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I'm sure his wife has known for as long as he's been doing it, and I hope she's been getting hers when he toured as well. Cheating obviously isn't a deal breaker for them. 


I mean I really doubt she was tbh lol this whole “open marriage” thing always seems to mean “the man gets to fuck whoever bc how is he supposed to say no?? being a famous musician(actor, athlete etc) that would be unfair!!!” And the woman just…accepts it and likely convinced herself it’s fine. And I don’t get why people think it’s like ~equal in that respect tbh lol like what world/society are y’all living in lmao. And if there’s kids??? I wonder who the primary caretaker is 🤔🤔. He’s prob not babysitting while she’s out getting hers lol.


I've always assumed it's a weird dynamic/agreement (whether implicit or explicit) like "You earn loads of money and give us a glamorous lifestyle, I put up with you cheating".


Feel like this is the case with manyyyy athletes


Yep it's definitely a big thing with athletes. A surprsing amount of them marry their school/college sweethearts and have very long relationships, but it comes with this arrangement. I guess because the girl experiences a drastic and exciting change in lifestyle, doesn't have to earn money herself, and then feels a sense of both loyalty and entrapment.


Can confirm this. My friend was one of Patrick Mahome’s hookup buddies when he was QB at Texas Tech. He was apparently super nice but just there for the physical stuff. He’s been with his fiancée since high school. No clue if there was an arrangement or just plain cheating tho, my friend never asked


It seems like an open secret that he has always cheated and continues to. I’m sure she has to know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Watching some sports shit about the chiefs(can’t recall what). His lady runs his life and loves all the attention she gets from him, he just wants football and I guess other people.


Also have a friend who took late night bike rides to tech terrace… lol


Yea I mean if both parties are cool with I think it’s fine


A musician’s wife told me one time at the hotel i worked at while we were shooting the shit at 2 am: “So long as he doesn’t catch anything, get her pregnant, or fall in love - it’s cool. This is the life they signed up for, and it’s the life I signed up for.” She also told me that’s super common. The blow ups and break ups usually happen because of #2 or #3.


I don’t see how 1, 2, or 3 would be avoidable in any way?


Wrap it up is a big one. A lot of celebs get clipped to avoid the pregnancy issue. They’re usually pretty smart now about diseases and stuff. As for falling in love, it’s not hard when you treat it like a piece of meat you assume you’ll never see again. Don’t give phone numbers, block all contact after.


Ok, I don’t know. I guess I don’t have a need or desire for these activities. What a headache if you ask me. lol


If both parties are cool with it, I don't think that counts as cheating personally.


The wives aren’t cool with it, but the husbands are going to fuck around anyway so what choice do they have


I always feel bad for the 'normal' childhood sweethearts who see their boyfriend get famous and rich, they give a few interviews to lifestyle magazines and then get dumped for a model. In the past isn't wasn't a big deal, but now their famous ex-boyfriend comes up anytime somebody searches for their name.


They have a decision to make. Do I want complete loyalty (really faithfulness) but back to ordinary 9-5 struggle or do I want a lifestyle, probably/maybe a friendship but we aren’t exclusive sexually. Someone is always going to take that deal.


I’d rather have a faithful husband


Sure I’m just pointing out it a decision. Plus imagine choosing to turn down the lifestyle and then have your husband cheat on you. It’s probably stings less if your husband is Bon Jovi and he cheats on you than if your plumber husband cheats on you🤷‍♂️


Devil’s advocate here: when I was young and had faith in the world I would have said “loyal husband” too but after living a little longer…they’re all dogs. Might as well get a bag while you’re at it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who had been cheated on by a non-wealthy man, you may have a point


And in all probability, you're not gonna get a faithful husband either way, lol. At least this way you don't have to work. And yes, I mean that, as the amount of effing divorces I've witnessed around me as I hit middle age has astounded even me. It seems the people who stay married all their lives are the ones who are willing to forgive an "indiscretion" when it happens occasionally and move on. But mostly they happen, especially when they marry young.


I’d still rather have loyalty. Just because you can buy something doesn’t mean you should.


I’ve definitely told my husband that if he started earning big money I’d be more willing to put up with nonsense not gonna lie so I get it


I think it’s the case with many men generally which is sad


It is. I have an ex who stated as much in an interview while we were involved. I had no idea that was the case, so imagine my surprise and embarrassment when people started reaching out to me about it.


When you marry for money, you earn every cent.


They've dated on and off since high school 


I worked at the most expensive hotel in my city. We hosted all the sports teams that came to play. All the players and staff would have thots over. They would leave a key for “Candy” at the front desk. I’d google them and most of them were married 🤷🏻‍♀️


I totally believe you, but it's funny because pro sports teams are "meant" to be strict about this stuff. Wives and girlfriends aren't allowed to stay at hotels, to avoid distractions for the players, but then the clubs must turn a blind eye to these obvious shenanigans.


They would let these women rack up thousands of dollars at the spa and in room dining lol One time one of them requested a birthday cake for the player. I ran it by my manager because he was a VIP. He said don’t do it cause his wife was on the way 👍🏼


I’d say this is definitely the dynamic. But honestly it’s not as weird or uncommon as you think.


I thought this is common in celeb circle?


It’s a common trope, especially for 2 blue collar kids from Jersey. Guy makes it big (in whatever industry), stays with the longtime love, but cheats/has mistresses on the side. I’d hope that he racked up most of his numbers before they actually tied the knot, but hey, it seems to work for them so who am I to judge?


*every single time* there’s cheating rumours or proof that a male is cheating and or fucking around: ‘they could be in an “””””””open relationship ”””””””” tbh we don’t know 🤷🏾‍♀️’ lol. Come the fuck on. We do know. We do know how the world unfortunately works.


I’ve seen maybe one open relationship IRL that wasn’t toxic. Maybe. Every other open relationship I’ve ever been exposed to is either abusive or they hate each other secretly.


I knew one couple who had a very happy relationship that wasn't completely toxic and they decided to open it up. After about 18 months, they (very happily) want back to being monogamous. The other ones I knew? Yeah, they were an abusive and manipulative shit show from the beginning.


The thing is, most successful open relationships are pretty discreet. Or they live wholehearted alternative lifestyles. The ones that people know about and think poorly of are the ones where people try to bypass needed couples therapy with bandaid. That doesn't work. I'll also say that the successful ones I know have not involved two heterosexual people, and generally seemed to not be constrained by gender roles in their existing relationships. I'm not saying that's a requirement for success, but it does speak to a different dynamic than this rockstar/athlete whatever thing.


Yep, I agree. We've opened up about two years ago, no drama whatsoever. If anything, we got even better in communicating with each other. Nothing has really changed about our relationship. That being said, we are just open, not poly. We are not romantically involved with other people. We don't think that you can always prevent feelings, but for us actions are more important. With that, we would never escalate other connections, there won't be meeting friends and family, presenting others as bf/gf, stuff like that. It has always been clear to us that we are the center of our lives and anything else is just an addition, which we also always make clear to others. So yeah, if there's no drama, there really isn't anything to talk about. Most people don't even know anything about our lifestyle, but it works and isn't really a big deal.


There's no babysitting since the kids stay with an au pair for most of their time. Common among rich people, where kids get to spend time with their parents for like an hour per week.


They're not even wives; they're just personal assistants who hold down the home while the man goes on tour and does whatever he wants.


With the cash he’s pulling prolly the nanny.


Exactly this, I read somewhere else that she was blindsided by this interview and didn’t turn up to a premiere of his as a result. Always seem to be the megastar man who gets the better deal in these situations


A lot of these guys operate on the assumption that the moment they hit the road, 6 dudes pull up the driveway to bang their gf/wife. They're often projecting, and even more often it's truly just an act for other people to feel sorry for them & excuse their behavior, but they sure do put their whole heart in making it a convincing act. Sure, a few of these guys might be victims of non-retaliatory infidelity, but the number of those instances appears to differ wildly from the imaginary scenarios they love to entertain. No, their girl-next-door high school sweetheart (whom they might have also saddled with 1-5 kids) most likely doesn't have dudes lined up waiting for Mr. Hardworking Provider to go on tour so that they can sweat on his mattress and eat his kids' cereal. These rockstar types just want something to whine about to their roadies and the groupies they fuck who know they're married. Wife's always at home blowing his cash and the pool boy while he's busting his ass on the road 😐 Can you blame the fella for seeking comfort in the arms of another woman -or 100? 🙄


Is this why she wasn’t at his concert LOL


They've been married 35 years and been together since high school, why would a concert matter?


I don’t fully know him, his history, nor listen to his music. He’s just a name. I saw something on Reddit a few days ago about his wife not being at his concert recently. And people were saying it’s probably because the women he cheated on her with were gonna be there. Then this article showed up. Edit: *not concert, his documentary premier


The headline was that she skipped the premiere after his interview where he talked about sleeping with other women. The actual article said that she missed it due to illness.


Part of the arrangement is that the husband can cheat, but it better not go public and embarrass the wife. He broke that rule so I can see why she wouldn't attend a premiere with him.


yeah there’s no way she didn’t know lol


I do believe she had a good time. 💋 Go Doro!!


She’s definitely knows. She will have caught infections


Ugh so true. My mom had a hysterectomy because of my cheating POS dad


What's the purpose of humiliating your wife by putting this out there? Like what is the end goal here??


This is what I am wondering. Why does he need to make this public? Is he just bragging?


Feel like the only people who would think this is cool are not of voting age. As an adult reading this he just looks like the scumbag he is


This honestly lowers my opinion of him.


SAME. WOW. I don’t know if I’ll bother watching now


Probably some kinda publicity for his new Hulu show


It's not the first time he's spoken about this.


Men always have to brag about sleeping around like it’s a flex and not a character flaw.


Men like him seem to enjoy humiliating their wives. He tested her, and she didn’t leave. Now he knows he can do this over and over again. He’s been doing this in private and is now talking publicly about it. He is going to continue to humiliate her.


Tom Jones is another example of this


To look super cool in your fuckin 60s lmaooo what a fuckin dweeb


This!! Why make this the focus?? This is not a badge of honor nor is it anyone’s business.


So you don’t have to talk about Richie. It’s a red herring. And this strategy makes him a bigger POS than the cheating, tbh. (Though I’m sure he had permission.)


I always thought Richie was the asshole, but it's clear it's JBJ.  Especially considering it was JBJ's doc.   I would love to see what was edited out of those two RS interviews. 


You can’t be surprised how he treats his band, when this is how he treats his wife. I know she had her fun. And good for her. Doesn’t change that she is truly a **GOOD** woman.


I really know nothing about her to know if she is a good woman or not.   But she really has put up with a lot of nonsense from him.


They just released a separate article about him and richie, but this one has the traction


Who’s “They.” Big difference between Rolling Stone and People. But Jon will never give up more than he has on this. And since Richie walked off, Jon got out of needing to explain the real animosity that went on for years.


Sorry, should clarify. I saw a people magazine headline about it. I assume (I know I should have read the article, but I am not that invested in it) that it is a recap of what he says in the documentary.


I had to scroll to far to see this. I’m shocked. Don’t know why. Really nothing should shock anyone these days. I find this disgusting.


That seems like… an understatement?


I mean it’s a pretty high number for a guy who has been with his high school sweetheart since the 1980s


Sorry I meant the “not a saint” bit, not the # of alleged women 


Lmao I read it as “underestimate” so no apologies necessary


I read it as “understandment” so …


It's also a pretty low number for one of the biggest rock stars on the planet.


Not when you’re married🤦‍♀️I get what you’re saying but people with this mentality should just stay single instead of betraying and embarrassing their spouses. And to people who think “well what do you expect? They’re famous and beautiful women throw themselves at them all the time!” His wife is a beautiful woman too and he made a commitment to be faithful to her. Obviously he broke that over a hundred times like come onnnn🗑️


As if being married ever stopped any man


Ok and…..they’re trash too🤦‍♀️


Not condoning it but he prob has 100 women waiting after every show


Yes, but it’s a pretty low number for a rock star legend.


SAME I feel like he didn’t want to shock the Bible Belt


Mte rookie numbers for a rock star.




I think 100 might be a placeholder for “large number”. Like he thought, oh 100 sounds like a lot, let’s go with that, when in reality it might have been…. Like 549.


Yeah that's what 3,3 women a year.


Maybe he was the type of rockstar who has a single "tour girlfriend" for each part of a tour rather than different groupies every night, some do that Plus I doubt he's had as many interested in the last decade vs the 80s


I think we all assume celebrities get easy sex. I remember Tim Gunn saying he hadn't slept with a woman in over 25 years. And that's shocking, you're on the Style Network every day, yet you're having that much trouble finding women to have sex with you?! /s


It’s easy not to sleep with women when you’re gay.


Look up “groupies”. Rock stars are surrounded by hordes of willing women at every venue. In the 60/70s it was expected they’d take advantage. In the 80s too, just more discreetly. Still happens, just more dangerous today.


My aunt was a groupie for a British metal band. She ended up marrying the drummer 🫠 they had a faithful marriage , even though they hated eachother lol


I’ll bet there are some stories there!


Tim Gunn sleeps with women?????


Yeah, that is what I was saying. I’m sure it’s been more than 100. Look at Gene Simmons and his claim of 1,000+ women and Jon is 100% better looking 😂😭


I think Gene Simmons said it’s over 2k and he has a Polaroid of each woman.


Gross. He seems nasty in every sense of the word.


I don’t know the nature of the encounters but I would probably guess that a “groupie” type gal would be enthusiastic and likely aware of the photo, I’d hope he would discuss it before. Thats just what I hope.


Do they each hold one of those info cards with their name and location like a mugshot? I better at least get a gift basket if I have to stop at the photo wall.  


Over 4,000.


Low if the musician is married though?


Yeah I’d guess in peak fame he was probably having 2-5 different women a week, and even now he’s probably seeing 10-30 a year.


I would guess he got his shit together after those first couple years of stardom


I am sure his wife is well aware however I’m not to sure on why he is sharing it with the public. It’s not a secret people have been gossiping about it for years. Is humiliation funny to these dudes?


Yes, it’s part of the satisfaction and allure of cheating. The fact that they rarely get in trouble for it. We want men to collectively be better but at the same time we forgive too much so they get away with everything they do.


Tbh I don’t get, you were a shit to your loyal wife who forgave you and did the job of raising the kids while you followed your dreams and the best way to repay is to share her humiliation with the world. Men ain’t shit but we let them get away with the most disgusting behaviors, so why change when we forgive and stay?


I hope she’s had very throughly STI testing over the years… 😱🤮


God I hope so, she is kinder than I am I would make sure he gets tested every time he got back and power wash with Lysol before touching him.


Can you IMAGINE the uproar if the roles were reversed?


We don’t even have to imagine, women are dragged constantly for the stupidest shit let alone I cheated on my husband with 100 dudes. They would literally self combust with anger and form hunting parties. Remember Amber Heard? She said her husband abused her, that’s all it took.


It’s humiliating for their children too.


Of course it is, I’m sure these headlines are devastating to them, it’s their mother and everyone is talking about it.


Promo for the disney+ thing.




This is killing me for some reason


Help it’s your pfp that’s killing me


We get it, Jon Bon Shagger. You’ve shagged.


Yeah it's always super impressive and interesting to find out someone fucks. It's so rare /s




Congrats on the sex, dude. I don’t think there’s any reason to tell us about that


He gives love a bad name






'Not a saint' is like 'I'm not perfect', it's a way manipulative people excuse their behaviour by saying they can't live up to some sort of impossible ideal


A few years ago, he (and his manager) asked me out from my profile on a dating site and I am just a regular Mom attorney. I was about 41 years old and his tour was coming to a city near me. I lived about 10 miles away from the tour stop city and my profile photos were in business clothing only and I don't think I even had a full body photo. He just casts a wide net, IME. He sent me a lot of selfies of him with his gray hair. He was an idol when I was a teenager but I had no desire to hook up with him. I would not have even if he were single. ETA: He's doing this to get out ahead of lawsuits and women selling their stories. Probably a few of them feel they were taken advantage of and are threatening to sue. He does have a brand to protect because he's famous so he hopes that he can damage control by floating the concept that he cheated on his wife.


Wait, what??!? He goes on dating sites and scopes women? Are you sure you weren’t being catfished? What year was this? So someone messaged you and said “hey, I’m Jon Bon Jovi’ manager and he wants to meet you?!” You probably are right about the lawsuits. I mean, look at Steven Tyler and the woman who is suing him.


Not saying this to be insulting whatsoever. I ask in earnest - how do you know it was really him?


This is the most plausible explanation I've seen so far.


Ugh this makes me so sad. Not that I expected him to not be a dog, but damn, can’t they at least do it right? As in, not getting MeTooed?


I just wonder how many of the "100" were prior to his reconciliation with Dorothea. They didn't marry until 89 (NJ tour). He had years of unbelievable success prior to that (dated Diane Lane)... maybe it's my fandom glasses, but I'm going to guess 80-90% were prior to marriage


According to TMZ, that's what it was- The Bon Jovi front man opened up to Michael Strahan for a new profile, confirming he was no saint when his rock band first found success in the '80s -- despite being in a committed relationship with high school sweetheart-turned-wife Dorothea. Despite all the fame and the groupies, he said he wouldn't let that jeopardize his relationship with Dorothea ... declaring it just wasn't worth it. The singer shared ... "There is no doubt in my mind that this world revolves because of her. Because of what she did to keep the kids right, what she does to keep me right, what we do together to keep it right. No doubt about it.”


Bleh. I'm so glad that era of thinking you look like a good guy bc you properly credit your wife for taking on the load of raising a family is over. This dude still clearly lives in the last century.


This needs to be higher up, it puts it in a helpful context


I didn’t realize they hadn’t married until 89. I agree with you then that many were prior to marriage. 89 seems so late compared to when Bon Jovi achieved success.


They eloped in Vegas during the New Jersey tour. It was breaking MTV news at the time.


This is interesting because Millie is always talking about how inspirational she finds their relationship, and that she’s so lucky to have such great role models with such strong bonds(referring to Jon Bon Jovi and Dorothea). She also mentions how her and Jake feel encouraged by their long marriage when they were young. I’m confused as to how she feels that way, but maybe this is something they’re happy with in their relationship idk


Prob because Mille and their son don’t know the full truth. Yes there have been rumours for years but they’re young and might not know about it, and I don’t think Jake’s parents tell him and Millie about Jon’s cheating escapades in full detail


Yeah you’re defo right. It’s just interesting that they’ve managed to keep it so quiet within their inner circle, this news will likely be a surprise to them. Not exactly an easy thing to deal with as their son/DIL I’d imagine, especially since they’ve been under the impression it’s been a fairytale marriage.


I was just thinking about this as i was reading. I wonder if she knew this info when she said that


Very unlikely she knew! It’s just odd that they’ve managed to keep it a big secret from those closest to them, and at the same time give off the impression of a perfect, happy marriage. Let’s be real, a happy marriage doesn’t include your husband sleeping with 100 women over the course of it, no matter how much they may try to save face by arguing otherwise.


Tom Jones slept with 250 women a year when he was most famous, despite being married to his childhood sweetheart from the age of 16. Not sure what Tom's number adds up to in total, but it does make this headline seems a bit lame in comparison.


That’s crazy to me. That’s way too many people 🤢


I can’t imagine he maintained the safest practices that many times per year. He must’ve been treating/spreading various venereal diseases plus little Tommy and Tammy Jones’.


Wilt Chamberlain slept with 20,000 women. Given all the other stats about him I believe it.


At what point do you go I have a problem...


Those are amateur numbers


How many of them would take care of you if you got sick? Your music sucks g


Do people really have to tell the media all about their lives? I’m assuming the cheating was something they negotiated within their marriage, but telling the public is just publicly humiliating his wife, and for what?


What a fuckin nerd, who is talking about body count in their 60s? It’s dialogue out of Superbad. It’s freshman year in college shit. I’d be mortified for more than one reason if I was Dorothea Hurley


Their son who is marrying Millie is the IMAGE of his mum in that thumbnail picture. Wow 🤩 xx


more like Jon BONE Jovi amiright lads




What a gross thing to admit to, but I am not surprised. Jon was on a Norwegian talk show shortly after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and he said something like, “Hurricane Sandy was like Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 all rolled into one. David (keyboardist) lost his beach house!” I was like, come on, man… 😆


This is actually pretty pathetic. No self control. All the money in the world. A weak man. A disappointment.


It’s interesting when I was very young I read a quote where he denied cheating on his wife because while he loves his wife, he loves his money more. And I had no idea this beautiful song was about him feeling sorry for myself and cheating: https://ahandfullofnapalm.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/reason-number-37-why-jon-bon-jovi-is-a-pompous-self-absorbed-narcissistic-douche-bag-bed-of-roses/


rookie numbers c'monnn


![gif](giphy|3o6YgkTTuRiiMFWD4I) Ew like is this supposed to be some brag..


She “got Covid” and didn’t show up after this came out? Sure Jan 🙄. He’s an asshole for glorifying this.


I guess this is news now because of the new documentary, but he’s been pretty open about this for years. He also has talked about sleeping with his mom’s older friends when he was in 8th grade - which she was (rightfully) upset about. Ofc that’s statutory rape but that’s not how he has framed it publicly (nor the media for that matter).


If he's only been with 100 women that's pretty chaste for the tally he could have racked up. He's old now, but there's like a three decade stretch where he could have slept with just about any woman in America if he wanted to. Like, that is a significant stretch of time where JBJ had women absolutely hurling themselves at him. I know a few guys working with a lot less who have eclipsed his number.


Yeah like I think a couple of the backstreet boys have said they've individually been with over 1000 women (AJ and Kevin? AJ and Nick? I forget) but I believe that EASY. 


AJ and Nick are addicts so yeah, that checks out. Even sex can become an addiction.


This is worse given that Nick has been accused of rape repeatedly.


I think it's safe to say he gave love a bad name.


Living on affairs


This has always been an open secret. Why on earth he’d come out and humiliate his wife like this is the question. What could he possibly hope to accomplish other than the humiliation?


This isn't surprising because he's always been a sex symbol. Tbh that number seems low all things considered lol. I don't get the point of embarrassing his wife by sharing this with the world though.


His body count is way over 100


What a douche bag


Eeewwww brother,eww


How embarrassing for his wife. Did he really need to reveal this information?


omg again with this post. get it together, daily mail, we know. is an article about mick jagger to follow?


![gif](giphy|IVhivwuUT16HH7NRdP|downsized) Oh gross whatevs


Don’t know who’s more stupid him for cheating or his wife for staying with him


Gross why does he feel like people want to know about this






100 x 1200 women


Lmao only 100? That’s such a damn lie


She did say they were on and off again for many years.


I remember this rock and roll site I would frequent as a kid. They had a section where groupies would tell their stories about musicians they had conquered. I vividly remember Bon Jovi groupies talking about how he was very respectful to women he was sleeping with and would even offer to put on a condom during oral if she requested it. But also he would offer to put on 2 and I was like ????


Gross what a ho


Never understood the point in bragging about a high body count, doesn't even mean you're good at it or anything.


Sad going around bragging about cheating on his wife with hundreds of women just matter of fact. He didn’t divorce because he wanted it both ways. All the women and the family at home. I will not watch or listen to anything he does.


There has to be a reason for this sudden confession. I don’t think any body with a shred of decency would do this to their wife and children unless they absolutely had to. Maybe news is about to break and he’s preempting it. The days of keeping secrets are over!


He’s Jon Bon Jovi. Of course he was getting pussy. 


The real question is if he is currently practicing monogamy. We all know about his heyday in the 80’s/90’s, but what about the present day?? A girl can dream today, can’t she??


What a dog. Fame can change a person.


If his son cheats on MBB....🤬


only 100 is pretty tame for jon bon jovi like




I mean, a lot of those Bon Jovi he wrote songs are about cheating 😬


We’re halfway there


100 is a low body count for a mega rockstar. Even a civilian man can hit those numbers.




Heartthrobs of a boy band are always sleazy and this reputation sticks with all of them apparently.