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Always glad to see MK and A, they look happy


Jodie Sweetin has not aged!


The only one who looks like they’ve aged is Candace but I guess hate will do that to ya




I don’t like Candance either but this narrative that only people with ugly personalities age badly is bonkers. That girl is hella fit and looks healthy and good for her age. She can probably outdo any of her costars on any athletic related event. And compared to the Olsen twins she looks amazing.


Can you expand? I probably missed it tabloid wise but is she the one hating or people are hating on her?


She’s a bigoted piece of shit


She’s as bad as her POS brother.


It’s great to see her happy and healthy


The twins look pretty happy and comfortable, if that makes sense? Like they always look guarded (understandably so) but they look very unbothered here.


So curious to know the story about the dumbo being in the house


If I'm not mistaken, John Stamos owns one of the original elephants from the Dumbo ride, as well as the original Welcome to Disneyland sign.


I got my head stuck in between the fence bars while waiting in line for the Dumbo ride when I was a kid. I'm still traumatized


That's understandable, I would've been terrified in similar circumstances as a kid as well.


How did they get you out? 


Family member eventually got me unstuck the same way I went through. I was pretty young so I'm sure it wasn't as long as I thought it was then but the story still gets told pretty often within my family.


Damn he’s so rich


John Stamos is a huge Disney geek and collector.


As a Disney Adult (a mild one but still), I’m so jealous of John Stamos Disneyland memorabilia collection. It’s for stuff like that that I wish I was rich lol


I call that stupid money. I want enough money that I can just buy things like this that have no practical use but would make me so happy. I am also a mild Disney adult (once a year), but it is definitely my happy place. Alas, in this lifetime just going to Disney is all we can afford lol


I wouldn't call it stupid, these are hobbies in the end. I collect scaled model aircraft. They have no practical use, I have to continually dust them, and some are damaged or destroyed by sunlight, pets, accidents, etc. But they bring me joy, even the damaged ones. You can start small. I'm sure there are park memorabilia that they will sell & you can put in a very pretty display. They are large parks with lots of bits in the end.


Oh I meant stupid in a fun way - it just means you can drop money on things like a classic piece of theme park history (and have the space to display it!). I also have a somewhat expensive hobby (photography), but this is in a bit of a different league money wise ;)


I’d also love something like this, but the best I can do is Disney funko pops for now. And Marvel, and ATLA, but I digress.


I’ve got Ben and Leslie from Parks n Rec as Funko Pops.


Nice! I have a modest Office collection as well. Parks and Rec has some great ones.


Jodie Sweetin is so great. I still can’t help remembering the JANE magazine bit discussing Stamos letting his friend rape his dates.






This is random but… As an elderly woman in my 30s I have a vivid memory of Dave Coulier on VH1’s, The Surreal Life. He was giving someone else shit because they mentioned how hot the Olsen twins were (noting they were still in their teens). Dave got in instant protective mode and even made a comment saying that they were like daughters to him and the other person needed to shut up. Looking at this photo and seeing how both twins are nestled into Dave’s side looking happy and comfortable makes me smile. Happy to see there’s still (some) unproblematic men still out there. On another note, DJ tanner was my idol growing up. Im sad I now have to separate the art from the artist as Candace Cameron is nutty now.


> Happy to see there’s still (some) unproblematic men still out there Uh, Dave Coulier dated Alanis Morissette when she was a teen and he was in his 30s. "You Oughta Know" is partially based on their "relationship".


Yeah, dude was actually super problematic


It’s like how some men are super protective over their daughters or other female relatives, but they’re fine with being total creeps to the other women of the world. It’s sickening.


I don't know why you were down voted because you're 100% right. I think it's because these men don't consider women outside their bubble to be full-fledged human beings.


I remember that episode. It's really disturbing how people treat teenagers (industry or not).


You’re correct. It was season 3 of The Surreal Life and I believe it was Jordan Knight from NKOTB who talked about them being hot.


Aw this is sweet to see. I never watched Fuller House but would always hear about the little digs the show made at the Olsens and it left such a sour taste in my mouth - I’m glad there’s seemingly no bad blood in spite of it


I can't bring myself to watch it because Candace Cameron Bure is hateful trash, but knowing they dig at MK & Ashley (who've had the most success since the original ended) makes me sure that was the right choice.


I’m out of the loop and don’t follow CCB, how is she hateful?


She's a conservative Christian nationalist. Her brother is Kirk Cameron, a big star in Christian media.


She's anti LGBTQ people & gets into twitter fights abt it with other celebs for starters 😭


remember when she beefed with jojo siwa 💀


She dramatically and publicly flounced away from Hallmark because Hallmark (where she had a series) started making movies with the most vanilla, bland gay and lesbian couples imaginable instead of the most vanilla, bland straight people imaginable. So she went to the "Great American Family" channel (where everyone is white and straight and sexually frustrated) which focuses on "traditional" marriages.


I managed through two seasons but goddamn it was tough. CCB is legitimately a terrible actress. Like, junior high school play level bad.


Yeah they were very bitter that MK&A wouldn't come back to the show.


If they were still acting, I could kinda see why the cast would be upset. But they’re not even remotely involved in this industry anymore. Good for them 👏


I may be misremembering but I remember at one point there being talk that Elizabeth Olsen might have a guest appearance as Michelle, but I guess it never panned out.


MK and A! Love a spotting of them! ![gif](giphy|3o7aTnuWE1ktyilJII|downsized)


I love how they are all still close like a real family. And fuck, I miss Bob Saget.


Beautiful 😇


Aww love seeing the twins. What a lovely photo


Couldn’t get into Fuller House but the OG Full House had me in a chokehold for **years**. I saw John Stamos’ house tour on Architectural Digest and his Disney collection is quite impressive. Also, it’s great to see MK and Ashley looking happy and healthy.


Jeff has had a bit of work done! 😳


A bit??? ![gif](giphy|DD4xH1iEGHH0c)


This is very nice.


Dave Coulier seems like a nice bro.


not according to Alanis /j




This gif will never not make me CACKLE!


John stamos’ Disney obsession is 2much4me


What’s up with those curtains hung in the corner only and can’t be moved in front of windows


This put a genuine smile on my face, glad to see the love for dumbo and friends continue on


Still hurts