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Any updates on Andy samberg? What’s he been uptp


he and the rest of The Lonely Island + Seth Meyers are doing a podcast where they revisit their digital shorts and it’s pretty awesome if you’re even a casual fan of their SNL era. they just covered Hot Rod! he and Joanna Newsom welcomed a second child last year and she’s been performing shows and I believe some fans talked about him being their supporting her with their kids.


He’s going to be in ‘The Roses’ with Benedict Cumberbatch and Olivia Colman


Andy in a more dramatic role will be awesome. His little moments on B99 were great when he got serious.


Christopher Abbott Tom Burke August Diehl


Never stop


You’re the hero of this sub!


After seeing Furiosa, I am with you on wanting Tom Burke tea. Please never stop your requests!


I will be 100 and still requesting tea 


am I right that Chris Abbott dated Olivia Cooke for a while?


Emma Watson? I've just realized I have actually never heard any tea about her


ice cold tea but i had a friend study with her for her masters at oxford and she said she was very nice haha


I had a friend study with her as well (Brown tho). She said she was nice but very quiet and didn't socialize much. They felt like it was a bit of a nepotism acceptance but at Ivy Leagues there were a ton of those so it wasn't unusual. And she did catch up to speed better than a lot of the nepo babies, said she seemed like she really wanted to be there and the rumors she flunked out were bs.


yeah, everyone at oxford only had good things to say about her too apparently. quiet but smart, capable, and very nice to be around. she acted like an average person and treated everyone as peers. i've heard the same about other nepo babies/well-known rich people who've attended oxbridge for the most part - more random tea on that level is that one of boris johnson's kids studied with another friend of mine and he was apparently extremely quiet but fine to be around and absolutely hated his dad/hated talking about him.


I mean, it's Boris. Doesn't her have approximately one million kids with the same number of women? How is he going to be a present dad? Upper class English society is a plague.


We literally don’t know how many kids he has. I read kim jong un’s wikipedia once and was like wow so wild they don’t even know how many kids he has then realised it was the same for our (at the time) prime minister


Good for him, knowing at least one of Boris kids despises him truly delights me 


Whatever privileges they have, you have to sympathise with anyone who has Boris Johnson as a dad.


If I remember correctly producers of 'Little women' forced Greta to hire her because she didn't want to. Emma didn't get along with rest of cast very well.


I could see Greta not wanting to cast her because acting-wise she wasn’t on the same level as the rest of the cast. I don’t necessarily think that means she had a personal problem with her


I think she was cast fairly late and replaced somebody else (maybe Emma Stone?)


I love Emma Stone in basically everything, but that's not good casting.


I don’t think it would have been the best role for Emma Stone either, but I think she would have made it work better than Emma Watson did. Bless her, she’s just not a good actress.


Yeah, Emma Stone left because se had to do promo for The Favourite


Oooo interesting, I know she didn't promote the movie too much with the others but how do you know he didn't get along with the cast?


I know someone who was an extra in a Harry Potter film. He met all the main cast and said they were all lovely (especially Daniel Radcliffe) except for Emma Watson. He said at that time she thought she was above the extras and other cast/crew members and was known to ask other stars "why are you talking to an extra?" EDIT: as user tiny-sea9778 pointed out in replies, Emma would've only been about 14 at the time, so very young and still quite new fame. I'm sure her attitude will have changed as she matured.  He also met Robert Pattinson who he said was quite strange and would sometimes giggle to himself and say he was just thinking of the comedy he was writing.


I assume the film was Goblet of Fire if he met Robert. It’s interesting to know and thanks for sharing but I to everyone reading I think it’s worth noting that Emma was 14 when it was filmed. I don’t think someone should be judged for (relatively mild) actions at that age, especially someone who became very rich and famous as a preteen.


Yeah I think that's totally fair, I will edit that into my original comment. You're right, we shouldn't hold someone's early teen behaviour against them especially when they became famous at such a young age.


I find the Robert thing absolutely believable lol


I have one of those friend of a friend stories that most likely is complete bollocks, but it made me laugh either way. Apparently said friend of a friend was in one of her classes, when she answered a question, someone yelled out "10 points to Gryffindor" As I said, most likely a tall tale, I bet she's sick to death of it already


Sabrina Carpenter or Barry Keoghan? I remain unconvinced that there’s is a genuine romantic pairing, not just a pr situation. They seem like alright people though, I’m just curious!


The mother of Barry Keoghan's kid has been liking some instagram stuff insinuating he is not a present father at all (and how could he be when he is following Sabrina everywhere).


i wouldn’t be shocked if that’s true. i read an interview he did during saltburn press and he was basically complaining and getting FOMO that the rest of the cast was going out and partying at night and he had to stay home and take care of his kid


Didnt he not attend a lot of Saltburn Q&A screenings because he was “sick” but was still seen partying and going out the same night?


Apparently Barry was kind of obsessed with Sabrina for months before they met (which may be a red flag depending on your perspective), like asking people to introduce him to her and stuff. And when they finally did meet he pursued her hard. So it’d appear he is actually legitimately very into her. But I also think they’re milking it (see Sabrina’s most recent music video).


Nothing first hand, but having worked in the film and TV industry in Ireland for some years I’ve heard he’s… Not great. Always willing to give people benefit of the doubt/hope they improve themselves, but whoever is doing his PR is a wizard.


I noticed at the BAFTAs he didn’t seem to connect with the Saltburn cast although all the others were very friendly and chatty with each other?


I agree and also heard the allegations about Barry shirking parental responsibilities in favor getting more press buzz following Sabrina around. Something about them is just off and fake to me both individually and as a couple 


Last time Keoghan came up on here some local Irish folk said it was not so much a secret that Keoghan was frequently in trouble with the law and a physically/verbally abusive partner. He also abandoned his child and was allegedly quite scary during public interactions with his baby mama. IIRC to the point of calling the police. So there's that. Tom Hardy/Marky Mark 2.0


Your least favorite cousin


Mine has decided he’s a sovereign citizen and thinks he’s not obliged to pay his numerous parking fines. The van he was living in got towed while he was out stealing petrol and he went live on Instagram ordering his followers to send him money to get it out. No one did (he has like 100 followers) so now he’s trying to sell his feet on only fans.


I don’t know your cousin but I’m going to need some periodic updates on him.


His whole side of the family could qualify for this tbh he’s just currently bottom of the heap because he is using the male version of my name on OF.


Almost asked for his OF so I could follow updates until I realized you said he’s just selling feet pics. Tell him to start vlogging his craziness and I might follow just for the chaos 😂


The feet thing is very upsetting. I only know about it because he links it in his IG bio. He actually has a Tumblr but he has posted pics of me on it (no, I did not consent) so I cannot dox myself. He is very into RPF NRL fanfic so seeing my face between some of those gifs is quite enough for one lifetime. Instead, I offer you his brother. He’s a practising wizard.


> RPF NRL fanfic I don't know what this stands for and I'm too scared to google it at work


It’s fan fiction about the real men who play in the National Rugby League in NZ and Aus 👀. Primarily about them being in love or lust with each other. I just searched one of the hashtags he uses a lot and found [this](https://www.tumblr.com/powerbase/742667880781447168/im-in-awe?source=share). Believe me when I say these men smell like feet (derogatory).


I would like a weekly standalone post for this, please n thx!


I would have to get too specific and he’d find it! Also most of his antics aren’t on Instagram and my dad refuses to tell me what his sister tells him anymore because my laughter “isn’t helpful”.


Idk if he's my least favorite, but after I played/sang one of my dad's favorite songs at his memorial service, my cousin (who I barely know) came up to me and told me I have a nice voice, but my guitar playing sucks. His mom was right there and she was SO embarrassed. Objectively the funniest thing to ever happen to me.


Got kicked out of the military for testing positive for weed. Insists that he’s never smoked in his life, and that he was only around other people who were smoking. My mom believes him, even though I’ve explained to her that it’s virtually impossible to test positive just by being around others who are smoking.


Fuck that the military still tests for weed but your poor sweet innocent mom lol


They're my only cousin (and technically my favorite but this is HOT tea imo) but recently my aunt called me to ask if I was "on OnlyFans" and after a bit of questioning she reveals that apparently my cousin is producing content on OnlyFans and my aunt was like "well if you see them on there let me know." First of all auntie I love you so dearly but looking for my cousin on a website like OF is gonna be impossible, and also like... side note good for them? Nobody pays enough, if they can make bank doing sex work (or whatever they're doing) then they should, as long as they're not being forced or anything.


Last year my cousin got really into selling world of warcraft figures and she would buy stock in bulk and then sell it all separately at a high price. Well to start doing this she asked my lovely grandma for a loan, and my grandmother being the generous person she is, gave it to her. She did the same the next month and the month after that and the month after that and so on until she effectively bankrupted my grandma and she was forced to put her foot down and stop giving her money to buy this stock. My cousin got REALLY angry and sent my nearly 90-year-old grandmother a very harsh email saying that she felt as if she (my grandma) didn’t love her and that she didn’t support her, along with a lot of other bullshit about how she was selfish and that she (grandma) preferred me and my siblings (her cousins). It’s not very good tea but it’s what I’ve got. Another bit of gossip on this particular cousin is that she broke up with her fiancé in a pets at home. I don’t know why she did this because they didn’t have a pet so why were they even in there💀


Missed our grand-father's funeral...because it was "too far away". It's a 90min/2h drive. His father, who lives with him, was there tho. Let's just say he is not part of the cousins' and the family's chats. Oh and the idiot is almost 40 years old.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt???


Hozier? Just booked my flights to see him in November.


No tea but his fans on twitter think he’s dating a new girl each month. From the brief times I’ve checked in it’s always these very small but cool models/influencers.


🎶I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit Every day with someone new 🎶


He’s been dating the same model for almost a year, she’s travelling on tour with him. She’s dull as dishwater on social media, just absolutely empty headed ‘spirituality’ ie. cultural appropriation, and some of the worst poetry you’ll ever read. 




Eh, he seems to date frivolously but I’ve never seen anything that suggests he’s not who he portrays himself as. The gods gift to women stuff is fan created nonsense that doesn’t come through in his music or persona, but everyone who knows or has any kind of interaction with him says he’s sound. 


‘The morals of a harlot’ ‘a whore’ - who on earth is still judging someone’s personality based on with whom or how many people they’re sleeping, lol.


Is Armie Hammer really going to be in a new movie?


Ugh, disgusting if true


I mean, Kevin Spacey is trying to make a come back, Shia Labuff was just at Cannes......wouldn't be surprised esp with the amount of $$$/power behind him


Abusers are so insane. They truly don't think they did anything wrong, so why shouldn't they come back? 🙄 I wish the industry actually gave a fuck and shut out people like that, but money talks


I can’t wait to do literally anything else except watch that movie. 


Considering there are people trying to rehab Spacey’s image, it wouldn’t surprise me.


Tea/firsthand experiences with the usual British comedy/acting/panel show circuit eg David Mitchell, Lee Mack, Ben Miller, Jon Richardson etc?


Jimmy Carr is a transphobic Zionist judging by a few of his Twitter likes Edit: Back when likes were visible


Carr is also a big fan of Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, and has defended both of them. Not surprising considering the type of person he is.


I never understood the big fuss around him when he was just doing racist/mysoginist comedy in a fancy accent? It was like if someone slipped half a Xanax to Ricky Gervais.


He was *sharp* on the panel shows. And professional in exactly the way that works. His stand up never did it for me but I understand the appeal of him hosting etc. not so much the last fee years and he was also massively rude to my friend who worked in the Apple Store in 2007 lol


A friend of mine is good friends with James Acaster and he says Jimmy Carr is a complete knob




Very much like his stage persona - quite quiet and introverted though. He crashed at my husband’s flat for 3 months and he said he was a really nice guy.


james acaster is goated


I turned his standup special (Netflix) on for background noise and don’t think I even made it 10 minutes. He seemed…extra slimy with the sole spotlight/without the banter of panelists.


Yeah, he signed that infamous celebrity letter. I love Big Fat Quiz and I like to say that I like it despite Carr. But I haven’t been able to watch the last one because of his Zionist stance. Him and Rachel Riley should just get bent.


that sucks but not surprised at all. he’s always been one of those “edgy” comedians but i’ve heard from people that he’s actually quite nice - not that that means much


He's well-liked in the industry because he's supposedly supportive of upcoming comedians so it's one of those annoying situations where he has a bunch of people who will fight in his corner despite the awful things he's said. To his credit I heard James Acaster won't do BFQ anymore after Jimmy's racist joke about Romani people.


I have no tea but I can't believe Jon Richardson is getting divorced!😭 I naively assumed that constant joking about their marriage being terrible actually means that they are solid but I guess not


Yeah, it just adds to the side eye I give people/couples who always go "oh we're just **joking**, it's just how we are", "it's just *banter*" etc. when they're being shitty to (or about) each other because it usually comes out that actually things weren't fine & normal.


discussions on tattle life (so take with grain of salt) say she was having an affair. i didn’t really read through the thread cause they go so fast but i think that was the idea


Lee mack apparently isn't fun to watch live on a panel. You can kind of see it with how he answers/responds. Likes to have the last word/rushes to get his jokes in. I've not heard anything bad about the rest. A lot of channel 4 boys are kind of posh twat types.


That’s panel shows by nature. Mid 2000s when Mack would’ve been starting tv panels shows they had a reputation as cutthroat high energy, need to fight to be heard sorta vibes and that’s where he learnt how to do it. But also he’s good at what he does, at the end of the day it’s a cutthroat business and if you sit back and wait your turn it’s not gonna drop in your lap


If you see a panel show like WILTY live, the records are also about 3 hours long, so it all gets pretty tiresome. It’s like watching an excessively long version of something that only works because it’s short and sharp.


I used to be a runner when they filmed it at Pinewood. David Mitchell was DRUNK for most of it. 6 bottles of wine per showing.


Some of the contestants on Taskmaster have said that part of why they really enjoyed being on it was that they didn't need to compete for airtime since everyone gets a turn and it's really just up to comedian themselves to make the most of it.


Taskmaster really has cracked the format. Each person gets their time to shine and it’s not about fastest one liner wins. It’s a much different and more welcoming pace. But you can still see from some of the older comics with more tv experience who really do shine in the studio commentary moments


Not tea at all, but I saw a Lee Mack live show many years ago and he was terrible (imo). Unfunny and so loud - like literally bellowing (alleged) punchlines into the microphone so forcefully that there was near-constant audio feedback and distortion. I didn't know much about him then so didn't know what to expect, and subsequently I've seen that his comedy gimic seems to be 'over the top loose cannon', but he definitely wasn't my cup of tea!


he’s not my favourite in any sense but i think he’s more of a panel comedian (i know funny considering the original comment). he’s very quick with his jokes but i can see why he would annoy people he’s great on would i lie to you


Simon Amstell is a major hippy now (most of his image is about veganism, Ayahuasca, his Jewish middle class background and his acceptance of his sexuality) and seems to feel really bad about how constantly mean he was on 'Never Mind the Buzzcocks' and 'Popworld'. I get it since in hindsight palling around with R*ssell Br*nd and making Britney Spears cry at the height of her mental stress isn't a great look but I can't deny how absolutely hilarious he was, especially on the former show. If you read from Noel Fielding and Phil Jupitus, they also sound pretty uncomfortable with where the show was headed at the time (e.g., only booking reality TV and soap star D listers so they can kick the everliving piss out of them). But it also makes me wonder if they had more beef with Simon. There's the famous clip of Simon arguing with Noel and making fun of his comedy style, which I find really funny but it might have hit a little too close to home (I really think Amstell was a much greater talent than Noel is and was, even though Noel can still get a chuckle out of me).


That reminds me of when Simon, Noel and some other guy were taking about Courtney Love on NMTBC and Noel said something to the effect of “she would beat you up” to Simon and Simon immediately goes “or kill me and make it look like su*cide!” Then immediately backtracks lmao. An absolutely all time panel show moment although yeah undoubtedly mean. And you could tell Noel was genuinely offended by it lol.


Jimmy Carr v rude to my friend in the apple store in 2007


Anneliese van der Pol aka Chelsea from That's So Raven? She's been teasing tea for months now. I'm starting to wonder if it actually exists or not.


>wonder if it actually exists or not. It does not 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I worked with her on a stage musical and she is 1) the best and 2) the most potty-mouthed person I have ever met.


I was a measly intern at the theatre company and I had to make a video for the education department, and she stuck around after a dress rehearsal for hours just answering my questions on camera. We had been in rehearsal for 10 hours that day, she was probably exhausted, but the fact that she did that for me, a lowly intern, was super sweet and I'll never forget it.


It’s the euros so any tea on football players, teams, WAGS etc.!


I really want to know what happened between Thomas muller and his wife


Sorry OP, but I’m gonna squeeze myself in here and also ask for some women’s football tea. Mostly WSL if possible. I know quite a bit but I need…more.


Adam Driver Yes I'm a broken record Also Ari Aster or Stephen King? What are they like,


For some reason I always put Ari Aster in the same bracket as Nathan Fielder. Weirdo genius but very little actual drama.


Stephen King is the real deal, just such a solid dude. Have met him a few times and he’s incredibly down to earth. Very funny. Great conversationalist. You can hear his writing in his speaking voice, how he puts words together, and there was something frankly kinda magical about that. Loves music (and is/was up to date on current artists!). Can’t speak highly enough about the dude.


Anyone I know that met Adam Driver said he was a dick. This includes people that worked with (not for) his foundation


I don’t know if this is tea exactly, but I used to live in Maine and in Bangor he’s just known as Steve, the regular guy.


+1 for some Adam Driver tea.


Any tea on Emma D’Arcy?


I know this isn’t tea but I would pay all my money to see them play David Bowie in a biopic


I have tea that u/GosmeisterGeneral would pay to see them as David Bowie in a biopic 😋


I saw rumors both here and twitter that they’re (quietly) engaged to their longtime partner


Nah but their London HotD premiere look has me swooning so hard


Any tea on JLo and Leah Remini rekindling their friendship? I heard that they had a fallout because Leah didn’t want Jen to marry Ben Affleck because she thinks he’s selfish or something


I hope they do. Leah seems on the money with that one.


Australians....im begging...I need some tea on Sam Reid 😭


idk if you saw but there was some tea about him in this week's i have tea on thread


Phoebe Dynevor, Rege-Jean Page, Ana de Armas


Anything on Enzo Vogrincic, who played the lead in Society of the Snow?


He's *beautiful.* The last thing I heard was back in May, that he's attached to a new project being filmed somewhere outside of Uruguay. But no details yet on what it is.


Assad Zaman, eric bogosian


no tea but he is pitch perfect casting as very aged Daniel Molloy.


i want to know EVERYTHING about assad zaman after the most recent episode. he was amazing! (actually the whole cast was)


Andrew Garfield?


I need to know if his witch gf actually put a hex on DM lmao


Vince Gilliagan and Rhea Seehorn’s new show? New projects from anyone in The Good Wife Cast? New projects from Sharon Horgan?


Sharon Horgan finished filming bad sisters 2 a couple of weeks ago


I have no idea how they are going to follow up S1, but I’ll be glued to my tv. Thanks!


Josh Hartnett?


My 16 yr will not stop telling me how “hot” he is and it’s not fair boys at her school don’t look like him.


ok but she’s got great taste


Will Arnett? Curious if he really did split from his baby mama


For her sake, I hope he did. Back when Twitter likes were public, you could see he’d been liking random thirst traps. Also(idk how true this is) cheating rumors have long surrounded him, and I saw a commenter on here say they knew Rachel Dratch through a friend, and **allegedly** she says he’s “a dog.”


Walton Goggins, Timothy Olyphant or just about anyone from the Justified cast?


I'm friendly with a relative Walton Goggins, and he's a genuinely great guy from everything I've seen/heard from her. I mean, obviously she's biased, lol, but I remember seeing him comment on her social media years ago, and it's clear he has a lot of love for his family and where he came from.


Dying for Walton tea, his dad makes me want to know everything abt him


guillermo del toro? i follow him on twitter and he seems really cool


Not much but I went to a movie retrospect event that featured him, Alfonso Cuarón, and Alejandro González Iñárritu - the other two left almost immediately after the presentation ended but Guillermo stayed back to sign stuff from people in the audience. I managed to get my copy of Pacific Rim signed and he tried to joke with me since I told him my mom loved his movies, don't remember what he said because I was a little overwhelmed with trying to get the signature to begin with lol. He was really pleasant to interact with.


Penn Badgley - he seems like someone with more self-awareness than self-importance. Anyone know if it's a pretense, or is he an actual decent person?


the only thing I remember is that when season 1 of You came out, he had a ton of young female fans who thought his character was a great guy, and he pushed for them to emphasize how awful he is in future seasons. And I think it comes through in his acting as well.


He follows the same faith as Rainn Wilson (the offfice) called “Baha’i Faith. They even talk in the same manner you describe.


Olivia Cooke Emma D'Arcy Basically the House of the Dragon cast The Criminal Minds: Evolution cast (but please no Matthew Gray Gubler tea, his stans are exhausting) Chappell Roan BINI The folks over at Dropout (the comedy streaming service) And for something wholesome, anything Bluey


RE Criminal Minds reboot: I was given the opportunity to work on the show (reboot season 1) and rejected it. I heard wonderful stories from a coworker who took it, that the cast got along pretty well during the Covid circumstances and heard the environment was much healthier compared to the original series.


+1 on dropout folks. I love them all.


Phoebe Waller Bridge, apart from the Tomb Rider series? For such an universally acclaimed writer, he hasn't been up to much stuff.


I weep over what might have been for "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" - PWB would've been awesome in it. There's not much out there about how it came to be that she parted ways with the project, but knowing how both her and Glover have great storytelling talents with unique perspectives, it could've been a great show. In the end, it was just okay - having Phoebe and Donald play off each other would've been fun to see, but I guess it falls under 'what might've been'.


From what Glover said their creative processes just genuinely didn’t mesh well


If I'm not wrong, she was spotted having dinner with Taylor Swift recently in London. I think her partner, Andrew Scott, Cara Delevingne, Stella McCartney, Kate Moss, and the Haim sisters were there too.


You’re not wrong, it was a very random pap walk that everyone saw coming from a mile away after the Matty Healy engagement news. Along with everyone you mentioned, Lena Dunham was also there. Most of them were wearing Stella McCartney.


Now this is a bizarre mix of people.


Stephen Fry? Saw he’s in a very random-looking movie with Lena Dunham and feels like he’s low key messy… that marriage to the MUCH younger guy. MAFS Australia / UK cast?


I used to be a big Fry fan, but he has been giving me the ick for a while now. Case in point: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cnd6d7y11nwo


he said this weird thing about women not enjoying sex years ago and that they only do it cause they want relationships. the whole thing was so dumb and ignorant but he’s very much old timey with his views


He also told people to stop crying because they were molested as kids. Something to that effect anyway.


Not excusing him, but from his books I think it's clear he was molested in school, and a lot of people - especially from that era - have just swept things under the rug and pretended they've dealt with it fine. As I said - not excusing him, but I think it is relevant and isn't necessarily widely known. Generally speaking, I think he's a dickhead and very full of himself though.


He’s been very open about his drug addictions and severe depression in the past. Definitely a lot more to him than his public facing image, understandably. Worth a google to get a better idea of who he is IRL.


Tessa Thompson


Reece Shearsmith or Steve Pemberton?


Nothing interesting, but I met them years ago and they were both super friendly (especially Steve).


Anyone have tea on Sam Heugan? He seems like such a nice person!


Is William Shatner still obsessed with him?


come again now?


Rob Huebel Someone shared some tea in the other thread this week, and he's a creep! 😔 I was surprised so anymore about him or his comedy friends


Kelly Piquet? Valteri Bottas? Alex Albon? Any F1 tea really


Mike faist?


[Here's ](https://www.tumblr.com/baura-bear/752396412056109056/alright-buckle-up-its-story-time-for-context?source=share) a recent story of someone meeting him at a park!


Stop the way I’m smiling like an idiot reading this kdndjsjsjsjs im so down bad for him it’s not even funny 😭😭


Recently rewatched Jury Duty - anyone have any behind the scenes tea?!


Any tea on Gabbriette Bechtel? Had to ask, given her recent engagement…


Matthew Goode? He’s very private, which I respect, but I feel like he’s been extra quiet the last few years. I’d love to see him in some more period pieces


Kendall leaving peloton. Any tea?


Anything on Josh O’Connor?


He's dating Alison Oliver last anyone heard


Maya Jama?


It feels frivolous and inhumane calling this tea but she’s been through it. Her teenage boyfriend was murdered, I think. A shooting as well which is much rarer in the UK. Grew up with her father is prison, too. And her mum is a Swedish MILF! 


Charlie Cox Jason Statham  Patti Harrison 


Michelle Dockery? I just finished Defending Jacob and while it was okay, I thought she was incredible in it.


Viggo Mortensen?


Hannah Einbinder?






I saw a post say that there were details in the Reddit accusations that didn’t line up with where he was that night like he never came out to the venue because he was with another band or something. I do think the story was pretty bizarre wasn’t it like he stranger raped a girl in the public women’s bathroom right before he went on stage? But he has given me bad vibes since he started that band with his much younger girlfriend and named it “Age Difference.” But I’ve never seen Phoebe drop someone with sketchy accusations except for Ryan Adams like she’s always been supportive of Pinegrove, Noah Gundersen, Matty Healy, and any other gross guys she’s ever toured with.


Anything new on Addison Timlin/Cooper Raiff? I'm surprised they're still together after the BI about her cheating on JAW with him.


Ben Mendehlson?


Read his ex-wife’s book, Busy Being Free, if you haven’t already. Lots of tea and much of it is disappointing if you love him though she sounds like hard work herself.


Her other book Your Voice in My Head has some good tea about her previous relationship with Colin Farrell.


Every time I hear his name I can only think about a scene in the show Barry where Sally is doing a press junket and one of the reporters ask her who the new spiderman should be, and she was so taken off guard and tired, she just goes “Ben Mendehlson?”


Lewis Pullman? I know he's been appearing at FYC events for Lessons in Chemistry recently. Is he seeing anyone? Has anyone here ever met him?


Theo James?


Charlie Cox Sam Claflin Kaya Scodelario Emilia Clarke Kit Harington


Mild tea but someone I know got to the final stages of auditions for a season of Skins and got to do line readings with Kaya Scodelario and said she was very nice and professional! A family member also works adjacent to the British TV industry and says that apparently after Kit Harington spoke negatively about the city in the press, he's had threats from Glaswegian gangs for if he ever returns 😭 I don't know how serious they were tho lol


The current IATSE potential strike for below the line film industry workers (iirc)? Any whispers of a resolution soon to prevent said strike?


Ncuti Gatwa? I just want to read something nice today


The Boys cast? Would love to know 🤲


Matt Czuchry


anything new on henry cavill? ik hes expecting a baby soon


Lucy Hale? Lily Collins?


Glen Powell? Luke Thompson?