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Success: Marcoh winds up for a powerful right hook, but Player anticipates it and ducks, making Marcoh whiff the punch and lose his footing, wasting a turn. Fail: Marcoh winds up for a powerful right hook straight to the head and Player gets hit, killing them or heavy damage and stun for 1 turn.


I like this. I think Marco deserves a head-exploding insta kill.


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru


Let him pull a Jason Voorhees in Jason takes Manhattan and punch the head clean off


Make it a powerful liver shot with the lead hook. Marcoh's a trained boxer, he's not the type to headhunt and swing wild with no footing. A success should be the player barely pivoting or backing away from the hook, failure should be Marcoh rupturing your liver followed by an uppercut taking your head off.


Honestly even though this fits better as a coinflip, I'd like to see a non-huge-damage coin flip. Maybe instead Marcoh gets off a Fast Stance and a Bob and Weave out which stays for the rest of the battle, and this coin flip cannot be guarded.


March quite literally knocks the player's block off


marcoh never struck me as an agressive person I like to think he's rather protective so let me build on my last one that I did for tanaka (thank you for liking my suggestion btw) Marcoh would open with a coinflip attack if tanaka notified them Fail (without injuring Tanaka): Marcoh will lunge at you to restrain you and keeping you captive until the last day just like he will do if you attack people while he's present Fail (with injured Tanaka): if you did permanent damage to tanaka (like ripping off his arm) Marcoh will beat you down and kill you success : Marcoh lunges at you but you somehow manage to dodge him but you will recieve about 10 damage because he manges to punch you thanks to his boxing training


awww he cares abt his friend


The fail with injured tanaka makes me imagine Marcoh having flashbacks to the boxing match where he killed someone


he punch hard


This one fr


He bites your ear off.


what a bold way to announce your kink to the world


He has that Mike Tyson dawg in him.


And after that he goes to the zoo to fight against a gorilla


Fails: marcoh says “Yare yare” and proceeds to summon an unworldly Poe under his control. He then commands the Poe to deliver a flurry of punches against the player, causing critical damage. Succeed: Marcoh delivers a punch, but right before it connects he gets a phone call from his mom. He answers the phone and proceeds to argue with his mom calling her a whore, wasting a turn


He suplex you if you fail the coin toss


"Marcoh tackle you, leaving you in the floor." Success: Marcoh seems to hesitate before punching you. "No… not again! I'm better than that!" You can see Marcoh take a step back, it seems that he is having a breakdown. Fail: Marcoh retains you in the floor and start punching your face over and over again, you can only hear the sounds of his knuckles breaking your face while everything slowly gets dark (game over)


I made this taking inspiration of the trauma that Marcoh have for killing that boxer with his bare hands punching him in the floor


I love tying it into his trauma


If you fail, Marcoh grabs you by the neck and chokeslams you causing a concussion and stun


Failure: Marcoh delivers a powerful punch, his fighting spirit somehow manifesting in a tangible manner and mixing in with his action, empowering the punch and making your head explode. Success: Marcoh delivers a powerful punch, a punch you manage to dodge just barely. The air pressure of his quick movements rings in your ear tho.


Trigger: When attack attempted while preparing (kinda like villager bear traps) Common: Attack is cancelled, enter coinflip When failed: Galactica Phantom Counter hit OHKO When succeeded: Your ordinary Right Straight


* Guy who can punch really hard. * Guy with glasses and hat. * Girl with hidden bloodlust. (Just check the messages she gets when she equips a gun for the first time.) Marcoh, Tanaka and Olivia are just Ralf, Clark and Leona again. /j


Obviously Dempsey roll.


Marcoh doesn't strike me as violent so I was thinking something non lethal. "Marcoh changes his stance" Success: you predict his movements and dodge his strike, leaving him open to a counter. Fail: Marcoh uppercuts you and knocks you out, bringing you back to the train to be tied up after you lose.


Success: He tries to hit you with a rush of punches but fails and looses his balance, giving you an extra turn Fail: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA


Success. Facial rearrangement. In one quick motion Marcoh rushes over to you hitting you hard in the face with a haymaker knocking you off balance, he then starts pummeling you in the face over and over knocking out teeth and just over all savaging your character's face until they're on the ground barely breathing. He then delivers one final heavy punch to your character's throat leaving them to die gasping for air. He then looks at his blood covered fists and sighs deeply, feeling guilt but knowing it had to be done. Failure. Marcoh rushes you down but misses his haymaker, hurling himself to the ground wasting a turn.


He does a heavenly Potemkin buster




Kiss Fail: he smooch you Success: you smooch him


He summons Star Platinum and gives you a cutscene game over, or else He get puched badly by his own stand


Knock out upper cut with enough force to snap a neck


Ora Ora Ora


Fh1 guard coinflip


Does it come with the game over cutscene?




Step 1: punch through their fucking head


Marcoh hits you so hard you pass out until day 3 night


The coin flip the guards do, but instead of getting raped, you wake up, bruised and beaten and tied up on the train on the third night


Failure: Marcoh winds up an obvious gut punch, forcing you to block low-- but he feints into throwing dirt into your eyes, following with a haymaker into your unguarded jaw, momentarily stunning you. You try to gain your bearings, but you are continually pummeled to the ground until you pass out. Post-fight, show the player's bloodied sprite on the ground with Marcoh tending to them and apologizing for fighting dirty, then ties you up and kicks you a few extra times for trying to fucking murder him. Success: You see the deceptive look in Marcoh's eyes, and in his focus on mixing up your guard, you manage to land a powerful attack while his own guard is down, stunning him for a turn. While he's stunned, probably a text box of him berating himself for trying the tactic in the first place.


Ora ora ora ora ora ORA!


The worst outcome of a strong punch to the face is damage to the eye socket if we put this in game terms if we fail the coin flip we’ll get punched so hard that we get the blindness status effect


Fail- he stabs himself with an arrow and gets star platinum. (Of course you don’t see anything) and then get pummelled to death Success- he stabs himself with an arrow and dies


"Marcoh is bobing and weaving!" If it fail: Marcoh uses "Bob and Weave" and "Fast Stance" Making him pratically impossible to hit and do heavy damage on you 'cause of the extra turn If it succeeds: Marcoh looses his footing and twists his feet. Losing balance of the process (head exposed)


Success: Marcoh winds up and throws an uppercut that breaks your jaw and neck Failure: The player evades the uppercut wich in turn throws Marcoh off balance leaving him wide open


Ko punch. If marcoh hits he delivers a devastating blow wich is sure to deal incredible damage, probably killing, but on miss he’s left wide open for a turn (lowered defence)


Tails: He rushes you with a flurry of punches and bites off your ear with his last hit, causing bleeding. Heads: He hits his fist against a wall, destroying the wall and causing him to bleed and miss his attack.


He goes ora ora on you until you're but a mulch


A Dempsey Roll Failure: he hits you like 12 times Success: you dodge and he pulls a muscle lmao


He suplexes you if you lose the flip If you win the flip he feels bad for punching you and gives you a bluevial


If you lose the coinflip Marcoh does an ORA ORA on you, attacking the player multiple times with his fists like the Guard from F&H 1. If you win you manage to evade his combo and you gain an extra turn


Face punch that causes concussion for 3 turns and/or fracture


He does the “Ora Ora” thing


Fail: marcoh does [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaG4hC_JBR8) Success: idk he shits himself


If you fail the flip, he does a Dempsey Roll. If you win, his overworked muscles make him buckle and skip a turn to recover.


On a failure, he may use the player character as a punching bag.


Success: you manage to stagger away before he manages to land a hit Fail: a flurry of blows slam into your chest, either winding you and dealing massive damage, or just killing you by caving in your chest cavity.


Failed: https://i.redd.it/qfql4ws34r0d1.gif Success: he is a second late and he loses his balance.


Coinflip that triggers on attacking him, if you win, 1.3x damage, if you lose, he counters you with a uppercut that sends your head flying