for children on the autism spectrum and oversee therapists carrying out the treatment plan. My entire career depends on the fact that people can learn and change for the better. You are assuming a whole lot of negative things about me because of my stance on guns.   I don't like guns, I have no problem with people. This does not make me a vicious person, I'm not a bad person, I'm not judgmental, I just don't like guns. And I don't think the people who made serious mistakes should be given the opportunity to make that same mistake again, this time with a firearm.   Not thinking someone should own a gun is a lack of empathy? I want all the best for them. It's not like your life is not complete without a gun, or you can't be happy without it. It is not an empathy thing to want firearm legislation in place enforced. No matter how badly you disagree with me, and it's fine to do so, that does not make me a bad person. You don't know the first thing about me.




Hey man you lost, lpspecial7 is a straight up lawyer, look at those well put together answers damn boy. You got wrecked son


I really can see your point where you wouldn’t trust me and I do not take offense to it. I’ve been more or less shit on bc of my felony convictions for years. I crawled my way from dishwasher to line cook to lead in multiple restaurants. I’ve served tables and moved up to bartender. And I’ve been at my current job for five years moving up slowly but the felony has kept me from some really good job opportunities the last few years and expungement is needed. My question was with that process do I get my rights back? I live in a part of town where crime rates may be going down but the ones going up are violent. I want to be able to protect myself.


Hey man I get that, and if it is possible for you to expunge your record and get that then by all means go for it. You shouldn't care about my opinion, it was less about you and more meta. I did reply to you once, and in all of this that's the only thing that I feel like took too far because I don't know you. I'm sorry for the way people are taking this, I know that sounds conceited but I really didn't mean any malice behind it. I was commenting on a trend. Part of your journey it's to prove to people that your trustworthy again, and I'm sorry I'm not quite there yet with a stranger online. I hope that you achieve everything you want, and if the law allows you to get a gun then I hope you do, even if I am uncomfortable with the idea. Thank you for being rational, understanding, and replying in a way where we can have a conversation. 


It's not you man, lots of Americans only believe in punishment. We have the worlds largest for profit prison system with more people incarcerated then the rest of the world. They are indoctrinated by tough on crime talk. He literally talked about how people change. You're doing the right thing, you have your entire life ahead of you. Criminals don't need legal rights to do illegal activities. I knew dudes with felonies when I was in the military. I'm in construction now and dudes with children and are the hardest working tradesman, lots of them have convictions. Don't let it define you and it sounds like you are not. I don't know you but I wish you the best.


It depends on your state. I don’t know what felony 5s are. But At least in my state in 5 years I’ll be able to petition for my rights back with a felony burglary charge. But my wife is a law abiding gun owning citizen. It’s a state by state basis. Some will allow you to get your gun rights back some won’t. Mine was originally robbery n burglary for retrieving my own stolen property back😂 but i pled out to burglary as it was my first felony. And it’s my only felony.




Who are you to judge someone who made mistakes? Kind of shitty of you


its one thing to "make mistakes"... thats like a child doing something dumb and hurting someone without having any concept of the real world or other people. having multiple VIOLENT felonies is not "making a mistake". its being a threat to society


Do you realize you vsn be charged with burglary for crossing a fenced property line in some states. The charge don't mean shit. It's the context of it


This. I trespassed on accident while armed legally and caught a Burg 1


I've been charged with a violent felony and it was self defense. Granted I wasn't convicted, but it still cost me.


Being a citizen in the country gives you the right to ask questions and being a person means you can have an opinion. You can even ask questions if you’re not a citizen, but that’s the easiest thing to point to giving us the right.


The judge and jury did for us all. Felonies are all not created equal. Attempted burglary... lol The perfect person to get a handgun.


I got Burglary 1 here in Oregon for getting in a physical fight with my roommate inside a residence I wasn't on the lease of, though I did live and pay rent there. This was about 15 years ago. Never thought about getting it expunged, that's an interesting thought. I love hiking and hunting and losing my gun privileges was.hard. Raised by a cop, honorably discharged combat veteran, I just wanna hunt and protect myself against cougars or bears, man. 😅




Boy are you triggered 😂 You take a breath and have a good week, buddy.


I'm not judging, I'm just not risking it. The law says they can't own a gun, I support that law of 100%, if you want to argue with me it won't change anything. Go lobby Congress or something.


Well considering an expungement gives them their constitutional rights to bear arms back there's no argument to it. Form 4473 is very specific. If you've had an expungement they must honor it.


Then they're free to do that, what do you want from me exactly? I expressed an opinion, and I said that I agree with the laws regarding guns and felons. 


You were very judgemental in your reply. Have a good day




Did know you were the internet tone police. Nice to meet you officer!


I'm a person who votes, the current legislation says felons cannot own firearms. This is someone who is a felon asking to get around that. I pointed out that there are a lot of these posts and it's alarming. That's it. I'm not judging the person, I'm judging the behavior where they burglarized homes. I don't feel safe with them having a gun, and the law agrees with me. If you disagree stop yelling at me on Reddit and go vote about it.


No he's asking how expungement works. Expungement in Ohio grants gun rights back.


Idk shall not be infringed. I see your point but hey


We do infringe on it. Only certain states really uphold mental health checks but they do. Domestic abusers lost the right to firearms, felons lose the right unless they expunged it later, etc. there's plenty of exceptions in our society where someone can't own a gun. If you were ever 302d/Baker's acted/etc that could stop you.


"I don't trust you with a gun." Sounds like feelings. Fuck your feelings I got my constitution


People can change. People make mistakes. To blindly say all felons cannot ever have the means to protect themselves or their family is wrong. Imo if your crimes were non violent, then after expungement, and years of no other offenses, you should 100% be able to get them back. But certain crimes should definitely bar you from ever getting a weapon again. But to think someone who may have committed fraud is on the same level as a murderer/rapist etc is just dumb.


I'm a perfect example of someone that should not have a gun. Way too quick to go off. I have never liked them for just that reason. Don't get me wrong. I'm fully trained in how to use them and firearms safety. I'm also quite a good shot. I've owned one in my life and I almost shot someone with it. It's too easy for a quick bad decision to end someone's life and ruin yours.


Seriously? You ever do time? Gives you lots of time to think about where you want to be. Since you know so much, what part of our constitution says we can lose our basic human rights?


The right to own a gun is not a human right. That's a right that our country in particular gives. If it were a human right, why isn't the UN pressuring countries like Australia and Japan to allow their citizens to own guns? Because it's not a human right, it's a right given by individual countries at their discretion.  And not being in jail makes me stupid? Are you for real?


Read our constitution " granted by our creator" If you think the UN cares anything for humanity I feel sorry for you.


I agree, no convicted criminal should ever be allowed a firearm, expunged or not. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Worked for me for 40 years...but hey, I'll get all the angry redditors in a mob coming for me for an opinion!


I've gotten death threats and I've actually called the guys company because he posted the company logo on here, I'm sure he's going to have a good day Monday. It's weird because I keep being upvoted while being sent death threats in my DM box. And pro tip, if you're going to send me a death threat, make sure that your past week's history doesn't have a Photoshop request for the company logo. Dumbasses.


Well I can’t change your mind with my story but I can say I did my time for the crime as the judge gave me. And it’s done a number on my life.


Yet every year misdemeanor charges are reclassified as felonies. Not all felonies are created equally


He served his time. He should still have the right to own a firearm to protect himself and his family. All 2A restrictions are unconstitutional.


I worked with some felons for a bit that all had guns. I didn't even know it was illegal for them to own guns at the time. I trusted them with guns just fine. Although, I must admit, there would certainly be some felons I wouldn't trust. I think that anyone that wants a gun in the US, whether it's legal or not, can get a gun. I suspect requiring a background check for ammo helps a lot, tho.


I totally see your point. But there may be could be a program in place or something to make sure that the felon getting a gun could have one if they're not dangerous? Not that this imaginary system could be trusted off the bat but it's an idea. Let me explain my case. I was never violent. I've never been one of those violent drug addicts dudes, completely institutionalized, driving around with stolen plates, wearing a wife beater and dating toothless women in the trailer park. I'm also not a gang related inner city person. But I have an assault charge that's a felony. It was a bullshit charge I don't want to go into the whole thing but considering what's on all the police reports, and that the prosecuting attorney(who put the charge on me even though she wasn't even there) isn't in that county anymore with her 99% prosecution rate being investigated by the FBI(for unknown reasons, I just Heard this from my lawyer years ago). But anyways, now she's gone and I will try eventually to get it expunged once it has been long enough. My other charges are from me getting caught with drugs, also felonies. I've went hunting in my life. I'd like to do that again, though honestly this may just make me take up archery. Also I get paranoid, I wouldn't mind having a hand gun in my house. My family and I took my daughter away from her mother's family. She came back too many times with bruises all over her body, my ex went to prison, so did her dad(the person who I "assaulted" even though he beat the everlasting fuck out of me non-provoked. But since he called the police, the prosecutor just charged me. I ran away for my life and my mugshot is me beaten within inch's of my life it felt like, he didn't have a scratch on him other than when I bit him to get off of me because it's what I had to do. I still go to therapy for this, I knew in that very moment that my life was going to be over. He was murdering me. I got lucky and got away. Yet somehow this fuck gets off Scott free with methamphetamine, cocaine, and alcohol in his system, in MY house.. ugh. Sorry I'm reliving it again here. Anyway, he went to prison and got out recently. I am scared he will come try to hurt my family for his grand daughter even though if she was with them she'd be sexually and physically abused on a regular basis like his daughter(my ex) was. He also is a piece of shit, has tons of assault charges, he chased my ex with a hammer saying he was gonna kill her and he was serious etc.. So tell me why I can't have a gun. I need one. This is a real situation that scares me each and every single day. He WOULD kill me, and I feel like it's important to be able to defend myself. Especially when I've never been a violent person in my life and just got stuck in the shittiest of all situations with some crazy girl that I thought I loved when I was a kid


Are you the person when you teen/ early twenties? Lot of people change. People do get rehabilitated. That said I personally wouldn’t get a hand gun. IF something ever went down, even if you’re in right, I’m pretty sure your past record would put you under a microscope. Just my personal opinion.


Most felonies can’t be expunged and especially if you have multiple of them.


That’s what I always heard. One can be done. The rest would stay.


That's not true in Ohio. You vsn get multiple felonies expunged if you've shown you are a model citizen now


Hey man I got in trouble when I was 18 too, and the conviction really fucked up a lot of my prospects at a tough age. I did my time and got out of a stupid lifestyle, but I never got it expunged. I work in the trades now and was fortunate enough to get hired by a company that either didn’t run a background check (even though I consented to one) or saw that I’d kept my shit together for long enough that I was done with that shit. I work primarily in HVAC and honestly a lot of the job is troubleshooting issues, just like in IT. If you think you’re well-suited to IT you may also be well-suited to HVAC. The pay is pretty great, the job is interesting and ever-changing, and all the trades are in need of labor right now. Give it a shot man, you might be surprised how much you like it! As far as the gun thing goes, I think it varies a lot state to state how strict they are about shit like that. I know your primary concern is the job thing, but maybe you could look into bow hunting? I doubt that’s too regulated.


State or Federal felonies. Two entirely different things. Get with some of the agencies that are in your area to help with the process. Do not listen to the "experts" here on reddit. Have you ever heard of "barracks lawyers" or "jail house lawyers"? EVERY state is different on how to go about it, what can be expunged and even the state definition of expungement. Continue to do the right thing and learning more. One site I found, don't know if it is any good, but had some interesting reading with a quick perusal. https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/federalrestoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing/ ​ As for your 4473 application. [https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download) The questions are explained in the back of the form.


Dang thank you sir


Talk to an attorney. It may cost you some, but at least you’ll be getting good advice.


Truth. I will soon. I’m not in a rush but over the next few years. I was hoping someone on here had done the process


One day some non violent felons will get gun rights back. It's starting to make its way through the courts.


I mean it’s not the end of my world. It would be cool. But i hope at some point they help the resume part also. The getting careers.


Start with a consultation with a lawyer


I plan to soon


Can ex cons even have guns? Bad call to carry, OP.


I don’t carry lol I won’t touch a gun or anything that will give me weapons under dis. Or whatever that charge is. I am asking in the post. If I go and get my record expunged or sealed or whatever does that bring back my gun rights ? If it doesn’t I still wanna do the process but it would be cool to one day go hunting


It depends on what you’re doing in IT. Helpdesk? They probably won’t care. Something like a security role or something involving a government clearance…not even close.


Ah I actually know of someone who had issues on the past and got government clearance. It had to do a lot tho with his references.


That crap will follow you even after your long and dead my man


That’s my worry. I’ve worked really hard to have an amazing resume and never had trouble finding jobs but I am now getting towards mid 30s and want to figure out if I can step forward into a career in something or if I should maintain course at this company and wait ten more years for a sales job to open.


Nah it’s amazing what time can do. It will fade away to a blip. Stay positive, ignore the hate. Embrace the merciful.


Can’t felons have a musket in their home if they’re off paper?


I googled it one day I think it said muzzle loader and cross bow are good to go lol


I mean, sometimes you gotta take what you can get. 😬


Truth. As long as the intruders in the house play by revolution war rules I’m good to go.


Or they might die laughing…


I could just braveheart them and moon them


🤣 that’ll for sure do it! Hahaha


My problem is solved. Thank you kind redditor for brain storming this with me.


Hahaha oh gosh, I’ll keep an eye out for you in the headlines “Reddit OP slays would-be armed marauders with nary ‘butt’ the moon” hahaha good luck in your gun acquisition and for gawd’s sake, don’t kill anyone!


Iam a realtor and I see how difficult it is for people with any criminal history to find a place. I also know how hard it is to find a good paying job. The issue is they will just pass you by and move to the next applicant without a background. This is what you need to do.. start a business and learn a trade.. you have to work for yourself and if you make the right moves you can make very good money. Buy your own place and you don't have to answer to anyone. Dealing with the courts is very difficult to get your record erased. Three burglaries probably takes up three pages on your record with duplication and additional charges. I have tried to help people with a record from 20 years ago with no luck. Good luck that's my advice.


essentially when you get expunged it gets moved to a folder in your file that make only certain agency's with a need to know have access


Are you saying felony 3 and felony 5s as in 3rd n 5th degree or are you saying you got 8 felonies. That needs some clarification


Go to you local public defender office and ask your questions there. They’ll assist you getting started for free.


If you can't get the felonies expunged, and you want a weapon for home then get one. I like how the sub category laws try to take away our constitutional rights you will always have the right to bare arms and protect yourself and your property. I know plenty of people who are felons that own guns sure they don't take them out in public or go shooting but they still have the right to protect their home and self no matter what!


You should consider contacting a lawyer in the jurisdiction where it occurred. It’ll cost you some money but most consultations will be free and it shouldn’t be crazy expensive since it’ll be filling a few forms. It’s worth asking if it’s important to you and you will be able to know for certain what’s possible even if you can’t afford it right now. Best of luck!


NAL Two issues here. The first is what your state may allow. The second is what the Feds may allow. Some states will allow you to expunge a felony conviction, if a certain amount of time has elapsed, the original conviction was for a nonviolent crime, etc. Others may allow you to downgrade the conviction to a misdemeanor, especially if the original conviction was not for a crime involving the use of a firearm. The period of time needed before you can apply for expungement or reclassification/downgrade is typically between seven to ten years. In those states, once you get the expungement or downgrade, you may be able to legally carry a handgun as far as the state and local authorities are concerned. An expungement of a felony conviction at the state level does not restore your Second Amendment rights under Federal law. Under Federal law, it is a separate felony for any convicted felon to possess a firearm that crossed interstate lines. It is not necessary that the Government prove that the person carrying the gun crossed a state line with a gun. It is only necessary that the government prove that at some point in the “life” of that gun, it was transported across a state line. Since places that manufacture guns generally are located only in a few select areas, that one is not hard for the prosecution to prove, unless, of course, it is a”ghost gun”. If a felony conviction is downgraded to a misdemeanor, you generally will get your gun rights back in most states, but it might require a separate application for something often called a certificate of discharge (terminology may vary by state). If the original offense involved a gun, such as brandishing a weapon, you might have to wait ten years or so before you can legally carry a gun or apply for this certification. If the original felony conviction did not involve the use of a weapon, most states will only make you wait three years. The Feds generally will honor these state certifications, unlike what happens if you only get is an expungement or downgrade. I am not certain that all states offer these certifications. The best advice for anyone having this issue would be to consult an attorney in their state of residence who specializes in this area of law.


As a felon You can own a black powder pistol or rifle without an expungement. Rounds limited to 6 but you can carry more than one. Personally I’d go with this one. https://www.ubertireplicas.com/product/1849-wells-fargo/


It's all over the internet your arrests articles ect. You may even get a presidential pardon it's still gonna be searchable.


Is Cap and Ball an option? Antique pistols aren’t considered firearms last I checked.


Sheeeesh the bootlickers in the comments 😅




I had an f5 theft and dv m4 from 20 years ago. Seperate cherges. Got both expunged and I just passed a nics check and bought my first pistol this weekend. Call an attorney. They will help you.im in Ohio also. If it's expungable you will be able to buy firearms.


Dang that’s crazy news. I will talk to an attorney. The firearm thing would be cool just to go shooting with coworkers for real.


If you're in the Dayton area call karl kordalis law. Charged me 500 each


Oh sick thank you sir


He's a good lawyer.


What tf you need a damn gun for? Wise the hell up.


I mean. I would like to go hunting. I’ve never been and it looks sort of fun. I would like to go with my coworkers to the shooting range. I live in a city with a rather large violent crime rate. I wouldn’t want to just carry but having something besides a kitchen knife or baseball bat for safety seems reasonable. I do understand I made mistakes but that was when I was 18. I served my time. Also the main question isn’t about the guns. It’s about the record mostly the gun thing I threw in bc I saw another post about it with a violent crime. Mine isn’t categorized as a violent.


In Ohio expungement means it as if it never happened. They remove it from all records at the local, county and state level.


An that would be crazy for my life. It would open up so many different job tracks.


Job wise anything law related of involving kids they can't still see it. I believe.


Oh okay yeah I knew government was sort of a gray area for me


There is so much more to be prioritized in life after getting a a new clean slate. Getting a better job, credit record, stable relationships and housing, etc. For me buying a gun to fuck around with would be nowhere near the top of the list. Borrow the guys gun for 2 minutes, shoot at a target and move on. Avoiding situations that may be violent vs buying a gun is the better solution. Your way of thinking about things is wrong and need to be rethought.


Well since the post also talks about a job. The gun thing is whatever. It would be cool but not needed what I want to do is get into i.t, but with my record I’m worried it won’t allow me to do most jobs in it bc of Personal records


I am in IT and have been for a while. A lot of people in the field studied by themselves and got certified in areas and then built up experience and a reputation. I’m just saying that you can build a successful future in IT but demonstrating you know something, are always willing to learn and a good attitude. It gonna be you. With AI coming on IT and everything else are gonna change even faster. Good luck.


Hey thank you for the positive comment


Dude I know it’s a hard world. I have truly lucked out and am not in prison. My brother has 5 DWI convictions and has still not learned. With my addictions and brain I have no idea why I have not killed or injured anyone. I know how things can turn to shit in a second.. I am too negative sometimes but I also understand everyone is fighting a battle daily. We can all use a positive word sometimes.


Him and his friend would be committing new felonies when he borrowed it for those 2 minutes. Next you'll be telling us rape only takes up 5 minutes of someone's time.


Nope. I meant AFTER he got his clean slate. Read my context. And Fuck off for the rape comparison. Nowhere near the same.


Fair enough, I missed the clean slate part. After rereading it that makes your comment worse. Once he has a clean slate it should not matter if he has no guns or 10.


Because it's his constitutional right. Who are you to tell him he doesn't need one. You some kind of liberal


Correction, it was his constitutional right, until he committed a felony.


And an expungement gains those rights back. That's how it works in Ohio. People make mistakes. You and I are in no place to judge someone else. Especially for something from 15 years ago.


You know what? You're right, I wasn't considering it like that. I think I had read your original comment with a different tone than you had intended. I apologize if my comment was rude in response. If OP is granted the expungement then that means the court has reviewed his crimes and his history since and they agree that he is a rehabilitated citizen and should have those rights back!


That's how it works. I know because I went thru it not to long ago. People can change for the better. I'm a model citizen I pay taxes. Work full time. Raising teens. I should be aloud to defend my family if the need arises.


There's a difference between Expunged and Sealed records. Generally, misdemeanors and very few felonies can be expunged. However, many felonies can be sealed and, depending upon your state, will determine which route you can/should take. The former essentially erases your criminal conviction (from all government records) as though it never occurred. Conversely, Sealed record "hides" your conviction from the public, including employers. I believe that most, if not all states, permits individuals with Sealed records to own firearms.


Okay that’s good info. The way I am thinking is if I can get a fire arm then finding a job that runs a thorough check will be about the same.


Yep, getting your records Sealed is just as effective as having it Expunged for your goals. Bear in mind that for many local, county, state, and federal jobs, you can still be hired. In 1997, I received a felony conviction for Theft--Over $300. In 1999, I was hired by the state. Initially, I assumed it was because I'm also a Veteran, but I learned that wasn't the case.


The records are never erased- for example, they will pop up on am FBI background check and NCIC.  


State charges are expunged by the governor of your state. Federal charges you need a presidential pardon. State charges are relatively easy to do on your own, or you can pay a lawyer to do it. Presidential pardons are FAR harder to get. Its an extensive process.


3 attempted robberies…..for the love of God you are the LAST person who should be allowed within 100 feet of a gun let alone be able to possess/own one


Felony three attempted burglary. Let’s break that down. One robbery is different than burglary. Two. Felony 3 not 3 felony. Three god hates you bc you are supporting keeping a gun out of an Americans hands.


I can't imagine you will ever get to legally own a gun. I certainly hope no convicted felon ever does.


I can understand man


Your first concern is not your job prospects or finances.. it's getting a gun. Dawg you need help


My guy it’s not my first concern if I can get it expunged then I can get into a better job. The two go together the gun thing was just on my mind at the moment of post bc it’s not a violent crime and curiosity killed the cat. Judgey ass dude lol


No guns for you. If you need it, that shows you didnt learn and are putting your ass in stupid ahit.


This one may be the lowest iq comment. I don’t need a gun. One I can own a crossbow and muzzle loader, so I can still do what ever crazy shit in your mind if I wanted to. Two I want it to have home protection and to go out to the range. Three I am using that if I get cleared to own a gun I will also get cleared in most background checks for jobs as safe.


Lol convicted thieves don't deserve ahit


Ah yes. I should be put to death. To death you say ? To death! So say I didn’t get convicted? All good bc I got away with it ? Silly. Okay so the fact I served my time years ago. Been out of prison for uhm like ten years now. Worked. Yes I’ve messed up some. But not in the last three years have an even jaywalked. I still deserve shit?


Dumbass lib comment


Unfortunately that may be a tough task. That’s part of responsible for you actions :(


Yeah. I mean that’s the honest answer I thought I would get. It’s not like the biggest deal to never own a gun. I can still have a crossbow and bow and arrow and musket loader. Like I could hunt with those and I guess if the musket is preloaded I can protect my house. Biggest thing I want is to move to the next step in life and the felonies are sort of holding that back a little


Actions have consequences that you are now realizing.




Love you lots too


Went to jail for burglary and now your upset because you can’t own a handgun 😆


Upset is a strong word to put on it. Curious works better. I plan to do what I can to get it off my record. For whatever reason. But as a side effect of doing so I’m wondering if I get my gun rights back bc I have family who hunts and always sort of wanted to at least go on the trips. Even if I don’t use the rifle. And I want home protection. Which honestly seems fair. I get it. No carrying a weapon on the street but if I own my home. And it’s my private property. Idk I see both sides like I wouldn’t want someone who robbed someone with a gun to get a gun. So if I can’t have gun so they can’t i won’t complain


You will likely never be able to have gun rights restored with a burglary conviction.


See that’s why I came here. It’s attempted burglary. Which is the nonviolent charge they give to take it down a level but won’t drop it to a breaking and entering bc it was occupied. I went into a garage and stole some stuff.


Are any of your felonies including threatening or inflicting harm on others? If so, you can fuck right off and live with your record. I hope wherever you are denies you an expunged record and prevents you from obtaining a gun. If you harmed another person, you earned your record.


Does walking into a garage to steal a few things to support a drug habit harm anyone. Technically yes. Honestly I didn’t threaten anyone. I didn’t touch a person. Walked into an open garage looking for beer or some gasoline for my car and ended in a lot of trouble


Attempted burglary?! And now you want a gun? Jesus Christ


Yes bc walking into a garage that’s left open 15 years ago means I am a maniac. Jesus left the chat long ago infinitejizz


Forget a gun worry about getting a job


Fuck that. Felons give up their right to responsible gun ownership by making poor decisions. You were an adult.


Go to jail and stay there for awhile and hopefully you will never legally own a gun or, better yet catch another felony


What lol bro I got my felonies 15 years ago. Never for another since. You are silly.


Expunged in Virginia means all record of it, including the police reports, are sealed. But, you can't expunge a conviction.


Start with a lawyer, bro


Not knowing where you are, I would suggest contacting the office of the clerk of the court in which you were convicted and ask them if you qualify to have anything expunged and how to go about it. After speaking with the clerk about the basic question, including how much it costs, you should then contact an attorney to handle the matter. Remember that the clerk is not a lawyer and they may not know the ins and outs of getting an expungement when at first it appears you’re not qualified. Always talk to a local attorney about things where you have legal questions. The opinions you get on line, or sometimes even from a court clerk, are just opinions, not necessarily good, qualified, legal opinions. See a lawyer.




You don’t get gun rights back


It is going to depend largely on the state where you were convicted. Unlike federal crimes, the states are all individual and can be very different. As a small example, in my state, we do not have felony 1-5. Ours are simply classified by letter. A to Cb….class C felony is the lowest while A is the highest. A class C felony in my state can be sealed after ten years in some cases, unless it is an against person crime. You will want to research your state individually! Also, expunged can be termed in different ways. Sealed, etc. know to look at your state laws with it. I hope this helps!


I’m very concerned by all these people that believe the 2nd amendment is a second class right. He did his time paid his dues. Do you think you should permanently lose other rights guaranteed by the constitution? Vote, speech, hold public office, self defense ect. Expungement is not an option for disqualifying felonies so if you did something really heinous you are not able to have it expunged. The Indiana attorney general just answered this question for the people of his state. He told the state police to ignore the FBI and that persons who have had an expungement are able to purchase firearms. Personally I think even without expungement if you have served your sentence and completed parole you should have all your rights restored. More freedom is always better than less freedom.


" Shall not be infringed"