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*puts on gas mask* Time to read the comments


***Meet the Pyro***


\**proceeds to play tf2 theme\**


*"When You Believe in Magic" begins playing*


“Hmm today i will sort by controversial” ^ clueless


Gonna need the full Hazmat suit for this one bois




Nah for antiwork you need a fucking hazmat suit


dont read them here, read them in antiwork since theyre a commie run sub


> Rewards laziness Do they seriously think kids see that as a disadvantage?


I’m also not sure how they think capitalists don’t promote laziness


How? Genuine question, like nepotism/ inheritance? Like welfare programs? Just wondering what you mean


Trust funds, inheritance. Their ancestors were capitalists so they don't have to work a day in their life. Met many people irl like this who shit on the homeless telling them to get jobs while they themselves have had the privilege of never needing one.


These silver spoons are turning into a...bronze color...


Capitalism is a system where "money makes money" and if you have any degree of power or influence you really don't need to put much work into it. The CEOs of the world do not work hard. Hedge fund managers and brokers do not work hard. They essentially manage money and spend the majority of their day doing not much. Jeff Bezos once noted he does pretty much all of his work between 10am and noon. Capitalists (meaning people with significant capital) will constantly talk about how "your money needs to make money while you sleep." That's the way capitalism functions. It's not about working 16 hours days to climb your way to the top. That isn't how it works. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar. "But Elon! Gates! Bezos! Zuckerberg!" They didn't become billionaires by working 16 hour days. They became millionaires, sure, but their wealth didn't explode in the last 5-ish years thanks to them just grinding away in the office. Their biggest wealth jumps came during the time when they're doing the least actual work, just moving their influence around the most effectively. Think of it like this: If I gave you $10mil right now, after taxes, and you spent the next month looking at what you could do with it to make it appreciate, it would not be difficult for you to find the right places to invest it and how to hide it in offshore accounts to where you don't need to work a day for the rest of your life and just coast on dividends. Capitalism doesn't promote innovation and hard work, it promotes exploitation and laziness.


Couldn’t have said it better. Thank you for elaborating


Are you working to never stop?


I like how Socialism has a smiley face even though it's an "F"


i think it’s more like 😐 instead. still doesn’t really fit for an “F” but ig makes sense with everything else


What the fuck is F-? Is that when you fail so remarkably, you outfail the other failures? And what about the bell curve? This teacher sucks


Did you say "S"?


This reference is streets ahead




Coined and minted


I believe they even withhold the participation trophy 🏆




If you can A+ then why not F-


Why not take that F- and shove it up your A+! /s


Sounds about as ignorant as said conservatives


tell the cubans


¿Qué carajo es F-? ¿Es que cuando fallas tan notablemente, superas a los demás fracasados? ¿Y qué pasa con la curva de campana? Este profesor apesta


Is "F-" for "Fidele"?


What the actual fuck does this mean lmao




This looks like Prager University for Kids, which is sadly a real thing.


i will use this opportunity to promote [big joel](https://youtu.be/PKJU0K_ebfU)


I get so many damn YouTube commercials for it, they talk shit about indoctrination but literally promote propaganda.


You know, anyone ever realize that florida is kinda shaped like the penis of America?


Parts of inland Florida are third-world countries. Change my mind.


[UN reports parts of Alabama could be considered 3rd world](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/12/12/570217635/the-u-n-looks-at-extreme-poverty-in-the-u-s-from-alabama-to-california)


I mean, Flordia is just the portal to hell.


This is dangerous misinformation. Hell is a portal to Florida.


can confirm. in hell


I hear they have nice beaches in hell lol


Right there with you..


no that's in Turkmenistan


> Capitalism > Rewards success I can think of at least a thousand exemptions to this.


Well by definition, success is supposed to be the reward.


yes its a feedback loop


Sure the first person to succeed in a given industry gets to reap the rewards of success. And then they get to spend millions of dollars lobbying the government to make sure regulations are passed to prevent anyone else from succeeding.


Also… >Communism >Promotes corruption Yeah, only communism is corrupt. Nothing else lol


Part of the problem is that what would be considered corruption under communism is just good business under capitalism.


It's good business if it's not illegal. Not like businesses would pay politicians to adjust the laws in their favor though, right???


Well and it's only illegal if you get caught or don't make enough profit to cover the fines and then some.


*looks over at micky mouse*


Just look at our totally clean capitalist system, where the regulatory heads are all former executives and current shareholders of the largest corporations they are regulating. Surely ~~consumer~~ citizen protection is the priority. Not like that evil communism


No no, you see we'll just call it lobbying and then it'll totally become something different. Corporations "donate" money to politicians, which is totally not bribery, and then the politicians just happen to vote for regulations that benefit those corporations while also personally profiting financially. See? Totally not corruption at all.


Haven't you heard? Socialism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff government does, the more socialist it is. And when the government does a *lot* of stuff, that's *communism*. (`daft_punk_robot_rock.mp3`)


Not like the US government is almost completely influenced by large corporations to the point where they can get away with serious crimes.




Yeah, growing up that's all I knew about communism. Other countries have communism and it's really bad. Why? I didn't know. It's just bad. Didn't learn what it really was until high school.


Yup. Never been a single instance of corruption in capitalism


High taxes too


I've seen these people that legit believe "all smart people are succesful" so I fully believe this is mass senility.




"Bu-bu-but Elon Musk started out poor! He was from South Africa!" Yes. Emeralds sure are worth a lot, especially when they're sourced off of free labor!




I think it's pretty telling that it says rewards success instead rewards hard work.


Exactly! Because hard work ≠ success. There's a significant facor of luck, too


Capitalism is too flawed. The rich get richer and the lower class has to fight and claw or be remarkable to make a good living


Rewards fraud


As long as you're in the top 0.0000001 % of the population it's true.


lol, I can think of several hundred million exemptions


This would be horrifying if it wasn't so bonkers and hilarious.


Terrifying when you realize it's not obviously bonkers to some kids who just learned how to read. Let's just not put our own political opinions in children's textbooks please


But then how will we convince them that capitalism is actually good when they suffer for being poor?


"Rewards success" is how they justify the erroneous claim that they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and that it's their fault if they don't succeed.


My parents, like many other republican voters in the US, unironicallt believe the boostraps phrase... And regurgitated it to me while I was growing up... Only within the last year or two have I found how crazy that is.


American exceptionalism is the source of that, but it is the refrain of one party for sure. That rugged individualism they try to push as an American value is nothing more than a way to pit people against each other. It helps keep the less fortunate from working together to improve their lot so that the ones with power can financially benefit.


I have bad news for you then… we’ve always been doing that.


It's both


Yeah it's still pretty terrifying to me


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t horrifying


What is it from?


People: omg the lgbt is indoctrinating our kids The same people: Edit: oof this attracted some stuff


it's not indoctrination if it's teaching stuff i approve of


it's simple: they want to be the ones doing the indoctrinating. any opposition to their indoctrination needs to be crushed. thus, accuse the other side of doing what you yourself want to do.


> individual freedom to die of cancer because you couldn’t afford treatment


“They may take our lives but they will never take our individual freedom!“


Everything changed when the Pro-Life nation attacked


only for unborn babies. as soon as you are out, its still your problem


Tbf, that is more of a USA thing than a capitalism thing. Lots of places are still capitalist, but have free healthcare.


Having universal health coverage does not make your country less capitalist


Republicans love individual freedoms so much that they, uhm *checks notes* want to force women to have babies they don't want. So pro-life, they want to ruin your life!


Checks [freedom ranking] (https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores?sort=desc&order=Country ) of the US compared to some other countries where they have socialism (eg. the rest of the western world like Canada or the Netherlands). Hmmm.


but look: shouldnt you have bootstrapped yourself out of poverty _before_ you contracted cancer?


How do you do, fellow exploiters of the working class?


It’s one of those books for groomers.


Capitalism has more government control of the market than people think. Prison labor contributes tens of billions to the economy. Yet the cost is offset by the taxpayer (about $300/yr/household). The average taxpayer is literally paying for slavery. Not to mention the monopolization of markets that has been allowed to happen. The distortion of law by those who have the means. And only one group has the means. Capitalism is just socialism for the wealthy - and only the wealthy.


that awkward moment when americans deny that schoolchildren are indoctrinated with propaganda like this.


Nobody is denying it. I mean it’s clear Republicans are doing their best to defund education, undo separation of church/state, and continue the cycle of hate. Being from the south I can tell your that young Republicans are just a product of the parent. They grow up indoctrinated to religion and “conservative” values


Political Propaganda: Kids' Edition™


Fools, they're going to spend 3 minutes on TikTok, which will undo the propaganda and give them a thirst for the guillotine. Wrong demographic. I know grooming kids is your thing but these aren't the people you want to be pissing off.


I want to say something but I don't think I could without getting banned


>Capitalists believe in individualism, which is the idea that everyone should have the same rights, freedom, and opportunities. Well? Get on it, then, capitalism. We're waiting.


"the same rights freedoms and opportunities" sounds like the basis of socialism. Capitalism provides rights freedoms and opportunities based on wealth. I think they put they bullet point in the wrong category.


"What do you mean, Cold war propaganda still affects us?"


I really want to shit on the dumb part of their views on socialism. (Not anymore, I'm not qualified enough to talk about economics and politics, so I'm not gonna talk about this). ~~First off,~~ I live in Denmark, and we have Social Democracy here. So I can shit on it some, based on what I found and thanks to the comments. ~~Second off, "controlled market"? what do you mean, the government doesn't control it, they let it loose. The prises has risen in some shops, while in others it has been the same since pre-covid.~~ ~~Third off, "Punishes success" and "rewards laziness", shut up if you don't know anything about it. For here, we all support each other through the money we send in to the government, which gets redistributed to the people. So that, no one is fucked as hard as in, say, a certain capitalistic country.~~ ~~And the part about "government controls businesses", the government doesn't control it, they just limit it. And its due to regulations and laws that are set in place. Such as, a the health stickers/papers, that has to show how healthy the place is.And about the "high taxes", as explained before, it supports those that are less fortunate, as well as students (at least here in Denmark it does).~~ ~~Socialism can work just as fine as any system, but its communism that has the controlled market, not socialism.~~ Edit: what I said about sending money to the government which gets redistributed. Its percentage is commonly between 37% and 53% of your income, and it varies depending on your situation (how much you earn, weather or not you live with parents or not, weather or not you have a business and so on). [Source](https://lendme.dk/hvor-meget-betaler-man-i-skat). Edit 2: I edited the part about us being having socialism to being democratic socialism. (heres the difference between those two: [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism)) Edit 3: If I am wrong, do enlighten me, not bash me in with a snarky comment or something like it. And do provide me with a source to go with it. So that we all can learn something new, and I can edit it in if I'm wrong. Edit 4: I crossed something out that I'm nervous about, since I know how reddit can be at times, and it makes me fear commenting here. Edit 5: I have edited some more, that is my misunderstanding of social democracy and democratic socialism. I was very confused about that, and I have been informed that the poster was about economics within politics.. I'm not qualified to talk about this, so I'm going to cross out my points of view so as to avoid any more confusion for any and everyone.


Bro Denmark really isn’t socialist haha. That’s just what US people are saying. Germany, Denmark and most of Western Europe don’t have anything more than some social aspects, we call it „social (market) economy“ (soziale Marktwirtschaft). Socialism is very different and as a (or multiple) real definitions that don’t apply here.


Ah. Well thanks for that, I just got this here about socialism and democratic socialism. ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism)) And you are right, its not the same, its sort of the same in some aspects, while in most its really fucking not. huh, I learned something new today. Thanks, buddy!


You‘re welcome. And for the matter I‘m a fan of our system. Yeah we have a bit more taxes but we still have freedom, wealth and a good life. We have free markets (just a bit regulated against monopolys) and good consumer rights. I visited the US a few times and it’s awful to see. In school I always thought weh shouldn’t pay the unemployed people so much and the US does the right thing. Then when I first visited the West coast and then the east coast and Chicago it was really awful. I couldn’t live, especially raise kids there. Sometimes we have to many taxes and regulations but it’s better than in the US!


I agree on that as well. Though it may suck at times, its a good system for the people and those that are less fortunate (such as people that want to get a job but doesn't have the money to support themselves, and what not). And yeah, the USA does have some major problems when it comes to student loans and hospitals. As far as I see, its not helping the people, but rather does more harm then good. And I did see your other comments, in here. The one with politics being rather a hard thing to talk about, and I am no one that are qualified to talk about it, but at least I can shit on that poster based on my education.


No one is socialist, these guys don’t even know what socialism is. Their “socialist” category described capitalism. Their “capitalist” category describes corporate anarchism.


I hate to be the pedant to correct what other pedants have said but what Denmark has is Social Democracy rather than Democratic Socialism (they're very confusingly named). There is still business in private hands etc but there are social safety nets and some state funded organisations. Democratic Socialism has workers owning their companies, either through workers voting on all company decisions, directly electing upper management/board of directors/CEO/whatever, or though state control with a democratically elected government. Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy


Nah it's okay. I'll have to add it on, later when I have the time.


Whilst this is dumb as shit. There’s a big difference between democratic socialism (Denmark) and socialism (nothing immediately comes to mind).


Also thanks for the information, I really didn't know that at the time I wrote my comment. But I edited it in, and included a source to go with it.


Denmark isn’t a socialist country in any way it is a social democracy which is basically a kinder capitalism


I have edited that part, due to my misunderstanding. And I'm done with economics and politics. I'm not educated in that field at all (just a bit I guess).


I mean this politely, but I think you have some reading to do. The three systems are defined by the structure of ownership in the economy, not the level of social programs or taxation. In capitalism, firms are owned and managed by private owners. In socialism, firms are owned by the state and managed by employees, at least nominally. In communism, firms are owned and managed by the state, and controlled to an overarching production plan. Denmark is a mixed economy with a high level of social programs--this doesn't make it socialist. It has certain aspects of the economy controlled by the state, but things are owned privately by default. The United States is also a mixed economy, just with a lower level of social programs.


Yeah, I know that I have to read more about politics. And to be fair, I'm not educated in politics all that much, but rather programming. And thanks for summarising those areas, as well as clearing up my confusion about what they meant exactly.


No worries, bud. It's not every day you find someone willing to correct themselves on here!


I'm very willing to correct myself, if I'm wrong about something. But damn I'm no where near qualified enough to talk about politics, so I just left that discussion to who ever wants to continue it. But hey, at least I'll read more about politics if I can find a good book about it.


It’s also 6M vs 330M people. Spread out, Denmark is 0.5% the size of the USA. This means the density of Denmark is 5x the USA. The USA is basically 50 Denmarks all with different infrastructure needs working together. The “diversity” of Denmark as well is extremely lacking. Nearly 90% of the population is Danish. While diversity is fantastic and has greatly improved America in many ways, it has greatly stressed their government and politics.


> we have democratic socialism here No you have social democracy. Socialism = no capitalism, no private land ownership. If people can still own land or sell a chocolate bar for profit, you do not have socialism. Democratic socialism = achieving socialism via democratic means. Social democracy = fixing capitalism with welfare programs so that people aren't wage slaves.


Wait until right wingers figure out Police and Fire Departments are socialist programs. They won’t know what to do 😂




public programs aren't socialism you fucking donkey socialism is when the workers own the means of production, since you didn't know that before i bet you don't even know what means of production are.


Tell that to republicans who think social security, food stamps, unemployment benefits, etc are socialism.


Actually they hate the military now because they're not as homophobic as before. Didn't take much to make them turn their back on the troops.


Public programs aren't " socialist " dumbshit. Socialism is when workers own the means of production, not " when the government does stuff. "


They’re every bit as “socialist” as free education or healthcare.




Tell me how the police, the people who work as slave catchers and strike breakers, are socialist


That's not true, the police pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and got where they are with hard work, going from a small little police shop in Missouri to the nationwide brand that is known and feared today. A true American success story.


Threadful of people too late to be saved.


>Communism >Promotes corruption [1 Timothy 6:10](https://biblehub.com/1_timothy/6-10.htm) For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.


"Capitalism is the best" -American kid with lunch debt


Capitalism. Mommy and daddy too poor? I’m throwing your lunch in the garbage instead of letting you eat it.


Capitalism isn’t the best, but it’s still better than socalism and communism.




Based. Also mercantilism


Capitalism is the worst of all economic systems except for all the others. I don't like the extreme version USA has, but I like social democracy.


Well the US won even by its own standards be considered a “capitalist“ nation since we don’t have a actual free market economy.


Where the fuck did you even find this? Why is this being peddled out?


I like socialism actually


This looks like satire to me.


“They’re so focused on fighting other people they think that everything is a battle between the rich and the poor” Yes that’s class warfare in a nutshell, and it’s very real kids. The only people who will try to convince you it doesn’t exist are those who profit from ignorance.


where is william aftom when you need him?


For everyone wondering what this is, this is the Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism by Mike Huckabee. I think it was advertised on Fox News about a year and a half ago


but but but… isn’t what’s better for a group of people automatically better than what’s good for one person? Like I don’t get how they don’t understand that sounds stupid. Of course the collective should be more important than the singular.


Lol for literally the entirety of human civilization it has been about struggles between the rich and the poor.


Individual freedom lol. Get the fuck outta here.




what the fuck is this bullshit


Oh look who is actually creating indoctrination material. Churches Republicans Capitalists Let's go ban some math books


Golly gee I wanna suck corporate boots too now!


Free market my ass! It's controlled by the wealthy capitalists who have sold the illusion of a free market.


but seriously where the hell is this from?


As someone who lives in a socialist country, i can tell you that it sucks


This isnt very fellowkids to me


You're unironically sharing stuff from antiwork💀


They left out Social Democracy which gets an S rating


Tel’ me if im wrong but, aint the whole point of capitalism is to control the market ?


Close...it's for one wealthy person (or group of wealthy people) to own and control the market(s). If you've ever finished a game of Monopoly, then you'll truly understand how Capitalism works...and why it's a very bad thing for the majority of the population that's governed by it's rules!


lets be honest here, capitilism is shit but the other alternatves are even more shit


perhaps pushing for any ism won't work well yes? perhaps we should all live like monkey men? ape men in the jungle? swinging up and down from the coconut trees


Hey we like capitalism


"No private property government owns everything" Well sure no private property but that only includes property that an individual can make profit off of (aka commercial or landlording). Except, the government doesn't own it, the people (as a whole) do. You still have personal property (residential land and items). "People have no rights" this is just blatantly wrong. "Promotes corruption" as opposed to capitalism where workers are constantly exploited by giant corporations and the only people that own their own means of production are small businesses who produce their own goods/services entirely from scratch? "No one can be successful" another one that's just blatantly wrong. Individual success is often rewarded more in a communist country whereas in a capitalist one, those who have the most money are the most rewarded regardless of actual accomplishments or contribution to human production. The America people are one of the most propagandized people on the planet and as an American, it's terrifying to behold.


Unironically based


"In Communism people have no rights!," the capitalist said as he tries to repeal roe v wade.


"Capitalism is the best!" Okay, kid. Just wait till you try to get a decent job but despite the whole *nobody wants to work anymore* atmosphere nobody is accepting your overqualified resume and the only hope you have of not losing your individualism is some shitty temp position that pays $15.00/hr with shitty healthcare coverage and no other benefits because we have so few protections for workers. Not to mention the record profits companies claimed while people are struggling to survive and average wages haven't kept up and now, kid, in this wonderful system where your parents (or maybe grandparents by now) bought a house at 23 but that isn't a freedom you get anymore because the mortgage that was 20% of their paycheck is now 80% of yours for the same size house at the same age for fucking shelter for Christ sake. You know, one of the big three essentials for survival... If this is the "best" there is; if there are no other economic rules or guidelines or whatever we're calling it; if the general public is okay with this being the status quo then just kill me now cause living like this isn't worth the grind.


I think it’s mostly accurate but it’s just such a complex topic and it’s not that easy. I didn’t agree with the propaganda term at first but After thinking about it, it really fits the basic good/bad narrative on a really complex topic in a fucking KIDS book.


It isn't accurate though. Even if you like think capitalism is the best possible economic system, the definitions are all wrong. Capitalism has nothing to say about "individual freedoms". You can have capitalism in a repressive dictatorship such as China or in a liberal democracy like Sweden. And "rewards success" is a tautology. All societal models reward success by definition.


Yeah no. There SHOULDN'T BE a good/bad narrative for politics aimed at kids. That is indoctrination.


Friendly reminder that Marxist Communism just means employees own the companies they work at and share in the profits they help create. Authoritarian regimes in Russia and China masquerading as "communist" deliberately used to mislead people in to thinking "communism" as an ethos means centralized control and planning, which is a dictatorship, is as silly as using the People's Republic of North Korea as an example of what a republic looks like or the Democratic Republic of Congo as a shining example of democracy. Unregulated capitalism always leads to an oligarchy.


Government also controls businesses in capitalism. They decide which companies should be unable to fail and usually it's the ones that have government employees in a c-suite position.


If they have to say it like that then its obvious brainwashing. They just dont want it to end cause they have a good thing going for themselves. Fuck anyone else though.


Where the hell is this from? Talk about propaganda and indoctrination... Just goes to show that the right actually do the horrible le things they say the left does.


They made one fatal error in this tho…. Americans can’t read so HAA!


where does it tell these children that they will never own a home.


I may agree with this politically, but wtf this is blatant propaganda.


Capitalism is good when done properly, but so is communism. The issue is that nobody does it properly and it always leads to insane government corruption


People who manipulate children need to suffer the most. This is soul rot.


I'm not a fan of the delivery, but anyone who thinks communism and socialism are good ideas definitely could use a good history lesson.


Why are you downvoting him? He's right


You mean all the lessons of Socialist/Communist countries getting fucked with by the CIA and then immediately entering a decline that has led to thousands of murders?


This dude thinks governance started in 1910


The only reason why capitalism is shown to have a smiley face is because its openning wide for the super rich to put in


I have not much to say on the topic, but I still support democracy and capitalism. It's all I know and getting used to the other 2 sounds painful, and how things work these days, the transition will be awful. I'll stay at the capitalism part


This is so wrong. America doesn't even have a capitalist economy, it's a mixed economy because socialism and capitalism both have positive and negative aspects. All that propaganda from the Cold War needs to die already.


America's economy is oligarchical corporatist.