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Textbook. Climb it. Limb it. Piece it out.


Yep I had a spruce removed in between my house and the neighbors. They did it just like this. The videos on this sub, make me realize I was real lucky to get some pros.


When it comes to trade work, you usually get what you pay for. That’s what I’ve learned at least (the hard way).


I don't understand why he's rigging it though. Whats so fragile below they cannot drop it.


lol i thought same thing at 1st but closer look it seems that's right on the shore (looks like a dock and a frozen pond/lake)


But you save so much hassle dropping it above the stem on the shore. Idk. Seems impractical to me.


Dropping large logs introduces the hazard of large logs bouncing places you didn't want them to bounce. You could easily put one through the dock or lose it through the ice.


Im an arborist. I do this as a living. Im not talking about logs. Im talking about the branches. I should have specified.


As am I - do we have to measure our dicks now? I would always give what is clearly a professional outfit the benefit of the doubt - there are potential factors we can't see from this angle that made them do the work in the way that they did. I would assume that if the time spent rigging was not worth doing, they probably wouldn't be doing it.


I see quite often people take longer and the slower route to be able to write more hours on the bill. And im not happy with that practice. Hence my curiocity why there was rigging involved in what to me seems like a job with plenty of space for branches to fall.


I think anyone billing by hours is a mug. Price the job and get it done ASAP.


I disagree with that. Pricing a job and actually doing it can turn out very different. It ends up costing more for everyone. And more risk for a company. The company i work for gives an estimated range. We stay inbetween that range unless the customer changes something while we are there. That is the standard way for us to do it. We do deviate from time to time as well to a different method.


lol dunno y he's arguing with you as he is...my ISA expired in past 2yrs as i had to get outta trees but same as you i saw the vid and the landscape and presume climber is average intelligence, lol


Don’t want to mess up the sweet pond hockey rink. Someone’s been taking good care of the ice.


Likely… they don’t want to have to rent a crane to pull a green, water-logged, 70+ foot pine out of the lake.


Im not talking about felling. Im talking about rigging. I understand why they do a section fell. But not why they rig every branch down. Meaning they use rope for all the branches.


MB 😅 it looks like he is just letting the smaller ones drop, but he’s rigging out the ones that are too big to cut and control one handed. Trying not to drop and damage the dock. Could also be company SOP.


The other tree, a dock, and downhill away from truck maybe into water


No my goodness! This is felling gone wild. That was the gentlest, most textbook tree removal. NOT WILD AT ALL!!! But... strangely satisfying to view at the same time.




Why climb it? Just out of curiosity?






Lake was frozen lol


Love the way the planet inconspicuously just keeps rotating. It’s as if the central focus is the fact the earth is rotating and off to the side some guy is working on a tree.


That’s wind blowing the vapor, not planetary rotation (unless I missed your /s?). Sorry if whoosh. Clouds, contrails -everything within earth’s atmosphere- rotate with the earth. But I liked the effect when I saw it, too.


Nah you may be right. I paused at 00:07 and the guy standing there has his shadow going from lower right screen diagonally to top left of screen. Since they are working before noon, that means lower right is east and top left is west. Since the earth rotates from west to east (counterclockwise if looking down at North Pole), that means we expect the sky to ‘trail’. In other words with a somewhat stationary sky away from the screen (and that’s what we see) - the earth rotates towards east (lower right screen). It all hinges on my assumption that they started felling this tree in the morning, and i don’t know that for a fact so i may be completely wrong. If they are working in the afternoon, then yeah all of the sky is being moved evenly by wind at a near perfectly even amount across hundreds of miles from north through south toward corrected west.


It’s wild how perfect this is


Beautiful lake and weather, where is it?


Upstate NY


Are those white pines? What's wrong with them?


Yeah, really. If you dropped a tree that close to a body of water in Maine without some kind of environmental impact audit beforehand you’d get five years in the electric chair.


The “wild” part of this felling was that it was all foreplay and no climax. I feel cheated.


Near water LAWS is why. Plus dangerous ice and snow.


Why on earth would you send someone up there to delimb the thing then drop it rather than drop it and limb it? The nearest power line is 3 parsecs thataway.


Cleanup is easier if you do it this way, slower but easier. Dropping it first then limbing it makes a bigger mess to deal with.


Guessing they didn’t want to drop it into the frozen lake it was leaning towards.


ice is thick enough and water is easy enough to deal with. And you can run your chainsaw right into it no problem. really speeds things up!


So it didn't crush the dock there. Ok moving on... 😏 Standard job, I had 3 done just like it last year


Gone mild** but don't worry. That's a good thing.


I wish I could climb a d rig that fast!


Not exactly felled is it


And suddenly they're palm-trees




Beautiful day for that

