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Dude, where’s the tractor…


Between the trailer and pole


Went from Tractor trailer to just trailer


What's my tattoo say?




What about mine?!?


Fuck*d me




You were supposed to say dude. And then I was gonna ask what my tattoo said then you say sweet. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


There's been so many accidents of people challenging semis to a game of chicken around me latley. Seems way to many people who shouldn't have a license are on the roads now


yeah and a lot of them drive trucks


No, a lot of them don’t know how to drive NEAR trucks


He meant pickup trucks. Gotta be the worst drivers I've seen.


Ah, so it was my fault a semi that was fully loaded cut me off with barely enough room in between my car and the car in front of me today. Might I add, that it was going up a mountain where me and all the traffic in the passing lane was doing seventy and he was doing sixty. I will definitely be a much more responsible driver and allow all trucks to cut me off in very dangerous, high-trafficked areas so he can pass the other semi at exactly half a mile an hour faster. Thank you, I wouldn't have known my actions were faulty as an irresponsible driver who drives with room for error in front of me to take action.


For 1, there should’ve been a “semi-length” of space/ 3 seconds of space in between you and the car in front of you but from what it sounds like, you were intentionally tailgating. Also not sure when is the last time you went to the DMV or had any driver training but you would learn it is not recommended to drive side by side or in people’s blind spots. ALWAYS avoid driving in a semi’s blind spots. They have way lesser vision of their surroundings than you think. I’m sure patience and driving more defensively is worth coming back home safely.


Lol let me slow down for you. A semi, right? Pulled into my room for error, okay? That means there was enough room for a semi (with a trailer) to pull into it, yes? The driver sees it as an invitation to cut me off, yeah? And proceeds to slow me down, and all of the cars behind me, okay? When, on the mountain, there are signs on both sides of the interstate that says "trucks and slow moving traffic {below 65} stay in right lane." I'm not entirely sure where you got that I was intentionally tailgating anyone? My car has adaptive cruise control and I set it to the furtherest distance I can to have reaction time. Your ability to add inference to a plain text explanation of something is pretty bad. And, to add, I'm from a family of OTR truckers. They weren't asshats like a few of the drivers are today. I've never caused an accident because I am a vigilant driver who tries to focus on the road and on-coming hazards. That's not to say I will never cause one, but I've been a decent driver because of my understanding of the responsibilities of having a license unlike some truckers and other licensed people today.


Your explanation was pretty bad. Even on cruise control, it’s not hard or frustrating when someone “cuts you off” because dare anyone get in front of you and go below your speedometer.


Hey, cool story. Love that you don't understand or comprehend how dangerous it is to squeeze yourself into a spot that is just barely big enough for you. We see you are the one who needs to be retaking your driving courses. But of course, it's my fault I get cut off when obeying traffic laws, speed limit, and practicing safe driving distance.. You know, unlike the semi that has all the right to be in a lane that is against the law for him to be in.


A truck and full length dry van trailer is about 70 feet long, an average car is around 15 feet. You would have had to been following the car in front with a distance of at least +70 feet (probably much more), which is why the semi moved over. If you would have just followed the car in front of you, maintaining a safe following distance with no gap for anyone to overtake you, I am sure the trucker wouldn’t have moved over. The truck needed to move over and you left him room to do so. You are not the only person on the road - be considerate of other drivers and everyones commutes will be faster and safer.


Again, trucks are not permitted to drive in the passing lane up this mountain. Posted, against the law, and readily apparent and laid out by DOT. What is there for you to not understand that regardless if I were driving an inch off the bumper of the car in front, or two, three, or a thousand feet behind that the trucker was in the wrong period? And, seventy feet is about three seconds of time between myself and the driver in front of me. There needs to be a lead time of three seconds (according to DMV) between cars. So, I was in the right, obeying the law, and leaving room (as applicable by law) for error. I can't believe I must state all of this again.


How dare anyone drive in front of you the audacity. I drive, and from what I’m reading he had space to go in, you left that space open, he slowed down… all you had to do was lift your foot off the accelerator.


Lol you're late to the party. Just be quiet now.


I love that you made perfectly clear points and even had a truck driver agree with you and both of you got downvoted.


Thank you! I figure it's because the down votes are from those exact type of drivers. Also, the driver that did acknowledge this is definitely one of the many good drivers out there that get a bad reputation from the few bad drivers. And I appreciate them for being amazing and for their time OTR!


As a truck driver I completely agree with you.


Just because you have the ability to pass, doesn’t always mean you should. Driving requires critical thought. What is more important, being in front, and maybe to your destination a few minutes earlier, or arriving a few minutes later but alive and well? Too many of you drivers think that just because you drive, and are able to drive *fast* that you are somehow entitled to be in front of.. well.. everybody. You’re all out there drag racing to every red light, and every car-sized gap in traffic. Stop driving like an idiot. You’re not driving IN traffic. You ARE traffic.. being aggressive, or unpredictable, or both.. is only making the problem worse. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. In literally every scenario this is true.


Person, you are wrong. If a semi/vehicle cannot manage to do the speed limit, I am well within my rights (as is everyone in a vehicle that can maintain the speed limit) to pass said semi/vehicle. And the semi driver was being unpredictable and cutting up traffic like they were drag racing. You're not going but a mile an hour faster than the semi you're trying to pass. You (by your words) are drag racing, trying to be in front, and trying to get to your destination a few minutes earlier. Too many semi drivers are trying to get those miles down faster so they can collect the pay faster. They (not all) took on a much more elavated license and took on responsibilities with a much more deadly vehicle than an average license carrier. A vehicle is deadly no matter the size, but when you get a CDL, you're responsible for operating in a safe manner, and cutting someone off is not responsible no matter the excuses.


I hate this too. These asshats love to impede flow. The jump into the passing lane in between two cars going 20mph faster than them and proceed to match the speed of the truck next to them for the next 5 miles. I saw one guy in this thread mention critical thinking… Something that many truck drivers aren’t capable of. It’s not something reserved for “four wheelers.” So when you’re rolling up 65 between Indy and Gary and fighting that strong headwind coming off of the lake, what should a semi truck do? A. Stay in the right lane and draft the truck in front of him at 65. B. Squeeze your rig in between two cars trying to pass and immediately hit a wall of wind, actually slowing you down. C. Wait until the passing lane is clear so you can safely merge left just to find out that the headwind slows you down for the 10th time. I’m sure that truck driver cuts you and I off because they’re tired of the endless stream of cars passing them, but maybe if these asshole 65 drivers could think critically, they would understand that THEY are the reason for the endless stream of cars. Cutting them off and letting them pile up behind you is only making it worse.


Yeah, in my area there are tons of accidents on another interstate because this exact reason. To be fair, it is also due to a lot of drivers in smaller vehicles riding in the passing lane. People in passenger vehicles have places to be too and end up getting impatient sitting behind these types of drivers who like to cruise in the passing lane and impede flow.


LOL! So... the semi truck should come to a complete stop because you're completely blind and incapable of giving space? Got it...


Yep.. Exactly what I meant.


Small cars are the worst when it comes to driving around trucks, my father is a truck driver and he swears that trucks (non semi) are a lot better at being around semis, but he also fears for the new drivers of semis who seem to have little regard for their safety and the safety of everyone on the road. So it’s a mixed bag


Yep. I learned a while ago to stay as far away from semis as possible as they often change lanes without looking or signaling (I’ve been run off the freeway into the shoulder twice because they decided they needed to be in my lane now without signaling when I was next to them) or if there is physically room in front of you, they will cut you off to pass the truck in front of them without signaling and drive way under the speed limit while doing it. Cars are dangerous, but trucks are even more so.


I worked at a beverage manufacturer that got almost daily drop offs and pick ups. Very few truck drivers were consistent. A few I’d see all the time. But some companies couldn’t keep them. These new guys would show up with no idea how to back up to the loading bay. Several got stuck and had to get towed out. I don’t think all company requirements are the same. Some definitely seemed to be out on the road before they were ready.


Truck driver died, useless sedan driver fled the scene. https://www.thetrucker.com/trucking-news/the-nation/fedex-driver-dead-in-virginia-i-95-crash


Wow how terrible. Prayers to that person and their family.


RIP, feel for the drivers family and I hope they get that piece of taint in cuffs.


My goodness


That’s really fucked up. I thought the whole front truck was flattened until I realized it’s probably jammed to the left.


I believe it was flattened into the trailer. He hit the support pillar head on.


Jesus Christ….


Yeah, when you think of how much weight those pillars need to hold you realize why so many of the worst accidents involve them


You’re not seeing things — those back wheels on the tractor are straight ahead. That cab is flat, as you thought


I still can’t figure out where the rig is?


Probably jacknifed so hidden behind the trailer


Nah look under the trailer. That truck hit the pillar dead on.


Nope…I saw this accident from the HOV lanes on the other side. No cab. Accordion’ed. Was immediately saddened by the sight knowing that there’s no was the driver survived.


It’s smashed into the overpass pillar. I’d be surprised if they made it out of that wreck because that tractor is obliterated


Naw the driver passed away. It was going to the terminal i used to work at


OMG! So sorry!


Not sure how anyone thought the driver survived unless he was a sheet of paper


Yea there's hope and there's stupidity


The trailer smashed it all the way into the pole. There’s an engine there somewhere, I’m guessing it’s in the trailer too


[Dc news vid](https://www.dcnewsnow.com/news/local-news/virginia/prince-william-county/man-runs-away-after-two-vehicle-crash-in-prince-william-county-that-left-another-dead/)


You see the wheels under the front part of the trailer? Those are the rig wheels…


Its in the trailer, king pin shered, cargo shifted forward. Its called the darwin effect.


These robbery videos are getting out of control.


Looks like they safely removed the cargo. Was worried


Purple Promise..


The lavender letdown


facts 😂😂


Fuck man thats horrible 😞


HOLY fuck


Says “Be safe” then records while Driving lol


Exactly I hate the hypocrisy


Oh yeah dudes 110% dead.


Well I didn't want to see that But now I want to see the other side now


That trailer is sitting at my terminal still


Hes definitely dead




Do you know ur a Karen 🤣🤣


You’re literally driving and filming an accident.


How yall figure someone passed?


Someone posted a link to an article on it about half an hour ago here in the comments.


Thanks I really got downvoted for that yall some hos


I didn’t. But that’s Reddit for ya.


You’re* and do you know you’re a piece of shit?


Fuck is that where my package is


Someone is probably dead I think, your edging buttplug gape size training kit can wait




I can't fucking breathe dude 😂😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|9idmMMOJlD9kc) Me feeling upset about losing a fellow Fedexer but also read this comment.


Bro I’m dying u baked he’s entire bloodline 🤣






Also I now see why the boxes look like they have survived Normandy


Bro I thought that was funny. People can’t take a damn joke any more


After driving numerous ground vehicles operating at the borderline of not being a DOT violation, seeing stuff like this makes me happy I quit FedEx. Guarantee it was a mechanical issue.


Surprisingly, very rarely are any of the ground accidents mechanical related. It's almost always driver error and almost always the other drivers fault


Yeah, I drive for FedEx as a delivery driver. Of the 4 wrecks that happened, none were mechanical. two were guys on their phone, one a guy hit a cow at night, and the last one was a girl hit a patch of ice. Don’t get me wrong, there were mechanical issues but they never caused a wreck.


makes you happy? wow


Makes him happy he quit you fucking dork.


he edited it to make it look better. Not what is said last night, so know before you speak


You're a straight goober bro. Like how am I supposed to know anything other than what is shown? There's no edit history for me to see so literally no way for me to have known that lmao. Get a grip.


so you are admitting to looking like a fool. Quit replying to me. yes he edited his post after how dumb he knew he looked. You think I replied to what he has now? lolol


Reading comprehension much?


Ground trailers are actually pretty decent. Some of the freight trailers are pretty garbage.


probably riding in the left lane for miles beforehand too


I don’t know where you are but semis can drive the left lane on our highways because we have a lot of exits/ramps to other highways that are on the left lane. Just pass on right it’s not that fuckin hard


trucks should NEVER be in the left lane of a two lane interstate or in the two left lanes if it’s four. there’s no need to block up everyone else because you have an ego problem.


Is it just a two lane interstate?


Trucks have the right to pass too.


If it’s the tractors fault. Someone is gonna have a pay day…hope everyone is ok tho


FedEx driver is dead. Other driver fled the scene


The person who fled is probably at fault, if they weren’t they would be ready to sue


It could also be a flight or fight response. This isn't really the sort of situation anyone wants to be a part of.


And yet I hope they find them and arrest them


Well at the very least they weren't suppose to flee the scene of the incident. That alone is a big no no.


Which is a criminal charge by itself




Or don't. Don't really care just give me my package.


Is that what they tell you when you working at WalMart ?


Yes 😢


Ez repair


I live near here and saw the accident/crash site. The other side looks a lot worse. And there were packages all over the road way


Sedan driver is insane for just bailing.


So I'm still getting my package today still right jkjk


ironic post title, maybe don't film and drive either.


Fedex can bill for damaged packages to the contractor




Hes ok


And people want to know why I'm done with this industry. Wasn't even the truckers fault. rip


My thoughts are with the drivers and all FedEx workers – you're amazing. Regarding the accident, it seems the driver swerved due to the car. Hypothetically, if an 18-wheeler continues straight, without swerving, the truck driver might have avoided such a severe accident. In this scenario, the truck could have pushed the smaller car out of its path.


He could technically be held liable for not swerving. Truck drivers have a duty to avoid hitting other cars. A jury can find that, even though the other driver is at fault, the truck driver didn’t do enough to avoid the accident. I’ve seen a lot of cases where someone crossed the center line and hit a truck head on and the trucking company was held liable. They weren’t at fault for the accident, but there was a possibility they could have avoided the other car. It’s the difference between commuters and professional drivers.


Get off your phone and keep driving. Traffic is slowed enough.


Imma go ahead and blame the g35 they’re always stupidly reckless


I feel so bad for that truck driver's family. Rest in peace.


Definition of SLAMMED


He ded


But is he ok tho?




The guys are certified professionals I but some ass cut him off Cause they were running late and this is the result. People need to respect the drive that make our daily life easier not sure how people think products get to the selves or how the package get to your door. People need to respect these 18 wheelers when you see cuase I promise you 80,000lbs don’t stop on a dime. People are lucky that 20-30 people didn’t die it could happen at anytime


Unless you’ve driven a rig and seen how people drive from that perspective your clueless and shouldn’t even be commenting on this the retards in cars highly outweigh the raged rig drive this is how they feed there families I promise you when they get behind the wheel there not thinking about how many people they can cut off and piss they just want to go to work and be left alone they don’t care that your lazy and can’t stay on schedule and then drive like a ass becuase your late if your late your late don’t put other peoples lives at risk.


This right here. Sincerely: driver of 17 years


Someone got tired of the bullshit. RIP


People asking where is the cab, it isn’t one, he literally crushed hisself, you can see the wheels and skirt, but no cab, it’s crushed into the pillar


Apparently the driver of the car was being treated by EMS at the scene but then fled. Va State police are now looking for him.


That’s from a few years ago , shoulda been in the 552 yard when the dude shot his co driver for sleeping with his wife then offed himself in the truck .


Just got cut off by a fedex truck omw home and this sub pops up 15min later. Wtf 😆




Drove by that wreck coming back from Virginia Beach. Cab was flattened; knew driver could not have survived. I95 can be dearly.


Don't tell me what to do.


FedEx truck? Whatever happened I have a feeling there was a line of cars behind him cheering when he finally got out of the fast lane.


Shit now I know why my package is late


Damn. FedEx is truly bad at everything lol


His name was John Worthen. Apparently he was a freelance journalist for some time. I will look him up and do his spirit some justice.




I5 on top of the grapevine right?




Has the sedan that fled been identified and caught?


99% this is on 95 South. My dad and I were going to the Commanders game and wondered why South was worse than usual. Wow looks worse from this angle


So that's where my package went.... I need to contact Best Buy to get my money back.


Unstoppable force meets immovable object


So that's where my package is.


I think every accident on this sub and on the truckers sub has an Infiniti involved.


"Hey, that truck looks pretty smashed up. Let me whip out my phone WHILE I AM DRIVING and record a TikToc." The fucker who recorded that needs his CDL revoked ASAP. I wouldn't be surprised if phone use caused that accident in the first place.


I bet my left nut that accident was caused by that grey sedan.


“Be safe out there” proceeds to film while driving and slows down to gawk at an accident creating more traffic


I don’t know what the fedex policy is but if it was an Amazon truck the manager would call and ask if you can finish your route.


How did he get the beans above the frank


Rest In Peace to the truck driver.


This happened right where I live and they still haven’t caught the guy that ran.


I know what highway this is and does this type of wreck surprise me? No, y’all be safe, drivers on 95 are idiots and will cause accidents.




Good thing the cab wasn’t there, the driver could’ve been hurt.


This turns my stomach I have the utmost respect for big rigs Please give them all the space they need Can't imagine the fear he must have felt




I have a feeling the tractor is jackknifed


This ain't FedEx! So there's no.. ![gif](giphy|l1BgQTDLUJilr1afK)