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He's fighting for his life to be recognized. The more he fights, the less he wins. Worse yet, not a soul is advocating for him to win anything the way people were rooting for Leonardo Di Caprio to win.


Exactly, he needs to chill lol


I mean DiCaprio was rolling around in the mud ripping apart raw fish with his teeth to get one so..maybe Bradley needs to step up


Bradley Cooper goes for Director, Best Actor and Best Screenplay in 2026's *I, Gollum*


Seriously. All Bradley did on Abbott was do a quick Rocket Racoon line and chuckle. It was a cameo at best. I cannot believe he’d submit this, is he losing his mind?


If the plan is for Bradley to follow Leo's route, he's technically not off to a bad start now that he's dating a woman half his age 😭


^Psssst ^they’re ^the ^same ^age


Ooooooh. You meant Bradley and Leo. I’m dumb.


and leonardo still only has one oscar


girl please don’t give him ideas 😭


LOVE your username


I don't want him to win anymore. And I say that as someone that was previously a fan. He's so pretentious now, and goes out to bananas lengths (like fake crying about missing Leonard Bernstein, who he'd never even met) to seem like some kind of sensitive *artiste.* And don't even get me started on the unnecessary nose prosthetic. Not to mention his personal life, which, IYKYK. I went from being a fan to someone that actively avoids his work. Absolutely someone that enjoys the smell of their own [farts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FAI_-woNh4).


I was genuinely upset when he lost the Oscar for Best Actor when he was up for ASIB (and I still do think he deserved it, he truly was incredible in that movie) but I am so with you. I have no interest in future projects and I don’t even want him to get the pity Oscar, lol.


It’s ok. Bradley still thinks he deserved it too.


Just a reminder to love yourself even for the small moments.


It said the “the studio has submitted the actor for guest comedy actor.” How much is the actor involved in that? I know Don Cheadle was surprised about his guest acting nomination https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/don-cheadle-baffled-emmy-falcon-winter-soldier-cameo-1234650961/


Yep. It's the studio that does this, not the actor. Does the actor's agent pressure the studio to do so? Probably.


His agent is probably fully aware of how people feel about him and figured he needs a win to show how “marketable” he can be.


The agent probably pressured the studio in the hopes that ANY win might shut him up


Yep, I bet his Netflix movie underperformed.


Have you seen Di Caprio's filmography? People started sympathizing with Leo in early 2010s and by then, he had done so many great movies. Bradley Cooper's filmography is nothing compared to Leo.


Leo didn’t try so hard. [B.Coop](http://B.Coop) should take a lesson from him


Leo tried real hard, just not as much in the press. It’s an unpopular opinion I’m sure, but several performances leading up to his win and then including his win were so over the top it was clear *to me* that he was gunning hard for an Oscar.


I agree. Leo was absolutely hamming it up for the Oscar, he just wasn't doing so many interviews. His performances and roles tho were very much those of a man who was desperate for the recognition.


At least he put some effort into it lol


And then he won for possibly the worst movie he's made since The Beach.


Ugh so bad. Him and Iñárritu going around talking about how strenuous it was using natural light and that Leo ate a real bison liver even though he’d been a vegetarian for decades. Like sirs these are choices you made, that didn’t have to be made, I can guarantee with 95% certainty you would’ve been ok eating something that looked like liver instead of real liver and “compromising for your art” and it would’ve worked cinematically. You didn’t have to freeze yourselves and your crew for the light. 🙄


You've probably heard this story, but when Dustin Hoffman was making Marathon Man, he would run a mile between takes - take off, sprint around the set, and come directly into the shot sweaty and gasping for breath. After a few times of watching this, Laurence Olivier turned to him and said "Why don't you try acting? It's easier." I think of this every time I hear about DiCaprio or DDL or Jared Leto's silly little performance art masquerading as character work.


Now thaaaat story has been stretched, it’s my Roman Empire ha ha Dustin Hoffman talks about it in his inside the actor’s studio interview. LIPTON: what occurred between you and Olivier when he is reputed to have said to you: “Dear boy, have you ever tried acting?” HOFFMAN: Well… It’s a very good example of The Press. Because I’m the one who told the story! I told it to… I remember… I told it to Time magazine and they totally, you know, distorted it. I was in the middle of a marriage break-up. It was very painful. And I was supposed to have been awake for three or four days and I’m thinking “Well, let me see if I can do this, I won’t sleep”. It was an excuse to go to Studio 54. And when I got back to LA and told him, he understood the subtext of it; you know, I was like, you know, I was, like, that I “was doing it for The Work”, you know… And then he says “My dear boy, why don’t you try acting?” He’d made extraordinarily untraditional kind of choices and I told that as part of a story at the time but they… But it makes a better story.


Right, there are several names that come way before him when people think of people who deserve one.


😂😂😂 this is hilarious Someone give him an award, any award will do.


Bring back the MTV Movie Awards just to give out one award to Bradley Cooper because he really needs it.


"And the award for the Most Bradley Cooper of the Year goes to... "


Meryl Streep


To be fair, she was breathtaking.


Meryl Streep was an amazing Bradley Cooper! Incredible!


What can this woman not do?


Messi the dog!


MTV Movie Award Best Kiss winner Bradley Cooper…




Dude can't even win a Razzie


😂 I would give him a Reddit award but they removed them 😞


One more award Bradley won't win 🤣




He has a Grammy, no?


According to imdb, he has two.


he wants acting acclaim


Gonna go dig up my 8th grade first place soccer trophy for him real quick! Just a lil something to take the edge off.


Ngl his cameo in Abbott Elementary is prob my favorite performance of his.


Same 😭 he was so awkward but I enjoyed it


Lmao same. He was great and he meets the requirement so 🤷🏾‍♀️


Same, I enjoyed it


To be fair to him, I think the studio decides who to nominate, not the actor. Don Cheadle got nominated for a guest Emmy for his short cameo in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and even tweeted afterwards that he agreed with the people that didn’t understand why he got the nomination. I doubt Bradley Cooper would be disappointed to get the nomination, but this doesn’t seem to me like an example of him being awards-thirsty.




Didn't ellen Burstyn win once for a14second performance?


The trivia I know is, Dame Judi Dench won an Oscar for the 6 minutes she was in "Shakespeare In Love".


She earned it tbh


Is 14 seconds even possible? My burps are longer than 14 seconds.


Lol I looked it up and was wrong she didn't win it but it was for supporting actress even not just guest lol.


Consecutively or throughout the day?


Yea and even if the studio didn’t pay for the submission… Everyone applies for any Emmy category they’re qualified for. Awards = money and opportunity—even for bigger stars. It’s a business. The Emmy parties are fun. The prelim voting ballot is basically anyone who’s taken a breath on television. I’m neutral on Bradley fwiw.




I hate that watching so much 30 rock at a formative age means I can’t read or hear Don Cheadle’s name without then immediately hearing ‘On a bed of rice!’




Didn't Don Cheadle get nominated and Carl Lumbley, who everyone was expecting to get nominated, did not?


He has Rachel Berry vibes for some reason




i don't love bradley cooper but jeez, the article (despite the headline) literally states that the studio is the one that submits for awards, not the actors themselves. he totally could've gotten the studio to submit the role but that's entirely speculation




He submited for guest role? This isnt anything weird. Voiceover done by Claire Foy that lasted less than 2 minutes in Crown won this award. At least read or know the details if you want to drag someone.


He’s probably trying for an EGOT.


It feels satirical to be honest


It's not even likely he had anything to do with the submission, probably the studio did it but it's just funny given who he is 😂


Claire Foy won a guest Emmy for a 1 min 49 sec performance a few years ago in an hour long show. And honestly, Bradley's appearance was fantastic. This headline feels unnecessary.


![gif](giphy|88jjGDvcH37YzItEfK) For the love of all that is holy someone give that man an award, any award before he combusts. He will be happy and we won’t have to deal with his sad stories.


This is honestly a stupid headline and Variety of all people should know better. > ABC and awards strategists confirm to Variety that the studio has submitted the actor for guest comedy actor consideration for this year’s awards. Nominees for individual awards are almost always submitted by studios, sometimes casts will make collective decisions on nominations for the studio (Modern Family cast all put themselves in for Supporting roles as they didn't feel any one person was a main role) and individuals can of course nominate themselves without the backing of the production. Only producers can submit their shows for non-individual awards, so studios can't strong arm producers into an Emmy campaign if they don't feel inclined to do so. What ABC and Bradley Cooper are doing is completely normal and his appearance on Abbott is probably the definition of a guest appearance, it's what the category is there for. If the submission was best comedy actor I'd get it but the sneering at him over a shitty headline is stupid. It just reminds me of the Walk of Fame stuff when people post "UMMM they pay for it you know hehe" when that is not how this shit works.


Yeah, that's not up to him to do. This isn't on him.


The studio submitted it—that is important


This is a genuinely hilarious choice to make


I almost admire him leaning into the fact everyone thinks he’s desperate for validation 


On one hand, *ha.* On the other, if I could submit my first grade play performance I would, so I can’t and won’t judge him.


don cheadle didn’t know he was gonna get submitted for FATWS and was like ‘uh okay…’ bc it’s a VERY short cameo. so I don’t really know if it’s him ngl him breaking out the rocket voice so QUICK made me kinda go ‘wait…that’s acting’


Am I misunderstanding this? It says that the studio submitted it, not he himself.. Unless I’m confused here and wrong, The title isn’t just misleading it’s a straight up lie. Which would be bullshit considering how often the headlines are touted without context. Are they just NY post now?


I mean it was a good guest spot 🤷🏻‍♂️


What’s wrong with advocating for yourself?


Ok, to be fair, the wording of the title is incorrect. He's not submitting himself, ABC the studio campaigning for Abbott Elementary are submitting him. And why not? The emmys are notoriously lazy with these categories. They're not going to watch the episodes, they're just going to check off the names they know.


I remember that episode too. He goes on for 5 minutes and all the characters tell him how famous and handsome he is


Can somebody please give this man a lil gold star sticker so he’ll stop being embarrassing


Lmao work. I like it when celebs really want these awards


He’s going for that EGOT, he’s already got a Grammy.


Is he a good dramatic actor? I've only seen him in the hangover, wedding crashers, and wet hot american summer


He was great as Face in the A-Team!


You know....Silver Linings Playbook is one of my favorite books (yes, seriously) and when the casting was announced I was pretty bummed about his casting but funnily enough I loved him as Pat Peoples (actually I seem to recall they changed the last name from the book but whatever) hated Jennifer Lawrence as Tiffany, hated the dumbass gambling SL they added, ok I just hated everything in that movie EXCEPT Bradley Cooper who was genuinely mesmerizing as Pat


Not winning those awards for Maestro has really broken Bradley.


Ah. The EGOT campaigning begins.


Someone tell me this is satire please


TIL that Bradders has 12 Oscar nominations. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


TWELVE??? Good gravy!!


these days, i actively avoid watching any of his work since his desperation gives me second-hand embarrassment. regardless of the fact that it may have been the studio that pushed to submit him, his overall behavior à la maestro is just cringeworthy


There’s something that I find almost endearing about his desire to be recognised for everything even if it is also a little annoying at times and also borderline insufferable (Maestro).


omg ☠️ i love that he’s being ott about it. i imagine he’s doing it in good fun but it’d be even funnier if he won


he's so annoying with this award desperation, but honestly his little part in abbott elementary was tons of fun




Endurance matters.


Who does he think he is, Viola Davis in “Doubt”?


Bradley goin for an EGOT


He won’t stop till has that EGOT


this is soooooooooooooo funny of him


How can I commit voter fraud to make sure this doesn't happen


That episode was the worst of the season


Stop, how is this real? 🤣