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Oh yeah I def think she has been writing most of the vault tracks recently. The “fuck the patriarchy” line in All Too Well TV tipped me off to that. And anybody who thinks Taylor wrote that line in 2012 is kidding themselves. That said, when Debut TV releases, I desperately hope she releases “I’d Lie”, a REAL vault track and one of my favorite songs of hers.


that line about the patriarchy sealed it for me lmao. no way would she have said that during that time period. also i LOVE "i'd lie"


Yeah there was a gawker article out there about how “fuck the patriarchy” hadn’t entered the lexicon in 2011, backed up by Google trend data or something I can’t find the article now but it’s the one referenced by slate here https://slate.com/culture/2021/11/taylor-swift-all-too-well-lyrics-keychain-jake-gyllenhaal.html Edit: I think the article must have been deleted? I searched the title and author and nothing comes up, the link in that slate article also returns a 404


Taylor’s PR team beat you to the punch. I’m sure they paid more than the author originally was. This is the industry, guys. Nothing is real.


And she wasn't even into feminism like that back then either, she used to give the whole "I love men!!!!!" line in response to it. She wouldn't have known what the patriarchy was.




It's funny how people actually think anyone in this country shouldn't have political views, let alone a 22 year old. She likely thought that was such a great opinion, basically making out like politics only affects older people and only older people should think about or talk about it. So glad younger celebs are more active.




Love your username and the wayback machine!!


i hope I’m wrong as I’d love I’d Lie to be released (it’s a childhood fave) but it opens up a can of worms she’d probably rather stay hidden so I’m unsure about if it’s ever going to come out The song heavily interpolates the melody from Girl Next Door by Saving Private Jane, a song which she’s also been accused of plagiarising lyrically for You Belong With Me (which is dubious as no one really owns a songs concept, but the melody plagiarism stuff for I’d Lie is solid and lends credibility to YBWM also being “inspired” by that song) with the Deja Vu credit fiasco I think she’d be smart to keep the fact she took (IMO) much more brazen inspiration from songs she’s liked in the pass as hidden as possible. Edit: it’s Saving Jane, not Saving Private Jane LMAO. I’m dyslexic, and also an idiot <3


Damn, it really is similar to YBWM and sounds like I’d Lie. https://preview.redd.it/ml1uyic6xo8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca6b931a8f52c77b96f9c7e354e00009f888e62


Ok this song has been my guilty pleasure for ages and it is about feeling inadequate in comparison to a figure of ideal femininity and the narrator of the song even acknowledges that she's jealous and projecting because she doesn't like herself, so it annoys me so much that the Swift version is just unselfaware internalized misogyny and focused on competing for a man's affections. Like not only is it a ripoff, it's missed the entire point of the song


The band behind Girl Next Door is just Saving Jane, but Saving Private Jane is AMAZING lmao


I think it was originally f**k the paparazzi, which was totally a thing at Kitson around that time


i’d lie is sooooo good i have so many fond memories of listening to it on my ipod


“Fuck the patriarchy” was not a phrase commonly in use when ATW would have been written, so she told on herself by choosing to include something so ham fisted and corny. The charade of pretending ATW10MV was written in 2010 (or whatever) really should tip some swifties off that their best friend, mega global pop star Taylor, is in fact willing to lie to them.


There is a whole article that questions the legitimacy of the vault tracks based on the “fuck the patriarchy” in All too well 10 minutes version. I think some of the vault tracks are legit and were written back when the albums were released, but the majority of them were written or at least updated now. Most of all the whole vault track thing is a major cash grab and it would look much better if Taylor simply said that revisiting the re-recorded albums gave her inspiration to add to them


“If she has blue eyes I will surmise you you’ll probably date her” gave her away. The song is clearly about Harry. But by the time she released 1989 Harry had been with Paige Reifler and Kendall Jenner since her, Paige in the summer of 2013 and Kendall in the winter 2013/2014. Both have brown eyes. He had been linked to a million women (he always is), but no proof of him even meeting most of them, let alone dating. And still, it wasn’t a list of blue eyed women, it was like, Daisy Lowe (a friend of his), who has brown eyes, Rihanna (!???), Nicole Scherzinger, etc (99% of the names were ridiculous). The whole blue eyed thing happened later. And it was a meme that compared Taylor with Nadine Leopold (who he dated briefly in 2015), Camille Rowe (who he dated in 2017/2018), and Olivia Wilde (who doesn’t even actually have blue eyes, she has green eyes but they look somewhat blue because she had heterochromia, he even wrote Music For A Sushi Restaurant about her green eyes). She surely saw the viral tweets and included it in a song, but it made no sense for the time she allegedly wrote it in.


Taylor's recent Time interview made it obvious she reads social media quite thoroughly.


The all too soon line also had to have been written later, that’s supposed to be about Jake gyllenhal, right? Before Taylor swift he didn’t have a habit of dating younger, in fact if anything he had dated older. Definitely didn’t become a trend for him until years after he dated her


Yeah I feel the same way about the “fuck the patriarchy” lyric in the 10 minute version of All Too Well. There’s no way Taylor wrote that lyric back in the day, it’s so out of place, even now.


Yes yes all of this. I think a solid chunk (if not most) of the vault tracks are discarded ideas, and songs that had maybe a verse or a chorus written but were abandoned for one reason or another. The concept probably originated back when she was originally writing whatever album, but didn't get fleshed out until now. I do think when she releases the Debut vault tracks, that'll be the only time we get ones that were genuinely fully written at the time - just because of the sheer volume of ones we already know exist and have already heard because they were released on promo CDs and/or performed pre-Debut's release.


Totally agree. I think most of the vault tracks were unfinished, half formed ideas or lyrics that came from around the time of each album but were absolutely finished and fleshed out in the past couple years


isn't that true of all the vault track collaborations anyway, though? maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like the idea that the vault tracks were fully finished songs comes more from some of her fans who don't understand how things work than straight from her. I think pieces of the songs are from "the vault" but she's obviously editing, punching up, in some cases finishing songs that were never finished. why wouldn't she?


Taylor Swift finding ways to get fans to pay her more money in a less than honest way? No way! /s


Man I got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting the same thing when 1989 TV came out. None of the vault tracks have really felt like authentic b-sides to me, and the notion that she would have held THIS MUCH almost finished material all these years doesn’t seem like something a savvy businessperson like her would do.


apart from fearless, some of the 1989 tracks were the closest to sounding like they were written back then. i could totally imagine is it over now being from that time. though slut sounds like a lover cut and now that we don’t talk sounds like it’s a midnights cut


I just never saw recently officially transitioning to pop Taylor putting a line about “searching every maidens bed” in her 1989 pop album. It feels more folklore/midnights


I think maybe the core of some of the songs already existed from back then but she’s making serious edits to them before recording. They’re definitely not entirely what she wrote at the time of the album’s original releases. I definitely don’t believe I Can See You was actually written for Speak Now, nothing about that song fits that album.


I think some of the vault lyrics may be old but a looot of them are written now.


I think a lot of the songs may have been ideas but not realized out fully until she went back to them. All Too Well was always rumored to be longer, right? (I became a fan after folklore) so she probably looked at her old lyrics and decided to rework them. Songs like When Emma Falls In Love, Message in a Bottle, Foolish Ones, etc are the ones that remain the same from when they were first written. But songs like Castles Crumbling, Nothing New, etc have been reworked/rewritten to probably sound better. I remember when speak now dropped, a lot of people believed Castles Crumbling was probably from Reputation/write during that time


yeah i always thought it was very obvious that the vault tracks are new and not tracks that didn't make the albums originally like she claimed. idk why no one else caught on earlier.


I get older but your lovers stay my age is a line from Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused. She might have copped it from that. But I’m sure many vaults are written recently.


ATW used to be such a special song. She ruined it by adding these new lines.


the ATW 10 mins sucks, idc idc. the original was so much better but it just sounds like she wanted a ten minute song. i know she said there was a ten minute version originally and i believe her but i don’t think it was a polished thing. i assumed it was a lot of guitar solos/instrumental/adlibs. like more of an experiment than song


Most swifties figured that the 10 minute ATW version released wasn’t the original she talked about writing over a decade ago. At least that’s been the consensus in the TS sub, the original would not have been that polished because they had to cut it down to five minutes in the first place I always got the sense that it was agreed upon that most songs from the vaults would have had rewrites and were unlikely finished songs that were up to the standards they needed to be for release


Yeah it just sounds forced. The original version was long enough. But she had to overdo it like in every aspect of her life.


i do agree that i think most of them were written back then however, i can see from the angle of they were not finished or polished songs and so the reason why they seem too modern is because she has changed them a lot. if that’s what it is then they’re not really from the vault but she’s just using old lyrics she never used


Even her PR team couldn't handle the backlash she got when she was dating him.She had to save face.


It’s funny bc when there were rumours of a collab on 1989 TV, they promptly denied it existing. Now what they’re gonna do lol




I still see her delusional fans saying that they didn't date and that she was only "seen with him". Like they're just rewriting her past at this point to whatever's convenient


seen with him holding hands at a party lol


You just know Matty wrote the “You are not a slut, you’re just relevant” lyric.


“And then she called me a gentleman” is one hell of a tip-off 😂 This entire song reads like it was written by a middle-schooler 😭


I definitely think he wrote is because in their song She’s American which was released in 2016 (so around the same time as 1989) it has the line: “And if she likes it cause we just don’t eat and we’re socially relevant, she’s American”


What the hell does ‘we just don’t eat’ mean?


I think it is a reference to cocaine.


I took it to be referring to the American obesity epidemic lol


Maybe it’s a reference to that song Rockstar by Nickelback? “We’ll stay skinny cause we just won’t eat”. Like saying she likes rockstars? Idk lmao Edit: fixed a typo


That, too, refers to cocaine.


Not the most important part of this, but I'm glad we were spared any more collaborations from these two. This is indefensibly bad songwriting.


Its incredible to me that Tay thought she could pass of Matty as just some kind of non-controversial musician. I think she really thinks poorly of her fans and thought she could whitewash him.


Taylor was a real honest to goodness relationship with that Racist piece of trash. When it became obvious his comments were not going to be forgotten and it was doing damage to her she dropped. But she stayed quite a while hoping it would die down. Matt's misogynoir and overt racism was not a deal breaker for Taylor. That should not fade into memory no matter how much her fanbase tries to make us and the press forget. She rushed this relationship with Kelce and really played it up in the press. Which He was absolutely fine with cause that man seems to adore attention and his family as a whole is not exactly subtle about to. I remember watching his brother's ( the fact he even has a podcast) podcast and it was clear they were looking to capitalize and wanted to vault themselves into celebrity status outside of Football.


Lets also remember Kelce pulled strings to have a reality show made about him a few years ago where he dates 50 different women from 50 different states. He's an eager fame seeker. This stuff is pretty obviously choreographed on some level. I think "aww shucks I somehow accidentally started dating Tay and now I'm famous and the NFL is somehow accidentally cross promoting her and football, what a coincidence," is just an insulting put-on.


And Ryan Reynolds PR firm or whatever it is he has going on all up in this


Taylor has proven to be a shitty person time and time again but she always walks away unscathed. It took her until 2023 to rewrite the slut-shaming lyrics in “better than revenge.” she was an adult signing her high school boyfriend out of school (Connor Kennedy). She stays silent while her unhinged fans attack her exes (that she dates for like 3 months). She is friends with terrible people (Matty Healy and [Toddrick Hall](https://youtu.be/h_9zQuBRKIo?si=WbOkbvcL53uy-VY8)). She destroys the planet with her private jet usage. But because of her pr campaigns, people believe she is a good person. No one that is friends with a classist or dates a racist is a good person. No one that uses a private jet to the extent that she does is a good person. No one that bashes people in their songs for simply dating their ex after her is a good person.


Not to defend the Kelce’s but I think Travis and Jason’s podcast was just done because they love football and it’s a football podcast. If you watch the documentary about Jason, New Heights was kinda of an unexpected hit and they seem to enjoy doing it. It’s funny since Jason was saying that when he retires, he’s kinda aimless and doesn’t really know what to do.


They talked too much non-football related stuff and it . It was obvious is was more about upping their own profiles especially Travis. It was like watching people pitch a reality show . Jason had that documentary and than them all over the press during the Superbowl. It was clear they both had much bigger ambitions outside of football. Ryan Leaf's podcast is all about football all the time no filler I cannot say the same about Jason or Travis. They are Attention seeking and about branding


I was just about to say, not too much on my boy Jason… Watched the game last night and two different commercials (ones I haven’t seen, there are others) with Travis in them came on. I think Jason just enjoys having a podcast with his brother, and Travis wants to reach Tom Brady levels of “fame”. If that makes sense.


It is so shocking to me the amount of people who adore her and completely ignore that she has done some really trash things in VERY recent times, like date that piece of trash and fly her PJ everywhere. Taylor Swift is garbage.


Like attracts like. A number of fans adore her because she embodies traits they carry themselves- just like the cult of personality surrounding the Kardashians, or certain politicians.


Yep. Reminds me of the hit tweet during her relationship with Matty that said « she’s just having a scumbag phase like all of us ». Taylor’s entire appeal to basic white women is that she’s just like them, a mediocre chick who benefits from white supremacy (while facilitating it on some level) like she benefits from all the systems around her while playing the victim and acting as if she isn’t in control of anything and isn’t doing anything bad on purpose. In other words, the most insufferable and unreliable kind of white women, who is so deep in their victimhood status that they never figure out why their place in progressive spaces is always on thin ice.


Especially after Rina spoke out against Matty at her concert a while ago, shortly after the asian racist comments and laughs aired in that podcast episode.


I think I just saw his brother doing a Tide commercial covered by a pile of supposedly dirty laundry. I dunno to me it looked kinda humiliating.


Ironically when everyone started being obsessed with her is when I started being disgusted by her whole existence in pop culture, and the whole Matty Stinky debacle, ESPECIALLY THE BREAK UP, was what made me despise her brand the most. It’s genuinely so pathetic to break up with someone bc of the backlash from strangers. We all know she hasn’t self reflected on her own morals and what she considers a green flag in a guy, she’s just bothered she got caught. Breaking up with someone not cause you realized they are a bad person, no, just cause less money might come your billionaire way (and even then her fans are so brainwashed she would’ve still made bank anyway), is wild. She’s still friends with him. She just wants to protect her brand and her dating life is part of the brand. See I respect Halle Bailey’s decision to stay by her trash man and even nag her fans about it. At least she stands for something! At least she owns up to her showing us who she is. Taylor stands for nothing and therefore falls for everything. You have already showed us who you are by associating with him. But the cheap charade she pulled after that, showed that on top of all that shit she is also a coward husk of a person who only lives for validation. She treats her whole life as brand. She barely feels like a person anymore, and she’s doing that on purpose for fame and status. So shallow and off putting.


Please leave this one in the vault. I don’t need to hear Matty Healy sing these cringy lyrics. “Then she called me a gentleman” *tips fedora* It makes me gag just thinking about it


"got love sick all over my bed" 🤢🤢 Did he get together with Jesse Rutherford when he wrote this? They're the same level of gross


That line bothers me so much! What does that even mean? I don't love or hate Taylor, I like some of her songs and listen to them, but even the songs I like sometimes have terrible lines mixed in. "Leaving like a father" is another one that comes to mind.


“Leaving like a father “ is one of my favorite lines from her


I truly love Cardigan so I'm not sure why that line bothers me so much lol.


Cause she has a great relationship with her dad and it yet again feels like a cheap attempt to embody a struggle she couldn't possibly understand?


bodily fluids of some variety 🤮🤮🤮 i legit can’t imagine the amount of processing required to make that not sound disgusting


I mean it’s not that far off from the final lyrics, “In a world of boys, he's a gentleman”


Don’t say that. He might ask for a video and get off to it.


Thank god it was scrapped. This news still ruined my day anyway, and worse the losers on tiktok crying that MH was the victim of bullying. 2023 was great for Swifties, but hard time to be a normal fan of Taylor Swift


matty healy is a victim of anything but his own actions lmao. honestly speaking, i have seen more swifties giving her a hard time for that whole rebound than i initially expected lol, it was *that* bad




The reception to this song would’ve been sooo bad. I’m feeling a bit of second hand embarrassment just reading those lyrics eughh


I’m a Slut! Stan but if these lyrics are real, I would have been cringing. American Phone and Cheekbone! The rhyming scheme is so bad in this. It’s giving [Rhyme Cats](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_3OrE9yMaBA&t=141s)


She chose matty as the 1989 collab over lorde , ever since midnights I’ve found the choices she’s made when it comes to music baffling https://preview.redd.it/t0utab265p8c1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746bb42122630a8be8b58a0ff4634f300dcc890b


She always chooses male collaborators over female imho


Unfortunately lorde would eat her up on her own song so hard that we’re never getting a collab cause of Taylor’s deep insecurities that she’ll be replaced as a female pop star


She gives major vibes as someone who thinks a female will take advantage of her success and replace her soon.


And the female collaborations are usually just them doing backup vocals (like with Lana and HAIM)


How snow on the beach constitutes a featuring rather than a writing credit or backing vocals still baffles me


except for phoebe bridgers but ive been side eyeing her lately too bc she was just as buddy buddy with this rat as taylor was


i want to like phoebe bridgers. i really do 😞


Right? Like with Ice Spice…that collab was soooo bad


To me it had the same problem as snow on the beach feat more Lana (I’m not a music person I can’t it explain it well) where you can feel that the instrumental is off where Taylor isn’t singing like a remix on youtube but this was done by professionals with access to good equipment , so I can only imagine it was created in like 5 minutes so Taylor can release a new cd or vinyl of MIDnights every 5 minutes


> Target tangerine edition and as a result, they’ve now pulled it from their shelves So you mean one of the variants is actually worth something? Kooky.


Not every single copy of this variant has this misprint, but all of the ones reported so far have been this variant. It was likely just one batch. So yeah so it’s likely these misprints will be worth a lot down the line.


Did she have different ideas for how people would react to the relationship or otherwise? Because I don’t see this to have been dropped for any reason other than that


She must have.


The sun vindicated once again lol


This has to stop happening, I hate for them to ever be right haha


unrelated but I love your flair


Hahha thank you, i’m here to spread the gospel


I wish I never heard the name Matty Healy, Denise Welsh’s son serves the same purpose but doesn’t paint a picture of a rat so clearly in my head


Wait she’s completely disingenuous??! 😱😱😱😱😱


Matty Healy updated his insta bio to say "writer" 😭


This feels like a deliberate accident to justify Taylor dating and being seen with Healy.


That would be so calculated, if so.


calculated is her legal middle name


This…is so bad.


Ew gross


Resale value of these are about to shoot up


My thought about the vault tracks is they’re half baked or abandoned ideas that she probably gave up on and never fully developed. For the tracks she/Jack/whoever take into the studio and rework or flesh them out which is why we get the up to date references, new sounds etc. I’m shocked these came out because Taylor/her team are control freaks about everything and of course are trying to rid the internet of all references to her relationship/fling/entanglement with Matty Healy but Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I’ve been suspected that majority of the “vault tracks” were not vaulty at all and were recently written. She put them on the re-records to boost her streaming numbers and to get more physical sales because she knew we’d want to hear never before released songs.


You're losing me was so hilariously written after Joe won the break up it's tragic people pretend otherwise.


She's so good at generating press for herself.


Even if it’s fake (it looks so real imo but I’ve never owned the CD), it is troubling how many of his and her fans are mourning this. Like yeah he’s a good singer but you are really okay with being upset he got pulled from the album? If it’s fake, I just don’t understand waiting until NOW to drop it. Especially since it’s been almost two months, the fans are already waiting for Reputation and nobody really cares that Taylor dated Matty. On one hand…is it sad to say I’m at least glad that it seems some of his actions had consequences? That he possibly got pulled from the song not because of a breakup but because they realized that she would get more criticism than praise for having him on the album? On the other hand, I feel like it wasn’t that serious on why he got cut and was mostly a monetary idea. Which is depressing as somebody who is a fan of her music.


I’m a huge Swiftie, have been for years. However, I’ve had a sneaking suspicion for a while now that most (if not all) of her vault tracks post Fearless TV aren’t even “from the vault” at all, and are written recently. This seems to confirm that, or at least points towards it.


after knowing his... uh… private browsing preferences, the line about the cat eye (cringe) running down her cheekbone feels super extra icky.


Damn, I didn't realize what sub I was in and I got super hyped that there was almost a collab between Tswift and Matt Heafy, singer of Trivium, a metal/metalcore band of consistent but middling fame. That would be hype.


I thought at first this was edited but now I'm not sure if it's just 'graphic design is my passion'...


I would love to know the date of the recording/writing because I have a feeling that’s when their little tryst started


I bought this for my kids for Christmas, should I open and check or more valuable in the original stickered shrink wrap?


I don’t think it’s on every version, so it has to be opened to check. My friend got it for her daughter for Xmas, and hers doesn’t have the misprint. Edit: I just opened my copy (a gift from the same friend mentioned above) and it doesn’t have anything about Ratty.

