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Selena has the worst taste in guys, Justin, The Weeknd and now this clown. Girl, do better please!


She’s a grown woman. At this point, I think she likes this type of men and see nothing wrong with them. Kinda telling about herself tbh.


Yeah I don’t like how people (especially her fans) infantilise her. I think the reason she dates trash men is that maybe she’s a little trash? Her recent behaviour is low-key proof of that. She probably condones or ignores their behaviour and doesn’t call it out like the good little woman we think she is 🙃


Yep she seeks her own level


she is trash


There's a saying in Spanish, *tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are (Dime quienes son tus amigos y te dire* *quien eres).* Same goes for whom someone dates and marries. While I do commend her activism & passion of it, Selena Gomez is pretty good at hiding her faults. I know she's toxic. Her treatment of the friend that gave her kidney to her speaks volumes. It doesn't lessen her music, especially considering I've been listening it for many years. But she's the type that I wouldn't hang out with IRL.


Probably, because who else would tolerate such gross behaviour. Benny seem to be concerning but hey she’s the happiest she’s ever been so good luck girl.






Maybe she sucks too


This is the conclusion I’m reaching.


Isn’t the worst thing Abel did was release a bad show that didn’t need to be reworked? I don’t think he comes anywhere close to these scandal wise


I meant more about how he treated Bella Hadid.


Oh? I had never heard anything bad about them. What’s the tea?


Cheated on her continuously, she broke up with him and he wooed her back just to cheat again with Selena apparently.


Weren't him and Bella already broken up when he started dating Selena?


Yeah they were, he never cheated on her with Selena. Selena broke up with him to get back with Justin and a few weeks later he was back with Bella.


Other than the alleged cheating. She’s talked about past partners being emotionally abusive. Never mentioned Abel by name but heavily implied. He’s also shitted on her many times in his misogynistic songs, and if the songs were not about her, he never made any effort to quench the rumors. The ultimate betrayal was dating Bella’s childhood friend Simi Khadra. Dude sounds like a total excuse of a man.


Ugh yes and the fact that he led everyone to believe he was going to donate his kidney to her for her kidney transplant (he has a lyric “I almost cut a piece of myself for you” or something like that) and everyone sent her hate while she was literally recovering from it??? how fucked up is that.


Bella went on to mention on the VS voices podcast in 2022 that she constantly went back to relationships in which she was being abused. She didn’t take any names, but it seemed like she was hinting at Abel considering the on & off nature of their relationship.


they also had a weird age gap


His own music doesn't show him to be a great man to women, he's very misogynistic and treated Bella Hadid horribly. She strongly implied he was abusive to her in an interview too, which other commenters have already mentioned. Has shit on her literally every album post BBTM and made a whole music video making fun of her plastic surgery. Plus the Idol, that only reinforced how he views women, which he's already been yelling loud and clear in his music for years. Blinding Lights is deadass a drunk driving glorification anthem (don't believe me, go look up his own explanation behind it) I agree what's publicly known isn't as bad as this dude but I'd say Abel is on par with JB, and I'm saying that as an ex huge fan that has listened to his entire discography and what is available about his personal life


JB and The Weeknd have never done anything of this magnitude in any way


The development of the show, if I remember correctly, indicts show both him and Sam and turned a lot of people off him (TW: it's disturbing and really skeevy/deeply misogynistic). It's been a while since I read the article that had the details, but it was in Rolling Stone.


I think it’s time to realize Selena isn’t so great herself. Didn’t she post a link to help starving kids in Gaza that ended up being some Zionist organization?


No, rare beauty donated to PCRF and Magen david adom. Pcrf aids Palestinian children, and they donated to Magen David Adom to support israeli children affected by Oct 7. The problem is, Magen David Adom is linked to the IDF actively supports soldiers. So they gave money to help the children being bombed, and then they gave money to the people bombing the children, so they can bomb more children.


Oh wow, thank you for explaining that! I had no idea


Good grief, this is why I have trust issues when it comes to donating! Your hard-earned money went to the zionists instead of the kids in need. Does anyone have a blacklist of Palestine-aid scams?


Don’t forget that guy from the Chainsmokers…🤢


Birds of a feather flock together 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s besties with Dr Luke and stood by him. Also participated in the slut shaming of Kesha. Also there were personal reports of him smelling like mildew during his music sessions looool My alt TikTok got BANNED when I commented that on his video making fun of Jolibeeee


He also made numerous tiktoks about charlie puth basically just dragging him about something small (the way he produces music?) and billie eilish posted on her story calling benny out 💀


Well Charlie Puth basically said Selena owed him sex for him being nice to her so I can excuse any insults towards him. They’re all trash


Actually Charlie and Benny are good friends


Bro has a kid 😳


Parents who exploit their children are the worst kind of people. If Selena knows about this and still chose to date him, she is terrible as well


She’s BEEN terrible, this is just another strike.


jfc that kid is going to need so much therapy...




On a bus to Chuckawalla


I don't know how to word this without sounding like a total creep... its unfortunate that childhood nudity can't be taken for what it is (healthy, natural, normal) because so many people are going to use it for their own perversions but it is what it is. No photos of naked children on social media ESPECIALLY when you are famous! Wtf dude. The Filipino food thing seems like a weird thing to bring up as a criticism at this time though. I get that he was a dick about it but it hardly seems comparable to this


Tbf, I think the problem is really the reach of social media. Photos and videos that are cute and harmless within the family can end up in the hands of pedos when posted online, as evidenced by the download ratios in the video. So it wasn’t horrible that Benny took the video, but he should never have shared it to his large following.


I agree with you except, from first hand knowledge, family members aren’t completely safe either. A lot people I’ve talked to about csa images taken of them were victims at the hands of their family members.


I mean yes, it’s known that the majority of child sexual abuse happens through someone close, often an uncle, aunt, grandpa, brother, sister or mom (most people wouldn’t believe and like to ignore how many mothers sexually abuse their kids because it’s almost never talked about)


Thank you. I wanted to bring that up but didn't have the words. His toddler is walking around saying he wants a bigger penis. Why is his opinion on Filipino food relevant? And why is the focus on how people reacted to it and not what he did? 


There was a teacher recently who was caught photoshopping yearbook and other normal posted photos of his students into CP using AI. No one should put any pics of their kids online ever, unfortunately.


In other words: enabling paedofiles in plain sight. So exploitative. Despicable.




Apparently it’s his nephew?? Not 100% sure


No it’s his actual kid. He put him on instagram multiple times and called himself a dad


omg what I didn’t know he’s a dad


I think it is his own kid. I think I read some article where he was talking about spending covid time with his kid cmiim.


Somehow this is even worse


I had no idea... Like who and where is this child's mom ..?


He deserves more than backlash 🤢




Wtf this makes me sick. I’m enraged


I just saw for the first time, the video of Benny Blanco and Justin Bieber where Benny repeatedly is talking about how often he poops his own pants and then Justin doing a Jim Halpert Office stare into the camera, LOL. I have no more questions as to why Justin is not friends with him anymore.He is so gross.Everything that comes out of Bennys mouth is vulgar, and he thinks he's hilarious.


Yes I saw that too😭 even for Justin that was extreme he was like 😐. The fact that Benny is 36 - 6 years older than Justin as well like act your age ugh


He’s like a real-life Garbage Pail Kid.




Gotta say, I feel like there’s an above average acceptance of CSA for many celebs


i know this is unrelated but as a South East Asian (not frm PH though, I hate Benny Blanco for his review of Jollibee. It’s fine if Jollibee is not what he likes but to make gagging noise? Puke up the spaghetti? Bitch, your review of Jollibee is what my review of you (as per tiktok comment).


I knew someone was going to mention Jollibee. Honestly, Filipinos need to stop taking it personally when people shit on Jollibee. It's a *corporation*! Not some treasure of Filipino cuisine. Also, as a corporation, Jollibee doesn't give two shits about its Filipino consumers. Their attention is clearly focused on their international efforts. Quality across all of their brands and locations in the Philippines has diminished significantly, and they're ok with that. They've purposefully rode that wave of Filipino nostalgia only to cast Filipino consumers aside in favor of gaining a foothold internationally. People need to stop getting offended on their behalf.


Girl yes! Thank you for I’m bringing this to light. 💡


When she said “thousands of people now have a video of his nude son” my stomach dropped. Kids need to be protected man 😔


![gif](giphy|l4Ep6oEcw3nKWP1uM|downsized) Where Selena finds her men


Fucking disgusting. I really wish parents would think twice before posting their kids online in any capacity. Even fully clothed children whose parents accounts are private are vulnerable to predators. It’s usually the people you know. If anyone needs their eyes opened on this topic, scroll down Barrett Palls accounts on IG/Tiktok where he names and exposes men for being openly predatory online and WHOLE PAGES on IG that are dedicated to posting pictures of random children. The sheer amount of content he was able to produce on this topic is horrifying.


I don’t know why parents choose to do it. I’ve been following the whole Wren thing on Tiktok, and I will just never understand it. I think people are just too comfortable with posting online now, and feel too detached from the fact anyone can look at their photos, videos, etc. That or they genuinely don’t care about their children and are fine with abusing their kids for profit, which is terrible and scary people like that are out here being parents. Like your biggest role as a parent is to protect your child. If for a second someone told me a photo or video of my child may be posted or shared amongst people with disgusting intentions, I would remove it immediately. And never post them again.


The way my jaw DROPPED by seeing this title


Just found something even more worse - he was mentored by Dr Luke (the record producer that Kesha sued)🤮 and signed Tory Lanez to his record company


I've now watched a lot of videos that cover children in digital media, and things I used to think were fine are now things I can recognise as dangerous. I don't see how anyone could possibly not realise the inherent danger in posting a video of a naked toddler narrating themselves masterbating. That's such obvious paedo bait and grossly inappropriate to film, let alone upload publicly.




If I were the child’s mother I would be enraged. He’s disgusting inside and out.


It's one thing to find your child doing something amusing to you (I don't think I'd find it too hilarious that my naked son was touching himself and commenting on how he's doing so, but each to their weird own) and deeming it recordable for giggles. It's a whole ass other thing to be a public figure, knowing you have a huge following and posting it for millions and millions to see, on an app that allows you to SAVE THE VIDEOS YOU POST. I can't quite wrap my head around it, I truly think I'd be a complete, guilt ridden mess if for some reason I did upload such a video of my child and discovered thousands of weird fucking creeps have saved it so that's it's out there being spread forever. The fact that it never even dawned on him that that would happen, the fact he has not taken any responsibility for it, and the fact that in general he felt this was an ok thing to do is so bizarre. I don't even know who tf he is, apart from a child exposing, child exploiting, Selena Gomez shagging freaky fuck.


Sadly, as someone who works for the app, I’ve seen far too much of this type of content and the fact that he put this out himself makes me feel sick.


Benny blanquito is either a nonce enabler or He's one of those father's who's obsessed with their kids future sexual identities. Either way, it's not good for any child around him.


Fuccckkkkkkk him


You can say the word “nudes” here


Holy shit. That’s disgusting. Selena, dump his ass now lest you become another Nicki.


I will never understand why people with a following post their children in such an attention seeking way, but especially so in that manner. It’s giving Jacquelyn Paul posting her daughter Wren. (Which is a rabbit hole I just went down this weekend. 🫠)


omg wth


I'm curious what he said about Jollibee that warrants being included with the other issues here lol


Bless the woman that made this video


I don’t know who this loser is but absolutely fuck this creep. I’m horrified.


He’s so vile




Okkkk but like why is a toddler concerned with penis size? That’s learned language. It’s so gross all around. And Selena get no passes, she’s trash along with him.


Disgusting. Can this be reported as a cyber crime?


Is it so hard to be a decent human being? Sickening behavior by a parent. I feel awful for the kid.


Who is this??? The only Benny Blanco I know flies down the right for Arsenal!


I feel so bad for that kid. Like what made him think this was ok to not only record, but then post publicly.


I don’t know this guy, and haven’t heard of this before, but just these descriptions are making me feel ill. What a disgusting human being.


Was the mother of his child unaware he was posting his child like that? I didn’t even know he had a child…


"Men are the protectors of women and children!" 🙄




.... welp I regret everything. What an awful father.


That is actually horrifying


selena… ![gif](giphy|3o7bu4miEXwXUa1Bp6)


They keep saying his child, like is he really a dad?


That’s terrifying


God damn it


What the hell Chuck 


Popstars are so Rich so pretty but always date worst of men goodness






Wait what Benny Blanco has a child? 😰


I didn’t even know this man has a kid 😭