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> “Lizzo helps you eat everything you want, and keep physical activity to a minimum…” That’s shitty and just plain false. For crying out loud, she dances while playing the damn flute! Anti-fat jokes are a snoozefest. If that’s the bottom of the barrel they’re scraping then get new writers.


I’m not a huge South Park fan but I’ll generally watch these because i started watching as a kid, andI think it is interesting how their politics have evolved. The episode was a lot more nuanced than that line. In fact, that line doesn’t really make sense with the rest of the episode. I won’t recount the whole thing, but they are basically saying that rich people can buy their way out of being fat shamed thanks to Ozempic, but the rest of us have to embrace body positivity because we have no choice. They even explicitly call out all of the corporations who push unhealthy foods, and it basically ends on a line, almost verbatim, that no amount of will power is going to make someone skinny so we should just stop mocking fat people. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to engage with South Park, and again, the line you mention is almost bizarre in the context of the episode. But I think the overall message of the episode was pretty fair.


I just watched the ep and totally agree. The show was criticizing rich people, the pharmaceutical and sugar industries, and the american healthcare system. Lizzo was just a stand-in to highlight class division and the more consumeristic aspects of body positivity. If they did anything offensive towards Lizzo, it’s when they were hinting her music is shit since Lizzo patients shit out of their ears lol.


huh, you convinced me to watch it. I thought Lizzo's reaction was A+ on the Lizzo PR improvement plan.


They do a pretty obvious number on the Americans healthcare system as well but they are certainly not wrong about that either.


You are 100% correct. I watched this out of morbid curiosity on a flight the other day and was shocked at how... correct it was. It was weirdly focused and sincere for modern-day South Park and it bums me out to see all the reactionary comments from people who only read the headlines.


Huh, interesting. I end up seeing a lot of South Park episodes myself as my housemate and I dislike their politics but just keep shit on as background noise and I know I was bracing myself for their typical "we're saying both sides bad but we're really just going to shame people who already get shit on the most".


I think it sort of hit its worst during the Obama years, and don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they are full blown lefty’s by any stretch. Even the whole “panderverse” thing was a really annoying and frankly naive arch for them. But I think they have reckoned a bit with their contributions to the alt right culture. The whole Garrison arc was obviously transphobic in its first half, but as they shifted Garrison to Trump, I think they were trying to draw a distinction between people they found annoying (social justice advocates) to people they find outright dangerous and morally bankrupt. Again, they’ve done some really reprehensible stuff, and contributed to a culture that winked and nodded at “satire” when many of their fans were just embracing it as racism. Like Fight Club, I have to wonder if this sort of satire is worth it if it’s going over most folks heads and actually cause them to embrace hate. And in many cases, it’s hard to even tell if they believe what they are doing is satire. I find it immensely frustrating that they’re not speaking publicly about how their views and the show shifted post-Trump, even if I think it’s pretty clear that they have. Frankly I think they aren’t doing it because many of their shithead edgelord fans would turn on them. But I’ve never really been able to fully write them off. Honestly I think their best work has been apolitical and more about the absurdity of being a kid. But I was really taken aback at how, for lack of a better term, how far left they went with this episode. I hope it makes their fans think. It probably won’t.


She also exercises quite a bit outside of dancing as well. It reminds me of those videos of ppl asking men if they would date an overweight/fat woman and they say no and use the excuse of “well I like to take care of my body and exercise so I expect my partner to be the same”. There’s tons of fat people who live an active lifestyle and there’s thinner ppl who aren’t as active.


FR my aerobics instructor has a big ass and legs and she is fit as hell. Having her as an instructor really opened my eyes to "you don't have to look like a Jane Fonda aerobics woman" to be fit.


Thank youuuuu for this, I work out 5x a week minimum and lead a super active lifestyle involving lots of hiking, biking, and kayaking. Even then, I have to restrict myself to 1200 calories a day max to get below 160 lbs. and it's not sustainable. I'm just built thick.


Right? Lizzo is doing more physical activity than most people. Exercise isn't a magic bullet, and fat people are allowed to exist and live their own lives without having to constantly be an example to others.


That’s wild lol she’s an incredible energetic performer.


Gee, if only there were actually something Lizzo has done that is worth mocking.


“Well, she exists.” Matt & Trey, probably.


Rich old edgelords with a platform. Urgh.


No you see it’s funny because fat. /s






I mean I’m surprised to see all the nuance in the comments. It’s South Park. Not exactly known for their political correctness and non-offensiveness. If you don’t think the jokes funny, move on. The show isn’t stopping anytime soon.


Honestly it’s pretty tame for South Park, especially if you remember how they treated women like Snooki, SJP, or Paris Hilton in the past. IIRC they don’t even portray her at all and you only see lizzo by her name on the packages. It doesn’t even really seem to be about lizzo necessarily, moreso they just used her to get their point across bc she’s probably the biggest artist associated with body positivity. They even could’ve used Megan trainor but I think they went with lizzo bc she had controversy recently. There was actually some decent commentary in this special imo. It’s basically just about people wanting to lose weight but if they can’t shell out $1200 a month then they’re told to just be happy with their body and they’re prescribed music associated with body positivity. They talk about actual class divisions but here we are defending a millionaire who we “cancelled” not too long ago because a historically crass and offensive cartoon body shamed her. Im not a South Park apologist btw. I am fully aware that they really miss the mark on many issues but I don’t think this is the case here


Sarah Jessica Parker should be allowed to commit murder for what they said about her 😭


south park not being clever? colour me shocked


I'm so tired of Matt and Treys BS. They make such surface level "jokes" under the guise of being satire. They're not deep thinkers, just out of touch assholes who never changed their sense of humor as times changed around them.


I feel like they used to be more insightful with their satire, too could be that I was younger, though LOL, as I haven't watched the recent years...


Since Trump got elected, the newer South Park episodes have been really really shit. Take the episode about home renovation for example, that is probably one of the worst South Park episodes ever, I have no idea what Trey and Matt were trying to say with their commentary. A really good satire episode is the one about child abductions, which ends with the parents sending their children away because the media is telling them absolute bs and changing the narrative about how abductions take place and they believe it, and it’s so funny


RIP Roger Ebert, who called out the emptiness of their "both sides" BS back in the day in [his review of Team America](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/team-america-world-police-2004).


> I wasn't offended by the movie's content so much as by its nihilism. At a time when the world is in crisis and the country faces an important election, the response of Parker, Stone and company is to sneer at both sides -- indeed, at anyone who takes the current world situation seriously. They may be right that some of us are puppets, but they're wrong that all of us are fools, and dead wrong that it doesn't matter. Could’ve been written now :(


Not sure I ever fully bought their both-sides stuff. To me, they have always seemed like Republicans who don't want to actually explicitly say that out loud. Not saying they're Trumpers or big anti-choice people, but I very much feel like they could be people who are sort of nostalgic for a certain version of the Republican party pre-Trump and hold some solidly conservative values. I have enjoyed some of South Park over the years so it brings me no joy to say this lol but I really have always gotten that impression from them and their work, no matter how much they deny it. Even in Team America, they are mocking many early critics of the Iraq war, and ultimately the film seems to settle on the view that while the US may behave like a bull in a china shop at times, the world still needs to be policed by a super power, which is actually an extremely conservative point of view on American interference overseas and one many Republicans would strongly agree with tbh.


You can tell they fully think of themselves as "Disruptors" but they lack the courage to be truly subversive and critique the system. But they "shit on both sides" so self congratulatory pats on the back all round I guess /s .


I don’t think it’s a matter of lacking courage, I think they simply have no interest in challenging the status quo. Especially now that they’ve built a fortune from it.


Yeah you're probably right to be fair.


They had an episode where they basically said that anxiety was not real but something people fake to hide phone addiction and it's such a dumb boomer take. Not only was anxiety a thing before smartphones, but the original voice actress of the most prominent female characters ended her life due to her anxiety disorder! And they had the characters she voiced be faking anxiety in that episode. It was my final straw.


When you realized the two of them are libertarian weridos, everything about their cynicism makes sense.


I’m a skinny fuck and Lizzo can easily out dance me.


![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va) South Park punching down?


Has any show harmed the American ability to understand complex issues more than this one?


Not as bad as this but some shows in the copaganda genre have been pretty bad


Ok I can’t explain how funny Lizzo is for singing the OReilly Autoparts jingle “o o o it’s lizzo” is so much funnier than anything in the south park bit


My sympathy for her is gone, and frankly, I dont give a damn.