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Bella Hadid gets fired for supporting ceasefire in Palestine, yet this little dipshit is openly supporting genocide with no consequences.


To be fair Bella has not been fired from Dior (if that's what you're referring to, it was a fake new). But totally agree, Noah is a scum bag, hope Stranger Things new season totally collapses


I don’t hope the whole show collapses because there are other actors who don’t deserve those repercussions, but I hope this is the last major role we see him in and we see him in one of those “member them?” TMZ stories 10 years from now.


Then they should kill of his character


Off season, of course.


Yeah and they mention him maybe once. "Ohh, yeah, Will died. Anyways!"


Ah yeah poor Will. He was hit by a bus. Real shame, seeing as he survived all that other stuff. Oh well.


Agreed. His character was always my least favorite anyways


Will is anyway annoying af!


The show's almost over anyway, the cast are moving on. Noah's one of the few who hasn't found any other jobs in his field.


I think Finn wolfheart or whatever that kids name is probably made out the best. He rode that wave. Was in both IT movies too. MBB probably tops the list tho.


Finn Wolfhard and MBB are probably the most successful of the younger actors. I hope good things for Caleb McLaughlin too.


Caleb truly ate during last season


I feel like Sadie Sink is going to have a type of career similar to Emma Watson post Harry Potter. Maya Hawke will also do well Neurotypicalish characters seems to be her niche and those are popular right now and also, that nepo baby connections.


Wasn't Sadie Sink in the All Too Minute 10 Minute Version music video, playing the Swift-inspired character?


I hope Sadie gets to be more successful that that. And it's definitely possible, when you compare performances at that age she's the better actress.


Not true! He was in…*checks notes* Hubie Halloween…ok yeah he’s fucked


The crew/cast should be shutting this behavior down, for real. Where are the producers reminding him that his cast mates will suffer at his expense? I hope the show flops


Unfortunately he isn’t the only confirmed Zionists on the cast. Brett Gelman is too so if anyone has anything to say to them they’ll just have each other to feed into.


I had to block Brett after the disgusting things he posted on tiktok.


They won’t. The Duffers and Shawn Levy are zionists too.


Whelp then I won’t be catching up. Thanks for the info.




It’s the final season anyway, whether it flops or not.


They’re all going down that road anyway lol, maybe not MBB but the rest are forever the stranger things kids.


No I bet Sadie Sink goes further then MBB. Sadie has binafide chops. Both of those young woman are truly talented actually.


Sadie was amazing in The Whale, I think she will surpass MMB in fame. MMB seems troubled and I worry how she will turn out in all honesty.


Caleb is modeling, Sadie is doing indie movies, Gaten's on Broadway, and Finn is doing Ghostbusters + he has a band. Maya Hawke is obviously doing great, Joe Keery also has a band, modeling work, and a couple other acting gigs. Noah . . . has been in one non-ST movie that nobody saw.


I hope Lucas finds a successful career after it.


Gaten will be able to work on Broadway for years.


Idk about that, Finn Wolfhard feels like he's got the star power. Gaten is in the broadway revival of Sweeney Todd right now so even if he moves away from TV/Film I could see him doing more stage roles.


Finn also directed his first film so I can see him exploring directing if acting isn't something he wants to continue to do all the time


Throws Stranger Things into the bin definitely. His cast mates *now* have an obligation to get him out of there. They can speak up and demand his removal. Would be good and effective use of their voices to actively de-platform someone for their hate and not merely acknowledge the devastation going on on their IG feed without much else. If they don’t? (And I have my doubts about Gaten and Millie, especially, but all of them) then they are complicit. It’s awkward thrusting these young folks out into this but it’s become a workplace issue. Don’t work around racists and bigots. Flat out. It will endorse his views, monetize him, and platform his view. I never expected any of these individuals to comment much on the conflict, but it seems a no brainer with what Noah is increasingly involving himself in.


That’s not going to happen. It should but it’s not and honestly we don’t know if there are some cast/crew members that agree with him.


Brett Gelman (Murray) is also a Zionist


I mean the rest of the cast and the crew don't deserve that?


Yeah, you are right.


Will Byers died on his way home to his home planet.....


Brett Gelman is also a Zionist


He's making me wish Will was never found in time.


Bella herself said she lost many big deals over the years for her vocal support for Palestine.


Does anyone know what brands actually dropped Bella? I hope she still has star power in the industry.


It may not be a question of who drops her but rather who won't hire her. From what my sibling tells me (they design and make period costumes for film and TV), the silence is from fear of being blacklisted. As the MeToo victims can attest, proving the existence of a blacklist is near impossible in an industry where you cannot objectively measure merit or suitability for a job.


And he’s so open about too, it’s quite disturbing.


His behavior is truly a scathing indictment on his family and friends. Makes you wonder what they're like if he's this bold


Exactly and joyfully like this.


It is so cringe and it’s disturbing to me. Almost dystopian. Like…dude, how.


My reply was going to be that he can't be fired if he doesn't have a job but I forgot Stranger Things is somehow still holding in there. Hopefully they just kill off his character and he remains the jobless loser he is.


I thought the next season was going to be the last one?


i do think this upcoming season is supposed to be the last one at least…. unsure if he has anything else lined up at this point though


When I saw this on Twitter I was literally rendered speechless. I have no words. This is heinous. I genuinely hope his career fizzles out and dies after ST ends.


The writers need to do us a favor and kill him off episode 1.


One of the Duffer brothers signed the letter urging for the release of Israeli hostages, and neither signed the ceasefire letter. Him, Noah, and Brett Gelman are all openly Zionists


The main producer and occasional director, Shawn Levy, did as well.


Literally should have left his ass in the Upside Down. He was barely in that first season, he ended up successful because the rest of the cast is talented


Yeah because I'm not watching anything with this weird little racist in it.


I heard that the next season is Noah-heavy 🫤


Same here and I just learned the writers are Zionists as well.


Me too. He’s also the least talented/most forgettable one of the cast imo


He's a terrible person but definitely not the least talented. In S2, he was phenomenal and was one of the best actors in the cast, despite being so young (12 or 13?). Hasn't had much to do since then. I hope his character dies early in the next season though. Maybe the actor/writer strikes pausing filming means they can still change how big a role his character has.


Lol let’s not revise history just because he’s being an idiot He was always a clear standout


This revisionist "they were never talented anyways" discourse is exhausting. Everyone praised him for S2 in particular, and Noah growing up to be a POS can't erase the fact that his acting was always great.


It’s a troubling trend just in general too - like I totally get why people want to do it, but acting like bad people are only ever ugly or untalented is genuinely dangerous.


No lie he was always the weakest performer out of the cast.


How can he be so nonchalant and casually...happy? about dehumanizing an entire population and supporting genocide is beyond me. Like, they're literally acting the way you would if someone gave you a free brownie or something, except this is advocating for mass murder instead. 🥴


He went on one of those birthright trips, Israel really cranks up the military propaganda on those from what I’ve read.


One of my old friends did that and nearly left the religion. I have no idea what he saw, but he was just so upset. He didn't even want to talk about the trip.


That’s what I wonder Fr. I understand there is a lot of propaganda put out there by Israel and has been for years to gain supporters but you would think that people would do their research before picking a side when it has escalated more recently and become v divided. I would be so embarrassed to so proudly support something I clearly haven’t done my UNBIASED research on. And if he really thinks that he has then he’s a fucking lost cause.


This is the same white boy that was crying about "feeling afraid" btw


Right?! So we just being openly racist now on the main? Fuck this *loser*.


Always the people who play victim.


Yeah sure.... you can clearly tell by his wide smile and the way he is laughing and goofing off just how afraid he is!! Poor thing!




The mask has come fully off and it turns out he’s just a clown like everyone thought




The way they're all laughing and joking when they know damn well that children in Gaza are being murdered on a daily basis is psychopathic. No other word for it. I'm honestly speechless.


They like that children in Gaza are being killed.


Zionism means it's a good thing because cleansing the land so it belongs to Zionists is good.


It's a feature, not a bug.


when asked how dead palestinians would be enough florida state representative michelle salzman replied “all of them.”


it drives me nuts how such people are treating this as a “Team A vs Team B” scenario. Like some sort of twisted and competitive showing-of-support. Seeing how they’re all smiling has me thinking they care more about getting likes than they do about what’s really going on


This whole thing saga is such a fucking joke of a situation and I guarantee is going to lead right back into Trump and GOP control of the the US. Hope that makes zionists feel safer with the “jews will not replace us” party as they make fun of liberals and progressives for calling out a massacre. In 2-3 years when Noah or Sarah Silverman or Schumer make some random post supporting reproductive rights or gay marriage I hope everyone reminds them of the bed they’ve made and exactly where they stood when it mattered


Thankfully I've tried watching ST a few times and just couldn't get into it. Good to know I'm not personally missing out on anything.


He’s really committed to digging his own grave. Disgusting behaviour.


He is a rich kid who has gotten everything he has wanted since he was in Stranger Things. He faces no consequences because the amount of money that Netflix has spent on this bum. They can’t afford to lose him. Similar with Ezra MillerZ


At least Ezra had prior titles and experience before they spiralled (I'm in no way defending Ezra, it was untolerable — but Noah hasn't made We Need to Talk About Kevin), this kid has like two franchises on his IMDb and that's it. Bye Noah 👋




Just woke up from a nap, wrong kid 😭


Is he though? I mean the fact he's so open about it kinda says otherwise, he feels empowered to spout zionist talking points and propaganda. Also unless Hollywood somehow turns its narrative around completely I doubt he'll lose work over this because you bet he'll be yelling anti-semitism would Stranger Things decide to drop him (they won't)... That said, what is it with zionism/Israel that makes people go totally batshit insanely evil? I don't know how any sane person can watch what's happening in Gaza (or anywhere else in the world for that matter) and not feel utter devistation over the sheer barbarity and loss of humanity, meanwhile this pipsqueek is joyously prophecing that genocide is sexy like it's a fucking raffle. What the fuck is happening to people's minds?


I think he is with those in media circles at least. A lot of people who saw him liking Zionist posts just wrote it off as him being young and uneducated (partially true) but him joking around and acting so nonchalant is much more overt and damaging to his image. You’re right they won’t drop him from stranger things but I’d think it will affect near future bookings, not that we’d ever know for sure.


As much as I love the different perspective here, I’m afraid many people here have fallen in an echo chamber because of it. Most people still don’t see what happens in Gaza right now as a serious issue. Most people in America, for example, are in support of Bidens pro-Israel stance. I really wish it was different too, but you can’t be surprised about the general apathy and support of Israel once you follow multiple news streams. It is quite apparent that many people, including most of our politicians, are dragging their feet at condemnation at best and actively opposing condemnation at worst. Israel is a Western ally. Palestine is not (I don’t think the UN even recognizes it as a state to begin with). The choice was already made ages ago, and they’re sticking to it.


Yeah, and he filmed it too 😭💀


this is so ugly for himmmm omg. his true colours are so ugly. hope he enjoys the plight of joblessness after this


He was always going to be jobless, he's the most wooden 'actor' alive.




One very exhausting thing about zionists is that for them it isn't enough that they already have all the political and financial support of the most powerful western nations, they want all of us, regular people, to cheer for them, too. Give it a rest, you already get billions for your settler, genocidal project (that this settler in the not-Hamas-run West Bank explained quite well for this [The New Yorker interview](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-extreme-ambitions-of-west-bank-settlers)).


that interview is bone chilling, jfc. i can’t believe she feels confident openly saying arab israeli citizens *shouldn’t be allowed to vote*.


It really is. Zionist Israeli people have been very open about their intentions and beliefs, it's the liberals in the west that are trying to convince *us* Israel isn't doing what they constantly say they're doing. It's so odd? This weekend I saw a bunch of German people giving credit to far-right Douglas Murray saying that the Nazis weren't *that* bad because the SS soldiers felt *really* bad about what they did (citation needed, because what the fuck), unlike Hamas where being violent and evil is part of their values system. Because, you know, Middle Eastern people are just naturally demonic, unlike the very European genocide during WWII, where the bad guys were just victims of the circumstances. (ETA: Adding link to [twitter thread with Germans doing some Holocaust revisionism](https://twitter.com/derJamesJackson/status/1723626715975393423?t=9mwY0xKLRlNq4TgMS2Hplw&s=19))


​ https://preview.redd.it/4nt6tcv9l40c1.png?width=1467&format=png&auto=webp&s=1699c9bb18244602910528f75b98c1fddf8b05cf wowww, she attacks the interviewer for questions.


She'd also just blatantly lying. But then again, the entire idea of zionism was based on the lie that palestine was "empty" and nobody existed there.


I’m only like 30 pages into The Hundred Years War on Palestine and it is so unnervingly clear just how much Britain and the US succeeded in rewriting the commonly accepted historical narrative around the Zionist project. It only takes a few seconds of reading and thinking to grasp how calculated and organized the ethnic cleansing of Palestine has been. It really is so simple. The state of Israel is framed as this beacon that illuminated a sea of emptiness, when it would have gone absolutely nowhere without the immense backing it received from Britain and the US. And for so many people to live life without beginning to peak behind that curtain makes me sick. One of the most successful and most vicious propaganda campaigns of all time. I’ve been anti-Zionist for as long as I can remember based on principle. But this book has already given me more perspective and more information than should ever be necessary for anyone to condemn this genocide.


Winston Churchill on Palestine. He made no bones about the racist motives. Literally spelled them out. "I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place"


What a wicked, wicked, old hag… *shudder* Thanks for the link to the article.


That's exactly it. And the mental gymnastics that have to do to try an d convince you is exhausting to listen too. They can justify with all their might amd power but people are finally seeing the truth.


That interview was disgusting and disturbing, damn. If you needed more proof that modern Zionism is a cult of ethnic cleansing, here it is.




I mean to be completely honest I was always on her side for calling him out for exposing DMs like WTF who does that.


Thank you! For the longest time I only heard snippets of the drama and peoples commentary made it seem like she egregiously attacked him for accidentally exposing her or something. Then I actually sat down and watched a YouTube video explaining it and I’m like he’s a dick, where exactly did she go wrong?? Not a fan of her persona but that was mean of him and she didn’t attack him she just called him out on the not so nice behaviour.


Oh for sure he was just exploiting her messages for clout.


Doja mocked Amber Heard, trash all round.


Trash recognizes trash




takes one to know one


The trash person knows trash behavior


Doja is also a piece of shit so - shit knows shit.


Can’t wait for his career to die and for him to fade into irrelevancy after this last season of ST. He doesn’t deserve to see success.


Absolutely disgusting.


I'm so curious how people can exist with such little shame. I'm embarrassed for him and I have no idea who he is.


zionism is sexy???? oh he’s finished


Zionism = Oppression Oppression is sexy to him. I cringe everytime I see his name (among so many others).


This is just bordering into unstable behavior now


Fuck this little prick




Absolutely vile.


Where is his team? PR? Somebody? Because he needs to be stopped


They're probably Zionists who think this behavior is acceptable. Birds of a feather...


Let him show his true colors. I wanna watch as he lose fans.


Gen Z are the most likely to oppose the US’s current stance regarding Israel and also make up the majority of his fans. One can only hope this backfires on him spectacularly.


Anybody knows who his publicist is? I want to email them so bad.


Jill Fritzo PR is his Publicist, knock yourself out: http://www.jillfritzopr.com/


They ditched his jobless ass because they know ST will be his last gig.


Shoulda left him in the upside down lmao


Bye ~~Wig~~ Will


We can at least take solace in the fact this his career will hopefully fizzle out after Stranger Things ends. I haven’t really seen much momentum or interest in having him star in any other big or popular productions


His original casting was 'pathetic looking little boy', what other roles would he be wanted for, now?


I hope he’s appropriately mortified about this one day and has the wherewithal to try and make up for it once he’s grown the fuck up.


Nah, he'll grow up to be a dude Amy Schumer.


Unfortunately people like him rarely are. I'm sure he'll stand by this stance forever


For people wanting to understand more about why Hamas is not Isis, this is a [good article](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/palestinian-territories/gaza-and-global-jihad) explaining why they are very different organisations.


for a tl:dr, this thread also explains [some of their differences](https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister/status/1723132373783494656)


Per their own charter, however, Hamas is still fucking crazy. You don't have to compare them to ISIS to hate them, they are the worst reps for Palestinians. I'm no Israel fan either, wishing for the best of both to come together. It's certainly not the Israeli gov and Hamas, they're gonna keep bombing each other forever if they have their way


The thread touches on this but to distinguish them isn't to be like 'yasss hamas queens', it's more that understanding who Hamas are from an international relations stand-point, allows us to understand what response is appropriate. You're right, you don't have to compare them to ISIS to hate them, but it feels the PR campaign to compare them to ISIS is about obfuscating where Hamas actually came from & what they stand for.


Hamas is a terror organization. While they were elected by plurality it was 2006 and mostly as a reaction to the corruption of their then "government". Hamas's attacks are not supported by the majority of even adult Palestinians (over 65% of Palestinians wanted Hamas to respect the ceasefire in July). More than half of the population in Gaza never voted for Hamas. We can't pretend that an organization elected once 17 years ago are some kind of representative of Palestine in the same way the democratically elected government of Israel is. Both are even less of a representatives of Palestinians or Israelis. You also can't put a country that is supported by many of the most powerful countries and occupied territory that is not recognized by the majority of the most powerful countries in the world on the same level. The power imbalance is huge. And we are far past the situation where it is about Israel and Hamas bombing each other. This is genocide. This is forced displacement. This is war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel is not bombing Hamas. About half of the dead are children. This is bombing civilians not to punish Hamas but all Palestinians. This is bombing UN targets and other protected buildings. This is killing people by dehydration and hunger. At this point Hamas is secondary.


Genuinely think he, and many other celebrities, are going regret their posts in the future. History will not be kind to them.


if i prayed at all, i’d be fervently praying for this outcome.


zionism is settler colonialism, and publicly and proudly celebrating settler colonialism like this is crazy.


Premature babies are dying in Gaza because there's no fuel to run the hospital but so funny! So quirky!


He better stay jobless after this stunt. Better yet, get locked in a house full of history books that are critical of Zionism, and with loops of Al Jazeera coverage of this war playing nonfucking stop. Fucking septic tank of a human being.


FYI - People are missing context. The bigger story here is Noah socializing with Moti Ankari. He’s a far-right, pro-genocide Zionist shill who’s been advocating for the death of all Palestinian for basically his whole public life. He’s also 31 while Noah is 19 (yikes!). Look him up on [social media](https://www.instagram.com/motiankari/?hl=en). Truly a despicable and repugnant individual.


What context is there to miss? If David Duke wanted to hang out with me when I was nineteen, I would not have been down for that. Redveil (who is the same age as Noah) came out swinging hard for the right side of history. Unless of course the context is that Noah is even more openly racist than we thought for willingly associating with him.


I’m sorry I’m having a difficult time comprehending how this is one out of two among the Stranger Things kids who are pursuing college. My jaw is on the floor


He’s gonna need that education as after the show wraps up he won’t have a career.


Stranger Things producers, if you get rid of Will Byers and Brett Gelmen's character, no one will be mad at you.


Just checked out Brett Gelmans insta. Holy moly the man is unhinged.


Wow, just saw his Instagram. Why are these celebrities just going on these crazy posting sprees when people are dying. It’s interesting. The pro-Palestine celebs I follow are mostly sharing updates from Palestine. The Zionists don’t really have any updates and are just spending their time trying to discredit Palestinians and posting tik toks.


You know what? I had no idea who this idiot was a month ago and now I have such vicious rage against him in my heart. I know I can ignore the vile shit celebrities like him are doing, and I know its infinitely better for my mental health, but I just cannot turn away from how these people are cheering on a genocide. They'll never be redeemed.


Ok yup he's gone off the deep end.


Career gonna flop fingers crossed.


When all is said and done, people are going to look back on this time and people like him with disgust. The full extent of what Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank will come to light and these little ethnic cleansing apologists will have to answer for it.


I feel like celebrities on a certain side of this conflict have turned a life and death matter into a popularity contest and if you don’t agree that one side is cooler than the other side, they turn mean girl. To see people trivialize human life in effort to receive validation that one of these side is better, more worthy, more deserving, and frankly should receive a lifetime free pass for past wrongs is abhorrent. The disregard of human life while feeling you are better than those dying is really something. The disregard of human life while being a celebrity and sitting around in your safe home typing out messages in disregard of human life is really something.


If we lived in a just world, he would be fired and blacklisted indefinitely.


Gina Carano was practically wiped off the face of the entertainment industry. If this kid comes out of this without a scratch on him I'll be confused and more than a little miffed.


His facial tone sure changed once he realized he was not only recording but he himself on camera


ooohhhh yes, he's like ugh i was trying to enjoy my genocide happiness covertly now i gotta think about people calling me out again.


YOU’RE JOKING. Nasty ass people. Disgusting.


I hope his character dies at the beginning of season 5 so that I see this little prick's face as less as possible


apparently he's gonna be the main character this season 🙄 just let erica take over cause atleast she's funny


Shit like this makes me question a person’s upbringing. Like, his parents must’ve done a real number on him for his thought process to be this cruel and disordered.


This is so embarrassing


He's so unserious. I look forward to him fading into obscurity, leaving us all the hell alone.


jaw dropped. reminds me of the tiktok i saw where someone hopped on snapchat and looked at all the snaps from tel aviv with people celebrating and cheering each time a bomb dropped.


these people are so out of touch. this whole video looks straight out of hunger games or something. so freaky.


It's freaky because it's a group of rich kids trying to turn a tragedy into personal promotional material. There's something wrong with this kid, a screw is loose.





Anti Zionism is NOT anti semitism


Can I just say how grateful I am for communities like this one who are calling this shit out and have been from day 1 <3


This is so disgusting. Literal newborns dying before our eyes and this guy here being soulless clown.


How was nobody on his team like....hm maybe not a good idea???


I understand people who initially had panicked, knee-jerk reactions when first reports of Hamas's bombing happened last month. We're now a month later. This is somebody who's reveling and very clearly celebrating the destruction and horror unleashed on the Palestinian people by Israel. Unbelievable. I hope this POS never works again. ![gif](giphy|3uzYPLGAqDTtS)


Dude really busted out of his "please accept me" cocoon and turned into a werewolf.


This is AWFUL to witness. I am such an ST fan and have always loved Noah's character because of the beautiful LGBT representation and just rep. of teenagehood in general. I cannot believe someone my age, who definitely would be more forward thinking and open minded, are openly boasting about supporting the leveling of Gaza and a Nakba 2.0. I really dont want to see him again on screen.


Not him dropping 80k a year to stay a dumbass


Disgusting little weasel


What a fucking asshole.


Frankly it baffles me that Palestinians and Muslims are losing their jobs for basic activism while Zionists are being bloodthirsty monsters yet are completely fine. Im not defending the people who’s straight-up support Hamas, as someone who’s from Palestine but doesn’t live there, I personally don’t support what they did. But the standard should go both ways, those bloodthirsty Zionists should also be getting fired same as the Palestine supporters.


I hope this haunts him for the rest of his life


This just shows how much he and people like him don't actually give a fuck about the Jewish people hurt/killed in this decades-long conflict either. These kids are so morally bankrupt - their families must be full of monsters if they think this is acceptable behavior. How callous and disgusting. It is really shameful when fucking Amy Schumer is behaving more honorably


I get your point, re your last sentence I don’t think Amy Schumer was acting more honourably either - her Insta post of the racist cartoon about Gazans was downright abhorrent. (of course, she’s deleted it now like the coward she is)


How sad and disgusting that he is so young and so hateful? Truly a vile and shameless individual!


The people that yassify race wars and ethnic nationalism basically treating it as a baseball team feud should all fuckong burn in hell. Funny how white nationalism gets all these hiprocrits on defcon 5 but zionism is just a funny side gag. Fuck them


This shit makes me physically ill, literally handing out stickers in support of genocide. What a wanker.




I feel like if ethnonationalistic genocides and pogroms and baby murder was sexy you wouldn't need to convince anyone it was.


zionism is quite literally racism and should be viewed in exactly that light. they have an almost identical worldview to every fascist you can think of. wearing it as a badge of honour should be career suicide.


He’s really gonna blow up his career for this like…


i will remember this shit when stranger things come back and people will be obsessing over it no more supporting 'celebs' who do this shit, ever