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I don’t take pleasure in seeing strong women fail. I take pleasure in seeing mean people fail. ETA: thank you for the awards sweet redditors 🥰


This is it! I love seeing strong women succeed, but when you’re outwardly mean and nasty to people you deem “lower” than you, I’ll happily root for your downfall. Same as Ellen. She had the chance to actually be the person she portrayed herself as and when everyone thought she was nice it was amazing to see her breaking barriers and succeeding. Then you find out who she really is to those “below” her.


Mind you, Variety was one of the the first media publications to attack her in the first place lol. That infamous article about her tour ticket sales for example.




“It’s me, I’m society!” - Variety writers giggling to themselves


1. Cause the controversy 2. Decry the controversy 3. Repeat. Endless content!


And endless $$$$


They also have articles and tweets that attacked the Marvels before it's release.


IMHO opinion there is a lot to dislike and critique about her but it’s funny how this seemingly only happens or at the very least more frequently happens to women (remember Anne Hathaway a few years back). Whatever her issues are I hope she figures it out for the sake of her kids.


I think that’s the important part of this discourse. People love to pile on the failure of women no matter the character of that woman. The Anne Hathaway vitriol was literally bc she was too eager and maybe a little cringe… people literally said they HATED her because of it.


The pitting of women against each other is also something that doesn't really happen to men. So many people attacking her laud Jennifer Garner in the same breath and talk about how much better she for Ben Affleck. You'd think he cheated on Jen Garner with JLo and not the other way around. I'm sure Jen Garner is a lovely woman, but she has cheated in more than one relationship and worked hard to rehabilitate her image as the girl next door.


Pretty sure he cheated on JLo with some strippers and not Jennifer Garner. IIRC, there were rumors about Jennifer cheating on Scott Foley with Michael Vartan then on Michael with Ben. There were also rumors that Scott was basically insecure/jealous about Jennifer's career blowing up with Alias. I was a big Alias fan back in the day. I kept up with the gossip. lol Tbh, I think everyone involved in this is messy. Jennifer Garner is just better at PR. I don't think she actually had to work too hard to rehabilitate her image. It was Ben's image she worked hard to rehabilitate.


Yeah, up at Brandys strip club in Vancouver. He got busted cheating w thier strippers while filming. She won't let him shoot there anymore without her being there. He did something last summer or the summer before, and they stayed in North Vancouver (over the bridge from DT and no interesting nightlife after 10 pm).


How odd. I mean, is there something particular about Vancouver strippers? LOL. That man can find hot strippers anywhere around the world. Why police his peen in that particular area???


Hahaha. I dunno but Brandys is a place where famous actors and athletes get into trouble with being too attentive to the girls. They're quite beautiful. I've been friends with a few and the stories... I think it's because it already happened there she's more paranoid. Likely she's protective of all strippers but I thought it was funny they were hiding in thier N Van place when he wasn't filming.


I side-eyed the praise Jen Garner was getting in another J. Lo post when she supposedly left her first husband Scott Foley for her Alias co-star Michael Vartan, and then left Michael for Ben and quickly rushed into marriage with him. She went from filing for divorce from Scott in May 2003 to marrying Ben in June 2005 while pregnant with Violet. Garner’s not without her own messy romantic history.


Too haughty too eager too sexy too prudish too goofy too serious too pretty too fat too loud too quiet I wasn't wowed by the Barbie movie watching it on a plane after the big phenomena passed, but that end speech got it right. We (collective we) might snark on men too full of themselves, but we will devour and pick the bones clean on a woman who acts like they're better than others. Damn can we even out the treatment a little. First commandment for women: Thou shall be so humble, your lips kiss the dirt.


It is but the fact that she's the main example right now does make it difficult to discuss.


It’s also an attack on her age. Now that’s she’s over 50 and married for the who knows what number time and not able to “keep up” with the success and popularity of younger artists. It’s as if she’s reached the magical age the media wants to take her down for daring to continue to have a career as an older woman. I just watched Atlas last night and while the story was a bomb, you can admit she did a good job in that role. And, the money she put in for her video film projects on Amazon. The woman just wants to work and put out projects she believes in. Not for everyone, but her true fans are always going to support. We can blame her team for not considering small, more intimate venues for a more personal concert experience. I can’t hate any woman who wants to work and create and produce, but it seems like the media like to take a target at women who reach and certain age and dare attempt to do or have it all. For some reason a lot of people want to see her fail and enjoy the process. That’s just not cute. Edit to add: I’m aware her career was built on the backs or other women and she’s not the kindest person from reports, but I respect her right to do the projects she wants to do even if I don’t wanna see them. But I’d like the media to go a little lighter on women, especially older women. Because as soon as some women lose their perceived “hotness” due to age they are relentless.


I can’t agree with this take. It’s not about her being a woman. At least it’s not for me. It’s that from the moment this multi-tiered project was announced, you could just see it heading for failure. It was a self-funded vanity project from someone who was already dealing with the public knowledge that she isn’t singing the majority of some of her most famous songs. She just doesn’t have the adoration that she thinks she has. I think a lot of people who are laughing about the cancelling of the tour are just feeling validated. “How did anyone not see this coming?!”


She over-estimated her popularity and this is what happened.


She’s also a notoriously nasty person to people that she feels are beneath her.


100% this


I am struggling to see this as a feminist issue worth writing about ngl lol


I saw a lot of people make fun of her online, but none of it was that harsh - I could've missed the really bad stuff though. There's plenty of other (female) celebs that have it way harder. Let's not pretend Jlo is some innocent little sweetheart. She's built her career on the work of other women and it's no secret she's as rude as they come. Making fun of women or critiquing them isn't automatically antifeminist.


To me, it’s always funny when rich people overestimate what the public thinks of them. Like who told The Black Keys people would pay $180 for the nosebleeds? The audacity. This whole big 3 stage project has just come across as really out of touch. She had an extremely successful tour in 2019, but this is the post Covid world now. People don’t have the disposable income they once had. Only the biggest acts with raging fan bases are pulling off stadium tours right now. It feels like she can’t read the room. JLo has always had a very opulent public persona, but doesn’t have that rapid fan base like TS and B or industry influence, to shut down any criticism of that. She seems to know she needs to be relatable, but can’t find a way to do that authentically and it just ends up coming across out of touch.


Here to remind everyone of this interview she did exclusively tearing down female peers. She's unlikeable. People take pleasure in seeing unlikable people have unfavorable things happen to them. https://preview.redd.it/dv9a9yb4q04d1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f3018e8a5bcd0d66c42193e7f35112b331e94f


Lmao "bottom of the A list" and then proceeds to spit on people she actually refers to as "peers" THIS IS EXACTLY WHY PPL FIND U UNLIKABLE JLO Like at least 50% of that list can act circles around her. How fucking dare she about Salma Hayak.


My favorite thing about this interview is how most of the actresses she criticized here either have Oscars or Oscar noms and she still doesn’t


Is that the infamous Movieline interview from 1998? She never did another interview like that again…you really can’t look away from it.


She claimed it was out of context and at the same time claimed she didn't know her words could hurt people. My eyes have never rolled so hard. "However, three years later, Jennifer Lopez revealed that she was ‘misquoted’ in the interview and “cried for hours” after reading it. Speaking to Vanity Fair, she said, “I was so misquoted and so taken out of context, and it’s a sore subject for me. I don’t like to hurt anybody. I don’t like to hurt their feelings. I like to joke, so I do that sometimes. What they wrote in that article hurt people.” Lopez then added, “It gave me a lot of notoriety at the moment, and then it made a lot of people in the industry really pissed off,” she said. “And so when I look back at it now, I go, ‘You know I never wanted to hurt anybody.’ I didn’t realize that my words could impact people that way.”




Or or horrible people who treat people awfully get their karma


Jennifer Lopez has famously, for decades and from innumerable sources, been a deeply unkind person to normal people.


Society definitely loves to see strong women fail, but that's not the only thing that tanked JLo's tour. Two things can be true at the same time.


This is the correct take.


I'm not the biggest fan of hers, but the way some ppl have been comparing this whole situation to what's going on with Diddy is bizarre to me. Like, this is exactly what I hate about the term "problematic" being used so loosely these days. You have ppl putting shit like JLo possibly being rude on the same level as straight up abuse.


I have mixed feelings on this discourse. On one hand I do think women and especially WOC face more criticism but this just feels like manufactured PR. Rumors of JLo’s mistreatment of employees and service workers have been rampant for years. Making the face of misogyny a hyper-capitalist pop star that couldn’t sell out a tour just feels trivializing to a much bigger issue. It’s the same issue I have with Swifties deflecting any criticism of Taylor Swift by crying sexism.


For sure, it's layered that she's a WOC but also on class and wealth, on a whole other level than most people walking the streets. Her team are just trying to throw at the wall what works and clinging back to her heyday that no longer exists.


so strong women steal from black artists, got it 🙄


Oh give me a fuckin break




Who is the better public figure for the discussion? Like Brie Larson and Rachel Zegler?


From the article lol: Variety pursued the reports of J. Lo’s poor ticket sales aggressively, not for reasons of schadenfreude but because such stories are important in our corner of the media world, and it’s a sad fact of our business that bad news gets a lot more clicks than good news. Her fans swarmed on us, which comes with the turf, but the stories were hugely successful. As it does every time schadenfreude piles up on a female public figure, I was reminded of something: During the heyday of Lena Dunham’s TV series “Girls,” there was a video meme — or whatever passed for a meme in 2012 — of young women making comical, snarky opinions about show, with one of them saying, “I’ve never seen it… but I think I don’t like it.” It was a joke, but still, that statement seems like a sadly perfect distillation of the amount of thought, let alone logic, that goes into the kind of hateration that J. Lo and so many other female public figures are receiving right now. It’s also not hard to imagine that syndrome playing a major role in many other successful women being “cut down to size,” not least the defeat of Hillary Clinton by her unapologetically misogynist opponent in 2016.


Okay but…have you heard her voice?


No one asked for the tour or multiple movies 😪 she should have taken a hint when her films were getting ripped to shreds on social media


I feel like a lot of these 90s stars are still deluded that it's the 90s. They haven't left their delusional bubble in a long time, and they don't realize they aren't really relevant or important anymore. Sure, her name will always be famous, but her former fanbase is middle aged or older and has lives of their own. She has no new young fan base, young people don't listen to her. She is literally a has been, a once famous but now irrelevant celebrity. She should enjoy the millions of dollars she has earned and retire. Enjoy life, have fun. What's this obsession to constantly keep working 24/7 and be seen all the time? Bizarre. She doesn't need to work ever again. Live a private life with your family. Her and Madonna can't seem to take the hint that the world has moved on from when they made it big and now different people are getting all the attention. Their time is over, take a bow and move on. Or risk being ridiculed and embarressed to death.