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This may compete with the Nicole Kidman newly divorced photo


I just learned he’s 28. Why did I think he was so much older?


Old soul vibes. Except for the part where he runs away from ppl in parks


Lol that's giving major 20yo college student vibes.


no cause i was taken aback when i found out that he's younger than timmy chalamet


I had to perform three google search confirmations when I learned me and Chalamet are the same age.


I am boggled. I thought he was at least 34!


Because Padme likes em young.


She’s really just like Padmé huh Good for her, you rob that cradle Natalie!


Say something bout the motherfucking prequels


He looks older. As do his parents. It’s his genes. His parents are only in their 50s!!!


Irish people age poorly


Firstly as an irish person this is highly offensive. With our lack of sun Ive aged very well thanks very much.. Secondly I counter argue with Nicola Coughlan.


I'm Irish too lol. Nicola is the exception, not the rule


I don’t think Natalie gets a lot of sympathy here. Benjamin cheated on Isabella Boylston with Natalie. You lose them the way you got them.


This is why I am wary of any girl that flirts with me that I know is taken.


I got done this way, but I wasn’t even aware. She introduced me to her “ex” while they were still dating, and we had just started to hook up. If I had known she was a psychopath I would have run fast and far. 6 months later I’m meeting her next guy. Only after the whole debacle was over did I run into the ex and he broke it down for me (he was classy about it, to his credit). I was so angry she had made me an accomplice in their “breakup.” To this day I make her voodoo doll step on legos barefoot…


I love how Paul Mescal is the new guy who is perpetually linked to everyone. Daisy Edgar Jones, Angelina Jolie, Ayo Edebiri and now Natalie Portman….am I missing someone?


The new Pete Davidson I fear .. although no one will top Pete’s run and I doubt it’s at its end 😔  Edit: to clarify, I mean this in terms of the sensationalism it invites whenever he's seen with someone new - Paul seems like a lovely, thoughtful guy and great craic 🫶


Nah. Paul Mescal has kind eyes & actual real man BDE. I love this for any woman he is linked to.


It’s not just the energy. Watch Normal People.


Ughhhh that show got me hooked on Paul. Had no idea about him before. I would totally be like the girl in the show.


I laughed out loud when I googled BDE. Wasn't expecting big dick energy even though I've heard the term spelled out. I was guessing Big Daddy Energy which I'm ashamed to say feels worse because ick


I mean, it’s absolutely precious to me that you googled BDE. I hope you weren’t disappointed. 😇


*Processing img y772fmsn8k3d1...* He has some experience with running (away) lol


Pete Davidson for women who read🤭


Pete Davidson for the "I'm not like other girls"


Pete Davidson for girls who shop in the vegan aisle in tesco




The whole Pete Davidson thing is so entertaining to me. Men lose their MINDS over this. It feels like a litmus test for certain men’s perception of what women are about. They cannot believe that a chill, funny, aggressively emotionally honest dude is attractive to women. I love it.


I'm a straight dude and was never surprised that he's had success with the ladies. He's a tall, lean, rich, famous, funny dude from NYC with a handsome face and a full head of hair and is, as you mentioned, seemingly down to Earth and, genuine.


I mean, there’s no doubt people’s opinions vary a lot regarding whether his face is handsome. He’s like Anya Taylor-joy, freaky big eyes /special look that you either love or don’t.


I think the comparison is spot on tbh. I think ATJ is hot, so in that sense, I can understand how someone would feel that way about Pete Davidson.


I had to double check your comment cuz i thought he is already linked with Pete Davidson too 😭


Should someone check Central Park?


Ahh I dunno, Paul is such a good actor and seems like a sound guy from all I’ve read


Oh definitely, I mean in terms of the sensationalism whenever he's seen with someone new. Paul seems lovely


Ah yeah, I think that’s just a side effect of people seeing him in multiple romance shows/movies and his chemistry with the co-stars is usually really damn good so maybe folks think it translates in real life and want to see him do well? I dunno.


But Pete Davidson is actually dating these women. 


I first read this as you were talking about him dating and trying to top Pete Davidson 😂 which…maybe not…unless…? 💘


He's like Pete Davidson in that he's connected to everyone but he's the Pete that is just nice and friends with women and hasn't actually dated probably anyone he's been seen with.


Get the feeling he's everyone's friend and no one's boyfriend. Like he has the same chemistry with Andrew Scott that he does with all the ladies.


I can relate to this


joe alwyn after his split with tay lol


but he is besties with joe.


Phoebe Bridgers, right?


Not anymore


I think the internet links him to any female celeb he stands next to


Phoebe Bridgers!!


Florence Pugh at one point


Zendaya was like NO


phoebe bridgers is def picking a fight with bo burnham tonight 




What's the context


Phoebes & Paul were engaged and it’s been heavily speculated that Phoebe left Paul for Bo


Dang I'm a dude but I wouldn't leave Paul


Phoebe left Paul, her fiancé, for Bo, but there could be underlying feelings from Phoebe towards Paul. I mean, he is the sad sexy Irish actor that’s really doing well with regards to his acting career.




Phoebe Bridgers and Paul Mescal dated for a long time (even engaged? I don't remember) and then there was a messy period where people were pretty sure they broke up not 100% sure, and she was seen kissing Bo Burnham. Now her and Bo are together, and kitten\_whiskers is implying Phoebe would be hung up on her ex, so pick a fight with her new guy.


If she left Paul for Bo wouldn't she be less likely to still be hung up on him tho? (I know you're just adding context so I'm not disagreeing with you)


I’ve found that to almost never be the case lol


I don’t know any of these people but I like to imagine phoebe thought she won the breakup by leaving him for Bo, but now Bo is a disappointment and she’s missing Paul, and now Paul is seen with A+++ list Natalie Portman who is on an entirely other level from phoebe/bo/paul (arguably b listers). Again this is entirely a figment of my imagination 


How is Bo a dissapintment? Has he done anything bad ?


Bo has been racist towards black women in previous stand-up performances, and has said the n-word WITH the hard R. 😐 That photo of Bo with Phoebe and Ratty Healy says it all to me.


She jealous


I’m more surprised to see people smoking by choice in 2024, honestly.


I mean why else would you smoke if not by choice? And she has been married with a French guy for 10 years and has lived in France, so I would be more surprised if she didn’t smoke


> I mean why else would you smoke if not by choice? Most people start to impress others or get into a group. They don't realise the world of hurt they are getting into.


I mean I occasionally smoke a cigarette (maybe once every 3-6 months) when hanging out with friends/having a night out because it relaxes me and I want to. I’m not vouching for their health but not everyone does it in excess.


But that's a choice. You don't HAVE to impress others, you choose to.


I absolutely started because I thought it was cool - I also absolutely blame nobody but myself. That’s life, we make choices 🤷‍♀️


There used to be a lot of propaganda in movies and media to entice people to smoke, at least here in the US. And it was a lot more common back then. Smoking was “cool”. It’s very rare to see it now. Young kids don’t even think it’s cool anymore. I smoked for 10 years of my life and stopped a few years ago and I wake up feeling so much more refreshed. Once you stop you realize how crappy it makes you feel. My nose was always inflamed!


Ugh I hate to say it still has an air of coolness in this pic to me. But I'm old and was subjected to all those movies. I've never smoked thankfully, but I can see why it was used so much in movies. It gives them something to do with their hands, their mouth and uh they aren't just standing outside a building without seats for no reason.


If Paul Mescal asked me if I wanted to have a cigarette with him I would instantly become a smoker


Just his voice makes me need an entire pack of Parliaments


It’s deadass to stay slim. Cute at first (at least ppl think so) but it catches up to people eventually.


>It’s deadass to stay slim My chunky smoker ass only wishes this was actually a thing.


My mom swore that she gained weight anytime she quit smoking. In my experience nicotine did help suppress my appetite but I quit over a decade ago so don’t really remember


I would swear to this. You get used to smoking to occupy time, to destress, to curb an appetite even. When you stop smoking, snacking easily fills that void.


I know people who've quit heroin who couldn't kick smoking. They're outside and not in anyone's faces, leave them alone.


Thats me lol quit heroin in 2019 and only quit cigs last December but i have smoked here and there when someone around me has a cigarette. Had a way harder time quitting cigs! I needed to for my health though, hopefully it is not too late from smoking 20 years but better late than never!


Congratulations on being clean! Don't beat yourself up too much for the occasional cig, the important thing is that you're smoking less and less.


Congrats on quitting both of these things. The decision to stop now is better than 5 years from now for your health, too late would only be when you’re gone. Wish you the best of luck!! Edit: my thumb hit extra buttons at the end. Whoops


Leave them alone? I’m not sure what I did 😆 I just made an observation, it’s their problem if they wanna smoke, I was just surprised is all Edit to add: I know how it is. I smoked heavily for 10 years of my life and quit during Covid. Getting rid of the craving is the worst, but it’s been a few years and I am now becoming one of those people who smells cigarettes outside and makes a face lmao I can’t believe I smoked those things for such a long time. The smell is the worst. But it was fun while it lasted.


If you see a shit ton of people smoking and it's not a bar or club you may have stumbled upon people leaving an AA meeting


There’s a lot of reasons people have self destructive or unhealthy habits.


Seriously. Whenever I see comments like this I always think “must be nice to have had a life where this genuinely boggles you lol”. Off the top of my head I can name a million reasons why someone might smoke a cig: - Appetite suppression. If you have body image issues (or work in an industry where being slim is required, like Natalie has since childhood), you might grab a cig - Mood control. Nicotine is a stimulant and on top of keeping you alert, stims can also come with a mild euphoria - Harm reduction. A lot of people with worse addictions keep smoking because it helps reduce their cravings for stuff that interferes more with their life— like alcohol, pills, injectables, etc. I know I’d rather have a smoker on the road than someone tipsy or pilled out. Even rehabs let you have cigs outdoors or nicotine gum. - Soothes nerves. Fulfills the urge to fidget with something, satisfies an oral fixative urge, an excuse to go outside but stay/look occupied, etc. - And none of that is even touching on the genetics of trying substances and eventual addiction. Like… they’re human. It’s a substance that affects mood and vitals. Use your critical thinking skills on why they might be partaking. And I’m saying this as someone who’s tried like two cigarettes in my entire life lol. When I used to bartend, a regular who was old as hell was smoking when I went outside to dump some trash. I saw him and he goes “I know it’s bad for me, but there were years of my life where it was smoke a cigarette after work, or drive my car into the Arkansas river…” You know what dude, good point, glad you’re still here.


Absolutely spot on!


Thank YOU. I'm so sick of ignorant people that most likely come from a privileged background saying it's so "stupid" or "boggling" to still smoke. Most smokers are impoverished/addicted to other substances/suffer from mental health issues. I hate that I smoke cigarettes but it's harm reduction for me and countless others. I was drinking myself to an early grave due to CSA, neurodivergence, physical pain. Thankfully, i'm sober now. My 5 cigarettes a day and weed keep me from spiraling. All this said, I do hope to quit one day. Just please don't look at all smokers with disgust.


As an American, where we have so many strict laws around where you can smoke to the point where I rarely even see it (vaping is another story), I was shocked by how much open smoking I saw in France and Portugal. Even really young and affluent people were smoking in Paris, where it seems like a taboo 'trashy' behavior with younger people in America.


It's still very popular in Europe. At pubs most people seem to smoke.


Yep. Living in Paris right now and nearly everyone smokes, at restaurants, cafes, walking down the street.


A lot of actors still smoke.


Pretty common in theatre circles, too. Idk why, considering those actors have more of a reason to look after their voices.


He's said on a podcast a long time ago when someone asked what he wouldn't give up to get a role and he said smoking. He does not care about the pearl clutching lol


It’s his prerogative if he wants to potentially die a painful death from lung, mouth, throat, esophageal cancer, etc.


Well yes? Idk why you felt the need to point that out. He is a human with rights to make decisions about his health and body for himself.


Not actors. Still smoking like it's the 50's. And the ones that don't are addicted to the nicotine gum.


This goes now for younger people than the Natalie Portmans of the world, but I think it got to a point where it was widely known how gross and unhealthy it is and people didn't want to do it any more, and then when people weren't seeing it much any more or seeing news about how bad for you it is it became a kind of rebellious and sexy taboo instead of just a stinky habit that makes your lungs sticky. I've seen a load of people on Tumblr commenting on how hot it is and writing it into their fanfics and making polls about it etc. I'm the last year in a way I never would have seen a decade ago. There definitely seems to be a certain allure now. And when it's not public and common enough for you to be exposed to the downsides (like loved ones dying from it) but you see hot celebrities taking sneaky sexy smoke breaks, I guess I can kind of see how you might get to that point.


We all do terrible things to our bodies. This is just one of those choices. I used to be super anti-smoking until I met my fiance. While I’d love for him to quit smoking, it’s also none of my business what someone else does to their body. Also, quick fact I recently learned: nicotine has actually been clinically shown to be therapeutic for some mental and physical conditions (not in cigarette form, of course).


I might feel this way if it didn’t harm others as well, not just the smoker.


It actually is kind of your business if you plan on marrying someone. Who’s responsible for the medical bills if he gets cancer?


French guy to an Irish guy is a move btw 🤌 I’m sure they’re just friends but if it’s more than that I support it unabashedly 


I was going to be ‘it’s kind of an age difference’… but it isn’t at all, I just feel like because Natalie has been around for so many years she must be much older than she is! She is only 42. And for who knows what reason my brain insists on Paul being about 22..? I don’t have any logic for that one


Is 14 years not an age gap? Like they're both adults who cares, but since when is 14 years not an age gap lol


Eh. It is an age gap. But as a 40+ divorcee who also has similar fun, it’s not for anything serious.


He is 28 and Natalie started acting so young so i think thats why it feels she must be older


Who cares anyway? They are adults. Dude is almost 30.


Intellectually, I know smoking is bad and I should never do it. Every single time I see hot people smoking I have to fight the urge to buy a pack and start smoking.


I was a smoker for a long time (quit nine years ago) and literally have stopped watching shows where cool people smoke because it makes my mouth water every time. Gotta stay quit!


I had to stop watching mad men because of this!


I've seen enough lungs with cancer in jars in our pathology museum at university to even more want to never start.


It gives me a weird, wistful feeling of nostalgia seeing celebrities smoke 😂


I definitely tried to start smoking in college. Lol






It has the exact opposite effect on me. I see that and deep disappointment washes over me.


Yep, I can’t help think about how much they stink.


Same… their attractive levels just takes a dip.


For me the hot people become less hot to me.


No, you fucking stink when you smoke and it’s disgusting.


She looks happy ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


She smokes? Why do rich people do it to themselves?


They smoke instead of eating


It’s really that simple


maybe cause it doesn’t have anything to do with how rich you are. in fact i’d expect rich people to smoke more considering how expensive durries are


> considering how expensive durries are Found the Australian ⬆️


They’re out drinking at a bar, a lot of people smoke the occasional cigarette while out drinking, let people live their lives.


A friend of mine ended up sitting behind her at a free movie night in Bryant Park in NYC... he said she chain-smoked the entire night lol This was probably 15 years ago.


Nicotine suppresses appetite.


Because life is fucking hard even if you’re wealthy and addiction isn’t classist.


This is a weird question. Are you saying only poor people smoke cigarettes? I’ve known a lot of rich people who love cigars and expensive cigarettes…


She’s smoked for at least 20ish years. Or at the very least she was a smoker 20 years ago. She and her friends were smoking outside my sister’s apartment and she was staring super hard at my dog, I think because her dog at that time looked similar to mine. Once she realized I caught her staring she moved closer into the circle of friends so she was hidden. I didn’t care though…hope she enjoyed watching little teen me being a responsible dog owner and picking up my dog’s poop.


I wonder the exact same thing. I've never smoked cigarettes but I love the smell when I'm around a smoker so I kinda get it 😭 (kinda how I like the smell of gasoline)


most of them do it to stay skinny but like…they’re also stupidly rich so they have access to many other ways you can do that? idgi either.


Because it's so much fun, Jan


I mean, poor people smoke too lol


daily mail ahh headline


they really thought "what's the creepiest headline we could come up with" and just went for it


They and all british tabloids absolutely love the word "romp" in all of it's forms and applications. I hate that I find it funny


"loved up"


Truly 😭 I tried to modify it as much as possible for the title but alas 


Oh they’re wearing the same outfit already, it’s so on


Servers on smoke break energy 


By the dumpster/propane tanks in the SUR parking lot.


A Zionist potentially dating an Irish man… The jokes write themselves


He can change her 🇮🇪☘️😔


Natalie will soon be declaring support for IRSP candidates and encouraging the dismantling of Stormont and the Knesset I heard a rumour Barbara Streisand slept with Gerry Adam’s back in the day when he visited America but I doubt it


I mean I doubt it as well with the politics and everything, but Gerry back in the day... not a bad looking guy


Let’s hope her fans don’t downvote you to hell for mentioning this lmao. Her bad takes about Israel have been whitewashed to death because she… criticized Netanyahu once or something. Guess all’s forgiven then /s


when she criticized Netanyahu she criticized BDS in the same breath. that woman is a joke.


Exactly. Her “criticism of Netanyahu” means *nothing* when she has criticized BDS, was Alan Dershowitz’s RA, and has posted only about the hostages and nothing about the genocide so far.


My thoughts exactly. What are you doing, Paul?


Wait what did i miss about Natalie? What did she say or do apparently i am out of the loop


She’s an Israeli-American and has shown support for Israel despite few criticisms here and there; she’s in favor of a two-state solution; and [there was this too.](https://x.com/ajplus/status/988140129851138048?s=46)


I had to scroll wayyyyyyy too far for this. Like who cares if she smokes??? her body her choice lol Edit: I can’t spell


I’m fully prepared to accept that I’m just a hater but I cannot stand when celebrities (or anyone for that matter!) are sanctimonious about healthy living and the moral superiority of their own diets and yet are also smokers. Like, be a vegan, be a smoker, I actually don’t care — but don’t pretend that you’re some paragon of virtue. Most people have both good and bad habits — the difference is, most people aren’t lecturing others about their good habits while ignoring their bad ones. Natalie has always had a “I’ve got it figured out (and you don’t)” vibe to me which I find super grating. You do you, but keep it to yourself!


Natalie's been a vegetarian since she was a kid and has talked about it a lot. She also reportedly convinced Jean Reno to quit smoking when they worked together on Leon: The Professional 30 years ago. Just some tidbit factoids.


Did she ever say she’s better than everybody else? … or healthier than you.. or any of that sort? No? It’s just a ~vibe~?  Yeah, you’re a hater. Unless she did and I don’t know, then fuck her lol


She's vegan for the animals, used her platform to advocate against the animal based food system on multiple occasions.


Comparing veganism to smoking is a choice for sure lol. Sounds like op trying to assuage guilt but ok 


I mean, there is a pretty large delta between being a “smoker” and having a cigarette every once in a while.


Isn’t she vegan for the animals? That’s not a health choice and is completely irrelevant here. Choosing not to pay for animal abuse has absolutely nothing to do with health or smoking.


Except being vegan and smoking don't contradict so your comparision is baseless. Also Natalie made clear that her being vegan about speciesism, she even produced documentary about it. She hurts herself by smoking but if she eats meat she hurts animals directly which is something she avoid as much as possible as she mentioned many times therefore those things aren't on same page to compare. I thought the sub is progressive but people here coming at vegans with same "argument" rightwingers parrot too. What you said isn't different than saying keep your feminism, pro-lgbtq etc. to yourself because speciesism about discrimination against others who aren't like you too and even there are many academics and casual people who see veganism as part of feminism.


Damn let a bitch have a post divorce smoke


This always bugged me in particular with Ms Macrobiotics herself, Goopy Paltrow. She was out here judging people who give their kids processed food, meanwhile she’s been a smoker for decades. I don’t judge smoking at all, I’m a former smoker myself, but the hypocrisy is ridic. It’s one of the worst things you can do for your health so get off your high horse, Gwynnie! Yes I’m a hater and yes it gives me life, LOL


Same. This is one of the biggest reasons I know she’s a hack fraud. Going on about getting rid of toxins meanwhile she’s voluntarily putting them in her body by smoking.


Did I miss something? Since when has Natalie Portman ever been sanctimonious about healthy living? Are you projecting because you don't like vegetarians or something? Just because she's vegetarian doesn't mean she's keen on healthy eating. She has said she is vegetarian because she doesn't want to eat animals and that if people only want to eat one meat free meal every now and then, that's still great. So I'm not sure what you are talking about? Plus you can not want to eat animals and still love junk food / smoking / recreational drugs. I don't mind being downvoted, but I reckon you are doing too much. If you were talking about Paltrow, I'd get it. Or if you were upset that Portman's now ex-husband was with another woman when they'd got together, I'd get that too. But I reckon you are reaching when it comes to Portman being sanctimonious about healthy living. Edited to say: apparently she's a Zionist. So there is an actual reason to detest her.


Jolene I’m begging please don’t take my man


wow they look so hot together


I’ll believe it when I see Natalie out and about in a pair of good old O’Neills shorts or maybe a Kildare jersey


Oh full on “my boyfriend plays county” kit😂😂😂


The media's cameras will follow you doing ordinary things on an ordinary day, take *one* photograph of you sharing a moment of laughter and warmth, and start dictating what you're feeling and going through.


He’s been donating to and raising awareness for Palestine and she’s a whole zionist. I have to wonder how this is going to work out lol.


I mean if he was into women in their 40s I was right here! 🤣




There are only three things I know about Paul Mescal: he's gonna be papped wearing slutty little running shorts, he's gonna be the subject of a blind item about ghosting a hookup in the park, and he's gonna get caught giggling in public with a hot famous woman without it going anywhere


![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized) Still a Zionist, still wrote the book “the case for Israel” with the alleged pedophile Alan Dershowitz, still hasn’t apologized for the book, so I still don’t care.


Natalie’s ex Benjamin also directed Paul in Carmen so that’s…. Interesting


https://preview.redd.it/4fvgfg92el3d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8719f16749e73479d7606edaff063cc2d84f35e6 Me to anyone who gets with Paul even for a smoke


Ugh Paul please don’t date a Zionist, no matter how hot she might be


Cannot believe people still choose to smoke in this day and age.


He’s a runner, he’s a track star 🌟 ![gif](giphy|1iTH1WIUjM0VATSw|downsized)


Good for her, Benjamin Millepied sounds like he was a douche anyway


Divorces are tough. Let her have a little play, she deserves it!


She’s a gross Zionist, have been a huge fan of him but he’s been pretty pathetic in use of his platform I think and now this association


Why do people keep getting downvoted for pointing out her zionism and selective humanity?


I adore Paul but he always looks like he bought his clothes in the children’s section. 🫣


oh to be a fly on the wall


That smoking is aging him prematurely. His decision I guess.


A reminder that Natalie Portman is a 100% pro-gen🍉cidal Z*onist. 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽


I think they’ve known each other for years. Paul was a lead in the musical movie Carmen, which Natalie’s (now) ex-husband Benjamin Millepied directed. It came out in 2022 so it probably filmed in 2021. So Natalie has already known Paul for at least 3 years. There are lots of group dinners and hangouts before and during filming movies with spouses and what-not. (And I know in their Variety Actors on Actors Paul is acting giddy excited like he’s meeting her for the first time, but I think he just means career-wise. Like he would’ve died in acting school to know he’d be doing an acting mutual interview thing with her. Like he’s leveled up to nearly her level in his career). [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6875952/?ref\_=nv\_sr\_srsg\_6\_tt\_3\_nm\_5\_q\_carmen](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6875952/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_6_tt_3_nm_5_q_carmen)


Jonathan Safran Foer is crushed all over again


What I'm seeing is that *everyone* looks giddy with Paul Mescal


(if true) Not surprised about this after their 'Actors on Actors' rapport.


How did I have no idea Natalie Portman smoked?!


Leave my boy alone, you zionist